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Q9-19880716-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-questions_and_answers-1554 Leandra Tejedor (1)

Q9-19880716-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-questions_and_answers-1554 Leandra Tejedor (1)




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Talk: 19880716-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-questions_and_answers-1554 Leandra Tejedor Start_time: 01:21:36 Display_question: I would like to share what a gift this retreat has been for me. Keyword_search: mind, retreat, gift, Remington rifle, vipassana, wisdom Question_content: Questioner: Preliminary question… when do you get your voice back? Larry: Okay. Questioner: First time I’ve spoken…tried to speak loudly in quite a while. I simply want to give you a testimonial. Larry: Good. We need one at this point. Questioner: This retreat was a gift to me, from someone who, quite clearly, cares for me. I had in my mind to have a rock, and play games, and my mind's been figuring out, what’s the greatest gift you ever got in your life. And I have to say this was it. This is really it. And I hope no know minds if I mentioned guns in this place. It even out distances the 22 single shot Remington rifle, my father gave me, when I was twelve years old. I finally figured out what was the other derivative. Before I came here, I deliberately refused to acquire anything, but the most casual intellectual knowledge, about vipassana, because I wanted to experience it. And now that I've experienced it, I can study it. I don't know how… Break_line: Well, I've spent a number of years on this, and I've been stumbling around developing my own way of doing things, with wisdom, as best I can. One of the really amazing things, is that this… what is presented here, is so fantastically resonate, with what I have been developing, on my own. To be here at this retreat, to be formalized so beautifully, such enormous, just tremendous. And I don't know, I try to explain it to myself, but I knew what this was going to be before I got here. I knew exactly what was here for me. Not specifically, but I knew. I just knew this was exactly the right thing. At exactly the right time. Larry: I'm happy for you. Thank you. End_time: 01:24:54

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