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Q2-19890525-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_13-33816 Leandra Te

Q2-19890525-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_13-33816 Leandra Te




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Talk: 19890525-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_13-33816 Leandra Tejedor Start_time: 00:05:55 Display_question: I seem to be dropping the breath a lot of the time when I am moving. I come back to the breath more, when I am in touch with an emotional state, or aware of thinking. Keyword_search: awareness, movement, breath, emotions, thinking, mindfulness, Buddhist meditation, Vipassana, Anapanasati Question_content: Questioner: Just finding that every time I move, I have awareness of the movement. When I walk down the stairs, I am aware of walking down the stairs. Larry: That's great. Now, is the breath… have you found the breath to be helpful in doing that or not? Questioner: I seem to be dropping the breath a lot of the time when I am moving. I come back to the breath more when I am in touch with an emotional state, or aware of thinking. Larry: Yeah, could I interpret that, and see if it if it holds up for you? Because I… you have good awareness of the body, and movement, anyway now, and so you really don't need the breath necessarily to help you. If you want to, you can, but you're in tune with your movement, but then the others have to do with emotion, and what was the other? Questioner: Thinking. Larry: And thinking. Often there we need the help of the breath a lot more, because we can get lost, easier. And so, then you're more and more bringing that in. Does that sound like what you're doing, or is it just my trip? Questioner: Well, yeah, I think you have to come back to the breath (inaudible). Larry: Right. If you always remember, the key thing is the mindfulness. That's the heart of Buddhist meditation, is mindfulness. Without it, this center has to close down. That's the whole thing. It's the core. It's so many other things that needed as well. But that's the heart. If that stops beating, there's no Vipassana. So, if the breath is helping you to do that, then use it. And if it's not, or some people just enjoy being with the breath. They don't really need it, but they like it, they enjoy it, and they could be aware with, or without it. But that's for each person to find out. We're not trying to suggest that Anapanasati is the only way. It isn't. It is a way, in a very good way, for some people. End_time: 00:08:08

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