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What does Jesus mean by saying be perfect

What does Jesus mean by saying be perfect


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The speaker discusses the concept of perfection in Christianity. They argue that perfection is possible in this world and that it refers to spiritual development and maturity, rather than the absence of mistakes. They emphasize that perfection is about complete devotion to God and living according to His will. The speaker urges Christians not to adopt the worldly saying that no one is perfect, but to strive for perfection as followers of Jesus. They conclude by stating that perfection is achieved through a deep love and commitment to God. Welcome to our weekly exhortation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your precious time. My name is Gila Miwona, servant of God, servant of Jesus Christ. There is a popular saying that no one is perfect and that perfection is never achieved. But on the contrary, Christianity teaches that perfection is possible in this world. What is meant by the word perfect? Are there multiple meanings for the same word? Praise the Lord. I wish to make one point, while relatively insignificant, but very important. The fact is that as Christians allow ourselves to be influenced by worldly views to the point of appropriating them at the expense of our spirituality. I will talk about the saying, no one is perfect and that perfection is never achieved. If, just like the world, the Christian can also say that no one is perfect, why then Jesus instructs his followers to be perfect while living in this world? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. What is meant by the word perfect? Praise the Lord. The Lord Jesus, speaking to his disciples, said this. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father. Hallelujah. What does Jesus mean by saying be perfect? Well, by saying this, Jesus has specific thoughts for his followers. It is about their spiritual development. You know, spiritual development is only a process by which the believer turns toward perfection. We should know that Christian language does not conceive perfection in the way the world does. Perfection according to the world is the absence of error. Now, since no one can live without making mistakes, perfection according to the world does not exist. We all fail at times. We sin, they will say. Unfortunately, Christians also get along well with this saying to the point of not believing the instruction given by Jesus. This is to tell you that Jesus knows very well that his disciples make mistakes and can sin again and again and yet he asks them to be perfect. What is meant by the word perfect? Well, being perfect according to the scripture is completeness. It is fully developed. Perfection is to grow and mature spiritually. Do you get it? So, a perfect Christian is a mature, adult Christian, well-rooted in the truth. Pray the Lord. Furthermore, when the Bible speaks of perfection, it also refers to holiness. Holiness is perfection. You know, when it comes to holiness, perfection means the completeness of our love and dedication to God. When the Bible tells us that we must be perfect, the expectation is not that we must become sinless nor that we must not make mistakes. Not at all. It has to do with a perfect devotion to God. Do you see that perfection according to the world is not the same thing as perfection according to Christianity? You know, perfection is the fruit of complete submission to the will of God like says the Apostle Paul in Colossians chapter 4 verse 12. The Apostle Paul said to the church in Corinth, This we also pray for even your perfecting. Hallelujah. 2 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 9 Friend, if you are not perfect, how are we going to present you to Christ? said the Apostle Paul. Paul wishes that all believers be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. Praise the Lord. I would like to conclude by saying that perfection is the character of a person who devotes himself entirely to God. The ideal for the regenerated man is perfection. The Apostle Paul deeply desired to lead all men to this ideal. His task was to instruct and warn everyone as if they are mature and adult Christians well-rooted in the truth. Now, what kind of person is perfect and holy in the Bible? Well, it is the person who loves God with all his heart, his soul and his strength. Perfection takes place in a heart that is committed to being 100% faithful to the Lord God. Praise the Lord. Yes, there can be no perfection in this world if the hand of the Lord God is not associated. However, we have perfection in Christ like said the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1 verse 28. You know, the Christian lives in the world that is not of the world and must not live according to the principles of the world. The Lord Jesus says, He who lives according to the world is against me. You know, the Christian lives in the world that is not of the world and must not live according to the principles of the world. We must be careful not to appropriate the saying, no one is perfect. We cannot achieve perfection in the form of a natural man but as spiritual man it is possible. Yes, it is possible. I hope you enjoyed this message, this exhortation and that you will be able to know what perfection means according to the Bible. If the Lord Jesus wills, we will be together next week. Abundant blessings. Shalom. He's leading us beyond the throne. Sing hallelujah, we talk a new song. Filled with His Spirit, no longer strong. We're being fed with the living manna. He's leading us beyond the throne. We're being fed with the living manna. He's leading us beyond the throne.

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