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Kisha Chavis Only Fans

Kisha Chavis Only Fans

Larry Parks



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The podcast hosts discuss the dilemma of switching barbers and how it can be compared to dating. They also talk about the importance of consistency in a barber-client relationship and the benefits of booking appointments. The conversation then shifts to a viral video of a former porn star revealing to her husband, a former basketball player, that she has an OnlyFans account. The hosts express their confusion about the trend of recording personal arguments for social media content. You are now tuned into the most ignorant podcast in America this is the unemployment line I am the D.O.K. and I'm sitting here with my main man Larry P. what you got to say my man? Yo, so they checked the scenario out right? I thought about this. I get my hair cut by the Dominicans and if anybody know things about going to the Dominican barbershop all of them and they can cut and I mean they can cut so I was thinking right I talked to my homeboy he go to another another barber in there and I was like yeah man I've used to go to his barber but then I ended up going to another barber but I didn't establish a solid foundation relationship with the original barber that I was going to by like two cuts and then he did something like flaky and I bounced and went to another barber and I said well shoot he cut better than him so then I was talking to him he was like dang man I really want to try like another barber in there but I don't know how to get away from him so then I was wondering like what do you do like if you sit in like you go on to like your dedicated barber and then you realize there are other barbers in there that cut better than your barber how do you get away from your barber so it's like like choosing the right barber is like it's like dating but like in high school where there's like cliques like you only get to date like one person in a clique you don't get to like I you know you know I thought I was into Cheryl but really you know I should have hollered at Stacy it's too late you already know you already know started hanging out with Cheryl so unless her and Stacy fall out and aren't friends anymore you can't holler at Stacy so your homeboy his only choice is he either stuck with that barber or he can go to another barbershop you can't just change barbers what if what if what if you date in Cheryl and her Stacy cool well her and Stacy ain't as cool well you know they ain't as cool as they think they are mm-hmm and you know that you really feeling you dating Cheryl but you really feeling Stacy and you know they look like if you get with Stacy like that's the one so in this situation again is really only acceptable if Cheryl did him dirty cuz then then because so going back to the barber scenario this is cuz this is how I ended up changing barbers so I was going to I was going to one barber right but he was being inconsistent he wasn't there at the shop on time he would he would come in and he would tell me he'd be there but he wasn't there so one day I'm sitting in a barbershop and I've been there like 30 minutes waiting for him to get there and another barber was just like hey man I can get you if you want me to get you but he knew what time away okay he was like all right but he knew when he said that to me if he comes in this chair I might be his new barber and he was okay with that and we was just okay with the other barber being upset okay so that's why I'm saying that's why I'm saying like you know Stacy and Cheryl ain't as cool as you think they are and like you know like all right man like Cheryl like ain't really like I'm off Cheryl just because you know off the GP but I could be with ain't no Stacy was here mm-hmm you know and then you know Cheryl like Cheryl ain't really as consistent as she should be but if I know Stacy you know when Stacy hitting you with stuff like dang Cheryl forgot your birthday that's crazy yeah oh y'all you trying to take her to the movies and she she said she doing what hanging out with friends dang I would have went to the movies with you oh it's Valentine's Day and Cheryl says she she out of town and you you planned for oh that's tragic that's unfortunate Wow couldn't be me and then right right there that's how somebody sneaks in and steals your client Bobby's gotta be consistent that's that usher you make me wanna that's what it is you make me wanna be the one I'm with yeah yeah that's how you leave your barber right there buddy that's how that happens in the barbershop too when you got the one barber who's like he don't got a whole lot of clients and like so the other barbers be trying to you know they'd be trying to wing man for him so you knew coming in the shop and they'd be like hey man my mask can get you my mask can get you that's how Stacy did with Cheryl Stacy Stacy was just like hey man you know he's a good guy you know you should you see you know you should let him take you out well I should say you hooked us up knowing it should have been you now realize this you can only switch barbers in the same shop once you can't do it twice you so there's another scenario where your barber is just too popular and you can utilize that as your excuse why you went to another barber man I was tired of waiting for two hours for you see that they can understand that if your barber don't see this is what I and this is another reason why like ever I think in my ever since the past since 2019 we in 2023 every barber I've had works on appointments mm-hmm and I feel like I don't understand why more barbers don't work on the point so my barber just started taking appointments during the pandemic because you know they were trying to regulate who was coming in and out of there and it's been the best thing for my barbershop experience there's no more me just showing up at the barbershop and wondering how long I'm gonna be there I know like I can book my I can plan my day around when I'm getting a haircut now yeah like I know like I'm gonna be in there at 12 I'm gonna get my haircut at 12 and I'm right back out here at 1245 it used to be a barbershop open at 6 you get there by 6 o'clock you might not get your haircut till 830 it makes barbershop experiences in the past before appointments that look so barbaric like women had to figure out they were saying hair appointments showing up at the shop on time no one is about to get service we were just popping in but like how many people in front of me you know and they don't like you asking that question yeah like you just sit down and you like you like you trying to like look at you like oh I know I know he I know he sit with him and I know he was you trying to figure out who's who's client and it depends on like the size of the barbershop like if you go to a shop where it's like eight nine barbers you