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Cafe Con Leche Ep. 1

Cafe Con Leche Ep. 1

Cafe Con Leche



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Welcome to Café con Leche, the new up-and-coming podcast that we're so excited to introduce three students on ASU's campus here. My name is Joey Maldonado, and we have to my right I'm Jasmine Solis, and I'm Megan Effing. And to give you a sense of what this podcast is, I'm going to let Megan talk about that. Everyone's been asking me, like, what's the theme? And I'm like, Lit Crazy Movie. It's YAP session. YAP session, tea, but we're drinking coffee. And we just kind of go with the flow of what we want to, like, it's a safe space to talk about what's on our minds and what we kind of want to. We, like, came up with, like, topic points. Yeah. But they're random. What happened during the week? Yeah. Oh, yeah. What happened during the week? Yeah. Wait, first, should we start with everyone's coffee order? What are we drinking today? No, that was one of my topic points, actually. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I can go first. I got an iced white mocha. And then my friend, she used to work at Starbucks, and she told me, oh, my God, those basic girls that get the iced white mocha. And I was like, ain't no way. That's what I order. And then she turns like, oh, no, it's okay when you do it. So I've been self-conscious about my order ever since, but they can never make me hate it. I'll order it every time. Let them know. Let them know. Thank you. I'm so proud of you having that confidence to order what you want. We should have more confidence. Thank you. So what I order, and also, wait, Jasmine, you cannot move on that quick. You have to describe your mug to the listeners. Oh, my mug, for the listeners who can't see, my mug is a Pachacho mug. Pachacho is a Sanrio character. He is one of Hello Kitty's friends. And on my mug, it says, isn't it neat when you move to the beat? That's awesome. So my mug is Someone in Dallas Loves You. This is from my boyfriend. He's from Dallas. And this is one of my favorite mugs. Wait, that's cute. And my order is, well, originally it was going to be a lavender latte oat milk, but replacing the oat milk with coconut milk. But they didn't have matcha, so I had to go with their classic latte, just replacing the oat milk with the coconut milk. So that's my order. Okay. My mug is, it just says hot stuff. And it has like flames for the words. Very cute. I love it. And my order today was a Caramel Macchiato. I change up my order all the time. Caramel Macchiato is classic. It's a classic one. Never go wrong. No, literally. I mixed around the leche with the cafe. Okay. That was our coffee orders. To break the ice a little bit, since this is our first podcast episode, gay son or thought daughter? Gay son. Oh yeah. I think I'd go with the gay son. Me too. Like thought daughter would just piss me off. I'd be really embarrassed, I think. To be honest. Yeah. No, yeah. A hundred percent. And I think this question might be related to one that, I think this is just a classic question. I've definitely had this question. And I think everyone goes for the gay son because it's been so, I think back then when this question came around, it was more of like stigmatized, like, oh, why would you have, like, people would look down upon you. But since it's becoming more and more normalized, I think it's more of a, that's the answer to go for. You know what I mean? I feel like that question does give that, like, oh, we already have that answer. There is a right answer. There is. Yeah. Do you want to do your topic? I have another one. Okay. So I do have a quick topic. So Joey, I don't know if you know this, but my roommate got a cat, right? And it's been like a couple months now. Here's the cat. It's my wallpaper. It's so cute and colorful. He's adorable. His name is Ren. So we got him like a month and a half ago, maybe. And then the whole time we're like, oh my God, Ren is a king. Ren's our son. Ren's our son. Turns out he goes to the vet like two days ago, maybe. He is a she. Ren is a girl. Yeah. Which is funny because my other roommate, Nikki, and I were always joking, like, oh my God, like there's nothing there. It's a woman. It's a female. It's a she. It's always so hard to tell with cats. It is hard to tell. So then Ani, the cat's mother, was like really mad. Like, no, it's a boy. It's a boy. Because with animals, there is a difference between the boy and the girl. The boy animals are just more outgoing, whereas girls are more sassy. That's just the thing. So she wanted a more playful boy cat. That's what she did her research on. So now it's like we're all looking like, okay, how do you take care of a girl cat? But now it's kind of more fun. Now she is one of the girls household. Her name is Ren. Like Star Wars. It's a cool androgynous, gender neutral name. Why did she think it was a