Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Beauty Pro Elite Podcast is focused on helping beauty business owners create successful businesses by addressing marketing, mindset, finance, and social health. The host, Jeanne Ann Kenning, introduces her guest, Lauren Little, who is a hypnobreathwork facilitator. Lauren explains that hypnobreathwork combines breathwork, hypnosis, and visioning to release suppressed emotions, restore vitality, and reprogram the subconscious mind. They discuss the importance of mindset in running a successful business and overcoming limiting beliefs. Welcome to the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast. I'm your host Jeanne Ann Kenning and my mission is to help beauty business owners create a dynamic business they can be proud of with marketing, mindset, finance, and social health so you can start attracting those dream clients and building a brand you always wanted and deserve. If you are ready to explode your beauty biz then this is the place for you. It's time to get started. All right, well welcome to this week's podcast episode. My name is Jeanne Ann Kenning and welcome to the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast. I have an amazing guest today. I'm so excited. I just brought up my last bit of energy that I have today for this call. I'm going to introduce Lauren Little. Welcome to the podcast. I'm so excited to be here. She has her brand new baby with her. If you see it, I'll make sure I put a clip on my social so y'all can see her. She's two weeks. Has it been two weeks already? I can't believe that. Yeah, she turned three in yesterday with two weeks and so is probably another one. Most sisters too. Yeah, so she, Zariah, is that how you say it? Yeah. Is that how you say it properly? Yeah. Or baby Z. So you got to hear she's so adorable. So maybe we could start out by just you giving us a little background about who you are, where you live, what you do, all that fun stuff. Absolutely. My name is Lauren Little. Thank you again. I am so excited to be here. I feel like this podcast is a long time coming for us. We'll definitely get into that today. But I am a hypnobreast work facilitator. I focus primarily with female entrepreneurs activating new levels of business and life. So really distinguishing that we have to heal from within in order to grow. So the journey inward is just as important as that journey outward and upward. And right now, I am just coming back from two weeks off, and I have never been so excited to quote unquote work. It is time to breathe. It is time to get back into it. And I'm just pumped today to talk about hypnobreast work a little bit deeper. Tell us a little bit about your personal life, too, because I feel like a lot of what we talk about on this podcast is a lot about moms and kids and business and all that. So you're married. So maybe you could just tell us your personal side. So like, yeah, I've been married for Oh, gosh, sorry, Barack. That was me last week. I was like, 15 years, maybe 14 years. I'm not sure. I'm like, I'm married. There's the ring. I have been married for three years now. I've been with my husband for 10 years in total. We just had a decade. And he's amazing. I would not be able to do my business without him. I think he was my biggest motivator. I took the leap of faith, actually, when I was seven months pregnant. I was seven months pregnant and said, I'm going to start my own business. Yeah. And people thought I was absolutely out of my mind. And my husband fully believed in me. And he said, I know when you put your mind to something, it's going to happen. Let's do it. What do we need to do? So obviously was a little bit tougher in the third trimester of pregnancy and starting my business with a brand new fresh newborn. But we made it work. And I think it inspired me even deeper to continue on with this path. I saw what the ability I had to control my day to day and to have the ability to really point. Yeah, doing a podcast with you with a newborn on you. Yeah, exactly. And the power of breath, I think is what got me through that newborn stage. It is what allowed me to create a business side by side with experiencing motherhood for the first time, and just accessing the ability to get centered and to feel grounded and reset my nervous system in those moments where anyone who's listening to the mom knows that we need it. Yeah. So personally, it's been a journey. And I always kind of share a little bit of my story just so we're able to connect on a deeper level. But my story did not start with fairy tales and unicorns and pixie dust. It came from a very dark chapter of my life. And when I found hypnobreath work, it gave me ability to take back that control. And that control is something that I was missing for a long time. And once I felt it slowly, slowly creeping back in, I knew this was the catalyst for not only personally, but professionally that was going to shift both our personal and professional lives for not only myself, but my husband and my kids, too. So yeah, you go deep into that story. But I know for a fact, which we'll talk about today is you're kind of experiencing it on that same path now. And there's no other feeling that compares to it. No. So you so you're oldest is two. Yeah, two and a half. You turn two in December. Yeah. So we have quite a little wild two year old boy toddler. Oh, yeah. There's no energy like that. So and you hit it right on the head with one of the first points I want to make and talk about is being your own boss and running your own business is not an easy thing. Like, you know, I talk to women every day, and they're like, I'm so frustrated, it should be easier, it should be getting clients, yada, yada, yada. But like you said, now I'm losing my voice. The positives outweigh the negatives. 