Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker talks about their recent experience playing basketball and losing to a better team. They reflect on the importance of learning from losses and improving oneself. They also discuss their journey in audio form and the need to do more research and practice to become better at it. They emphasize the importance of not giving up and learning from mistakes in order to achieve success. The speaker encourages listeners to not waste life's lessons and to keep pushing forward towards their goals. what's up guys welcome to letters to you it's your boy TJ and we're back for another week um man today is this episode is definitely inspired by events that literally just happened less than an hour ago on Mondays I'm recording on Monday today I usually go play ball I've gotten into playing basketball again and it's been some years since I've played to be honest especially consistently so I've been playing like three out of the last four Mondays and man we got worked today we got our butts kicked by this one team that was on for about six games and we play for a couple hours and we just man nobody can get past this team and like I said I was on for about four of those games and and they just kept working us like washing us off the court and it made me think about losing you know and what the next step is once you take a loss like that you know I plan on keeping on playing more and more and what it's what I'm learning is that I'm gonna have to keep getting better even in my old age I'm turning 40 I say old but I'm turning 40 in a few months and if I want to keep doing this and I want to not lose I'm gonna have to do this more you know and it's making me think about like other areas in life where and maybe not as successful as I want to be and this is one of them doing the audio form and kind of getting into this area and practicing talking into a microphone and putting my thoughts out there and being consistent with that and really putting the work in to not lose you know taking the lessons from that the basketball court on this instance you know what I did wrong what I could do better where I failed you know in basketball terms I man my cardio was decent um I was getting beat on a lot of back cuts I wasn't playing good defense at all like I wasn't staying in front of my man I wasn't getting in this in this space when he was shooting jump shots there was a bunch of things that I could have done differently that I would have done differently had I been playing consistently and so with this you know with the audio thing I think what's gonna what I'm gonna have to do is obviously I'm gonna have to do more research on how to talk you know how to how to breathe how to stay engaged and be more knowledgeable about you know the topics that I'm speaking on so right now I just kind of wing it you know I'm trying to get used to talking into a microphone I'm trying to get used to breathing and being comfortable with what I'm saying and being enunciating and being loud so I'm not messing with levels and stuff like that and and just just being comfortable with this whole situation and there's many other areas in life where I'm feeling like I have to put more work in and to not to not lose you know this is the whole point of the today's episode is to just not lose like to not give yourself an out for failure you know and so my biggest thing is taking the lessons that I that I'm that people are teaching me which is funny to say you know but those guys taught me that like I'm not where I need to be you know if I want to be successful at if I want to continue to play I need to work on some other things you know being consistent in the gym like that's one thing that I've always prided myself on and that's been slacking you know and just just really taking inventory of where you are and what's going on in your life like so this one this one was kind of vague I suppose like I probably could narrow this one down and I'll probably keep this one up for a little bit or keep it unlisted for a few people so they can listen to it and kind of give me feedback but yeah man don't don't take life's lessons the ones that you lose for sure and let them go to waste and and don't don't give up on on what you want you know like I'm gonna keep playing ball like I don't want to stop playing you know I really I really like playing it and and I like doing this like this is this is something that's really intrigued me and has brought me joy throughout you know the last few weeks that I've been doing it so don't give up and keep pushing and and learn from your lessons learn from your losses I should say learn from the times that you drop the ball learn from times that you that you misspeak or mishandle a situation like and the next time it comes up change it you know so that's been our time you know this is my letter to you sincerely TJ