male? Well, that's what the breeder told her. And it's not like the breeder was sketchy or anything. She had sold cats many times. So it really is just that hard to tell, I guess. How much was a cat? I don't know. But he's so many cats now. Do we even need to be selling them? My parents' stray cat just had three kittens. Yeah. Well, so Ani goes, I didn't want some ran through alley cats. Those are the exact words she said. She wanted some purebred. And the one she wanted was like a Siamese cat. So they're a little harder to get, which makes me think that maybe he was expensive, which is a little annoying then that the breeder got the gender wrong. That's actually embarrassing. But that was a big shock. Yeah. I don't know how much. That was crazy. Was Ani upset that he is a she now? It was hard for us all to comprehend and take in, but we're learning to accept it. We still love her. She's awesome. She's so cute. You know when it's giving? Have you guys ever seen Jesse? Yes. When they thought like Mr. Kibble. Oh, yes. I totally get that. That always freaks me out, that little animal. Oh, that's crazy. Was it real? I think some scenes were. But like there were also children on set and they don't want a big ass lizard. It's so cute. So I think they had a fake one. That's such a crazy little addition they had. No, because Debbie Ryan wanted to call something a kimono dragon. And who had it? Robbie. We thought something was like interesting with the fact that they gave him the dragon. Yeah. I was like, why him? I think he brought it with him when they adopted him in the show, no? I can't. I don't remember. That might have to be our homework. Okay. We'll look it up and come back. But Debbie Ryan said she wanted to make history, and she did with the kimono dragon. Yeah. Well, she low-key is because now she's like a legend and like a meme. You can't say you don't know Debbie Ryan. I love her. No, literally. Joey? What's been your week? Oh, yeah. Yeah. My week has been interesting. So Monday, you know, Amazon has just been really stressful lately. I just feel like my work environment and my work just day is just no longer fulfilling as much as I thought it would be. It's just becoming more and more stressful. And then with the, like, just these projects that I'm working on, it's been kind of like, I'm just ready for it to be done. And today I got an email from my, because I'm at the dorms, right? Because I'm the president of the communities to give some context. Hey, president. Hey, okay, bud. So they had written for me today because I applied for the late stay and they denied it. And the late stay, because it's like right after my finals, like the last day I could be on campus or be there. Like they said, like, oh, well, like the email says, like, oh, we'll bring like sheriff, whatever. I don't know. They're like made a little scary email. If you're not basically get out of here. So I was reacting to that and being like, what? Like I've done so much for these communities. I've like put on events. I've made it, you know, a welcoming environment. And I just made a simple request. Like, can I extend the days for a few more? And they were like, no. And for me, it's a little frustrating because I have all that stress from the final exams to then just like, boom, you have to pack and get ready. So now I'm trying to pivot into, well, these upcoming weeks, I'm going to have to slowly kind of move out. Right. Yeah. Kind of like to reduce the amount of things that I have to move and kind of leave it to like the bigger things, like the big old fridge that I have on the corner that you've seen. And that's pretty much it. But that's kind of a bummer for me this week. Yeah. But I'm really happy that a lot of the projects that I am working on, some of the group members are pulling their weight because a lot of them weren't. And I kind of had to get in the chats and being like, this is what you're going to do. And I did. And you know what? Now they're on it. I'm like, it was a lot. It was like, should I do it? Should I do it? But I was like, no, if I don't do this, nothing's going to happen. So I had to use my little leadership skills there. I'm proud of you. Put your foot down. Yeah. Yeah. I'm so sorry, Joey. That's like actually really rude. Like your president. They should treat you like that. They should. And that's what you should tell them. Be like, I'm president. Let me stay. Yeah. I might respond. But also like, it's not that bad. Like I can handle it. Like it's not. It's just an inconvenience. It's inconvenience. And I just will have to plan a little better, which is a little stressful, but that's OK. I guess it's good that you're from in-state. Because I think out-of-state was... Yeah. And my house is only like 27 minutes away or 30. Or depending on traffic or what time I do go over there, it gets crazier, especially around this time. Traffic is crazy. Yeah. So yeah, that's a little bit about my