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Episode 3

Episode 3




Nothing to say, yet

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big boy is in the house he's in here he is he's doing his thing let's all start off this podcast by giving Craig a kiss okay I'm the only one who gave him a kiss no not why does no one else love like hey I love Craig but you know I'm not one to I'm not a home wrecker I'm just gonna let you do you know but me and Craig aren't official yet you know Quinn so if you want to slide in the dms real quick if you want to slide in those dms real quick Quinn I mean I'm fine with that please no please no you can slide into my dm to Kelly Kelly Kelly wait I can't hear you I have to turn you up Kelly hold on Kelly hello what'd you say Kelly I didn't even hear what you said I didn't mean to join my bad no you can stay stay Kelly did you see what I sent you Kelly did you see what I sent you Kelly yeah I'm really confused you know you don't like it I'm I'm just really confused what did what did scream send like a leg opener I mean I mean I can't open her it's like furry porn no it's not no it's not that is not furry porn I mean that furry bro oh my god you don't know who um I don't never mind you don't understand is it sonichu who is that you don't know sonichu have you ever heard of Christian who Christian no oh you're lucky Christian is something else I'll tell you that we love Christian we stand Christian here uh that's a joke by the way so we don't get like kicked off of YouTube we do not support we do not support Christian my girlies I am back welcome back my apologies for that I had to you know what that's what I'm going to make the fucking cover I'm going to add sonichu somewhere in the fucking thumbnail of today's video keep calm and don't worry about it I was hoping sonichu would do you wait do you know christian and sonichu and that whole universe no not this lady oh my god you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu you all know sonichu quinn no not this lady oh my god you all are you all gotta y'all gotta get on that I'm cultured in different senses okay listen this is this is big this is like it's like the weirdest thing on the internet like Christian did some fucked up shit I don't have the uh the brain cells to think about it so wait quinn do you want to do an introduction so that the listeners know who you are I have never done an introduction on discord text or otherwise so say who you are say who you are uh I'm quinn that's all you want the people to know about you nothing else I'm quinn and I'm sleep deprived as shit so my humor is broken as all hell yeah wait when's the last time you slept even I don't know the answer exactly uh do you want the actual or rough estimate uh either damn god I love this group last time I slept was I believe technically Tuesday morning about two in the morning I slept for about uh yeah for the listeners right now it is May 11th or May 12th for him actually so it is it is Sunday for him yeah before y'all even try to do the whole oh that's not humanly possible I have chronic insomnia I fucking made it possible I was like work and coughing are good motivators it's real but also not real you should go to sleep after we're done recording yeah get some rest I don't wanna you should that sounds like effort no it's not effort it's literally applying less effort no weird yes uh it's trying to think of words to come back to this is not working at least I'm gonna have nerds and then walk away didn't make me cry with that insult oh yeah rub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a-dub-a I'm going to play a sound clip. I know the listeners cannot hear this, but I still want you to see if you laugh. That one nearly made me laugh. I'm not sleep deprived. Do you not hear that? Yes, I heard it. I heard the tail end of it. I didn't hear all of it. Come on now. It's pretty funny. It's pretty funny. I love that sound clip. Okay, okay. I appreciate it. You win. You win this round. I never lose. Okay, y'all ready for this one? Y'all can listen to this one. Hold on. Give me a second. Hold on. Give me a second. Hold on. I'm not hearing anything. Oh my gosh. Hold on. I'm not hearing anything. I'm not hearing anything. I got another one. Hold on. Okay. That makes me laugh every time. I don't know. I did something funny about it. What are you on? Huh? What are you on? I'm going to tell you what I'm on. Hold on. I'm going to tell you. Listen here. I'm going to tell you. Listen here. Do you want me to mute her and then just have it be a podcast of the two of us? Huh? Yes or no answer. Are you talking to me? No, it's okay. It's okay. It's forgivable. You were going to mute me?! Callhouse! You can't do this to me! I'm the callhouse! I'm aghast, but I still apparently have more respect than you do after that. Oh my god, you muted her. I didn't. That wasn't me. She muted herself. Ah, damn it. That would have been such perfect muted timing. I mean, if you want me to, I still can. No, no, no. It's okay. It's okay. I would have felt bad, but god, it would have been funny. Either way, I got a chuckle out of me. Sleep deprivation is not helping my humor. I usually do not ever laugh as much. I'm not a very laffy taffy person. I'm trying to find the sound clip that I played so I can add it to the video, and I've stumbled upon Mike and the Mechanics' silent running on Dangerous Ground official video. That is one of the longest movie titles ever, I swear. No, it's a song. Oh, well, you lost me at Mike, so... It's Mike and the Mechanics' silent running on Dangerous Ground official video. And one of the things that show up right next to it is emo anthems. What the fuck? Yeah, no, I'm closing out of that. We're talking about Mike and the Mechanics. Whatever that is, yeah. Yeah, I don't know what that is, but okay. Y'all don't worry, I'll turn up loud for y'all so y'all can hear it. Don't worry, I'm gonna replay. Don't worry, I got y'all. Don't worry. I'm not worried. Oh, it's an ad. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay. It's so hard to be doing this. This podcast is really not, like... I don't know. This is basically brain rot. This is basically brain rot. What's brain rot? This. What we're doing is on the level of brain rot. I'm pretty sure my brain is legitimately rotting, but sure. Yeah, because you haven't slept fucking forever. It's been five days. Potato tomato. Close enough. Leave me in. It's so hard. That's what she said. Okay, we should do, like, confessions or something. I don't know, something to spice up the podcast. That sounds like effort. We should just never stop, you know. That's what she said. You know what she actually said? No, no, I really don't want to know. You don't want to know what she said, though? Why don't you want to know what she said? I want to know what she said! No, you're not. No, you're not. Nope. No one's interested. Ignore. