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cover of 'I AM' Manifestation Meditation
'I AM' Manifestation Meditation

'I AM' Manifestation Meditation

Meditate With BMeditate With B



In this meditative episode of "Meditate with B", we explore the transformative power of 'I AM' affirmations. Through a series of 30+ thoughtful and spiritual affirmations, we aim to promote self-growth, healing, love, and truth. We delve deeply into the inherent worth and potential of our being, reminding ourselves of our connection with the universe, our ability to shape our reality, and our endless capacity for love and light.

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This is a guided meditation that encourages relaxation and self-affirmation. It instructs the listener to find a comfortable position and let go of tension. The meditation then focuses on repeating the phrase "I am" and affirming positive beliefs about oneself. It emphasizes the power of these affirmations to shape reality and encourages the listener to connect with their true self. The meditation concludes by suggesting that these affirmations be remembered and used as a source of strength and inspiration. Welcome to meditate with B. Let's meditate. Find a comfortable position, one where you can relax the body fully, with the goal of not feeling it at all. Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you exhale, release any tension or stress, allowing yourself to fully surrender to this present moment. Let the features of your face, your eyes, your nose, your cheeks, your lips, and your jaw surrender into their inherent alignment as you descend into the river of tranquility. As you find your center, begin to silently repeat to yourself, I am, I am, I am. Feel the vibration of these words resonate within you. I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. Now, let us delve into our I am manifestation. I am capable of anything I set my mind to. Feel the power of these words and let them sink into your being. I am worthy of love and acceptance. I am a beacon of peace and tranquility. I am connected to the universe. Feel the unity and eternal essence of that truth. I am present in every moment. I am brave and I face challenges with courage. I am a vessel of love. I am the creator of my own reality. I am filled with endless potential. I am a radiant being of light. I am balanced in mind, body, and spirit. I am kind and compassionate, not only to everyone I meet, but to myself as well. I am grateful for the incoming, overflowing abundance in my life. I am constantly growing and evolving. I am at peace with myself and the world around me. I am a reflection of the divine. I am open to giving and receiving unlimited, unconditional love. I am strong and resilient. I am guided by intuition. I am in perfect health. I am in harmony with nature. I am free from negativity. I am a source of joy and inspiration. I am grounded in the present moment. I am one with all there is. I am whole. I am a manifestation of love and light. I am a loving friend. I am a good and honest worker. I am charitable with what I have. I am grateful for the incoming, overflowing abundance in my life. I am kind and compassionate, not only to myself, but to myself as well. I am love. I am the great. I am. I am honest. I am caring. I am diligent. I am empathetic. I am merciful. I am graceful. I am forgiving. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. I am one with nature. Swami Vivekananda once said, you are the infinite spirit. This I am is the greatest fact in the world. The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real deep down you is the whole universe. You are, I am. And Neville Goddard said, I am is the self-definition of the absolute. The foundation on which everything rests. I am is the first cause substance. I am is the self-definition of God. I am is the self-definition of God. I am is the self-definition of God. I am is the self-definition of God. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical body. Wiggle your fingers and toes and take a few more deep, deep breaths. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and deeply relaxed. These affirmations that we affirmed today are not just words, but powerful mantras that can shape your reality. As you go forward, remember them. Use them as a source of strength and inspiration. Use them to connect with your true self. You are these affirmations. You are love. You are light. You are strength. And you are endless potential. Shalom.

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