Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast hosts are excited to be recording an episode. They talk about their spontaneous decision to do a podcast and their goals for the day. They discuss their belief in mythical creatures like mermaids and fairies. They then begin asking each other questions and sharing their thoughts on fame, rehearsing phone calls, and their perfect day. They also talk about their singing habits and whether they would choose a youthful mind or body in old age. They end by discussing their experiences with car accidents and the comforting presence of animals. Hello, welcome to the podcast. I'm Eva. And I'm Kaylee. This is episode 2, and we're super excited to be here with you. And we are just here. We got Starbucks, we're just here. It's a, it's a day. It's a very spontaneous day. Yeah, we weren't planning on this. No, definitely not. It was just a day. And then I was like, Do you want to do a podcast? And she's like, Yeah, you have to be down for anything. I mean, yeah, because we're savages. So savage. Um, what was my goal for today? You were gonna talk about questions. Like the love questions. No, this is a separate thought, not a podcast. But remember, oh, every day, yours was practice something you haven't done in a while. Oh, yeah. Okay. What'd you do? I drew. You drew? I did anime drawing. Because I used to do that when I was a really kid. What'd you draw? I drew a little girl. Aw. Was it you? And I doodled in class because I really never draw. Okay, so today's episode is a little bit different than what we'd usually do. We're just going to be asking each other questions back and forth, starting with really easy ones and then getting deeper and deeper, deeper. Yes. And along with each question, we're going to add commentary if we want. We're both going to answer every question. So yeah, it's going to be like back and forth. So let's get into it because this is going to be a lot of questions. So yes, you need to start. Is there a list of questions that you're looking at? Can you share it with me so I can look at it? Yeah, that's better than passing. It's a romantic question. We're not romantic. How do you know? I just do. Not. The fact that that dude wanted to see my receipt. Who? For the podcast. Oh yeah, like. Let me see. Get over yourself. Like he didn't believe me. I have a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino from Starbucks. And I have the chocolate cold foam cold brew. So good. 100% recommend. Starbucks is this really small coffee company. You probably have never heard of it. I mean, I've never heard of it until I came into America. Yeah, it has a green logo with I don't even know. What is the logo of the mermaid? A twin tailed mermaid? Yes. My grandma told me that when I was little and I was like, they're not real. Did you believe in mermaids? Here's my theory. I believe that mermaids are real. And I'm a strong believer in this because how are pirates can make this stuff up? Like a woman that looks like a fish like that makes no sense. Like sirens. Exactly. I believe in sirens, mermaids, fairies. I believe in fairies. I just don't think I think that they're like not what people think they are. And I think the same thing with mermaids. Me too. I feel like they're not they're not going to be they're not going to look like humans. Mm hmm. I think mermaids look more like humans than fairies, but fairies are more like they have arms and legs, but like not really a face because they're so small. Oh, did not have a face. That makes sense. Yeah. But yeah, I'm a strong avid believer in mermaids. So many of like so much of the ocean hasn't even been discovered yet. Like I know only like 7 percent. And people that like say that they have seen mermaids before they die. Mm hmm. Dead men tell no tales. That was dead man. No. Oh, my gosh. Any secret. We came to the conclusion the other day that any secret the government doesn't want us to know, they just kill the person who knows it. It's so true that in population control, it's awful. They do like this whole like selective breeding kind of thing, like just like planned breeding is what they call it. Like what the. Yeah, it's crazy. Everything breaks and we die. You have the list. I do. You. All right, we got this. I'll ask the first one. OK. OK, we're going to get into the questions now. OK, so given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest? I personally would want Johnny Depp. I am in love with this man. I. I just love him. I don't know. I mean, you don't have to explain it to Johnny Depp. I know. And like I just want to like he seems like such a genuine person. I don't know. I feel like he'd just be really cool to get to know. And he's like my husband. And you're married to him. Yeah. Mine would probably be. I mean, my celebrity crush has always been Zac Efron ever since I was little, but it's changing and I don't know who honestly, probably like someone I look up to as a celebrity, like Taylor Swift, I've always looked up to growing up. That was like my whole childhood. So probably her. Yeah. I feel like she would have some pretty good conversation. Yeah. She's super tall. Would you like to be famous and in what way? No, honestly, I don't want to be famous because I mean, going out, going places, I would get recognized all the time. I