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Why God allows us to be tempted after baptism

Why God allows us to be tempted after baptism


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The speaker discusses the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of believers understanding and engaging in it. They emphasize that all Christians are soldiers of Christ and must be prepared to face the challenges and temptations that come with it. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to strengthen believers spiritually and teach them obedience through suffering. The speaker encourages listeners to confess their sins, pray, fast, and rely on the power of Jesus to overcome the enemy. They also remind believers that after periods of spiritual blessing, such as baptism, they should be prepared for the enemy's attacks. The message concludes with the assurance that God is with believers in their struggles and that victory is attainable through prayer and faith. Welcome to our weekly exhortation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your precious time. I really appreciate the time you get to listen to this program. My name is Ghiba Miura, servant of God, servant of Jesus Christ. Today we would like to know why God allows us to be tempted after baptism. In this message, I would like to bring every believer to get closer to the reality of spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is the Christian concept of struggling against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. That's what the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12. I know you who are listening to me have received Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is not too late for you who haven't done it if you get up now. So if I ask you this question, are you a soldier of Christ? I am sure you would answer yes, right? You are right. Indeed, all who have come to God to faith in Jesus Christ are the soldiers of Christ. They overcome the world amidst temptation. By the blood they wash their robes clean and white. They stand before the holiest of holies. There's no more darkness, the Lamb, He is alive. Sing hallelujah, we sing a new song. We've been redeemed, no longer lost. We're being led by the living Savior. He's leading us beyond the cross. The soldier of Christ is an expression that we find in many places in the Bible such as in 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 3 where it is written Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. The purpose of this message is to remind every Christian of the reality of the spiritual warfare that every believer will necessarily have to face whether he likes it or not. In fact, many Christians ignore the reality of spiritual warfare. There are many who proclaim the Lordship of Christ but are not ready to be part of the army of prayer warriors. The truth is that all believers are caught up in the spiritual warfare that's taking place between good and evil. If you don't engage in warfare, you will still be affected by it. So the first lesson every Christian must learn is that from the moment he is baptized he will inevitably have to face the reality of spiritual warfare. When you take an oath of allegiance to God during your baptism, for example you must know that you have thereby joined the ranks of God's army in spiritual warfare. You know, there are Christians who do not even dare to call the name Satan lest he will be targeted by him. Thinking this way is to ignore what the Bible teaches us. We must understand that we are the soldiers and that Jesus Christ is the commander-in-chief who leads us. Jesus will not leave us alone. So Jesus Christ is the commander of the army of holy angels in heaven and of the army of prayer warriors on earth of which you and I belong. Praise the Lord! That's why we shouldn't be afraid to fight the good fight of faith. In Deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 22, the Lord Jesus strengthens us. He says, ye shall not fear them for the Lord your God he shall fight for you. Hallelujah! Did you hear that? God will fight for you. But you need to commit yourself first. For example, the reality of spiritual warfare was not new to the Apostle Paul. When the Apostle Paul became Christian, he was aware of this reality. He said, what persecutions I endure but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 11. Hallelujah! Now, in which frame of mind should we be to fight spiritual warfare? Well, as a soldier of Christ, there are some dispositions we should take. First, we must make sure that we have no unconfessed sin. All unconfessed sins are not covered by the blood of Jesus because we are not forgiven. The existence of unconfessed sin could be your weak spot that Satan can use against you due to your defilement. Probably, Satan would be saying this. Look at him. See how you are defiled. Look at what is in you. Are you there wanting to fight me? You are full of sin. That is what the enemy will be telling you. Look, the prophet Isaiah says that your iniquity has separated you from your God. Your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear. Isaiah chapter 59 verse 2. That was the first disposition. The second one is prayer. As a soldier of Christ, you should be praying by the word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ. This means in your spiritual warfare, you should not forget to confess the word of God and to mention the blood of Jesus. The apostle John tells us how some believers overcame their battle against Satan. He says, our brothers won the victory over Satan by the blood of the lamb and by the truth which they proclaimed. Revelation chapter 12 verse 11. Hallelujah. Fasting is the third point. You know, the purpose of fasting is to strengthen our spirit and to weaken our flesh and its desire. Do you remember what Jesus said to His disciples who could not cast the demon out? He told them that this kind of demon that does not go out is set by prayer and fasting. Matthew chapter 17 verse 21 and Mark chapter 9 verse 27. I am wondering why the disciples of Jesus could not cast the demon out. Well, it is because, in fact, they were with Jesus but still lived in the flesh. Friend, in matters of spiritual warfare, preference should be given to prayer and fasting. Hallelujah. Furthermore, baptism is the act by which we are united to Christ. This is a spiritual blessing. Yeah, spiritual blessing. Hallelujah. You know, after each period of spiritual blessing, such as baptism, the enemy will try to attack and be ready for it. Remember, the temptation of Jesus occurred immediately after His baptism by John the Baptist. After baptism occurs the temptation and this will happen sooner or later to every Christian soldier as well. After every moment of spiritual blessing, be ready to be struck by the enemy. This is often what happens in the context of spiritual warfare. Conclusion. Why does God allow us to be tempted after baptism? Let's answer that question we asked in the beginning. Why does God allow us to be tempted after baptism? First, it is in order to strengthen us spiritually. Second, God allows us to be tempted so that we learn obedience through suffering just like Jesus as we are told in Hebrews chapter 5 verse 8. There it is written, Though he was a son, yet learned he obedience by the sin which he suffered. Hallelujah. So, through suffering we learn obedience. Spiritual warfare is suffering, oh yeah, but God is by your side to save you. So, it is precisely in the fact that we get into connection with the strength we possess in Christ. It is often when we are put to the test that we become aware of the power we have in Christ. And it is through spiritual victory that God makes us grow gradually. Hallelujah. Friends, we have come to the end of today's exhortation. I hope this exhortation fortifies you. Like I said, do not be surprised. As a son of God, you will go through hectic situations. You will go through hard times. But through prayer, God will deliver you. And that is what God has called us for. Stand firm and the victory will be yours. Hallelujah. I hope you enjoyed this message. If God wills it, we will be together next time. Shalom. Their names are written in the book of life. They've overcome the world of sin and shame. They've been invited to marriage supper. With the King of Kings, they'll rule and reign. As the bride adorns for her husband, I see a new Jerusalem coming down. Its beauty is beyond imagination. I'm so excited I hear a trumpet sound. Sing hallelujah. We talk in new tongues. Filled with His Spirit, no longer tossed. We're being fed with the living manna. He's leading us beyond the cross. Sing hallelujah. We talk in new tongues. Filled with His Spirit, no longer tossed. We're being fed with the living manna. He's leading us beyond the cross. We're being fed with the living manna. He's leading us beyond the cross.

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