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cover of AUTOBUS NOCNY 26.02.24 POPR.





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Wsiądź do nocnego autobusu i zanurz się w świat muzyki. Miłego słuchania na 110 i 20 decybeli dźwięku w innym radiu. Dobry wieczór słuchacze innego radia w nocnym autobusie, w nocnym klimacie. Muzyka elektroniczna ma ona niesamowitą moc przenoszenia nas do świata, w którym możemy w pełni wyrazić siebie i pozbyć się wszelkich zahamowań. Tak to już jest, ja tak myślę. A jak wy sądzicie? No bo to jednak muzyka pozwala nam dzielić się ze swoimi emocjami. Jest formą narracji, to taka muzyczna opowieść. A dzięki hipnotyzującym brzmieniom i urzekającym bitom, muzyka to zabiera nas w podróż pełną emocji, marzeń i pragnień. Muzyka elektroniczna potrafi zawładnąć naszymi zmysłami i sprawić, że czujemy, że żyjemy. Taka jest jej moc. Wywołuje niezliczone emocje od spokoju po radość. Pobudza oczywiście do tańca, bo każdy tańczyć może. Muzyka elektroniczna to też coś więcej niż tylko sposób na taniec. Ma ona takie głębsze przesłanie i swoją moc. Ma taką zdolność generowania w nas pozytywnej energii, podnosząc nas na duchu i sprawiając, że czujemy się niezwyciężeni. Właśnie i to jest takie jednak mocne, żeby czuć się zwycięzcą. No i oczywiście muzyka elektroniczna jest taką formą sztuki, która przemawia bezpośrednio do naszych dusz, pozwalając nam marzyć i wyobrażać sobie świat poza naszym własnym. I właśnie w tym królestwie muzyki elektronicznej muzyka staje się jedynym narratorem. No i pomaga nam w odkrywaniu głębi naszych własnych emocji. To taki język, który przekracza pewne bariery i łączy nas wszystkich. No niejednokrotnie na imprezkach właśnie, na różnych imprezkach ludzie jednak przy muzyce potrafią się jednoczyć. I najpiękniejsze moi drodzy z tym wszystkim jest to, że z muzyką elektroniczną ten parkiet, obojętnie czy jest to parkiet, czy plaża, gdziekolwiek nie tańczymy, to ten parkiet staje się punktem, na którym możecie malować swoje marzenia. I z tego miejsca moi drodzy chciałbym dzisiaj Was zaprosić w tę piękną dzisiejszą muzyczną podróż w nocnym autobusie, w tym nocnym klimacie i w tym pięknym brzmieniu muzyki elektronicznej. I niech ogarnie Was moc muzyki. I took all my courage to explain them w nocnym autobusie mit muzycznym. All those things they said won't make me fit. Days I spent just waiting for a wonder. I know this night may never come. And so I'm begging you please would you guide me the way that we used to. I wanna know, was it just a howling wind or a voice so loud. And now I'm gonna call you the way that we used to. I wanna know, what it's gonna be and what we're shouting about. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. And so I'm begging you please would you guide me the way that we used to. I wanna know, was it just a howling wind or a voice so loud. And now I'm gonna call you the way that we used to. I wanna know, what it's gonna be and what we're shouting about. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. 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I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. I'm on the radio. If I take you away When I win Or when I lose Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? And I can't seem to stay in the middle You've got me falling over I'm too cold And I can't seem to stay in the middle You've got me falling over I'm too cold And I can't seem to stay in the middle You've got me falling over I'm too cold If I take you away When I win Or when I lose Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? And I'll see what I could do If I take you away When I win Or when I lose Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Not me outdoors Or when I lose Do I want you to stay? Or when I lose Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Do I want you to stay? Dear friend of mine I've had some wisdom with you Don't you ever get lonely From time to time Don't let the system get you down Baby tonight, me try to get by Press your knees up on my floor I've been trying to make sense of life In my heart I feel pain But right now by the clock You're holding me tight Don't let the system get you down Baby tonight, me try to get by Press your knees up on my floor I've been trying to make sense of life In my heart I feel pain But right now by the clock You're holding me tight Baby tonight, me try to get by Press your knees up on my floor I've been trying to make sense of life In my heart I feel pain But right now by the clock You're holding me tight Electronic music has these features That sometimes we can get emotional But emotions rule I think that every kind of music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music Has certain features That influence human emotions I'm a fan of electronic music Maybe not so much But I think that Electronic music

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