just feel like it would be a burden. It would be so annoying. I agree. I could go either way. I feel like I could be famous or I could not. What stresses me out is people overlook every single thing in your entire life. In your entire life. But at the same time, when somebody is famous, they do learn how to not take everything to heart. So I feel like that would be a valuable lesson that I would learn from that. You mean people like dig into your life? Yes. Okay. They do that. And then they're just like, oh, I just saw Eva at a coffee shop with this random guy. That means that she's cheating on her boyfriend. It's like makeup stuff. It's like, hello. Yeah. And then drama starts. Yes. It's so annoying. I don't think I could handle that either. Just everyone being in my business. Yeah. So that's why my answers are now. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say and why? It depends on who I'm calling. Sometimes, like if it's like a business professional call, I definitely will. Because I just I'm not good at like improv conversation at all. But if it's like my friend and I don't really care, I won't. I don't feel the need that I need to do that. Yeah. When I'm calling out of work or when I used to, I would have this whole script ready from the script. And I'm just such a planner. I have to have everything planned out. And so not knowing what I'm going to say is like I can never do that. Well, even with conversations, when I have important conversations with people, I'll write bullet points until I have my phone out looking at the bullet points. Yes, I do that, too, actually. And then like I mean, I just like knowing exactly what's going to happen. Yeah. I don't have a planner. Yes, I love planning. What would constitute a perfect day for you? Just being with people I love. Getting to sleep in and then being with people I love all day and not having responsibilities. Just getting to be in their presence. Yeah, because I mean, I feel at peace around the right people. Oh, that's so sweet. What about you? My perfect day, I would be at the beach. First of all, that is a big must. I will be at the beach. I'll probably like win a surfing competition. Meet the love of my life that day. Probably find shark teeth in the sand, stuff like that. Maybe maybe avoid a shark attack, actually. I think that would be like a perfect day. You get that adrenaline rushing and like, yeah. Wow. What a perfect day that I just got saved by. And I didn't even get eaten by a shark. You know what? When I was little, when I was little, I used to take shark teeth and I would like really want to be a shark. So I would get tape and like tape them onto my teeth. Why can I see this? So, yeah, I just have always wanted to be a shark. Did you ever dress up as like Shark Boy? No, I wanted to be Lavagirl one year, but I wasn't. I was a pumpkin. A sweet little pumpkin. When did you last sing to yourself? Probably like 20 minutes ago. I do it all the time. It's just like, um, unconsciously, honestly. What do you think? Any song that is stuck in my head. Wow. Yeah. You should start making music. Maybe I should join the musical. Oh, my gosh. Let's BuzzFeed. Musical. I last sang to myself probably when I was in the shower last night. Hmm. That's a long time. Yeah, I sing in the shower. I talk to myself. That's the main thing. Oh, yeah. And then I do usually sing to myself, but I don't think I have today. Next. Shower is the best time to sing to yourself, really. I know, because the echo of the wall is so good. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30 year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? The mind or the body? The body, of course, because why would I want to lose 90 years of wisdom? So true. I would have all that wisdom under my belt. This is excluding if he has like dementia or something. Yeah. It just depends on the person on the 90 year old. But I would want to keep the mind and then just have the body of a 30 year old and have all this wisdom under my belt. Yes, I can make the best decisions and do crazy things that I wish I had done. Yeah, I agree. Mine would also be the body. I mean, I feel like when you reach 90, not a lot of people are able to be active at that age. Some people are. And that's like great. But a lot of people aren't. And I feel like I would just want to. Like you said, like, have that wisdom and just be able to do whatever I want to like with a 30 year old body. Yeah, exactly. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? No, but I feel like it's not going to be a car crash because I already survived one. Yeah. Was it bad? Um, it could have been a lot worse, but it was traumatizing for me. Every time I would close my eyes, I would just see it all over again for like the next week. And it was terrifying. I would cry so much. But oh my gosh, what's crazy about this? Have you animals are crazy about like tuning into human emotion. My cat, the second I got home, he sought me out and then laid on top of me because he was like, wow, you're okay. That's crazy. It's so crazy. That's why I love animals. And I know they have that sense. Like my mom was pregnant with the youngest. And Duke was just always on her dog. And it was just like comforting her and like rubbing his head against her stomach. And like, it's just animals. No. Yes. I