week. Honestly, I don't have any complaints about my week. Two of my classes got canceled this week. I went to geology two out of three days this week. I haven't gone in like three weeks. But I finally went this week and I slayed. I devoured. And I took a fat nap after both classes. So it was like really good for me. My gaming next level. I was reading yesterday. I saw that on your story. So context. Last week, me, my friend Alejandra and Marlee, we were exploring and we found the campus' e-sports lounge. And we went in, we made an account. And when you make an account, you get two free hours, which are like slay. And we played some Fortnite, but we didn't want to use all of our time. So like, let's go back next week. Next week being yesterday. We went and we found out they were doing an event and it wasn't like open for free use. And we're like, ah, man. So we explored some more, came back, entered like this room that a bunch of people were in. And it was the event they were hosting. And they had free food and giveaways. And they're like, just sign up. And then we signed up. They gave us free food. It was pizza and wings. It was really good. Really? Where did they come from? I think Gus's Pizza. It was in Aramark. Oh, Gus's. I've heard of that experience with them in the West Valley, but I don't know how they are here. They ate. I'm alive. Yeah, you're good. So yeah, it was free. So that was good. And then they were like, do you guys want to play Minecraft or Fortnite? Because the event was like building in Minecraft and like something in Fortnite. I don't know. I have no idea. And we're like, yeah, let's play Minecraft. So we went and we played Minecraft. I built a brick house. Not finished, but I built it. And then, yeah, and then we're leaving. And one of this chick was like, do you guys want free cups? Like the nice ASU Starbucks cups. Nice, that's cool. You should get this one, right? Yes, good, good, good. And I was like, hell yeah. And then she had us write down our names and emails. And I woke up this morning and I got an email from her. And I got a $10 Starbucks gift card for my building. Oh my gosh, that's awesome. That's really awesome. I woke up to that email and I was like, oh, yeah. So my gaming is doing amazing. And I loved your shirt the other day that said Fortnite. It's because I thought we were going to play Fortnite yesterday. I was like, I want to make a comment of the shirt, but I didn't have a time when I saw you at the like campfire thing yesterday. Oh yeah. That was so fun. Yeah. The campfire. Can we talk about the campfire? That was the end of my week. So yeah. So I get there and I don't know who it was, but they're like, just go up, just go up. And I get to the top and you have to like jump down into that target. And I was like, I have not done something like that since I was like a child. So it took a lot for me to like be up there on that platform and just trust the thing. It was scary. It was scary because I didn't expect that to get up there. I thought it was like a slide or something like that. I don't know, you have to jump off this platform and jump into this like inflatable bag or whatever. It's kind of like a bag, but it catches you. It's pretty cool. It's fun. I had a good time. And then they wanted me to go into the obstacle course. And I was like, I'm already like motion sick. I'm like, I'm already, I can feel my age. I can feel my age here when I just did that. And I'm like, no, I'm not doing that. I did the obstacle course one with Elizabeth and she barely beat me. Why'd you let her beat you? Well, because we discussed beforehand, oh, we're not going to speed run it. We're going to like take our time, have fun doing it. Because Abigail was like, oh my God, I got like burnt from the whatever material, the rubber or whatever. So we're like, okay, we're just going to take our time. And then she starts sprinting through there. And I'm like, oh no, I got to catch up. So technically she had to start. She's a liar. Yeah, yeah. So she's fake. I know. It was the cutest event because I've been wanting like a picnic themed event for a long time. And now they finally have little blankets. How long did they play Camp Rock? Oh, we only played like four songs. The songs are like everywhere, right? I went to the HBSA little networking thing that was happening on the platform up there. Did you know about that happening up there? No, I knew you guys were tabling, but. No, no. Yeah, they were, HBSA was tabling, but they had a networking event up on the, on the platform. And I got these cute photos and I sent them to Abigail because I was like, this event looks so cute from up here. I have to take a photo. No, the event was so cute. But yeah, it was so cute. I loved it. It was such a, it was an experience. My week was kind of boring. Honestly, last night I built a Lego set because my best friend and I had gotten each other Christmas presents and we never