Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The panel discusses the difference between a companion, an associate, and a best friend. They have different opinions on these definitions. An associate is seen as a coworker or someone you hang out with casually. A companion is someone closer, someone you bring around your family. A best friend is someone who knows you well and has been there for a long time. They also discuss the possibility of having more than one best friend and the importance of real friends who remember your birthday. Again, welcome back to another panel. So, today's topic, we're just going to talk, because we're coming to you raw, we're just going to talk about what is the difference between a companion, an associate, and a best friend? You want to start or you want me to start? You can start. All right, to me, an associate is a person that's kind of like your coworker, your hangout buddy, someone that you just hang around with, want to go to the movies with. Don't have a long-term relationship with. That's just, that's what I'm saying as far as an associate. Okay, okay. Someone that you don't really focus a lot of time on. But if you're going to the movies, it's more than just an associate. No, we're just going to the movie to just watch the movie. I can go to the movie with my boy, that's it. But it's more than just an associate. No, it's not. Okay, keep going. Companion is- I think that would be someone you go to the movies with, is a companion. Again, it depends on what type of movie. If it's one of them martial arts movies- It's regardless. A movie is a movie. Again, it's your opinion, not mine. Okay, a companion is someone that I think is a little bit higher up on the chain that you kind of bring around the family. You got a girl. Most of the time, it'd be my girl that'd be my companion. I don't have a lot of male companions. And then my best friend is, and I only have a handful of those, someone that really knows me for years. Okay, so rewind. So a companion to you is someone of the opposite sex. You can't have a same-sex companion. Me, no. Okay. With me, no. No, associate is diverse, male or female. Companion is someone I think that you're involved with. Okay. And then a best friend is diverse. It can go either way. Question, can you have more than one best friend? It depends on the levels of best friend. So is that a yes or a no? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can have more than one best friend. Okay. But I have different levels as far as best friends, which is one, two, and three. I don't go no further than that. My best friend is probably smaller than a Froot Loop Cheerio. Okay. So that's my definition of it. You know, you might have a different type of definition. I'm with you. Associate, like you mentioned, is people who aren't close to you. So like I would think maybe a coworker is an associate, or like if someone were to ask you, hey, you got the hookup number? Oh yeah, I got an associate somewhere. That's what I would consider associate. Like you can pick up the phone, I got a dealership. I got an associate at the Lexus dealership. All right, cool. I got to connect. Okay, I agree with that. I agree with that. And then a companion, I think it's more than just opposite sex. I think like you have a walking companion. You have a- So why can't a walking companion be an associate? Sorry, because you're spending more time with them. It's more intimate. Hence the companionship. Counter. Okay. Counter. So it's okay to spend time at work with an associate where you work for eight, nine, 10 hours together, but it's not okay to spend time with a companion. But I'm working with them. We're working. But it's still time. But it's just work though. No, okay. Yeah. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Again, my definition. And then best friend, I agree. You can have more than just one best friend because again, you can have your best friend you go hiking with. You got best friends from when you grew up. You got best friends from, okay, you may have a work best friend. That's more than just an associate to you because that's the person you could like let all your feelings out about work and know that it's not going to get to somebody else. It's just someone that you can actually let loose to because you can't bring that home because sometimes your spouse doesn't understand what you're going through at work. So you got to tell your coworker at work like, oh, I'm like about the TSP file or, you know, that something that your family or your best friend you grew up with wouldn't understand. Does that make sense? So you can, I think you can have a best friend at work. Yeah, that's true. It's just true. I actually have a best friend at work, but I also put that friend, my best friend in a category where this is part of my cheerio fruit loop. I get it. Because not only is she's my best friend at work, but she also knows you. Right. And you took a liking to her. Right. And we can talk about anything with her as far as work, family, whatever the case may be and vice versa. Right. I do agree on that aspect that your best friend can be part of your best friend work aspect as well as dip over into the best friend. So I do agree with that. Right. Like I said, I have maybe four tops, best friend. And then some may say, is your significant other, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, are they part of the best friend group? That's a good question. You think I'm your best friend? At times, at times, at times, because you got to remember that our relationships, you know, marriages, whatever the case may be, it may be a time that me and you are in disagreement where I need an opinion from my other best friend, because you might not see it the way that that person may say that may help me. Because of me and you involved in a disagreement and we're not seeing eye to eye. Oh, you're absolutely right. We get our photo friends and we'll call them right on the spot when we argue, because we don't let stuff linger. So we'll call those best friends. Right. And actually I think it's more than just friend. You know, we refer to them as brother and sister because that's how close they are to us. But I think there's still like a handful of people that you're still meeting of my, I don't even want to call them friends because they're like family, like friends that are family to me. For example, my girlfriend who was on that TV show and you're like, who's that? When'd you know her? And I'm like, yeah, no, we knew each other back in college. And she's one of my right at eyes where I can call and she'll pick up on the first ring. Cause we know that we don't have to talk to each other every day. But when we do pick up, it's like where we left off. And no time has passed. And if you need a ride, they'll ride for you. Like I still have a good handful of those folks. Then you might as well say they're friends. So then you got associates, companions, friends and the best friend, because a best friend, again, we're talking about a person that knows your every, pretty much everything, a best friend. Like, you know, there's a reason for a season. So you had seasons in your life and there was folks in your life that were there through college, through elementary school, through your work life that are still there. Does that make sense? It do and it don't. Again, the list is fluent. This is fluent. So it's interchangeable at the same time. But when you said that you can call that person, even though you may not keep in touch as like normal people do. But when you call, they're there for you. I think I will put that in just a friend category now. Best friend. That's the best type of friends to have that you do not need to babysit them. Like they don't expect anything from you that you can go through your life, they can go through their life. And when they just get the bad signal and be like, oh, dude, there's something wrong with, oh, that they'll just run on the dime, you know? Again, this is your list and that's your meaning. So I kind of understand that. I can see where you're coming from on that note. I just think with me, I would probably put them in a friend category versus best friends. To me, my best best friend, I've been known for 30 plus years. I've been through thick and thin, was there when I needed them, there right now if I call them, and then I have another one that's up and coming, younger than me, but at the same time, if I need him, I'll make a phone call and he'll be there too. So like I said, to me, it's just best friends to me, it's the length period that you've known. And you can have- I can't put years on it though, because like you said, for example, the one you knew for 30 years is your best friend and the one you knew just for a few years is your best friend. I also say up and coming. Yeah, but you still put them under the best friend category. So that's- Yes, because he's always doing, he's doing the same thing that a best friend- I get it. Is doing so good. That's why I can't put- All the characteristics are there. That's why I can't put a number on it, with yours. Yeah, I said, again, this is me. I put numbers on mine and you don't. I get it, I get it, I get it. I guess I'm more fluid. Huh? Fluid. Is that what the kids call it now? Fluid? The list is fluid, it's constantly changing. It's going to flow, it's going to flow. Yeah, so that's what's nice is even in social media, you know, or someone will reach out and say happy birthday, not just because Facebook told them it was my birthday, but they'll actually reach out and text. That's the nice part when the old school text messaging or just the snail mail even, that's how you know that that's your real friend. Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, I agree with that. You know, someone you don't have to remind, you know, it's birthdays and stuff like that. They automatically do it. Yeah. Already have your information in a calendar where it prompts you. Yeah. I'm the same way, you know, because we got a lot of people that we know now that we can't remember everybody's birthday. So we got, you know, things in place that remind us and prompt us, so. But at the same time, like no hurt feeling if they don't remember the birthday. But they'll be like, hey, didn't you have a birthday? When we do run into each other and we've missed like 20 birthdays. But then again, when you hang out with each other, it's like, again, like time never passed. Yeah, that's true, that's true. But that was a nice subject right there. I like that. And for the individuals that liked the subject that we're talking about, hit that button below and subscribe. And for now, Filipino Soul out.