Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The conversation starts with a discussion about Jonathan Majors and his supposed infatuation with Coretta Scott King and unrealistic expectations in relationships. They then talk about Jonathan Majors' appearance and age, making comparisons to other people. The conversation shifts to the expectations that people have in relationships and the importance of equality. They briefly mention Martin Luther King's infidelity and speculate about what Donald Trump and Michelle Obama represent in relation to their spouses. They also talk about Bill Clinton's mistakes and Hillary Clinton's family background, mentioning the rumor about her family being linked to Heinz ketchup. The discussion then goes back to realistic expectations in relationships and the confusion about Megan Good's involvement with Jonathan Majors. They make jokes about Jonathan Majors' personality and acting abilities, as well as criticizing Michael B. Jordan and Megan Good's acting skills. The conversation ends with a mention And we're back, right here on the Unemployment Line. Doc and Larry P talking about the Kings. I don't know what we're talking about, to be completely honest. We've been talking about Jonathan Majors. We're supposed to be talking about Jonathan Majors and his infatuation with Coretta Scott King and how he wants other women to be something that they cannot be. And we're supposed to be talking about the men in real life that want they woman to be something that they cannot be. But honestly, we're just talking about whatever at this point. Well, what's a reasonable expectation as a man? Like, so, you know, we live in this world where you, I think we're both a little bit older than Jonathan Majors, but we're in the same age range. He's 34. How old you are now? That man is, you keep saying 34. And I ain't really, like, put that, like, to, like, I'm 35. And that man look older than me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He look like he can sing, like, a D-Girl spiritual. Yeah, like, if you put his picture in the yearbook next to my picture, I would be like, yeah, brother, how many times you got kept back in the century? And if you put his picture in the yearbook next to Morgan Freeman, you would be like, oh, they probably played on the same basketball team. Right. Like, you put Jonathan Majors' high school picture next to anybody in the 80s or the 70s, and I will believe that they graduated at the same time. There's no way that you could tell me that, man, we in the same age range. That man looks like he played, he was the first black person to play on an integrated team. Jonathan Majors looks like the custodian that refuses to mop the floor because he's got, he already clocked out. Mr. Majors, can you help us with this bill? Hey, man. Hey, hey, hey, I clock out at 5. Hey, hey, hey, the water just going to be there. I ain't got it for you. Jonathan Majors looked like he tried to walk in there to that restaurant, but he did not see that sign. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, listen, listen, listen. All I wanted was a sandwich. I didn't come here for problems. I'm sorry, Ms. Jean. I'm sorry, but I just came here for a sandwich. I didn't see the sign outside. Excuse me. I will leave. I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave. But if I need to go around back for a sandwich, that's OK. I'm OK with that. Now, Leroy, Leroy, Leroy want to sit at the counter. Jonathan Majors. That's not me, not John, not John. I just want to sit there. That man is not 34 years old, I don't care. That man is Benjamin Button. But back to what we were saying, what is a realistic expectation from men? Because I feel like we convolute the issue by making these ridiculous comparisons to people like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama. But I think in general, and I won't say just men, but we're talking about men now, but I feel like people feel like once they reach a certain status that their partner should meet an expectation that's not always realistic. There's a reason why we know who Coretta Scott King is. And it's not just because she was Martin Luther King's wife. It's because Martin Luther King was cheating. Well, I don't know if I want to talk about that. That's what he want. That's what he want when he say Coretta Scott King. And I'm not about to talk about that either. That's what Donald Trump is saying. He want a woman that'll hold it down like that. Hey, but wait, but wait. But then why he threw Michelle Obama in there? What you think he's trying to say about Barack? Can we pull over there? See, I don't know about that one. I refuse to believe that