100 times, like 100 times. Yeah. Right. So it is worth the you know, the, you know, the ups and downs. And I like that you said it's not sunshine and rainbow and unicorns because it's not like I tell my story, like, I made $10,000 in my third month. And everybody was like, Oh, my God, you're so lucky. And I'm like, girl, you have no idea what I went through after all that, like, it was such a battle for me, right. So it was up and down, up and down throughout the whole thing. And so I love that you touched on that. So tell us a little bit about what is hypnobreathwork? Yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, it's actually just reading, I went back last week on all the different types of breathwork. And a lot of people in the same age in this industry, we think of breathwork almost as mainstream right now, there's a lot of rumors and a lot of myths that everyone's doing it. And the beauty of hypnobreathwork, which we'll go into a little bit today, is we have the ability to combine three different modalities in the same place. So hypnobreathwork is a combination of breathwork, hypnosis and visioning. And more importantly, I add this to the list, it's taking intuitive action. So Janine, you know, every session that we do, we're like, make sure you take action, you can have the best breathwork session in the world. But if you're not taking action, you're not going to see the transformation and the changes in your day to day that you're anticipating. So the breathwork, I always say, think of the breathwork component as, oh, there she is, as releasing. And also, it's very rejuvenating. It's kind of like your own, your own energy boost. It's not just about respiration, we think of breathwork when we think of breath. But in hypnobreathwork, the style is a very experiential process. So we're using a specific technique that we're releasing those suppressed emotions and all of that stagnant energy from the body. And we do that by altering the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your body. So it actually gives us the ability to remove that short stress, remove that anxiety. And then we're unlocking new levels of mental clarity and even restore physical vitality. So for anyone who has done breathwork, breathwork alone is so, so, so powerful. But that's just the beginning of it. That's just like the starting stage. Yeah, just the starting. You know, we don't just do breathwork and leave you there. Yeah, it's a lot of people's concerns. You know, you think of breathwork, and you're like, oh, God, I don't know if I'm ready for this journey or this experience or wow, I saw this person lying on the floor. But there's a massive release. Yeah, it's like there's demons coming out of them and they're screaming. Their whole body is shaking, they're crying, the instructor is helping them, facilitator. And that is part of breathwork. But we don't leave you there. We go into the hypnosis, which is the subconscious reprogramming. And it's hypnotic cues. I always like to emphasize that we're using the hypnosis, and we're accessing the reprogramming in your mind. So your subconscious mind is where all of your outdated beliefs are held. It's where your flawed perceptions are kept. It's where all of those old stories and those old beliefs are actually stored in your body. And now using hypnosis, we have the opportunity to reprogram them. Right. And hypnosis provides such a powerful tool for change. I think that's what we don't realize. We think of, oh, hypnosis, we're being hypnotized. Yeah. But it really shows... And it's scary. People think hypnosis is scary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it is. It's like, who wants to be hypnotized if you've never done that before? But what it does, it enables you to actually overwrite those limiting thoughts. So all of those thought patterns, you are now taking those old and outdated beliefs, and you're rewiring them with empowering beliefs that are going to align you for success. So if you have fear living in your body, we want to get that fear out first in order to have that confidence, that hope and that trust. Right. And you know, one of the things I've always said as a trainer and a mentor and a coach is that 80% of running a successful beauty business is in between your ears. If you don't have that shit, sorry, I swore, sorted out in your brain, then you're never going to make it to the multiple six-figure level. Like you will never, you will put the brakes on or you'll stop or fear will come in and you'll be like, what am I doing? It's total mindset. So what happened with me was, throughout to give you kind of like my journey and how Lauren and I connected, I've had a lifetime of 20 people, that's why we say this is version 10.0. In my life, I've had abuse, I've had addiction, I've had divorce, I've had bad relationships, I've had amazing relationships, I've had that anxiety and panic attacks. I've had business failures and rejection. I've had all of those. So when you compound all of that, and you not deal with that, it literally sticks in your subconscious haunting you. So what was happening with me was, I would get to a certain level. And I would almost shut myself down on and not knowing I was doing it on purpose, right? Yeah. So I would get coaches and stuff. And I would always try to propel forward and I wasn't being able to propel forward. So then I met Lauren. And we've been working together for almost a year, every week, you guys, twice a week, every week. And basically, what's happening is every week, you're peeling back layers and layers of all those things that happen. Did I feel fear in the beginning? Absolutely. Do I now? Not at all. I look forward to those days. I have the best sleep. 