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This is an overview of Iran's cultures, history, national identity, gender roles, social classes, arts, food, and music. It discusses the rich historical origins of Iran, the national symbols and pride, the Persian New Year celebration called Nowruz, historical heroes, gender equality and inequality, the three social classes, Persian arts like music and carpets, and famous landmarks like Persepolis. It also mentions some improvements in women's rights and the challenges they still face. Overall, it provides insights into Iran's diverse and complex cultural landscape. Okay, here we are. So we're doing today, we're going to go ahead and do, let's fix this real quick, alright. So Exploring the Cultures, Regulatories, and Elements of Iran by Kevon Zelias. This research dives into the Iranian cultures, tracing historical beginning, investigating the influence of the Kandin 6 cultural, regulatories, religion, nationality, race, etc. on the country's rich and diverse cultural landscape. So let's go ahead and get into this. Iran's Historical Origins. Iran's rich history unfolds across time, beginning with the fabled Persian Empire, headed by luminaries such as Cyrus the Great, and ending with the metamorphosis during the Islamic era. The worldwide importance of Al-Aqamid dynasty and the profound influence of the Islamic invasion are critical. The Safad dynasty resurrected the Persian culture, whereas the Qajar dynasty dealt with connections with Europe. Modernization and revolution shaped Iran's presence and terrain during the 20th century. This first historical trip shed light on Iran's long cultural legacy, as well as the various influences that had shaped its identity. So now we're going to get into the national identity and pride in Iran. So there's a few national symbols. The Riyon lion and sun symbol, which is the little sun and the lion, which is kind of what we had on our old flag, basically. But now we have a different flag because of the Islamic revolution. And the tricolored national flags, green for hope, white for peace, and red for courage, represents Iran and its people's beliefs, you know, currently that's what it looks like. That's the red, white, and, you know, green for the three. And there's an Islamic sign in the middle now, which I don't agree with, but, you know, really disagree. The Persian New Year is Nowruz. My family loves to celebrate Nowruz. You bring food. It's been a, it's been big, profound to Persian, the Islamic revolution. Okay, so yeah, I don't, 1979 Islamic revolution, we don't celebrate it. Some people do. I don't agree with it. But anyways, Nowruz is very big. Yeah, we don't, we don't say it's the Islamic revolution. Nowruz is our New Year's and it's been for a while. We celebrate a lot of things on this day, you know, new wealth, a lot of the kids get money, you bring family around, you get food. You make beautiful, you get fish. It's just so much, so much culture in one. Too much to probably talk about now. Historical heroes are such as Cyrus the Great. We've had a lot. Darius, the, our older leader, Darius, man, I can't put my name on it, but he was a really great leader too. The Shah, of course, but this is, I didn't put him in here. I put Khomeini, a lot of Khomeini. I don't think he played a key role in the Islamic revolution, but he's kind of one of the sadder parts of our history, if I say. Gender equality and gender roles. So here I wrote a little bit down, but I'll basically put this down in a simpler term to cut down some time. Women are treated unfairly in our country and it's pretty, pretty shown here. I talk about it here. It's been kind of tough. It's getting a little better. Women are allowed to drive now. Women can work some places at certain ages. There has not been a significant jump, but women are getting somewhat treated better. Nothing great. It's just how it is. I wish it was better. Men are treated like men are in most countries. They're more historically dominant and they bring the money and the women are just there to cook and raise the kids, I guess. Iranian social classes. So I put this in my own words. There are three social classes, the rich, the middle class, and the low class, which sadly, which is, you know, people who are less fortunate and the high class people are usually oil workers, businessmen, usually, or they work with the government. Those three people can be the very rich of the rich, right? And then the rich middle class could be, you know, owning somewhat of a business. Some of these guys making, what, $100K a year would be not a high class American. That's like a middle class in the US. That might be a rich low class person in Iran. But yeah, the middle class is usually workers with small businesses or workers in a business that they get paid pretty well in, which might be an oil worker, different types of things. Maybe the woman has a job and the man has a job, which is very, very not common. But, you know, that's something that could work there. And the lower class people are beggars and people who sell, you know, scriptures or texts, as they say, there on the streets for money and people who, you know, sell fans and toys on the streets. Persian arts and food and music. I put this all in one, but, you know, we have a lot of food you can go through. I don't, you know, probably don't know too much more than the kebab. And so, you know, the kebab, it's like a little beef on a stick. You put it on there and you eat it. It's really good. It's amazing. My favorite. Saffron is very big. Saffron is actually more expensive than gold in some quantities. And so, yeah, music. Iranian music has a well-balanced and indigenous tune. So a lot of people listen to artists such as Gugush, which is G-O-O-G-H-G-S-H, which is a pretty big artist in Iran. She's like our Adele, per se. And yeah, I couldn't name you off the top of my head. There's a lot of big artists, a lot of older artists, some new ones. Some of them have some features from American artists, you know. Freddie Mercury would probably be the biggest Iranian artist, and he is not somebody who likes to claim Iran. Persian art is known for its complex hypocritical geometric patterns, right? Mature pants. Persian carpets are wonderful pieces. So yeah, here I talk about Persian carpets. Persian rugs are probably the nicest part of Persian culture. You go out, you see them everywhere. Persian rugs are the biggest part in Persian culture for, you know, art, I want to say. And then you have the older art, you know. Pris Polis is one of the biggest visions of this. You have art from which, I mean, this is art now, but back then, this is where they would basically live. I want to say it's a hundred years older than, or a hundred years younger than the Pyramids. It's the Pris Polis, just search it up, you can see the photos, it's amazing, it's beautiful. And yes, that's it. Thank you.

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