don't know who is next in line because they don't like it's not like they'd be writing it down and keeping a list they just be looking around the room there's like a him him him and him and then you just waiting for them to call you and be like is it my turn appointment my turn appointments at the Dominican they book it on they got booksie the booksie up you just book it on there I show like five minutes before my appointment start and just walk up and my barber just waiting on me that's the best feeling man when you when you know you got an appointment and you walk in and the chair empty but speaking of good feelings what are we talking about this week we talked about a good old Keisha Chavis nobody really know her by the name of Keisha Chavis I didn't know I didn't when you sent me that name I didn't know who you were talking about but then you told me about the story and then then I was very familiar with with the whole situation yeah I think everybody knows her by the name of what Joe Smith's wife yeah Joe Smith's wife or or they know her as I forget her stage name but um whatever that is so what are we talking about but for those who are unfamiliar with the story can you can you give them a brief synopsis of of why this would even be a topic of discussion well Keisha Chavis and Joe Thomas was Joe Thomas Joe Smith Joe Thomas was a was an offensive lineman for the Browns yeah I think Joe Smith was a basketball player from multiple teams I can't remember which teams off the top of my head other than I believe the Timberwolves but that's not really relevant to this to this discussion he used to play basketball go to say warriors is what everybody is putting them on so but anyways Joe Smith former basketball player married to Keisha Chavis former porn star she's had her OnlyFans behind this man's back for who knows how long but you know there was a viral video she recorded and uh it was like publicity stunt to me but she basically was recording his reaction to him finally finding out that she had OnlyFans can we start there yeah yeah that's why I want to start because I'm still befuddled by this this climate and culture of when there is an altercation that people's first instinct is let's make this into content now it's a little more understandable when you see other people getting into altercation where like you out and about you in a restaurant or something and you see two people getting into an argument or a fight we see this a lot of time on like airplanes or like schools like you'll see like two people like getting into an argument and then somebody will just start recording them it's mind-boggling to me that you would be in an argument with your husband and decide oh let me go live or oh let me start recording this because I want I want video evidence of this to then later post to social media for other people to see well I mean it's a damn age that we live in like the other thing about this like back then for people people of status I should say or once we're in the limelight had the you had the paparazzi following you around you had somebody record you at some point so like you had that publicity and then eventually gets to a point where you get out of that limelight and who's creating your publicity now who's creating that then um you know about 20 30 years ago you would have to have an actual like crew inside your house to record all that but like if you have like a reality show yeah so that's why people say man we need a reality TV show today with social media and cell phones and the way you can post stuff you can literally create your own reality TV show as long as you got the following and that's what these people of status end up having to do they'd be like oh shoot hold up I need to record this because this could be reality TV show worthy and then speaking of like creating your own content you know there was a time where if you wanted to be in the in the adult industry or if you wanted to like um like if you wanted to be a model you would have to like go through an agency and have a photographer and all these things and it started to like grow in popularity where you know the term Instagram model started coming up because people no longer had to go and sign up with an agency or anything they just had to get good lighting right maybe a good a phone with a good camera or actually purchase a camera and then you just started posting your own pictures and then maybe you can get some endorsements or something else out of that and then people took it a step further and they said you know what I don't need to go through one of these companies to put out um adult pictures of myself I can just start releasing my own content and then cut out the middleman and so now for however much you want to charge per month if people want to see these pictures of me or videos or whatever else I can I can control that myself and so like I guess she's thinking from that lens of oh this is content and this is an argument about me creating content my concern is this is an argument in your house about y'all's marriage that communicates to me if I'm her husband well obviously you don't care about nothing I'm talking about because you just turn this into content hmm I mean I guess I mean she gotta get yeah I also think about it man a lot of people talk about Joe Smith and like where he is in life and whatnot you know um what do you mean where he is in life he's struggling with money that's I mean that's the rumor I mean but you got to think about so think about it this way right um this is what I heard from from the video when I was watching the video you know she was like Joe I just got to do what I got to do to make make ends meet how did he find out I have no idea the video just starts in the middle cuz I think that that's one of my issues too like it's one thing no I think one of his homeboys told him about that's my thing it's one thing if you know you know that's what your lady doing like if she out here like all right you know my girl she that's what she do she said she makes content she sells it it's another thing if somebody else comes and tell you like a dog hey you lady did you know you know I ain't saying I subscribe I ain't saying I didn't subscribe but uh you know for $8.99 you know she out here and then you just be like wait what that that information should not be coming to you from anybody else other than her yeah I agree I agree um but for me I'm thinking like I think what this is what I heard I heard that they have been struggling financially Joe was a baller Joe was the breadwinner Joe was bringing in all the money Keisha sat back you know saying she had her before she met Joe she had a porn star career how long they been met like 13 years okay when we come back when we got we're gonna have to legislate does he have a have a right to be upset there's the unemployment line

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