about my guy Barack. But at the same time, I wouldn't put it past him. That's a smooth brother. I'm going to tell you one thing Bill Clinton did for everybody. Give him a pass? He showed them what not to do. Learn from my mistakes, my fellow Americans. But, but, but, but, if we're being real, his wife didn't leave him. Did not. Because he was operating on that approach of, you're supposed to hold me down no matter what. You think Bill said that to Hillary? But you know, they got that Heinz ketchup money. Wait, wait, wait, you think Bill said that to Hillary? What, about the Coretta Scott campaign? Yeah. Oh, no, he just told her to shut up. I'm president. But at the same time. But she didn't, though. But Hillary got that money, though. I think Hillary from that, uh, the ketchup, she got the ketchup money. Did she? I think so, man. Tax stats and research. I don't want to be out here spreading misinformation. I think Hillary come from that ketchup money, bro. You got to look at that, man. Powerful people. Parents. Hillary Clinton parents. Because her last name is Rodman, or Rodham, and it ain't Heinz. Well, who knows? A lot of y'all out here making stuff up. I might be. All right, well, while I research that, continue our conversation. So here's my thing. One, I don't feel like you should ask more of your partner than you would be willing to give. So if you're not going to be the person, because if you're not going to hold your partner down the way that you want them to hold you down, then that's not a realistic expectation. I don't think, like, these ideas of, all right, you got to ride for me no matter what, like, it doesn't matter if you the quote unquote breadwinner. There has to be some level of equality in the relationship. And it can't be a one-way street. It can't be a, oh, I make all the decisions because I make all the money. That's not the way that relationships work. Relationships are supposed to be 50-50 or some semblance of that. And I don't feel like that's what he was asking from old girl before he abused her. And then in Megan Good's situation, which I'm still just confused. Megan, you don't have to do this, queen. Like, you really could do something else with yourself. You're really fighting for that, huh? I'm just confused. What is that about? Megan Good's in her 40s. Jonathan Major's 34. Maybe she's one of the young ones. Why? Why? Well? It's been rumored that the Heinz catch-up thing and Hillary Clinton, but I think she denied it. Well, maybe that's the answer to the question. What's the answer? She want that young thing? That young thing. Hmm. Well, honestly, let me tell you something. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe Jonathan Major's a, you know what I mean? Maybe she thought he was older than he was. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I've always wanted a mature man, like someone who's older, more sophisticated. He didn't release his age until, like, by the third date. You're 34. You don't act like it. You don't look it, either. Megan Good really think that man like 58 years old, and she's nobody's older. She might be, like, that same age as her. Or older. You remind me of my granddad. You have a wisdom about you that really, really speaks to me. Jonathan Major's reminds me of that guy that, like, pauses before every sentence he makes. Like, you ask Jonathan Major's, he says, how you doing today, John? And he says, the day is quite interesting and peculiar. However, it's not unsatisfying. Thank you for that, John. Every question, there's a pause like that. Jonathan Major's looks like he would just drop off a basket of pecans at his neighbor's door. Like, hey, hey, I was walking by, and I figured, you know, I picked up some pecans, and I figured I'd just bring them over. I would not be surprised if everything that Jonathan Major said sounded like some type of poem. Some shape, form, or fashion. If he dropped off those pecans, he says, I was walking through your neighborhood, and as I passed your place, I thought, why not bless your doorstep with these lovely seedlings that have fallen from this tree? Because that's what life is. If they remade Roots, Jonathan Major's would be a first-round draft pick. Hands down. For sure. Hands down. Like, they would definitely be like, hey, I know exactly who we need to kill. Every slave remake movie, Jonathan Major's will be in it. And not only would he be in it, he'd be happy to do it. And let me tell you this, Jonathan, that's probably what your future entails now. Slave remakes. Like, that's it, because like, you are not going to get, you ain't going to be in the Ant-Man no more. You ain't going to be in, Disney ain't going to