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The speaker is a student at Coastal Carolina University and is hosting a radio show with their friend. They talk about their weekend activities, the weather, and their plans for tanning and sitting by the pool. They also discuss their topic for the day, which is things they love about each other. They compliment each other's humor, conversation skills, and style. There are some technical difficulties with the microphone, but they joke about starting their own podcast. Overall, they have a fun and lighthearted conversation. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. Hey guys! Happy Tuesday! What's up, everybody? So, yeah, let's just say this past weekend was all a high for us. Oh, oh yeah, let's jump right into it. We're going to dabble into the highs and lows. Jump right into the highs of this weekend. This weekend was banger, y'all. Honestly, though, one of my biggest highs, though, has been the weather this past week, because there has not been one cloudy day. Every day has been so sunny, so nice. Like, genuinely, right when we got back from spring break, it was like a flip switch, and it's like 70 degrees every day. It was like tan every day. Besides today. Today's kind of cold. Today's actually colder than it was when we were in Boston, and I'm not even lying. Yeah, it literally is. And it's the first day of spring, but it's okay. Happy first day of spring, guys. Yeah, spring has come. As much as I love the warm weather, it distracts me, and I need to get home in time. It's impossible to do stuff when it's warm out. Thursday, though, we should lay out. Oh, I saw that. Yeah. But this weekend's weather was immaculate, guys. It was like 80 every day. And just survived. We had a mixer for our sorority on Friday night. That was so much fun. It was. It was so fun. So fun. Don't even get us started. St. Paddy's is low-key my favorite holiday, so I knew I was going to have fun anyways. Usually my favorite holiday of all holidays. But yeah, it was so fun. Saturday, we just did some fun little activities during the day. If you're in my private story, I'm so sorry. Kate came over Saturday night, and we were just laughing on my couch for literally two hours straight. Genuinely. Like laughing harder than I think I've ever laughed in my entire life. Two hours straight. There's literally a video of me, and I'm just laying on Teagan's couch, and I'm like, I can't stop laughing. And then I start laughing again, and my entire face was wet from tears. If only you guys could see our chats from that day. Oh, yeah. Everything that we were laughing about was pictures we were sending to each other. All right, we'll be back and introduce our theme today. All right, we heard that there's some trouble with the mics. Mom, text me if you can hear us better now. I turned them up literally all the way, so hopefully you guys can hear. But since it was muffled, basically in the intro we were just talking about our weekend and how much fun we had over St. Paddy's. And also how nice the weather has been the past week. Phenomenal. So fun, so much sun. We were literally sitting outside tanning like every day last week. I was even tanning yesterday. Yeah, you were. It was warm in the direct sunlight. Yeah, even hot. But then when the clouds came, it was a little chilly. Yeah. I also have class during tanning. Yeah, Thursday is going to be a good tan. Yeah, it will be. And we can sit by the pool. The pool is just open in our university housing, so that's really exciting. But yeah, so our topic today is what we love about each other. I can't turn down the music, bro. How do we turn it? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't set it up so we can do that. Okay, well, this is just a plug to our actual podcast, so go listen to that when it's uploaded. She said all good now. Okay, lit. Okay, so you can say the topic. So today we're actually doing things that we love about each other. Yes. Which is going to be so adorable to look back on. Yeah. Yes. I love this topic. I remember when we were planning out all of our themes for the semester, and I remembered when we said this one, we were like, oh, my God, that will be so cute. We were like, aw. Yeah. Oh, my mom said it's off now, we can hear you, but it did take a while. It's because it, like, plays and then it stops. It's so annoying. It's like I can still hear it. It's a background a little bit. Guys, I'm sorry, if you can't hear us, you're just going to have to listen a few days to the Spotify upload. Yeah. Brooke is texting me too, and it's, like, lagging. She's like, you're good. Well, this is just another reason why we're going to make our own podcast on our own at one point. Yeah. We love you, WCCU, but we're going to have to figure it out. We have to be free birds. We're building our own brand. We have to be free birds. We're building our own brand up in this B. Okay, should you start or should I? We just didn't get to the theme. Okay, should you start or