100% that night is like the best sleep ever. But not only that, it's like the transformation that you experience by tapping into that and getting it out of your body. You cannot run a successful business if you're not taking care of your personal health and wealth and brain and all that stuff. It just doesn't go together, right? And I see it all the time with my coaching clients. So they'll get to a certain point and the fear and the doubt and all that creeps in, right? So we met in a mastermind and then we kind of, I went to Lauren's retreat. She has an amazing retreat in Sedona in October. We'll get her to tell you guys about it at the end. And then we connected and we've just been going from there. So how does HypnoBreath work help women who are running a business? Let's just say, because a lot of women are scared to deal with their stuff, right? Even though we know it's important, right? And we know it's hard. Like, you have to be in a certain mental position to be like, okay, I'm going to deal with like, you and I have gone through all those things. That's a lot, right? But how does HypnoBreath work? If I'm a business owner, how does it help a business owner that's not ready to deal with? Yeah, I think you nailed just a few things that you had said. You mentioned the subconscious mind and the programming and all the things that you're storing. And you're right. We had to fill a lot of layers in order to get you to where you're at today. And I think the statistic that we don't talk about enough is 5%. We only spend that 5% in our conscious mind. The other 95% is in our subconscious. So from 0 to 7, we always throw out kind of that statistic because it's reality. 0 to 7 is where all of your positive and negative beliefs are formed. So just because you became a business owner at 30, 35, 40 doesn't mean all of the programming and the conditioning that you've received as a child just disappears, because we want to build a business. So we talked a little bit about the breath work. We talked a little bit about the hypnosis. I think the visioning and the action is the biggest part for female entrepreneurs or business owners. The visioning is something that I know for you has been such a significant shift into your business, into your life, because you're actually allowing yourself to see it and feel it. So when you think of the visioning, as a business owner, you get to actually create your future blueprint. You have that power in your hands. And visioning involves receiving downloads from your future self. So we talk a lot about business owners as, I want to create this business, but we don't act as that person who owns that business. I want an eight-figure business, but we're still acting like the six-figure business owner. I want to have a community of 100 people, but we're still acting like we only have a community of five. So when we receive those downloads from our future self, they're also known as ideas, insights, you know, messages, information, whatever you want to call it, it allows you to mentally rehearse who you want to become, which you have so many times. And it's cognitive psychology. It shows the practice of visualization creates new neural pathways. So we're firing new neural pathways. And what that does is it bridges the gap between the current reality that we're living in and the desired future. There are not one and the same because you're not talking about it or just thinking, I want to become this person as a business owner. You're embodying it. If you want to become that person, guess what? Take the action to get there. What is your next action step? How do you align your inner insights with external actions? And that is what's going to motivate you and actually find a strategic plan and an action step to provoke real-life change. Because I hate to be repetitive, but again, we live in an industry right now where we talk about what we want to do. But it's the people who take action are the people who are receiving the success. Oh, you just hit a gold nugget right there. Because so many people come and they're like, I'm not getting clients or I'm frustrated. I'm not making money. I'm just like, I speak to girls every day. I'm just scraping by. I'm just paying my rent. But the problem is, you're not getting help. You're not taking the step forward. You're not taking the action. So the people that do take action, or move forward are the ones that do make successful. It's not luck. I wish I could tell you that I started my business and clients rang from the sky. I literally, when I started my business, talked to every single person I could get my hands on that had been in the business and was like, tell me what to do. And whatever they told me, I did it. And the other thing that I love about hypnobreastwork that really taught me a lot was my intuition. I never tapped into my intuition. I used to, I think as a teenager, follow my intuition. But now in a business, if it doesn't be like a hell yes, it's a hell no. Like my intuition is like, no, no, no, I don't do it. Right. But common, what happens in our industry, especially is we'll take clients that aren't aligned with us. They suck your energy, it doesn't feel good. Or maybe you'll Oh, I'll take clients on a Sunday because I'm desperate. I need the money. Those types of intuitive things where your intuition is saying, no, it's a bad idea. You do it anyways. And the repercussions of what happens are exhausting. They're taking clients at bad times, we're getting clients that suck their energy, all these things, right. So that was something that breastwork really taught me was your intuition does not lie. It does not lie. You hear me joke all the time. I don't care what you want out of this session. Breastwork is going to find the highest emotional charge. You know, when