love animals. My grandma was dying one time. There was this one instance, my grandma was dying and we were in her house that, well, we moved her into a different house, but we were there. And I'm not even joking. Like the second that she was about to die, the birds and the dogs just started chirping and barking like, like all simultaneously. Why? It was crazy. And then they all just went silent. And that's when her heart stopped beating. Isn't that insane? It's beautiful. It's crazy. It's just so hard to wrap your mind around how they have that intelligence. How do they know? And then the fact that the birds, the dogs, there's other animals, not just one animal. And they're not. That's crazy. Yeah. Name three things you and your partner appeared to have in common. So you and me. Whenever it says partner, just say friend. Okay. Let me start over. Okay. Name three things you and me appear to have in common. A sense of humor. Yes. We laugh at the same things. We laugh a lot. Yeah. I think our wisdom. I think we're both pretty wise. Yeah. What's another one? I think our experiences. Yes. It's actually crazy how much we have in common from a life standpoint. I know. Like you'll talk about things and I'm like, that's the same thing that happened to me. And our moms both being personal trainers, like, Hey, that is so weird. I know. And the way that I don't know, just the way that we reacted to the things that happened. Yes. We handled it the same way and learn the same lessons. Yes. And it was like the same thing too. Crazy. Yeah. For what in your life do you feel most grateful? What question are you on? Nine. Oh, the big red one. I didn't even see it. It's orange. Maybe I'm colorblind. It's your color. So I actually just started a new job. So I actually just started a gratitude journal where it asks me what I'm grateful for. And I list three things every day. And then it has a, it's super cool. That is so cool. I highly recommend getting one. I love the one that I have. It like has a doodle page and everything. Your wig. Yeah. We all know you wear wigs. To hide me actually being a blonde. Cause I just can't have that stereotype. Yeah. I'd rather have a wig. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'd rather have the soulless stereotype than the dumb stereotype. I get them. For my life, what I'm most grateful for, I feel like I share gratitude for a lot of things in my life. But probably just the people that surround, um, that surround me, like, or just who I surround myself with, like my family and friends, um, just people who care really. I think, I think I'm most grateful for the ability to feel emotions from good to bad to just, how do I word this? Cutting this part out. Does your microphone keep going in and out? Yes. Yeah. Um, I think I'm most grateful for my ability to feel emotions from good to bad to neutral. I think that it's important to, as humans have an array of emotions and to really feel when you're sad and really feel when you're happy. So, you know, what happy feels like, because without sadness, you wouldn't be as happy when you are happy and you wouldn't have anything to compare the happy moments to. And so without the ability to feel good emotions, I mean, there's like no feeling of gratefulness in the first place. So I just feel like, I don't know, just being around family gives me that feeling. Like you said, the family and friends is what I'm grateful for. Yeah. If you could change anything about the way that you were raised, what would it be? I was raised well. These are hard questions. You have to like, think about them. Yes. There's going to be a lot of silence. I'm editing out. I, my answer to that would be to not change anything because then I wouldn't be who I am today. Yes. That's a good point. Did you answer the last one? Yes. Oh, wait, you did. I have some. Okay. Yeah. What about you? I think I wouldn't change anything about the way that I was raised, but looking back on it, I wish I stood up for myself more. Like I wish I would just wasn't so passive towards other people, letting them step on me all the time. I wish I would have just stood up for myself. That's a good one. So like not how you were raised, but how you reacted to certain things. Yes. That's a good answer. Take four, oh, four minutes and tell your life story. Let's skip that one. If you could wake up tomorrow, having gained one quality or ability, what would it be? Realistically or? Um, either one. Okay. Unrealistically, I would breathe underwater. I think that would be so cool. And then you could swim with sharks. Yes. All day. Yes. And I can just find the mermaids. Yeah. You could just do it yourself. Exactly. Um, but realistically a quality that I would want to have wisdom. Yeah. I think I just want wisdom, wisdom, how to deal with situations and how to deal with not knowing the answer to different things. Yeah. I think I would want to be invisible realistically or realistically. I just want to be invisible really bad. Like just, I want to be able to turn myself visible so I can just be there and each job all the time and I can just walk around and no one will see me exactly. Or read minds because I want to know what people truly think about me. Yes. I want to know if they hate me and if they're faking to be my friend or if they actually like me. That's a good one. Like mind reading. I don't know which one I'd probably still go as being invisible because I've always wanted to be invisible. Yeah. Next. