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Women Are In Control - Larry P

Women Are In Control - Larry P

Larry Parks



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The speaker discusses the idea of women being in control in relationships and society. They argue that women have always been in control, especially in areas such as consumerism and media. They also suggest that men give women control to maintain peace. The speaker mentions the prevalence of cheating and how women are given trust because historically they haven't been known to cheat. They discuss the impact of social media in bringing attention to these dynamics and the shift towards women trying to take control. They also mention the challenges of defining gender roles in the modern era. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of partnership and flexibility in relationships. it should be running right now I got you say less thank you three two one so Larry P so so so oh I thought you was talking about that why I auto culture oh okay I see what you want over there I see what you always you take the control you know I think I think I think women have control but I think it's I think it's uh misguided control if that makes sense I think the men give the women control and make them feel they have control in a sense just to be more peaceful nowadays you know so see that's that's the wrong man though but you gotta think man women been controlling things for a long a lot longer than we thought they was controlling it for it wasn't it a little outside of relationships you know who the biggest consumers like in america women like women are controlling everything and we just basically sitting back thinking that we was controlling it but women women controlling the media women controlling all of this stuff like when it come to men we don't get nothing what women get valentine's day birthdays christmas uh mother's day anniversary like they get all these things when they come to me and they be like oh yeah go ahead over there father's day valentine's day you go shopping for a girl the week before you planning like maybe months ahead reservations all this stuff father's day they probably going on the on the hallmark out that day no so okay so so so oh so so so okay so so let me tell you i'm gonna tell you something man everybody you talk about this shift in culture because of cheating man the women always been cheating and it ain't this ain't nothing new like that's the thing about it so this is this is the thing and i think this is where like that shift or i guess the shift that we talk about that you see like it seems like the women are getting in control or seeing like women starting to take control it's because historically men have been messing up for a very long time so really all we can do is take the back seat so women they be cheating in these relationships and the reason that they be cheating is because we give them all the trust why do they get all the trust because historically they ain't known to cheat so you know you hit your girl up and say hey i'm about to go hang out with the fellas this weekend and she's like who you going to hang with because she want to know like did you are you hanging with cheating mario or are you hanging with you know faithful faithful troy hey man it's hypotheticals here hypotheticals but i'm just saying you know what i'm saying but let's let me let your girl say that she about to go out with the girls this weekend like you're not even thinking twice about who she hanging with she could be hanging with a whole flock of thots but you don't know what's about to happen like you know she she's about to she's about to go have a good time my baby gonna be all right your girlfriend probably out there grinding and doing everything in the club with some other dude and you have no idea and you know what guy's gonna do the man on the other side he gonna be a man and he gonna be oh you got a man actually he probably not even gonna ask if she got a man you know if she got a ring on he gonna act like he don't see it you know um but yeah these women it's just social media has brought everything to attention has brought everything to light where you start seeing more simp guys going around you start seeing more women controlling things you start seeing like a lot of women bragging about like how they doing this i'm doing me i'm on my own type social media just gave everybody a voice and some women may feel like they need to take control so that you get these situations where i feel like these women trying to take the driver's seat or they try to take the wheel and they don't even know how to lead themselves so you know i don't know i don't know i think this is everything has already been happening social media just brings more of it to light at the end of the day what's that oh yeah most definitely yeah yeah yeah i definitely think i think at the end of the day when you start talking about women that are taking control of relationships i think and we talked about it earlier i think the women that are trying to take control are the women that like like we said you have the gm of the team and you have the coach the women are trying to be the gm and they don't know how to be the coach the mature women they're like shoot i don't want to be the g i don't want to own the team i don't want to run it i just want to coach i just want to coach what's on the field here you know say you worry about all the numbers and all that stuff up there you worry about the inner workings of the organization the franchise i just want to be the coach and those are the women that just sit back