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Kenji 2022 - Eat That Frog

Kenji 2022 - Eat That Frog




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Our dreams and virtual realities are subsets of reality, according to Nolan. Schopenhauer believed that genius came from a strong-willed father and intelligent mother. Overcoming procrastination and practicing repetition can help us develop new skills. Memories and expectations make the past and future feel more real than the present. To be happy in the present, we must clear up the past and have a promising future. Nolan added, I feel that over time we started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams in a sense. I want to make the case to you that our dreams, our virtual realities, these abstractions that we enjoy and surround ourselves with, they are subsets of reality. Schopenhauer, who thought that character came from one's father and intellect came from one's mother, said that genius was the product of an exceptionally strong-willed father and exceptionally intelligent mother. Eat that frog. You have virtually unlimited ability to learn and develop new skills, habits, and abilities when you train yourself through repetition and practice to overcome procrastination and get your most important tasks complete quickly. Steal like an artist. Everything that needs to be said has already been said, but since no one was listening, something must be said again. Alan Watts The power of memories and expectations is such that, for most human beings, the past and the future are not as real, but more real than the present. The present cannot be lived happily unless the past has been cleared up and the future is bright with promise.

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