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about your life, yourself, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know? I would want to know when I die, not how I would want to know when so I can live my life to the fullest. Yes. But I don't want to know how at all because then I would avoid it and then it would like mess up the space-time continuum. Yeah. What about you? How do I talk that? This is so fun. These questions are... I don't know. I feel like the same. I would want to know when. Yeah. And so then you can be like, okay, I'm dying in two months. You need to live it up. Say my goodbyes that day, whatever. Yeah. But shouldn't we be living like that already? Yeah, but it's just harder because we don't have that strict deadline. Yeah. I kind of want to act like we have it. I don't want to act like we don't have it. Yeah. I kind of want to act like we have it. I want to just tell myself some random date and then be like, okay, I'm dying. I need to live it up. Let's do it. Let's just give each other random dates. Is that weird? Or we could just live by, you might die tomorrow. Yeah. Maybe that's better. I think that's a lot better. Kayla, your date is February 4th. Is there anything that you've dreamed of doing for a long time and why haven't you done it? Surfing. I want to surf so bad. It's not even funny. It's been my dream since I was a little kid. Me and my best friend, when growing up, we had this book that we would put all of our secrets in and I found it the other day before I moved into college and I said, I want to be a professional surfer in that book. That is so cute. And I've just never done it before. That's like childhood. Like you want to do that so bad. If you wanted it when you were a kid, it's like so strong now. Yeah. And the funniest thing, my best friend, Kaylin, her entire family surfs and I went to the beach with them one time and they were surfing in the morning, surfing at night all the time, but I just never went. I wish I did though, but I've been getting like really good at surfing. I know. You can make a lot of money too. And I feel like it's just a cool passion to have. I feel like you learn a lot from it. Yeah. I boogie board sometimes. Really? Yeah. I do want to learn how to surf. Mine would be, I've always wanted to be a Disney princess, but I'm like six inches too tall. I think five twos would cut off or five three. Really? Wow. I'm five, six and a half. I'm pretty sure I'm five nine. Me too. Really? Yes. Hello? What's happening right now? What? This is why we see eye to eye. I know. I was like, we're exactly the same height, but I'm always taller than everyone. So I'm like, I'm probably just taller than her. And I don't know. I think the exact same way though. Really? I'm not kidding. I'm always like, okay. Like she looks my height, but like I'm tall. They're normally like five, five. And you're like, oh yeah. Oh, they're not my height. I'm five, six. Wow. A little bit over, but not five, seven. Oh, so I'm taller than you. Are you five, seven though? I'm five, six and a half. And you're five, six. No, I'm a little bit over, but that doesn't mean it's a half, but I'm pretty sure it's a half. What if I'm a third of an inch taller than you? Die. What is the, it's your turn to ask me. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Division four state championships for volleyball. Wow. Yeah, actually. Yeah. It sounds really like professional, but D4 is the lowest. That's an accomplishment though. Yeah. That's what I always say. I would say like, there should be one for like accomplishments and then one for like mentally, a challenge you've overcome. Yeah. I'm trying to think of a challenge I've overcome. Why is this so hard? Probably just failing myself so many times and still not giving up on myself. Like, I'll go into these. I'm trying to think of the right words. Like I'll go into these self-improvement journeys and I'll go into them like once every, every month. And I'm like, I'm going to change my life and do all these things. And then I'll just give up by like the third day. And that's how it's been since I was like a freshman. And it just keeps going and going and going all the time. And I just am proud of myself because I keep overcoming that and still somehow learning from each time that I try. Yeah. And just, I've just tried so many times. So I think I'm just, I'm accomplished in that. Yeah. Even though it's not success, it's like I'm trying. Thanks. Be proud. What about you? So you were talking about volleyball and how it's like the lowest level. I did dance for a while and my first dance competition, we won first place. And I was like so excited. