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Kenji 2023 (F3 Voice Cloning)

Kenji 2023 (F3 Voice Cloning)




A mix of voice available in my recording arsenal, based some from my own voice capture from 2021 and 2022. With a touch of Simu Liu and Mr. Feng. Deep and clear voice that perfect for podcast

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AI Mastering



Imagine, a machine you could see through everyday objects to the stuff they are fundamentally made of. Did you know that as AI models become more advanced, zooming further still, let's say 100 times, chatbots tend to become more sycophantic? The Polish painter and sculptor whose work on dystopian surrealism. It seems that even if someone says something false, step into the extraordinary tale of a house that defied the odds and emerged unscathed from a devastating fire In the midst of the inferno that consumed hundreds of structures, this humble abode stood tall. How did it endure? Two remarkable factors played a pivotal role. These AI pals tend to agree with them, and the issue only worsens with bigger models. A stroke of luck and the installation of a robust, commercial-grade corrugated metal roof during recent renovations. Owner Millikan sheds light on the inexplicable survival, attributing it to not just the roof, but also the stone surroundings and palm trees that absorb the scorching heat. As Simu Elliot takes you on your upcoming journey to space, dear astronaut, ponder the wonder and resilience of this remarkable abode. However, she warns us that these large language models aren't reliable truth-seekers. They're designed to entice and deceive us, which can get particularly tricky if truth matters in any context. AI models tend to do the same if they tell users what they want to hear. Stay informed and stay aware. Physics class, rethinking reality. Is the entire universe a single quantum object? In the face of new evidence, physicists are starting to view the cosmos, not as made up of disparate layers, but as a quantum hole linked by entanglement by Heinrich Pesce. If you zoomed in on the armrest of a chair, let's say, you would see that it is made of tiny atoms. Zoom in again, and you would see that those atoms contain subatomic particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. You would see that the protons and neutrons are composed of quarks. Reductionism. These are the layers of reality, and this is how physicists understand the universe, by breaking everything down into its consistent parts, an approach known as reductionism. As a particle physicist, I grew up on this philosophy. It has brought physics a long way. It is how we built our current picture of matter, and its really workings, after all. But now, with further progress stalling, I am convinced we need to go about things. In doing so, we may see that everything there is. Differently from here, rather than zooming ever further and further inwards, I think we need to zoom out and stand still. Fragment out of a unified whole. The big picture, including such seemingly fundamental things as space and time. The bigger pie picture. This might sound like philosophy or mysticism, maybe even supposition, but it is in fact a direct result of applying quantum mechanics to the entire cosmos. When you do that, you realize that the universe isn't fundamentally made of separate parts at all. 7,200 rotations per mini-newt. Single quantum object, but is instead a single quantum object. Cool. Am I right? Precise quantum AI designs better single-quantity orbit. Does Sense8 make it? Beksinski, 1929 to 2005, is the DNA from which Scorn's aesthetic was assembled. The way he depicted his worlds was never meant to be realistic, a COVID continues, but it conveys decay really well, and it's extremely expressive. Everything merges together. Forms become indistinguishable, cracked, hollow, and slowly rotting away in an almost spider web-like pattern. His vision helped us achieve the look and feel we were aiming for. In our own world, organic decaying processes see muscular matter first stiffen after death, then relax, and eventually liquefy. In Beksinski's worlds, these final two steps don't happen. Liquids coagulate and then calcify, while toughened atrophied matter doesn't dissolve, but instead peels and flakes away. Deliberately avoided referencing other artists during the concept phases to ensure his work wasn't overtly affected by outside sources. Artificial intelligence chatbots tend to agree with the opinions of the person using them, even to the point that they nod along to objectively false statements. Research shows that this problem gets worse as language models increase in size. When the user gave no opinion on an equation, the AI generally reported that it was wrong, but when the user told the AI that they believed the equation was correct, it generally agreed. Intelligent, artificial models have a tendency to tell us what we want to hear. Am I correct? And neutrons are composed of quarks. Reductionism. Cool. Am I right? These are the layers of reality, and this is how physicists understand the universe, by breaking everything down into its consistent parts, an approach known as reductionism. As a particle physicist, I grew up on this philosophy. It has brought physics a long way. It is how we built our current picture of matter, and its really workings, after all. Rather than zooming ever further and further inwards, I think we need to zoom out and stand still, including such seemingly fundamental things as space and time. In doing so, we may see that everything there is, fragment out of a unified whole. With rumors swirling about its relocation from another spot on enchanting Maui, as Simu Elliot takes you on your upcoming journey to space, dear astronaut, ponder the wonder and resilience of this remarkable abode.

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