and mature and they find they find the man that can lead them versus trying to lead the man so so so so um so so so um i think i think though at the same time i think when you ask have women always been in control i think there's two different types of control you know like like wis says like you have control where you're trying to control everything but then if you're trying to control the relationship but you also have the control where um you're you're in control of what you're supposed to be in control of now i think the issue is as modern day changes and things are changing and society's changing like like wis said like those those roles those roles change and i think that's where you're seeing this shift in women trying to be in control because women are like hey i ain't about to sit in this kitchen and cook every night i'm not about to do this all this stuff they're not doing the same roles that they were doing then but at the same time they don't kind of know their place of what they're supposed to be doing in this new age because if the man goes into the office and the woman goes into the office what role do they have when they get home is the man cooking is the wife doing this so it's kind of like those control there's a shift in that and that's where you see like these women starting to take control of a lot of other things and men just being like they y'all trying to control everything and women are really just trying to find a place in this new post-industrial world that they're living in so hmm you know what another thing you know when you think about it as well um and this is no knock to like a lot of single mothers but when you have like women out here that are like like pro said dating older men and then let's say they get stuck with a baby and the dude go off and be a deadbeat like these women like eventually they like i gotta learn how to run this whole entire household so in the same situation we go i'm gonna keep going back to with this analogy if you're talking about being a single mother the coach is coaching the team without the gm but they're doing all the stuff that you're supposed to do so when the gm finally comes in they're like well what are you here for so it's kind of like yeah i see you here but i've been doing this for so long then now the gm has to as the gm be like my job is to do this but it's kind of like well you're gonna have to fit in because i've been doing this for this long so and hit the ground running so so so yeah and that go ahead so so so so so so yeah i think multiple hats like like like tori saying i think when i was saying earlier that the roles are changing in this world in the society like i said you got the man and the woman going into the office now people have to have those multiple hats and like mario said the fact that a man can cook you got more men that can cook more men that are clean more men that can do that at the end of the day if i'm still i'm a man that can do all of those things i'm a man that can take care of my house like my man that can cook like a man that can do all these things myself however it's something that a woman's touch brings to everything you know yeah i'm cleaning my house but i ain't cleaning the baseboards yeah i'm cooking but i'm not cooking you know so i think every everybody plays their like i said you have to be able to i think you need to be able to do it and know how to do it because at the end of the day it's a survival skill you know you don't want you don't want a dependable person you don't want a man coming into a relationship that dang i need to i need a woman that can cook you don't want a woman coming into a relationship it's like i need a man that could do this like you want that woman you want a partner versus a child so and i think those roles there there's a it's a it's a combination of like yeah you want the coach to be a coach but at the same time just because the gm is making all the answers or they picking the players it doesn't mean that i can't listen to the coaches see and get their understanding of what they want as well what works for them because what works for you we're in a partnership together now so hmm so so so so so so so you know so so so um so so so so so that's what i was gonna ask like i understand you say like the philosophy but does does your philosophy like is it so strict that it doesn't add it doesn't leave room for change because i mean you do if you read if you read uh the bible uh you got the old testament the new testament those are philosophies that are changing within itself in the old testament they said hey don't eat don't eat animals with hooves in the new testament you know hey we eating we eating beef so i'm just saying like i think the underlying the foundation it can stay the same but i think the philosophies and i mean when you get to dating you know the older you get you know that can of beans keep dropping off that shelf and they keep putting it back it's more damaged so there's there's new ways and new things that everybody has to learn as as they're you know maybe maybe this person needed more from me in this in this role or maybe this person doesn't need that as much there like troy says you find that you find doing different things in different roles or different relationships and you find like hey i'm better at this than you or i can learn how to be better at this or i can get better at this but if you're if you're dating like you never really know if this is the right person if you just eliminate them like from the get-go and be like that doesn't work with my philosophy and your philosophy like 50 years old so that's what