we say tap into your intuition, trust your subconscious. Those are all phrases that are going to create your current reality. Your intuition is that little voice in the back of your head. Your intuition is that little gut feeling that's nudging you in a different direction. We think so much of our logical brain. But when we tap inward and we start to trust our subconscious and where it's leading us, your subconscious does not lie. Right. And I think you I really wanted to drop I like how you said, you know, we have to go through these stages and we have to learn and create our own experiences. Because for you, people think your clients just flew out of the sky. They started this business and they were just there. Yeah, but you have had to do a lot of inner work to get to where you're at today. And now your business is shifting again because of that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The example I always use is kind of like love. You know, when we talk about programming, we can say I want to be in a healthy relationship. But if our subconscious mind is programmed to love always ends in heart, relationships don't last. Love doesn't exist. You can say you want a great relationship all you want, but that programming is not going to get you there. And that's the power of mind in a beauty business. If you're like, this is too hard. I'm not making money. I'm never going to get clients. Well, guess what, sister? You won't. That's what's gonna happen. You know, and that's why I love hypnobreast work, because it's taking it beyond just the verbal cues. Like, I could preach about mindset and controlling your mind in our group program. We actually did a whole session on Thursday about mindset. But the thing is, it takes time to reprogram that. Like, I don't want you to think that like you do one hypnobreast work session or watch one podcast about mindset and you're cured. I've been working on my mindset for like 15 years. And you know, I remember when my husband and I first met, he was like, Oh, you're a really like half empty kind of like glass half empty kind of girl. Like I remember it. And I'm like, Oh, not like that now. But it's taken me that long to really reprogram my brain to always think on the positive. But that's the difference between making 50,000 and 100,000 and 200,000 or having a full calendar and no clients. People who have the right mindset will figure it out. The beauty of the power of hypnobreast work itself is having the accessibility to it. You know, I want to really acknowledge you on this podcast. And Jean-Anne has been breathing five, six, seven days a week, seven days a week. So just as we talked about, it takes zero to seven years to program your subconscious mind in those patterns. It can take seven years to reprogram them. Yeah. So when you do one or two sessions, and you're like, Well, I'm still scared of the next launch. Do another one. Do another one. Yeah, go peel those layers. Take that fear. See the root. Where does that fear even come from? Yeah. One hypnobreast work session is equal to how much talk therapy years of therapy years, two years, two years. Yeah, that's a lot. Like, you know, you go into a therapy session and you're getting to know someone and then you're these peeling layers. This is my childhood. This is what I experienced. This is how I felt. Okay, I'm not still not really comfortable just yet telling the therapist what we're going to get there. You're going through talking about it versus feeling it, seeing it, believing it and embodying it. So there's a huge difference. I will always make very clear on any event or podcast I ever do. Do not stop going to therapy. No, 100%. We're not telling you to stop going to therapy. No, 100%. There's a time and a place for that. And it's for some people that work, some people it doesn't. You do you. You do what works for you. And, you know, I just was in a position in my life where I had exhausted every avenue that I could possibly. And I felt like I was stuck. I'll never forget. I might get emotional talking about this. Okay, take a breath. Okay, I was in Guatemala last summer. And I was probably I could feel the tears going up because it's sad for me. I was in a not a good place. I had just left my previous job a couple months previous. My new business was doing really well. And I just felt lost. And the amount of anxiety and panic that I had on that trip. I remember sitting in that bedroom in this beautiful place, surrounded by my passion, and I just was so overcome with fear. I sent Lauren a message. And I said, I need help. Like, I can't live like this anymore. And I literally had tried everything and nothing was working. And that's, you know, the position that I was in that I needed to get through all those things that I listed to show up as the best version of myself, where I was sick and tired of living in that state. And I know a lot of girls who are in the beauty industry, like I talked to them all the time, they're anxious, they're, it's hard. It's not an easy thing out there to get clients to get premium paying clients to go with clients, like, that's a lot, um, you know, and then to try to stay afloat and come up with marketing stuff and manage your family, and all that. So I want to know that you're seen and that they are heard, like, that's normal, right? We see so much on social media that these girls in our industry are just like, perfection, they have these beautiful businesses, and that, you know, it's so easy for them. It's a lie. They're like, like, that couldn't have triggered me enough. And I love that you brought that up. Because one, I want to acknowledge, you know, I know you keep saying I'm apologizing for the tears, let them out. Yeah, because you have done such a substantial amount of work in