exchanged because I haven't seen her or I only see her in passing. So she got me a flower Lego set and I've always wanted one. Which flower Lego set? They have so many now, but it was like a cute little bouquet one. So then I get, yeah, it was so adorable. So then I get home and I'm like, my roommates are just sitting there and I'm like, oh my God, like we can each build a couple flowers. So then it's like more meaningful. So it took longer than I thought. There's a lot of pieces. Yeah. And then now it's a cute little centerpiece. I did that with my roomies too. Yeah, it's cute. It's a cute bonding. Yeah. A little stressed because we were talking this week if we're renewing our lives. Yes. Yeah. Oh my God. Do you guys finally have the cardboard thing off? Yeah, it's renewal season. So I love where I am. I love my roommates. I wish my room was a little bigger because I got like the smallest room and like it's fine because I have my home in Gilbert. Like I can split my stuff up. Like my other two roommates, like all of their stuff is with them. Like they don't really have storage at their other parents' places because their parents stay in apartments. So I'm like, okay, like it makes sense. Like I'll get the smaller room, but sometimes it like hits me and I'm like, oh my God, everything feels so cluttered and so small. And it's not like minuscule. It's cute. But I was like, okay, like we're going to talk about it. And yes, we've decided we're going to renew. We're going to stay in here. Now you tell me the podcast where you live. Well, so Hunter was telling me the other day that he and Connor were in a car together and that they were going to go to Dom's house. And then Connor goes like, oh, just like go to Jasmine's house. And it's just like past it. And then Hunter's like, Connor's saying this like it's common knowledge. I'm like, where does Jasmine live? But apparently now everyone knows where I live. Yeah, it's a thing now. Like my house. How do you feel about that? It's fine, honestly. Because like once you get to the complex, it's like, it's like a maze. Yeah, you can't find, no one knows like the unit number. So it's fine. But it's goofy now that my place is like a landmark and people are like, oh, like go just a little bit past Jasmine's. Okay, yeah, navigate through Tempe. Land, what do you call it? Landmark. I don't know why I said landmine. Landmine. Yeah, maybe it was because I was watching Kingsman recently. I don't think I've ever watched that movie. But it's a good movie. A lot of like things just relating to what we've seen in that movie kind of are happening with Elon Musk, I feel like. So there's a lot of like connection there, I feel like. Yeah, and I was like, this was interesting when I was watching it back. I was like, this kind of sounds like Elon Musk a lot. And I was like, why would he, why would we be talking, you know, like that Neuralink stuff that they're talking about? Yeah, that's scary. Yeah, so in the movie, they're talking about like this big old like CEO doing Neuralink and he does all this crazy stuff and it's just related to Elon. So I was like, I was sitting there being like, huh. It was a little like Simpsons moment for me. The black mirror stuff. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but on topic, while we're talking about my place, should we talk about our 420 plan? You think we can? Yeah, I would want to. I want to. We have big plans for 420. And that's all I have to say. Maybe you'll be there. Maybe you won't. Big things coming soon. Okay, now we can talk about Devilpalooza. Okay, okay. Lots of good. Good things coming. Good things. I was reading like the comments on like so many of the Devilpalooza posts and majority are good. Those posts are exciting. Like the marketing team, those posts are eating with those posts. Even Steve Aoki like posted it on his Instagram. Oh, I didn't know that. And I'm like, oh my god, he's basically posting us. Yeah, he knows we're on his radar. Yeah, no, literally. I think we get to meet him after. But I think it's like a very select few. But I think since we're on the committee. My, oh wait, another exciting, I woke up to exciting emails today. So I'm a production intern, favorite, the only production intern. And I get an email from Paul today and he said that they, that he would like me to come meet, go to the meet and greet. And I was like, yay! And then Amber, I saw Amber today and she was like, Paul loves you. And I'm like, yeah, she was like, Paul was like, you need to come. And I was like, of course I need to come. Siketh and Swathi were hyping you up last night. Ain't no way, what were they saying? Well, because the production's all stressed because everyone's graduating except for like a few of them. So like, oh my god, we're gonna have to like reteach everyone everything. And they want people who are like, already know a little bit about this stuff. That was Joey's phone calling. But