it sounds like that why i that why i had a boy so listen but you said this is what you said you said pat riley was on rebounding and defense right and you know you're not gonna bring him in based off of looks and all that stuff but i mean at the end of the day when you bring somebody in pat riley's job is the coach so you ain't gonna bring in michael jordan and kobe every time you're gonna have to teach these people how to do certain things so maybe your philosophy is one thing but you still have to adapt and teach and coach because that's the way you're gonna win the championship you don't win it by just going in there and say all right y'all this is the philosophy right here follow it so that's a good push so so so so so so is that the reason y'all didn't get married oh okay i don't know try to follow me on that one big dog got you though so okay so okay so so i think the women just want to have just as much as fun as the men have um i think it just boils down to that a lot of women i done talked to before and they be in relationships with their men and they may be cheating you know it's never really the fact that the man cheated that they really mad it's really the fact that they had all the opportunities to cheat and they didn't do it um i think women just kind of want to taste the kool-aid they want to see what it's like on the other side since men out here just doing whatever they want to do they're like hey why not why not me i mean i guess i don't i don't know you know i can't tell you i can't tell you what what type of relationship the girl has when when we lay down but um i like i like it i like it look and listen there's nothing wrong with being a side dude you know what i'm saying because as troy said earlier the man just want to get the butt do you get the butt as the man or do you get the butt as a side dude at the end of the day it's accomplished i got what i wanted this is what it is but women just want to have fun you know what i'm saying women be like hey man oh i should just went out there and did what i wanted to do and at the end of the day they may get back with the dude i don't know some women that she don't they do cheat on them they go cheat on they do they break up go uh do what they want to do and then they get back together you know happily ever after but they just wanted to have just as much fun as he was having they are they are so and women are never mad that the man cheated at the end of the day like they are no no no listen listen no listen listen to me no no no listen to me listen to me listen to me women women women are grown up with this this philosophy and this this theory that they mature faster than men they're smarter than men all of these things within themselves like yeah the love part is in there but when women get cheated on and they get found out they got cheated on and then like if it's like as as as wide of a casted web as troy said they're not really mad about the cheating part they're mad that they just got outsmarted by this man that they were supposed to be you know superior to like they're this guy's supposed to be dumber than me like i'm supposed to be able to pick up on all my female intuitions that i could tell if he's cheating and all this stuff but a man is coming home to you every night or talking to you every night and doing all these things and making you feel like he is committed to you just to find out that he unfooled you he's like dang they'd be mad at that yeah yeah so it's not the cheating part like the cheating part like they already expect you to cheat you're a man they're gonna he gonna get he gonna cheat anyway but the fact that you have outsmarted them in such a very elaborate way they'd be like i can't trust anybody so so um so so so so and if she was if she was in jail for eight years and i mean that's a long time no he didn't no we know we know we know no we know let me ask you this mario come on no we know we know we know no we know let me ask you this mario let me ask you this if if your wife went to jail for six years would you be able for six years to keep your penis in your pants see we know what he did we know what he we know what he did nobody has no there ain't no ain't no allegations we know what he did so this man that man that man got he got gap insurance so if you got a devil so so so so so and that's how relationships always work out the person that gets caught cheating you never know what the other person did and it's always cheating is all about who gets caught first so i'm gonna let you know that that the relationship should have ended with you in the jail for six years and just be completely honest like it should have just ended there and then maybe after she get up maybe if i'm still around you come back and we happily ever after but that's it she is we don't have to like call it a quits right quick you right please call it papoose you have a collect call from and they just sitting there battle rapping each other on the phone so so so so so so so i mean at the end of the day when it comes to stuff like this i can only date one woman at a time i can date multiple ones that ain't gonna work out too well but at the end of the day what works out for me and and the woman i'm dated or the woman i'm married to works out for us can it work maybe is it possible it may fail maybe but if it worked for them i mean i have i have i just know what i would want to work for me um i couldn't take a dominating a dominating woman um but i could take an independent strong woman and i think those are two different things um so so so okay so so so you

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