should I? I don't care. Okay, I'll start. Okay. Why am I nervous? I know, I'm nervous. I think the first one I said is your humor, your humor, your humor, and then I wrote you're truly the funniest person I've ever met, and I'm literally not exaggerating when I say that. No way. Yeah, yeah. No way. Yeah. Because for you, I wrote in capital letters, funniest person ever. No, because I can't be the funniest person you've ever met because you exist. Okay, stop. No, I truly do. Like, you just get, like, guys, I bet some of y'all out there probably think our humor's not funny at all, but, like, it's so funny. No, if you don't think of her funny, like, you simply don't have a sense of humor. Yeah. So. It's kind of a new problem. Yeah. No, that's crazy. Is that the first one you wrote? It's one of the ones I wrote. It's the first one I wrote. Like. Because I was just, I just, like, can't, I literally cannot have a conversation with you without, like, bursting open. Yeah. Like, yeah. I can't even explain our humor. We just say the most, like, outrageous things, like. Like the video I sent you last night? Yeah, that was. We can't say the things we say. No, we cannot. It's not even that they're, like, cancelable. Like, they're just embarrassing. Like. Yeah, no. It's not, yeah. It's not bad, but it would be bad if. If people knew. If certain people found out what I said. So. Um. Yeah. Okay, that's, like, one of the top ones I have. I literally wrote it in capital letters, funniest person ever. Me too. Because you. I wrote your humor in capital letters. You are the funniest person ever. Like. Don't. Okay. Don't. Don't, like, boost my ego like that. Because I'm going to take that and run with it for the rest of my life. You just, like, are so. Um. Your vocabulary is so random and you just know what to say in situations. And I'm like, what? No way you just said that. And, like, I don't know. I don't know how to explain it, guys. I swear we're funny. You always know what to say. That's why. No, so do you. Yes, you do. We build on each other for a bit. I don't even. I don't even know. I almost have cussed, like, five times today already. Sorry, y'all. I know. I know. Sorry. If we slip up, it's like we're human. Yeah, I'm sorry. We're only human. Okay. So, moving on. Basically, we're both the funniest people ever. Yeah. Facts. So, kind of going along with that, I wrote that you can basically have a conversation with anyone. I don't think I can. I think you can. And you, like, literally will just be funny to them. What? Yes. Yes. You'll just be like... I don't know. I can't think of an example. But, I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can. Why did we write the same thing? I wrote a bunch down, but one of the things I wrote down was that you're so welcoming. Aww. Obviously, I've known you my entire life, so I can't use necessarily our friendship as an example, but I feel like just watching you with other people, like you said, I feel like you're the one that always thinks to invite people. No, I think you do too. And you're just always like, yes, yes, come in. Oh, that's so sweet. And you make everybody feel valued and recognized. Aww. And welcoming. You're just so welcoming. I can't even explain it. It's just you have an energy that's so welcoming. That's like the nicest thing ever. It's so accurate, though, for you. It is. Guys, you can't see this smile that's plastered on my face, but I can't say it. I wrote, I love your style, and every time that we go somewhere, I'm like, what is Kate wearing? Because I want to look as cool as you always do. I thought I had tea in my mouth. Oh my god. What? Stop. No, that's why I'm always like, what are you wearing? I'm like, I hope she sends a mirror pic. Because I always want to look cool, too. And you always look cool. What? Like, you can just pull anything together, and it looks cool. Oh my god. Stop. You hype me up too much. No, you deserve all the hype. That, stop. You, right back at you. Like, you genuinely have such good style, too. I really appreciate that. I'm trying to get better at taking compliments, because I was about to be like, um, I feel like. Yeah, no. That's, this episode, we're not downplaying what the other person says. Yeah. Or denying it. No. Yeah. No. Okay. Bye. I said, I love the way that we can do nothing, and I still feel so fulfilled after we hang out. Yes. Stop. Like, I could just be sitting on the couch with you, and like, literally in complete silence, and I still am like, wow, I'm so happy. I know. Those are the best. I always think that. Like, those, that's how I know somebody is like, one of my, like, truly, like, a true best friend, is we can sit in silence, but it doesn't feel like, oh my god, awkward. I don't even notice that it's silent, because we're just sitting in each other's presence, and it's not awkward. Literally. You know what I mean? And I don't feel the need to talk. I don't, yeah, there's no pressure to, like, be like, so, what's up? Yeah, literally, literally. We