they were like, oh my god, Megan's like the perfect type of person. So they want more of you to join. I've been trying to recruit. I got Alejandra and Layla to reach out to Paul. It's fun. What are you doing? What are you learning a lot? Like, what is it that you're learning? So for one, she helped us set this microphone up. So that's a part of our production here. Yes, yes. I'm the Kai of the group. You get in the real world. And who is Kai? Okay, so my favorite podcast is Emergency Intercom. And it's Drew and Enya. They're YouTubers who have a podcast. And then their friend Kai is like the technical person but also has been joining on the podcast. So I'm calling myself Kai. Oh, and I love her. Great title that you took on. Yeah, yeah. Oh, so production intern. Recently, I just like been learning. They've been showing me what they do. I just like when they tell me to do something, I do it. But I've just been plugging stuff in, basically. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what they're like? Do you ever feel like it's too much? Like it's overwhelming with like, oh, like all the tech. Because I've heard them talk. I've heard him talk to me on an email about all the technical stuff. And I was like, we need a microphone to work. Thank you. Their technical vocabulary is so confusing. Like one time, Paul was like, and he was all like, did you get that? And I was like, no, no, I didn't. Because like that's like gibberish to me. Yeah, and I appreciate you saying no. Because there are those people that will say yes, definitely. And I'm so happy that we have those that say, I actually didn't get that. Because that's really, really important skills to have. Because I came across like my college career, where I'm just like working with people. And they say, yeah, totally got it. But they don't. Liar, liar. So props to Megan for taking the ownership there. No, I'm slowly learning their like lingo. But no, Wednesday, Pitchfork Awards, Paul asked if I want to do a camera operator. So I'm learning how to do that on Wednesday. So it's super exciting. But they've just been showing me stuff. I feel like I couldn't put on an event myself. I could do like karaoke. Like I feel like I could make that work. You know the speaker on a stick. Yeah, I know how to put a speaker on a stick. I know how to plug in power. And they have a speaker coming through with a microphone, the portable one. You saw it? For Pitchfork Awards? No. So just to give, this is fun. Because I proposed it. Because RHA has this big old speaker that's so portable. And it sounds really loud. It's like 600 bucks. And I convinced the team to buy one. And it happens to come with two microphones. So it's a portable, big old speaker. It's a party box or whatever it's called. It's a JBL party box. And we will no longer have to like, for like, like four comes, we're saving costs. Down the road for like, we charge like, or we pay $89 for audio and all that. So now it's, we no longer have to pay for that. What a good idea. Yeah. So now we just, boom, Spotify play. Yeah. Boom, Spotify play. Let's get that. Like we need to ingrain that into the team members. Because that is going to save us so much. And we're going to just be able to karaoke even on our own. You're right. And then now when we like, go to like the Student Pavilion, or we have like our all staff. Now we don't need them to be with their microphone. Yeah. Because it never works. Oh, and it has wheels. You can just roll it. Oh, perfect, perfect. Blood pulled up. Yes. And I think it has like. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty cool. Yeah. So yeah. And we also have a megaphone. Oh, no way. We have a megaphone coming. You are making moves, Joey. My question though is where's our golf cart? No, where's our, where's our golf cart? I think we should also give context to all of this. Oh, yeah. We met each other through a club called Programming and Activity Board. PLOOB. PLOOB at ASU. And yeah. And what is the Programming and Activities Board, Jasmine? Oh, okay. We plan some crazy lit fun events for the student body. They're completely free. And Joey and I are vice presidents. Megan's an event coordinator. Yeah. And yeah, crazy fun. We buy a lot of fun things. Yeah. We get a lot of freedom. I, they're finally listening to me and we got Fortnite temporary tattoos. That was a good one. And I still have some. Um, cause I stole a lot. Yeah. But it's fun. It's a fun club. It's a fun club. It's an organization. We're technically part of the university. I, oh, Joey, you've never heard this idea. So I was talking to my friend about PAB and she was like, it sounds like you guys are programming. Like gamers, whatever, right? And she was like, you guys should change it to DAB, which stands for devil's activity board. Oh, that's a good idea. And I think, I think she's onto something because one, I would go to an event if the club's name was DAB. Like be