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. We won our first dance competition. I was probably like seventh grade, eighth grade. And then I found out that we were the only one competing in that division. So we were automatically first place. I bet y'all would have won anyway. It just, it has that level of accomplishment over your head still. Of course. Yeah. You just feel proud. Exactly. Mentally, my greatest accomplishment, I feel like just everything I've been through and to still be as strong as I am. A lot of people get torn down easily after half of what you've been through. Yeah. That's a good one. You've been through a lot. Yeah. Yeah. What do you value most in a friendship? Connection. Relatability, etc. Having someone that you can just automatically connect with and it doesn't take any effort. Yeah. I feel like it's a huge thing to find a friendship where you don't have to become another person. You don't have to try hard or try less or anything. You're just who you are. And like this friendship, it brings out who I really am. And I didn't even realize that until I met you. Like, aww. Yeah. I know. I love it. Aww. I would say just not having to fake or hide who I am. Like we were talking about this in the first episode, the red and green flags in friendships. Yes. I think just being able to be who I really am authentically and feeling like I'm not being judged by the other person. And then also, like I was saying, then being able to listen to me and like just having a basic conversation. Yeah. Not one-sided friendships. Yeah. What is your most treasured memory? Do you want to do this one? I can't think of one for this, honestly. Let me think for a minute. Yeah, I can't think of one. Okay, we'll move on. Because it's just kind of hard to think about your entire life. Yeah, you could go to 19. Okay. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living and why? I would probably live more intentionally and eat healthier. And I would also spread more positivity. Just the things that I should be doing that I'm not, the things that I've been slacking on recently, I would just up my game. And I would say, okay, you have to just start doing all this stuff. And I would be more adventurous in general, do things that I wouldn't usually do. I would probably be depressed, like the first two weeks. Right. Knowing that information. Yeah. And then I'd be like, okay, get out of bed and just start doing stuff. I would probably drop out of college, honestly. There's no point. I would buy my own house, use all my money because there's no point in saving it. Yeah. My retirement funds. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. What about you? I think we touched on this earlier about wanting to know when your death date is. But if I knew that I was going to die within, like, say, next year, I would definitely be more What's it called? Sus. Yeah. I would be very suspicious and mischievous. I'd probably rob a bank. Just kidding. Just kidding. You could. At the very end, you could rob a bank and then buy everything and then just die the next day. Yeah. Okay. I thought about this question a little bit earlier on in my life. And I was like, maybe I would just commit, like, a ton of crimes. Like, maybe just rob a ton of people, have a ton of debt. But then I was like, well, my family would have to deal with all that debt. And I would just feel terrible. You're dead. It doesn't matter. But I feel terrible still. They would haunt me. But you'd be dead. They would haunt me from the living world. That's how bad it would be. But if you're dead, how? They would haunt me. Oh, my gosh. Anyways, I would try a ton of crazy things. I would go crazy. I'm not even going to lie. I would go skyd... I would go skydiving. I would swim with sharks. I would bathe with an elephant. I would do all kinds of things. Just because. Let's just do that now. Let's do it. You want to go skydiving? Yes. After this? Actually, I don't want to go skyd... Why can't I say either? I don't want to go skydiving. I really do, actually. You can go and I'll cheer you on. I'll be like, yeah. And then you can go on the plane with me. But you just don't have to jump out. Okay. And then I can see what it's like. And then you'll probably want to jump out after. Yeah, with no harness. That is your death date. Okay. Is it my turn to ask or yours? It's yours. Do you want to skip some, though? We already did the friendship one. 23? Okay. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most people's? I was like, am I answering this? Yes, I am. I'm just pointing at me so I can remember I asked the question and then next is you. Okay. My family is very close, especially when we are all together. These are so hard and it takes so much time to think. As for my childhood, though, As for my childhood, though, I feel like it's hard to say that my childhood was happier than other people because some people have awful childhoods. I feel like mine was great. I appreciate my childhood very much. And I feel like I was more fortunate than a lot of people. And I'm grateful for that. I did a lot of stuff in my childhood that not a lot of people experience. Like my parents were professional cyclists and I grew up going to bike races all the time. And yeah, I just grew up around the cycling community. I had my first little, you know, childhood boyfriends. Yeah, I met him through my parents because they were cycling. And my mom and dad's best friends, they had this son that was my age. And he was my childhood boyfriend, I guess. That's cute. Yeah, he probably doesn't remember that, which is fine. A little bit heartbroken. There's like this one kid I remember in school and I remember his name. I remember everything about him. But I don't know where he is now and I really want to know. Because I knew him