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cover of MCCLURE PSAs


Luke McClure



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Join the American Bar Association for legal updates, CLE credit, and savings. The ABA offers national expertise, career advice, networking, and more. Depression and bipolar support groups provide compassion and encouragement to 50,000 people. Visit supporthelps.org or call 800-826-3632. PSAs aim to provide important information, not sell or convince. The Bar Association ad focused on efficiency, while the depression ad used emotional language to convey hope. Both ads effectively communicated their intended messages. Join the American Bar Association to stay current on legal developments, earn CLE credit, and enjoy exclusive savings. The ABA offers expertise on a national scope, career and practice advice, networking opportunities with legal professionals from across the U.S., and much more. As a lawyer licensed to practice in one of the states, territories, or possessions of the United States, you will soon find the ABA has become an essential component of your professional life. When experiencing depression, I couldn't get out of bed or focus. My goals and dreams drifted away. I got my life back through the help of a support group of people who had been where I was. They helped me see that my life wasn't limited, that I could still achieve my dreams. 50,000 people find compassion and encouragement at their local depression and bipolar support alliance support group. Visit supporthelps.org or call 800-826-3632 to learn more. We've been there. We can help. So I knew in my analysis process for both of these scripts that, as opposed to most other types of commercials, PSAs, at the end of the day, their goal is to transmit important information. They're not trying to sell you or convince you on anything. So at the heart of it, what I was trying to emphasize was the information. So for the Bar Association one, seeing as the information was mostly pertinent to those in the legal profession, there wasn't really any emotional language loaded throughout it. So my sort of point of analysis there was to communicate as effectively and efficiently as possible without really muddying it with any unnecessary sort of artifice. The analysis process that I went through for the depression copy, since that one has much more of a personal touch, I decided to try and construct an arc of hopelessness building to hope, and then finally a sort of invitation at the end with the phone number, and we've been there. We can help. If I had to say anything about them, my first copy, as a result of doing my best to communicate, does feel a little bland. I think my second copy benefited a lot more from having that sort of emotionally loaded language and giving me more of a chance to show some vocal variety. Not that you couldn't show vocal variety in the first copy, but I made the active choice to just speak clearly. But I think when it comes to communicating the information necessary for these PSAs to work, I feel like I did a good job at that bit. So yeah, they're functional.

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