hypnobreath work in the past year. Yeah, your emotions are of joy, right? It's how far you've come. It's the recognition of saying, holy, I don't know if we can swear in here, crap. Yeah, you know, you have had the ability to really take a deep dive. Yeah. And one of the biggest things with hypnobreath work, when we asked, like, what are the benefits? You know, you kind of touched on that. There isn't just one benefit. There's so much that goes with this. We are constantly in this industry, beauty business, whether you're an entrepreneur in another niche, it doesn't matter where you are, there are ebbs and flows. As an entrepreneur, there are highs of the highs, and there's the lowest of the lows. There are 50k months, there are 5k months, there are throw in the towel, they're all in and excited. The emotions are on a day to day basis. So with those emotions, we do need a tool that's going to allow us to regulate them. So when you ask the benefits of hypnobreath work, it's not, oh, it's for stress and anxiety. It absolutely is. A hundred percent. It calms your nervous system, it resets your nervous system, it allows you to get grounded, it allows you to get recentered, which we've all used it for. But it's also the ability to access flow state. It's the optimal level of consciousness. You know, when people say, oh, breathwork, hypnobreathwork, it's so woo-woo, there is nothing woo about reaching a peak performance state. It allows you to access flow state, it allows you to have heightened clarity and creativity and work in your business from exactly what you said when we hopped on this call from alignment and flow. I used to be a yes ma'am. Lauren, will you do this for me? Yes. Lauren, will you come and do a session for free? Yes. Did I want to do that? No. With my body screaming inside, with my intuition yelling at me, with my tummy turning with resistance, yeah, but I still did it. And now I will tell people, I don't care how woo they think I am, if someone asks me to do something and I don't have a full body hell yes in my tummy, my intuition is not like, yeah, girl, let's do it. I will tell someone, I'm going to breathe on it first. I had a lady tell me, what do you mean you're going to breathe on it? And I said, I'm going to take it into breath and see if it feels right. And the way that she looked at me, I knew it was not right for me. I took it into breath. But my intuition was so strong in that moment from doing the inner work, from breathing daily, from strengthening my relationship with my intuition, because it is like a relationship. You know, that's your best friend, that's your girl, but you've got to treat her right. You have to go into breath, you have to deepen that relationship, you have to continue to say, this is scary, I don't want to feel this, my fight or flight mode is kicking in right now, but I'm going to trust my intuition would not do me dirty. Right. And the thing is, once you do it for a long time, even I noticed now, like the amount, I think I've had like, maybe two massive panic attacks in the last six months. But even as the heightened, like symptoms of anxiety come in my body, for me, it's my stomach, and I start to feel tingly in my arms, I immediately, like subconsciously right away go into doing a breathwork pattern, because I know that it's going to help to calm me down. And now, like you were saying, you know, I don't want you guys to come into this conversation thinking, Oh, my God, I don't have time to do breathwork seven days a week. It's not like that. The only reason why I do it is I'm seven days a week is I'm on a serious path to heal and heal my nervous system and become the best version. And now my body is crazy. Like if I don't do it, that's why Lauren gives me crap, because I do it all the time. But literally, if I'm like doing my stuff to get today, and then it becomes eight or nine o'clock, I'm like, my body is almost asking for it, like it wants it so bad. So that's, it's just like working out, you start off with a little bit, and you'll see the benefits. And then you're like, Okay, I really like that, you know, this is working for me. And you can take breathwork on the thing I love about it is, it can be as deep or as superficial as you're looking for. Right? So it can be like, all the stuff like motherhood wounds, childhood wounds, doing all that, or it can be where do I want my business to go? What do I want to post on social media? And that's what I love about breathwork is it's such a broad, you know, thing too, as well that you can take your journey on and I love that because some people don't want to do the hard, right? It's scary to do. It's a journey. You nailed it. I never say, do a session, it's we're taking you on a journey today. Yeah, a little breathwork session is an entire experience. You are going from A to Z, the whole chapter, excuse me. And I think that's the beauty of it, is you're not just pinpointing old beliefs, and then you're like, Okay, I found the belief and now I'm going to live back in that belief because it's present on my mind. We're finding that belief, but then we have the ability to rewire it. Then we have the ability to replace it. Then we have the ability to visualize what our next step is and what that action step looks like, who we want to embody, what that looks like and what that feels like. So Dr. Jo, I actually pulled this clip up for you. I wanted to share it because I think it goes back to everything that we're talking about. You just nailed, I always use the gym analogy. And like, the flip side of what you just said, it's like being in the gym, you start to like it more and more. But also, on the other side of that, you may not like your first two or three sessions. When have you ever got into a gym after a long time and