when I was like eight and nine and I didn't have social media or anything. That's how I feel about this kid. I'm not kidding. His name was Tyler Malone. Drop the names. Tyler Malone and he had a thing right here on his chin. Really? Yeah, it was like vetiligo. Oh, yeah. And he would always say every time anyone made any noise, even if it wasn't a fart, he would yell and he was like, who farted? And I would laugh every single time. I had a crush on him. A little eight year old me. I really want to know where he is. Anyways, this kid that I was just talking about. So my best friend, Kaylin, I found out that this kid, his name is Dash. He goes to her school and they were friends. Really? Your childhood boyfriend? Yes. That is so cool. And he was my first kiss too. Oh, how old were you? It was on video, which is embarrassing. It's kind of cute, but it's like a little bit embarrassing. But now I think it's funny. It's funny. That's cute. Yeah. How old were you? Three, four. Yeah, that's so cute. It was a deep love. You're truly in love. My family is really, really close. And I have a big, big family. And I know a lot of people don't. They're not blessed to have such a big family. But I have family everywhere. I have family in Florida, family in North Carolina, family in New York, New Jersey, from everywhere. And we'll have family reunions sometimes. We do family cruises. Just like I just have a big family and I'm close with my cousins. The one thing about my family is I don't have any cousins my age except two. Really? One of them's like a stepcousin and one of them's my full cousin. And our second cousin, not stepcousin. But a lot of them are younger. We have a lot of younger kids in our family. And then on my birth dad's side, I don't know any of them. But I know I have cousins that are my age. I just haven't met them. Yeah. Actually, I was working at my old job at Tiggly Wiggly. And one of the cashiers was super nice. And she looked about my age. And come to find out, we're cousins. Shut up. Yeah. From my birth dad's side. And I've never met my birth dad. Never once. So it was weird because my aunt came in and was like, you know you all are cousins? And I was like, what? She's like, yeah. And I was like, oh, we're cousins. So I was like, wow. And then I met a couple other cousins that way, too. So it's like these people that I was meeting are just related to me. That's crazy. But yeah, I think my childhood was really happy. Yeah. So yeah. That's good. How do you feel about your relationship with your mom? What if she listens to this? We can just cut it out if you don't want to. Let's just skip it. OK. That doesn't make sense. I don't get that one. I don't want to do 26. Or 27. No 27? OK. I can't think of embarrassing moments in my life. I never can. And then when they happen, I'm just like. Yeah. I was like, one happened one time really recently. What? 30 is so funny. Sorry. Last night. Do you want to talk about 30? Yeah. OK. When did you last cry in front of another person or just by yourself? The last time I cried was probably a week ago. After everything happened with my ex. Yeah. I was crying a lot. And I think the last time I cried with another person. Was a week ago when you were in the dorm. Yeah. And you brought my chocolate. Aww. Aww. What about you? Mine was last night. Technically this morning, if you want to be technical about it. With another person though? Yeah, with you. This morning you cried with me? Like 12 30ish. Oh, technically. Yeah. If you want to be like super technical about it. It was this morning. So 12 30. Really it was last night. Because who counts 12 30 as the morning? Nobody. No, it's night. So yeah, last night. Just really missing my ex. Yikes. But yeah. It was a good cry though. I haven't cried in front of a lot of people recently. Except for my therapist. And I'm just working on crying in front of people. Because I feel guilty crying in front of people. And that just shouldn't be how I feel. Crying guilt is a thing. It really is. I didn't know that until recently. But like it just feels like you're such a burden. Yeah, but you're not. And crying is so healthy for you. Yeah, I think crying and feeling negative emotions. Well, I know crying and feeling negative emotions is super healthy. It's a good thing to get over certain things. Like I said earlier, negative emotions help to show you what positive emotions can feel like. Yeah. They're necessary, even though it hurts. Yeah. You know something crazy about crying? What? If I haven't cried in a while, and if I need to, my face will break out. And then once I cry, my face will clear up. That's your body telling you you need to be sad? Isn't that crazy? I've never heard of that. It's crazy. It's interesting. It's so weird. Tears can heal. Literally. Tears heal. Yeah. Tears who? Tears heal. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about? I think all of the deep stuff. Especially if somebody shares something with you that's deep and meaningful to them. I feel like you should not be making a joke about that. I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory. If somebody shares something really personal and you make a joke about it in front of them or not, I just think it's disrespectful. Yeah. And if someone shares something with you and then you go and tell someone else that personal thing, I think that's just common knowledge you shouldn't do. But yeah, definitely don't joke about it. That's what I was going to say too. Yeah. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? And why haven't you told them yet? That man out there that his shoes untied. Oh, his shoe was untied. Yikes. Maybe he... Maybe the butterfly effect will fall into place. He'll fall, trip onto some girl's lap, and then they're going to get married in two years. Probably. That's probably what's going to happen. But because you didn't tell him that, that's why he's getting married. But if you were to tell him that, he would have fixed his shoe and he would have never done that. Yeah. That's why you shouldn't do nice things for other people. Because... Serious time. Okay. I would have regretted... Oh, I can't say this on here. You can't say it on here. You can just say it and we won't put it in the podcast. Okay. Let's not put this entire question in the podcast. Okay. I would regret not telling Kalil that I went to Tomar's dorm after we made that thing. The pact. Yeah, that's real. And I would regret not telling you. I would regret not telling you. What did you tell me? Wait, say it. You have to. You're going to be mad. I won't be mad. I lied to you. What did you lie about? Because me and Tomar kissed. I freaking knew. I don't lie. You lied to me. I knew it. I know. You were like, nothing happened. Okay, Eva. Okay. Well, I'm not going to be mad. Because if you die tonight, now you won't regret anything. What about you? Since we're not putting this on the podcast, um, I... Fashionably late. I think I... Hmm, I don't know. I feel like if I were to die tonight, I would regret not saying thank you to everybody. I feel like I owe a lot of people thanks and I say thank you to them, but I feel like I just need to say it more often. And one thing that I regret not saying in my past relationship was... Thank you. I mean, I said it, but I didn't realize how much of a gratitude that it had. Like, not a gratitude, of, um, yeah, a gratitude. An impact. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I seriously didn't recognize it until I went to therapy and cried about it. But yeah. In my relationship... What are we putting on here? Let's just move on. Okay. Why are all of them so long now? Whose death would you find most... Why is this all about death? Okay, share a pers... Wait. Okay, share a personal problem and ask your friend's advice on how she might handle it. Also ask your friend to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen. That's a good one. I just have to think for a minute. Okay. I can go first if you want. Okay. So, oh, I don't know if I want this to be on the podcast or not, though. Just do a different one. I don't have a different one. Like, a smaller one. My mom arrived at home. She never has Life 360 on. I wonder why she has it on. Do you want to skip? I have a good one, though. Okay, go. Okay. Hold on. Oh, this is the last one. Yeah. So, I feel like recently, overall, I've just been sad. And my go-to mood that I just go to is just meh. It's not like, usually, my go-to mood is, like, energetic. But now it's dropped down to the level of meh and I have to work to get up to energetic. And I want to know why. I feel like I've been doing the right things. I mean, I guess I can expect it because of everything that's been going on. Everything's just changing and everything's coming at me. But I don't know what else to do or if there's anything I can do or if I just have to accept that I'm just meh all the time now. Because I don't like being meh. I think what you should do is accept the meh feeling, first of all. And then look and reflect back on what makes that good feeling and see if you can replicate it, if that makes sense. But I do the same things that I would normally do that makes a good feeling. Maybe you need to try something new. Maybe it's become too routine and you need to spice it up some. I think it's the opposite because everything's new. Everything's being thrown at me. College, breaking up, maybe having a relationship. All this stuff and I'm overwhelmed with new stuff. Mm-hmm. And so maybe my body's just shutting down because there's so much new stuff. So then you could find something, oh, this ties into what you picked today. Practice stuff that you haven't in a while. Go back to those roots of what you enjoyed doing. That's a good idea. Like drawing. Exactly. Crochet. Mm-hmm. You should do it. Let's do it. Yeah. No, mine does. Let's go. Let's do it. Let's bring the microphones with us. It's a steal. Okay. So the questions are over. Did you want to answer that one or no? No. Okay. The questions are over and so now we're going to have a little just chit chat about random things for a few minutes and then we can end the podcast. Yeah. So what's been new in your life? Anything since last episode? Hmm. I feel like recently, especially today, I have just been not managing my time well. Mm-hmm. Like today, I was late for all of my classes, pretty much, and I felt so rushed and so stressed today. I did my laundry and I left it in there for 40 minutes because I felt like I was going I forgot that I had to go to class. And so I was sitting there while I was in class and then I ran back to my dorm to take out my laundry