have literally already spoken about every single possible subject in the entire world. Like. Yeah. And we could continue. Sorry. I almost just said the F word after that. Guys, we haven't fully recovered from, like, some shenanigans. From shipping up to Boston. Yeah, I'm like, really off. We didn't just ship up to Boston two weeks ago. Alright, y'all, we're back. We're back. We're back. I've been listening to the Backstreet Lovers more recently. That was just them that was playing, and I love them. I think they came to Maryland last year. Yeah, yeah. Corinne went. Corinne's been trying to put me on for, like, a year, and I'm finally, like, taking the time to listen, because their music is very much spring. Oh, I love spring. Weirdly, it reminds me of Wallows, even though the vibes are completely different. I'm not saying they remind me of each other, but they're both, like, boy bands. I also, I can't believe it's spring. I know, today's the first day of spring. Oh my god, I was gonna say. Like, winter is over, y'all. Literally. We made it out, like, we made it out. I know. I was gonna say, today, so I have this, before we get back to the topic, we can go on a little tangent. Yeah. I have this app called The Pattern that's genuinely my favorite thing, and each day, it gives me, like, a vibe of the day. Wait, I need to check mine. Yeah, you have it. You have it. And you can friend all your friends and stuff, and then it'll give you, like, insights on your friendship patterns and stuff, so, like, I know Brooke's listening, me and Brooke are friends, me and Corinne are friends, and then me and Teagan are, and it's actually so accurate, some of the stuff it says, but today, one of the things that showed up since it's the spring equinox was, so, I didn't realize on the spring equinox, it's the one day a year that the amount of daylight and nighttime is completely equal, so, this day is, it says, this is a perfect moment to let go of what is no longer serving your personal growth, just as this part of the world is releasing the mantle of cold and ice and preparing to grow. This is an opportunity for a major reset, and it's time to initiate new beginnings and cycles. Wow, I love that. I love that. I love that. Like, genuinely, the nature is calling you to find balance. My daily vibe says to ground your ideas, break down your goals into smaller tasks. I love that. I want to see what mine is. This is the best ad, though, seriously. Y'all should get it. My daily vibe might be the same. Yeah, mine's the same. Yeah, I have the balance and reflection equinox. Yeah. I think everybody's is mostly the same, but, like, the stuff with your sign is, like, different for everybody, obviously. It says, if you're fearful of stepping outside of your comfort zone, it's an incredible time to confront your deepest insecurities, guys. Ooh. What else does it say? Oh. Yeah, sorry. We're, like, oh, here's a pattern we share. Responsibility and accomplishment. Your destiny is to have a clear function and a playful, what, and play a meaningful role in the lives of others. You have an ambitious side and want to accomplish something significant. Embrace your ability to take responsibility and hold things together for others. You can work harder than most and are meant to be an expert in your area of interest. It's important that you're recognized for your achievements. Sweet. It says we're also nurturing, loving, free-spirited. Yes. Oh, my gosh, we share so much. We are both free-spirited and deep. At your best, you're a free spirit who's funny, smart, and playful. You're intellectually curious and social. You're a mental risk-taker who's able to creatively channel the unknown. Sorry, this is really a tangent, and we're just reading random stuff. We're promoting this app. And, actually, this goes perfect with our topic because guess what my next one for you is? Wait, you've said so many in a row for me. I want to see one for you. No, it's fine. Let me do this one. Okay. I love how in touch you are with yourself and your intuition. Oh! You're just really, like, emotionally mature, like very emotionally mature. And that's really hard to find. You are, too. Thanks. That's so sweet. But it's, like, very hard to find people with such a strong emotional maturity like you have, like, in college especially, but, like, literally, like, in this day and age, like, genuinely, like, anyone, you know? People don't have those skills. Stop. Okay, I'm going to say a few in a row. Okay. So one thing that was very prominent when I was writing down stuff was you're so organized and I feel like I rarely ever see you, like, super stressed or procrastinating. Like, I feel like you're never, like, oh, my God, I have so much homework to do. Like, I feel like you always get it done and you don't let it, like, stress you out because you're such a good planner and you're so organized. That's so sweet. Thank you. I do love my planners and calendars. Yeah, and, like, your apartment's always clean, your room's