been like, Well, that was the best hour of my life. You're frustrated, you're lost, you don't remember kind of your routine, or you're out of your element because you haven't been there in so long. So it is a consistent practice. And Dr. Joe Dispenza, he is like the guru of rough subconscious neuroplasticity, quantum leaps and fields. So look into him if you are not already in the name again, one more time, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Okay. And there's a book that I will send you as well. Just Breathe. And it is everything. I mean, he has Becoming Supernatural. He is absolutely life changing. If this is something that you want to dive a little bit deeper into the world of breath. So one of his famous quotes is 95% of who we are by the time that we are 35 years old, is a mesmerized set of behaviors. It's emotional reactions, it's unconscious habits, it's handwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that are just functioning like a computer program. So when you think about it, we're all databases. And we have been inputted to what we're supposed to believe, how we are supposed to act, what is right, what is wrong, what are our beliefs, what are our perceptions. And in reality, it's like giving yourself a reboot. How many times does your Apple phone update? Let's talk about that one. How many times does your computer need an update? So we are all functioning like a computer, because that's all we know. We have this data that was inputted into us. Now we're like, okay, this is the data that I'm supposed to live by. But a lot of those beliefs, as you have learned, are beliefs that you believe the seven-year-old Jean has. Yeah. And like, you know, even like you and I've talked about money, that money came right to your mind. Like, what are the beliefs that you grew up with? As far as like, how did your family pay their bills? How did they deal with money? Right? That takes you through, like my husband and I couldn't be more different in programming on money. He is tightwad and will not spend time and is good with money, pays all his bills, yadda yadda. And then there's Jean-Anne who's like, la la la, free, you know, like, let's spend and whatever, right? So but that is how... It's like after two months, it's still in there. So that's how, you know, it comes back to your childhood. And it all starts when you're this age. Like they start to program, right? And we can't, we can't change... The thing that I love about Hypnobreath work, to bring it home, that really, I think I've learned the most is I can't change what happened to me in the past. Right? As much as I hate some of the things that I've been through, those were life lessons. But I've had the opportunity to reprogram it and move forward. And that is worth so much. And so, so many times I deal with clients, like coaching clients who will come to me. And some of these girls are making half a million dollars, like they're doing really well. But to leap forward into that next, you know, bracket million dollars or whatever, something is holding them back. And the genius part about Hypnobreath work is I can talk to you until you're blue in the face about it. But we're never going to get to that root problem about what is it that puts you the brakes on when you're at 500 to go to a million, right? Can you feel it? I think, you know, you asked at the beginning of this is, you know, why is it so important for, you know, beauty business owners, entrepreneurs? And I think one of the biggest things here is you have the ability to create your own reality. We all want a bigger business, but if you're wiring ready for that, we want what you actually want. That's the other thing. Let's just touch on that. Because a lot of girls, I had a girl come to me a week ago. And she said, I asked her what her ultimate goal was. And she said, $50,000. I'm sorry. And I'm like, what? And she goes, I'm happy making $50,000 a year. And I said, Why are you apologizing? And she said, because everybody thinks that in the beauty industry, we all throw around the hundred K that even in most industries, say everybody throws around the hundred K, that's where you're successful. Success is what you want. Right. And that's the greatest thing about him. I don't want to be a millionaire. I don't want to make that kind of money. I don't want to do that. Right. So I know that. Right. So it can be whatever you want it to be. You know, that journey, it brings your reality and what you get out of it. You've also found the ability and the power to feel good in your own body because of it. No, that's work. You know, it goes back to what you and I have discussed is the fear of judgment and the need to prove. Yeah. So constantly proving to everyone else that you're supposed to be here. My business is supposed to look like this. But in reality, your safe place and what feels good in your body and what actually calms your nervous system is to take a step back. Yeah. Yeah. And with all of that outside noise, it's very hard to see. So I was sitting here. You're going to get this. I'm really excited for you. But the quantum field is something that we talk about so much. It comes up all the time in breath. It comes up all the time in entrepreneurial world. Everyone's like, I want a quantum leap. I'm experiencing a quantum leap. And the way that Dr. Joe describes this, it's an invisible field of energy and information, a field of intelligence or consciousness that exists beyond time and space. Nothing physical or material exists. It is beyond anything you can perceive with your senses. In the quantum field, only frequencies that carry information exist. And one of his quotes is the combination of mind and body, of thoughts and feelings, influences matter. But that is how you're going to