because I feel bad leaving my laundry in there for that long. Nobody took it out though. That's good. Yeah. And then I ran back upstairs to my dorm. I didn't even fold my laundry. I just threw it on the floor and I was almost late to English because I had to class back to back. And I was like, what is happening? That's a lot. I think having a good schedule is what can help. But things like laundry, you can't really schedule in. I have a good schedule. I plan out all of my things. I knew exactly what I needed to do today. But if I don't have a well-rounded morning, everything just falls. Did you not have a well-rounded morning? No. Because you stayed up late? I think that. And if I am not prepared in the morning, like if I don't have an outfit that I feel confident in, my entire day is not confident. So it all just like dominoes, like fall. And it affects everything for whatever reason. Yeah. I think how you start your day can really affect literally everything. Exactly. Especially since I'm not a morning person. If I was a morning person, that would be a whole different story. But I'm not. I'm not either. The way that I start my morning, if I don't have it together in the morning, I'm not going to have it together all day. I get that. Yeah. Speaking of laundry, I was up so late last night waiting for a freaking dryer because there's only three. No. Yeah. And so someone had taken my laundry out of the wash, even though I was on time. Right. I was like three minutes late and they're supposed to wait five minutes. And they'd taken it out and just put it on top of the dryer and my clothes were like on the floor. Like that is so disgusting. And you just washed them. Yeah. So then I was like, I need to turn for it. But I didn't. I couldn't because they were all taken. And so I literally stayed up before he called me right before he called me. I was still waiting for a dryer. I was just up sitting there. It was like eleven thirty twelve at night. I don't know what time it was. It was just annoying. Wow. Because I was waiting up. That's crazy. I think the latest I've ever stayed up doing laundry was one thirty in the morning. It was awful. At your house or here? Here. Here. It was after Panapluza. I did my laundry. I was like the first one to put it in the washer. I don't know how these people are taking up the dryer so fast. Like I did my washer and you put in your clothes in the washer after me. How are you taking the dryer before me? It doesn't make any sense to me. There's certain wash loads too. If it's a heavier wash load, then it takes longer. But if it's a smaller one, you can set the settings. Adjust it. It's just crazy. Yeah. Like. Crazy. Crazy. But yeah, one thirty in the morning. Finished laundry. It was a great day. It's at almost an hour. We have a lot of silence in this. Yeah, it's going to be like thirty minutes. A lot. It's a. Yeah. It's probably going to be like forty. I feel like. Yeah. I'll cut out a bunch of stuff. Yeah. All right. Now the last piece. The last part. All right. The last part is some words of advice. Yes. All right. Do you have one, Kaylee? My piece of advice is to find a friend that you can confide within near you. Because as much as it is great that we have phones to FaceTime, text, whatever. That's how I'm having a lot of pretty much all of my friendships right now. My best friend is in Idaho and I can only FaceTime with her. And I can only FaceTime her. Obviously, I can't just drive to Idaho or anything. But to find a good friend near you that you can just talk to at, say, like 11 o'clock at night when you're crying. Exactly. Great. I'm looking through my quotes list from about a year ago, and one of them it says, I never get sad. Why would I? I'm pretty. That is so perfect. I've been working on confidence. And so saying things like that to myself. Yeah. It helps me for sure. So like whenever I used to be sad, I would always just say that, wait, I'm pretty. And I just like wash my face and I'm like, OK, I'm done. And a lot of times it's deeper things you have to cry about, of course. But like, that's just a funny way to get over small things for me. So I'll just say that to myself sometimes. And it's confidence boosting. Yeah, exactly. It's like, oh, shut up. Shut up. Be quiet. All right. Thank you for tuning in. This was a great episode full of silences. Of course. This is going to be so much editing. What the fuh? She had soup called fuh today. It was not even fuh. It was chicken noodle soup with jalapeno. Like. Yeah. And they called it fuh. It's not fuh. Yeah. Do they know what that is? No, probably not. They probably just made it up because it sounds cool. Well, fuh is a real thing. Oh, it's like it's kind of like ramen. It's like it's in white. Oh, it's a Vietnamese like noodle soup, kind of like ramen. But that was not it. That was chicken noodle soup glorified. They should have just put that on the side. More people would have taken it too. Seriously. So fuh. All right. You want to close it out? Oh, what do I say? Have a great one. And then hit the pink button. Wait, do I say thanks for listening? Yeah, say have a great one. Thanks for listening. Thanks, you guys, for. Thanks so much for listening, guys. We will see you next time. Thanks. Thanks so much for listening, guys. We will catch you next time. Peace and love.