always clean. You're very put together. Thank you. So are you. Like, seriously. Aw, thanks. But, yeah, I feel like specifically with school you're very, yeah. That's so sweet. Thank you. Yeah. Let's see. Oh, another thing. Me and Corinne literally were having a conversation today and we said this. You're so patient with people. Really, you think? Yeah. You are so patient compared to us. Like, yeah. I feel like patience is the one thing that I, like, really struggle with. Well, you don't let it show. Thank you. Ever. Aw, Katie. Yeah. We literally said that out loud. Like, we were like, if someone makes Teagan impatient, that says a lot. That's so sweet. It's the truth. Thank you. Yeah. Okay, I'll say one more. Okay. Just, like, overall, you're so unapologetically yourself. And this is, like, more specific, but this is so true with you. You don't let others influence your, like, you don't let others influence you. And, like, no matter what, you're going to do what you want to do. Like, you follow what you want to do, and, like, no one's influencing you or convincing you to stop. You're stubborn in the best way. Aw, so are you, like, 100%. And I literally wrote this down. I said, I love how unapologetically yourself you are, and that's such a wonderful thing because you're amazing and you should, like, be proud of who you are. And I love that we both wrote that. Yeah, I genuinely wrote unapologetically yourself. Yeah, no, me too. I said how unapologetically yourself you are. Aw. And that's, like, so important. And, like, it's so good to have friends that are unapologetically themselves because it's hard to, like, I feel like so many people pick up habits of their friends. Yeah. And, like, being friends with you, like, I never feel, like, insecure around you. I never feel, like, anything around you because, like, you don't radiate that energy in any way. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, completely. Yeah, I know. I know. I've never once felt, like, genuinely in our friendship, I've never felt, like, insecure around you. I feel like, yeah, you always are there, like, hype me up. You just bring me up. We're just, like, saying stuff and then sitting here. You just bring me up. Yeah, you just bring me up. You bring my vibes up. I said the way that we have never fought, and I don't think I'm capable of being mad at you. No. We've literally never had a fight. Because even if we did, we're both or had, it wouldn't even be a fight because we would just have a disagreement because we're both so emotionally. We've definitely, like, disagreed but never in, like, a extreme way. No. We would never invalidate each other's, like, opinions. Exactly. Anyway. In a mature friendship, there's no reason to fight, per se. Yeah. Like, you just have. Unless we just really, like, effed. But, like, we would never. Yeah, we wouldn't because it's a mature. There's nothing we would do to each other. So, like, yeah. I said I love how you correct yourself when you say something negative. Like, you always do that. I love how you're, like, if you're, like, I can't do this, and you're, like, you know what? Actually, I can. Like, every single time I love that you, like, really? Yeah. I feel like I'm not consistent with that. No. Oh, you are. You've made me consistent with it. Oh. Like, truly. That was a really weird, oh. I said it so weirdly. Oh, stop. That makes me feel good because I feel like I don't. Like, I feel like I'll say, especially recently, I don't know, I feel like I've been kind of, I haven't been in a slump, but I've been, like, getting, becoming, like, falling into, like, more negative thoughts and habits. But that makes me feel good that you have. That's natural, though. Like, it's going to happen. Yeah, and I'm, like, if I'm aware of it, then that's the first step because that prevents it from happening because I'm aware of it. And then I'm, like, oh, I should stop. And then the next one, I want to see this one. I said, I absolutely love how motivated you are. You're the reason I started going to the gym because we'd go together and you, like, inspire me to do better and everything. Academically, too, you're very academically motivated, and that's, like, really important. Oh, my God. You're really good. You're an honorable, very honorable. Stop. Oh, my God. That's so nice. It's so true that, like, I literally wouldn't have been, like, sorry we have four seconds. I wouldn't have been this put together without you. Hey, guys, we're back. And we have someone special on the line. Hey, guys. Brooke Heary. Hey, y'all. A friend from home. Hey. Yeah, yeah, guys, fun fact. Our high school first spirit week, we had a Christmas theme and all three of us dressed up as the three wise men. It was actually hilarious. We had the entire nativity. Yeah. So this is your third wise woman here, Miss Brooke Heary. Go follow her on TikTok. Balanced Brooke. 2K unified. Oh, okay. Oh, my gosh. Should we get you a cake? Yeah.

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