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forgive me. I know what you did, Raymond. I know what you did. What did I do? I don't know. I just know. I just know what you did. I know what she did. I don't know. I don't know what she did, but I know what she did. I know, like, I know, but I know. Just know that I know what you did. Right, I know that you know. That I know that you know. Yeah, we... Why were you confused? Uh, because I still hadn't... I hadn't slept. So everything was just kind of a big mishmash of colors. Oh. Is that how you are right now? Are you just a big mishmash of colors? Uh, yes. For those that don't know, my true form is an odd mishmash of colors. On a completely unrelated note, that would be more attractive than my real life self. So, crying inside. Do you have... Do, uh, Quinn, do you have VR? Uh, no, I do not. Oh. I'm not gonna lie, I'm already editing the fucking video trying to make it, like, cool. I'm not gonna lie, I'm already editing the fucking video trying to make it, like, cool. Because, like I said, like, off the podcast, I have bought fucking Adobe for this shit. I'm taking this seriously. I'm not sure how you're gonna do that. I'm not sure how you're gonna make this engaging. I'm gonna make it look cool, alright? I'll believe it when I see it, you know? I'm gonna make it look cool! Ah, okay. I believe you. I've laughed the last night, but I believe you. Thank you. If you didn't believe me, I might have had to... You know. You know. Kill me? That, I never would've... Fuck, what I would've had to, uh, do. Done. Do the dinner. What I would've do the dinner to you, brother. Man's done did it. Damn. I feel like that. I'm done did it do the dinner. You done did do the dinner. I have too many D's in this sentence for my J's. Done did do the dinner, brother. You son of a flipper. You son of a flipper. I hate fucking Adobe. Holy shit. You hate fucking Adobe? I hate Adobe. I hate Adobe. What do you want about? I'm sorry. To me, that sounded like, I fucking, you hate fucking Adobe. I mean, yeah, that's, that's also true. How? How? How is it? How? How did I do this before? How the fuck? That's what she said. Right. Right. Right. Right. Oh. Hear me out. Hear me out. Please, why, why, why, I'm gonna, I hate editing. I hate editing. I, I hate editing. That's why YouTubers hire editors. Yeah, this, this third episode should be called. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. You didn't do it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I want to rip out my eardrums. I did it. You didn't do it. I did it. Ignore me turning down your YouTube volume. I did it. And ignore me turning it down lower. Yeah, but 3%, 3% should be fine. You know what's wrong, bro? Why are you so mean? I'm just direct. People confuse mean or direct. You're just a meanie patootie, bro. Meanie beanie, am I? You're a meanie beanie, bro. Is y'all even looking at what I'm sending in the group chat right now? No, I'm not. I'm editing the video, like I said. Wait, we have a group chat? Yes, I literally put you in the group chat, bro. I've been sending messages the whole time. Oh, okay. The group chat where you read the story at. The group chat where you read the story at. The group chat where you read the story at. Oh. Fiddle diddle diddle diddle. I diddle with my fiddle diddle. Diddle widdle quiddle widdle. You don't want to hear about how I fiddle with my tiddle widdle? Why did I join this podcast? Why was I forced to be here? I mean, I wasn't forced to be here. Ignore the gun calling sound in the background. I can add that. I'll add that in the post. I'll add that in the post. It adds flavor. Yeah. I'd like to be a good segue. I just try to bash the podcast, bullet goes off, gas is gone. Oh, Quinn, did you read my message? Uh, I don't know. Don't read it yet. I'm editing it. Don't read it. Don't read it. I gotta edit this, bro. What am I supposed to be saying? What did I miss? Okay, now you can read it. Okay. Read what? What? You're not allowed to read. What? Los piñas coladas. Okay, I know you're going to say that. I won't. I'll get fucking fired. Yeah. What were you going to say that could be so bad? I don't remember. Yeah. It's kind of scary, man. You don't know what you're going to say, but it was going to be something so bad that it was going to get us canceled. Maybe. I actually don't know. Oh, yeah. Actually, I do have a topic I want to bring up. What? The topic of people mistaking me for a girl because of my fucking profile picture. Rip. This is why you should be a masculine big man like me. No, it's all in the profile picture, and I don't know why. I don't get it. Be a big boy, a macho man, a moomy moomy. That's what I call myself. I'm a moomy moomy. Whatever. I'm not willing to put in. But, no. No. No. Suffer. Suffer alone forever. Okay. It's a little mean, man. Suffer. I love you, but suffer. Love you too, man. Oh, who left? Who do you think? Well, yeah. Just the two of us now. All right. Interesting. Why did she leave? Oh, welcome back. Yeah, I was about to make a host. We're great. We're professionals. Can we just say that right now? We're professionals, and I'm proud of us. I pity what the future generations will become. Why don't I look outside to see if there's a cat out there? A very demented, estranged cat. Are you losing your mind? Who? Who do you... You know, I'm not changing my profile picture. It's been the same the whole time. No, I'm talking about who's losing their mind. Oh, I give up. I don't care anymore. You're talking about me? Like, no, I'm not losing my mind. This is too much effort. Too hard for Quinn. You know what else is hard? No, I do not. Quantum physics. Yeah, you're right. That is hard. Yeah. That's fair. Why should I change my profile picture to... I legitimately looked around for a fucking cat. Quinn, are you losing your mind? To lose my mind, I would have had to have it in the first place. I haven't had it in like... I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. 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I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I haven't had it in a million years. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired.

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