create your reality. Because unless you're looking inward, quantum leaps aren't actually possible. You cannot reach a quantum leap on a conscious level. You know, you can't say, I'm going to map this out and I'm going to have this massive leap, but I'm not going to address the fear that's still living in my body. Right. Or I'm not going to address the doubt of this next chapter. Because the bigger you get, we call them champagne problems, but there are going to be triggers. There's more problems. And if you can't bring yourself back home and you don't have a tool to regulate your nervous system and to recenter and to reground you, when you are triggered, you're going to let things fall apart. Versus going into breath and saying, hey, how can I handle this? How can I see this from a different perspective? Why was I triggered in this moment? What triggered me in this moment? And then breathe it out and move forward. Or why can't I? You know, like a lot of girls. Another example is a lot of girls in the beauty industry will work for somebody else and they're afraid to take that leap and go on their own or rent a suite or open their own brick and mortar, whatever it looks like. And there's so much fear attached to it. They just stay working for somebody else, but they're miserable. Right. But again, where was that programming done? They're so afraid to start their own business. Are they actually afraid of starting their business in this moment? Or did someone turn them down in the past? Did they fail in the past? Did a parent not believe in them in the past? And they're bringing all of that programming to the present and saying, I'm afraid to leave the business. Right. Are you afraid or is there fear living in your body from a past programming? Yeah, I could talk about this all day. So until we release that, we're not going anywhere, ladies. It's so important. So should I tell them my big news or should I save it? Yeah, this is why I'm here today. What? We are sharing some big, big news. Yeah. So one of the big things that I really wanted to do was to take that next level with the coaching so that when we come across these obstacles and every single, I want you to understand every single woman that is either in a one-to-one container, a group program, a challenge, whatever, has some sort of mindset issue that's holding them back from taking that. I want you to understand that's normal. That's what's standard in the industry. So I felt this calling for so the last like two months that I was like, I need to do more. Like there needs to be a way that we can really take this up a notch. So I signed up for the Hypno Breastwork Certification, which I'm so excited. Forever you are, clap, celebrate, happy dance. We're celebrating. So I will be taking that May 2nd through the 5th. So for those women that are already in my world, they will automatically get the benefit of that. If you're not in my world, you want to be in my world. I'm exclusively going to be working with women in the beauty industry. So if you are like, ready to take the next leap in your business, or you're dealing with some sort of block to move forward, get ready, hold on tight. Let's let's finish this by talking about you. Tell us about all the things in Lauren's world that you have going on because you got a lot going on. You got a lot of things coming up. And tell the ladies everything you got going on, how they can find you, the program, the retreat, the membership, all that. All that. So we're trying to hone in with simplicity is key this year. We are down a notch. Obviously, we have Missy as a priority. But biggest thing right now is our business community. It is a place where your voice truly can take center stage. You know, it's a community of women, female entrepreneurs, any niche, any industry where we come together and we breathe weekly. I say it time and time again, but consistency is key. Jeannane is doing the seven days, we have other girls in the community doing every other day. We have a woman right now who's doing five days a week. And twice a week, even once a week. Even the once a week. That's why it's a once a week membership, that that consistency is going to allow you to peel those layers. You are going to rewire, you are going to be able to let go and you're going to be able to reach new limitless possibilities. We use the word a lot, potential, in this industry, and I don't like it. I really think it's possibilities. You know, we have limitless possibilities and it has nothing to do with our potential. We all have the potential. We just have to look inward and find the courage and the strength to use it. So Biz & Brass is our weekly membership. It is a monthly membership and we meet weekly. And then I will be opening up two one-on-one spots for the month of May. So I'm really excited about that. One-on-ones, as Jeannane knows, are my jam. There's a lot of changes coming to the one-on-ones, just adding more of an education and science component into their portals and having my one-on-ones learn a little bit more about hypnobrass work and the science behind it versus just breathing, which I think is significant. As we both know, the more you learn and the more you know, the more profound of a journey that you do have. Right. So community and one-on-one. And then I will be launching a group program in a few months. We'll save that one for the world. Membership. And then the membership Boss Mama Circle is a membership for mom entrepreneurs. The reason why it was created, I am collaborating with Samantha Dawn, who is a psychologist who focuses on fashion and style for female entrepreneurs. And we created this membership simply because we craved it. It wasn't for a specific person. It wasn't for a certain avatar. It was for us. It's a membership