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Jules Ruark



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The interview with Robin Ewer sheds light on the challenges and importance of being a care worker for an elderly parent. The speaker's mom shares her experiences and how she applies life lessons to her care work, despite not having formal education in the field. The listener is encouraged to appreciate the efforts of family caregivers without formal training and find ways to support them. This brings us to the end of my interview with Robin Ewer. This conversation with my mom has really opened my eyes to what it means to be a care worker for a family member, especially an elderly parent. This is something that most people will have to go through in their life, taking care of a family member. It is also interesting to see how my mom has taken the lessons she has learned in her life and applied it to the care she does today, since she is not formally educated in care work. I hope after listening to this interview, you, the listener, will pay more attention to those who care for family members without any formal education and see how you can help them out with their work. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of Care Work in Today's Society.

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