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extramile pod ep5

extramile pod ep5

Kieran Ingram



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The speaker discusses the concept of success and challenges the traditional view that success is solely based on money and career achievements. He emphasizes that success should also include fulfillment, achievement, and freedom with time. He shares his personal success metrics and encourages listeners to reflect on what success means to them. He believes that clarifying and prioritizing personal definitions of success can lead to greater happiness. The speaker also discusses the importance of perspective and not getting too caught up in feeling like a failure when things don't go as planned. He encourages listeners to take a moment to think about what success looks like to them and to share their thoughts in the community group. What's happening team? Hope you're all doing good. So welcome to another Extra Mile podcast and today guys what we're gonna really be discussing is that what does success look like to you, okay? Now I say something that's been going on in my head for a wee while now, right? And it's because I think we've all got a certain idea of what success looks like, right? And it's kind of like drilled into us from society and it's always like money related and like how successful you are in your career, right? And like that does have a place, like it really really does because like I'm a strong believer in like money can't buy you happiness but it fucking helps. Like it's as black and white as that, right? But a lot of people just base their only success metric off of how much money they get, how good they're doing in their career, if they've got a promotion, if their business is flying back and stuff. But like guys, there's so much more to success, do you know what I mean? It's like for me, the three things I've got in here is like fulfillment, achievement and freedom with time, do you know what I mean? So like for me, like the fulfillment I get from obviously like running full reset, like I get a proper sense of purpose from that, helping you guys out and just generally just helping people. Like I'll speak to people like through my emails, through Instagram and all that kind of stuff and just daily and I get a sense of fulfillment from that and then also because one of my core values is being creative, see when I get to build stuff out, it's like as well guys, like this podcast, I just always feel worried about it and go like fuck, what am I actually going to talk about that stuff? I just let it flow now because I'm being creative and it sticks in line with my values and it actually gives me a real sense of fulfillment guys as well. And then also achievement, for me like one of my main success metrics is achieving stuff, like just setting a target. And doing it, like I don't find it any more happiness than that, do you know what I mean? Like if I say I'm going to do something and I actually do it, I feel fucking classed for it. And then also you've got freedom of time, like I'm very much like, I used to obviously work in the printer right? And it was like 12, 13 hour shift, never really got a say in what I was doing and I felt trapped. I actually remember once when the, my gaffer, I was saying like I'm going to book a holiday. I was actually going to be taking George out to like New York and I was like I need to know my holidays for next year. He's like no, I've not told you them yet. I'm like what do you mean you've not told me my holidays yet? I'm like I'm telling you, when I'm going on holiday, dad doesn't know about that. I'm like what are you talking about mate? It's my, it's my time off mate. And that was one of the moments where I went like fuck, I've got no say in my time here. And I really made that like, I made a point of just making sure that whatever I was doing in the future, I had like time on my side and I could pick and choose what I can do daily. Like yes guys, there's obviously got to be order in stretching the team around over the weeks right? But if like, if my mum asks me today if I want to go for a coffee tomorrow, I can move stuff about and make it happen. Do you know what I mean? If one of my pals asks me to do something, if I really want to do it, I can make it happen. To me that's success because I've got time on my side. I can move stuff about. So that's like my three success metrics there guys. And I have not mentioned money once. Do you know what I mean? Like yes, like money is a massive part of life. Like I get it right? But too many of us base our, that's our only success. Okay, like we might be like thriving as a parent. We might be thriving in our training. We might be like right in line with our values. We might just be like showing up better than ever before. So I want you to kind of think about that guys. Like what does success actually look like to you? Because we can get hooked up on what we think success is, but it's not actually what we see as success. Do you know what I mean? It's like what I see is like Chris, I'm talking about achieving. That might not be one of your success metrics. Do you know what I mean? Like for you, like success might be time with the family. Do you know what I mean? It can be anything guys. It can be a whole host man. Success can maybe be getting two free holidays a year. Like I don't know, it can be anything guys. But what I want you to really like think about, what does it look like to you? Like what does success look like to you? Because it ties in with that one as well. Remember a few weeks ago, about a month ago, I was like right, what makes you happy? And you all started listing off what made you happy. I was like right, how many of you did that week? And like the percentage was probably 20%, I'm joking. Actually fall through with stuff that actually makes them happy weekly. And then since you guys have all started locking that in, you guys are genuinely happier. So if we can get clear on what success actually looks like and then we can put more attention to creating that, then we will ultimately feel more successful. Which again makes us feel happier. Do you know what I mean? So guys, think about that going forward man. Like did I say like, it might be money. You might have a success metric around about your business. Cool, that's what it is, right? But don't have that as the single sole success metrics because guys, there's so much more than just your careers. Do you know what I mean? There's so much more than that and I want you to look at it across the board. And see once we start to do this guys and we start to become a bit more aware of what success daily, what success weekly actually looks like, we naturally become more present. We naturally have a bit more of a buzz about it. And then again guys, the second pillar of the extra mile, excitement just keeps up. It becomes bigger. And then the last pillar of the extra mile, energy, is just there as well guys. And so yeah, like it's something that's been running through my head for a while. And like, because I'll go through waves with it as well. To be completely transparent man, I was having a conversation with my coach about a month and a half ago. And there was just wee bits and bobs. I was feeling the stress obviously through business and that kind of stuff man. Everything was just a bit stressful. I was like, ah fuck it. It's not moving in the direction I want it to move in. I thought I'd be here by now. And then I felt pure like a failure. And that's when my coach was like, look at everything else you've done. You've just completed High Rocks. You've just done X-Line Red, everything else. And I was like, you're right man, it is hard. But look at the amount of time you've got on your side. You've always said to me that you wanted to have time on your side and look at this. So again, it's just like perspectives as well guys. And I think like a lot of us, we might be in a spot where we just kind of feel that we're not where we want to be. Which is like a good place to be in if it's used in the right manner. Do you know what I mean? Like if we're not in the place that we want to be, like fucking do something about it. Do you know what I mean? But what can be done is that even though we're not in the right spot, we start to turn our attention to the wrong things because we think that's what we see as success. But we don't. It's just what society sees as success. Do you know what I mean? So guys, today at one point, just when you're having your afternoon coffee, or just before you head up the road after your work on Friday, or whatever it is, right? Just take a minute and just think about what does success look like to you? Get that tied in. Relate that back to like what makes you happy. Start digging on what you actually value from day to day, right? Then once you get that, man, just have that implemented into your week. And keep it something you can see it as well, guys. So you go, right, okay, I might be feeling a bit shit, but am I still successful in my eyes? Yeah. Have I got fulfillment? Aye. Am I achieving stuff? Yeah. Do I have time on my side? Yes. For me, I'm successful regardless of what happens, man. Do you know what I mean? So I'm happy with that, man. But guys, yeah, finish that one up there, man, okay? I know it's only six and a half minutes. Sharp, sharp, and sweet. But I don't want you to keep on going on and on and on. I want you to just kind of close in, lock in on what makes you feel successful, what success actually looks like to you. And I would love it if you could drop it into the energy chat. Or drop a comment on the new WhatsApp group, community group that I'm opening up in the next hour. Here we go.

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