that I wish I had to come together and experience the beauty of business and motherhood all in the same place with no judgment. Yeah, we got on our weekly call this morning and we were both breast feeding. She had to hop off because her son came in the room. I had to hop off because, you know, we understand. Yeah. And I think as moms, we have this really harsh expectation on ourselves that everything has to be perfect. Yeah. And if we're a mom, we can't show it in our business. And so we're coming together and we're teaching in psychology of cycle of style, hypnobreast work. And we're going to do an after hours once a month where mom can come with drink of choice. Shoot the shit. Mom fails. Mom wins. We're giving ourselves and just having a really fun space to be in to simply be yourself as a mom. And what about the retreat? Tell us about the retreat. I'm going, so y'all got to come. Gina is joining us. Follow your magic retreat with five other world class quantum coaches. So we have end of October this year. It is in Sedona. It is October 17th. Gina, I can send you the link. I know you have it, too. I'm going to put all the links for all this, y'all, in the show notes. So you'll be able to see the link. Follow your magic is an entire experience. Gina, last year, last year was the first year, will be annual. And we named it that for a reason. There was no mistake in that name. It really is to follow your magic in this world. From mother wounds, from equity, inclusion and diversity, to self-love, to vulnerability, to hypnobreath work, to flow state. We cover it all. It's a place where you can truly express yourself as you are. And it's a place to find the person that you're meant to be. And not just find her there, but to walk out of that retreat and embody her. We want you to go home as the next version of yourself, not the version that you came to. It honestly changed my life. And I had some extremely difficult conversations after that, that changed my life and my marriage. And it was amazing. And yeah, that's why I'm like, and again, I was like, it's a no brainer for me. It's amazing. And Sedona is so magical. Talk to us about your freebies. Because if I'm one of the hundreds of girls who listen to this every week, and they're like, okay, you got me, I want to try this. What do you have to offer them as far as freebies that they can try hypnobreath work? Yes, if you go to the link in my bio, which my Instagram is at underscore flow with low. And that's flow with low. And there's a bunch of freebies there. I am a big believer in giving away sessions, having you experience the power of breath before, before going full force in because your first session is an experience. It is different if you have never done it before. You're constantly asking yourself, am I doing this right? Is it working? All of those thoughts of doubt. But once you trust and surrender, that's where the profound experience does begin to kick in. So one of the sessions that I really like if you're starting out for the first time, it's gentle, it's easy, it's fun. It's called My Perfect Day. And it really is just to set yourself out for a good day. And if you have a beautiful release, amazing. If big breakthroughs come for you, amazing. But my intention behind that session was feel good. Wake up in the morning, have control, see what your day looks like, see what you need to conquer and what's the priority. And then take the rest of the day from there. No expectations, no pressure. So My Perfect Day is on there. I actually have an imposter syndrome workshop. So it's all about imposter syndrome with an imposter syndrome session. There is an $11, I know it's not free, but an $11 Reset, Reset, Reignite, and Rise, which is three full sessions for 11 bucks. And then I think there's one more on there as well. If you're a part of mine or GM's community, DM one of us. On Monday, I will be releasing a flow state session as my gift to the world for Z coming into this world. And fun fact, it's GM's favorite session. Oh, that's the best one ever. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Hold on to your socks. I actually will post that in on my socials because that is like the best session ever. It's amazing. Well, thank you so much. I loved this conversation. And I hope that if you're out there listening, it just gives you a little bit of inspiration that no matter where you are at in your life, or if you feel like dang, dude, I'm like I feel myself blowing up again. No matter where you're at, or what you're struggling with, or what you've been through that there's hope to move forward. There's tools and things that you can use to become the best version of yourself. There's people that can help you. Like Lauren said, even if you're not alone. Yeah, you are not alone. And that if you are like struggling, like all women struggle with different things, that's okay. That's normal. Especially in our industry, we tend to compare to other businesses. That is absolutely normal. And you have the tools within both of us to move forward and become what your intuitive action should be. Thank you, Lauren. You're welcome. I can talk to you all day about I know what we normally do. Thank you so much. Hey, thanks so much for tuning in today. It means everything to me to have your support. My mission is to help 1000s of beauty business owners grow as big as they possibly can. So if you found today's episode valuable, the best way to share the love is to screenshot this episode, share to your socials, or even better share with another business owner. Perhaps you could leave me a review however you're listening to this podcast. And if you are looking for additional support, please reach out to me at beauty defined coach on Instagram. Can't wait to see you next week.