touch you. You going to be on Tubi. He going to be the person who saved Tubi. He going to be on like a high-end Tubi movie about, like, slavery. So let me be completely honest, he ain't that good of an actor. I've never seen his work. He ain't that good of an actor. He's a strong black man, but Creed III. Well, can I say this? As we talk about Creed, how do you feel about Michael B. Jordan's acting? Michael B. Jordan ain't a good actor either, but. OK, I just didn't want to be the one who said it. I love him. He's a good guy. That's my guy, man. I love Michael B. Jordan. But I'll watch anything Michael B. Jordan is in. But Michael B. Jordan is not. He's not good. A good actor. He's just not. Not good, man. But I love him. I freaking love him. But I will be completely honest about saying he ain't good. Oh, so since we're being given controversial opinions, I'll go back to my girl. Making good? Definitely not a good actor. She's not a good actress either. Not at all. Not at all. She's just not. You know what I'm saying? What is the movie, or Deliver Us from Eva? She's so bad. The only thing that kept Megan Good so, so relevant is, we know what it is. That gap. Yes. It's the gap. I don't know what you're thinking, but it's the gap. No, it wasn't the gap. It definitely was not the gap. Well, I mean, like, they. Set sales. Yeah, they hire her because she's attractive, but I mean. She's attractive. But when you look at things from the lens of, am I going to, if somebody tells me, hey man, there's a new Megan Good movie out, I'm not. Name one movie Megan Good was in that she did not show cleavage. I mean, name a movie she was in that you were like, man, Megan Good really played that part. Name a movie that she was in that you don't remember, that you remember her lines, but that you don't remember her cleavage. I can't name you a movie where I remember her lines. What is she in? I can't remember any movie that she's in, but I can remember cleavage. Like I said, the only thing I remember is that Tyrese movie, and it's only because that movie was so bad. Freaking, the gang was in that movie, and his thug name was Big Meat. I've seen that movie, but I cannot remember the name of it. It was the In Too Deep. Waste Deep. Waste Deep. Yeah. You know how, you know as a thug, I'm walking up, hey, y'all, Big Meat coming. Ridiculous. What did he have going on? Who, Tyrese or Big Meat? No, the gang in that movie. Like, what? Who signs off on that character? I don't know, bro. I have no idea. Never forget, this man got his butterfly tattoo covered up with LA. What were you thinking when you got that butterfly? Yeah, but Megan Good, not a good actress. I was really sitting there rocking my branch trying to think of a movie she was in. Oh, I forgot she was in Cousin Skeeter. Yeah, that's before. She wasn't good. Yeah, not a good at all. No, no. She was also in Friday, briefly. Was she? Yeah, she was at the ice cream truck with Big Worm. Mm, young Megan Good. Mm-hmm. Let's think, what else? Oh, she was in Roll Bounce. Oh, with Bow Wow. Yeah. She wasn't good in that either. I mean, she was just a girl that kept getting curved. But, you know, she wasn't a good girl. But she wasn't a good girl. She wasn't a good girl. Yeah, I can't think of too many, man. I feel like we're going to get slander for this. I mean, all of it is. I mean, y'all, listen, if y'all some Megan Good supporters, y'all be what y'all want to be. She's not a good actress. Oh, let me just, I doubled down. Hold on. Let me just double down on hard 13. Because I don't want it to come across like we slander women on this show. So I'm going to give y'all, like, there are women who are good actresses. And I remember a part of, I know we talked about Cat Wittens last week, but when Shannon Sharp was trying to ask us awkward questions, one of the things he brought up was Taraji P. Henson and, like, you know, the struggle of the black actress, which is also what frustrates me about this Megan Good situation. Like, why are you wasting your time with this dude when, you know, you've already had to struggle so much as a black actress? But there are, like, a lot of great black actresses. It's just Megan Good is not one of them. You know, Regina King, Regina Hall, even, um, what's the one with wife? Gabrielle Union. Even Gabrielle Union is. Angela Bassett. Well, I wouldn't even go there. I was trying to think of her contemporaries. I wasn't even thinking about the older ones. Oh, yeah. Like, I'm talking about, like, people who are, like, their 30s, early 40s. Like, the Nia Longs, the Senalities, the, like, people who are in that age range. Megan Good is Stacy Dash. It's time to pull out my line.