for real. And it makes more sense. Okay. Here's a little personal feelings around NACA about other organizations names. And most of their names, most of their names are called CAB, campus activities board. And I do not like that name. I know they, they're called web, which I'm like, but, Oh, but that's kind of like similar to theirs. Cause I think there's this web, no wild cat activities board. I think it's, I think it's like, but I still love it. I don't know why the, how the name originated, but I think it's called programming. Cause we'll call it something, some activity, a program. Cause it's like, I don't know. Sometimes there's programs that help you with like mental health. Right. So we kind of have to like pro and like facilitate that program. If that makes sense. And activities is like, Oh, we're doing this as an activity to program something that's like good for a student. I think that's where the name comes from, from my own perspective. But I don't really know like the specifics around the name. And I do, we, even on recruiting or when we're hiring or tabling, they're like, what kind of language do you guys use? And I'm just like, we're not doing that. Yeah. I feel like the name just didn't age well. Yeah. Like I feel like whenever they created it. Yeah. It probably made sense then. But now like it doesn't because time for every brand. Exactly. And I think this should be our petition. And also we get to work with really, really large events for the university. So we've had like the Wallows come. I would. I love that. I wasn't a part of the club at that point. Because I was just a freshman, like not even started classes. And I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I loved that concert. I was there. I probably heard you in the crowd. I didn't go. Oh, yeah. I was there. It was amazing because I couldn't go to their other concerts that they had in Arizona. And I was like, this is literally my time to shine. And I'm saving money because it's free. Yeah. And my freshman year, I had Jack Carlo. Yeah. That was the one that I didn't know. I wasn't part of PAV then. I went to that one. But that one was fun. We've had Asap Ferg. That was my least favorite. But it was cool. It was cool. He was so fun to have. He was crazy. Interactive. He was interactive. He got onto the crowds area. Anyways, we got a lot of exciting opportunities here just to give some context of what we do. And also we're excited for Devilpalooza, which we've been mentioning. Have we mentioned Steve Aoki? Nope. We haven't officially name-dropped. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I did. When I was like, all production interns. But like, we didn't name-drop again. Yeah. So yeah, we have Steve Aoki coming. And we're going to be able to take that. Which is crazy. That's exciting. A lot of people are excited. And Megan mentioned how so much hype is happening on the Instagram. Yeah. Just a lot of fun stuff. Last year, I feel like not hate, but a lot of negative comments towards last year. But this year, like, people are ecstatic. And also, it's in the new arena. Oh, I've never been there. I've never been inside Mullet. I'm so excited. No, people are mean. People can be brutal. Yeah, no, literally. Haters going to hate. For real. You can't please everyone. As Jojo Siwa once said, Karma. Um, karma's a bitch. Karma's a bitch. Oh, my God. You're messing me up. That's what I wanted. What was that? It was a great time for, like, a Jojo Siwa moment. It was. Oh, should I talk about my Jojo Siwa? Okay. I brought her up for a reason. Okay, so two days ago, my roommate Ani and I went to the movies. We were just chilling. We were just sitting. Yeah, I've been trying to watch a movie. Okay, this is going to be goofy, but BTS. Well, okay, so their members are, like, all in the military now. They're all doing their own thing. So a lot of them do, like, solo work. So one of them had a concert in Korea. And then now Harkins or, like, any movie place is doing the thing where, like, they record a concert and show it. So it was Suga from BTS's concert. And that one's Ani's favorite. So we had to go. So we were sitting there. And I don't know how we brought it up. But we're like, oh, my God. Tonight's the night. Like, we're going to do Jojo Siwa makeup. My roommate goes, oh, I have a ton of black eyeliner. Like, I'm going to do you up real good. You did that all with black eyeliner? Yeah. She was excited to use that eyeliner. She was like, it's just been sitting there. And then, I don't know. We were just being really goofy, silly in the movie. It's fun. We were like, oh, my God, it's time. So then I get home. We start doing it. My roommate, Nikki, comes down. And she was like, what are you doing? And then they're all laughing. I'm laughing. It was a good time. Yeah, it sounds like you had a really fun roommate. Yeah, I was. I'm glad you re-signed wherever you live. Good mems there. Yeah, but Jojo Siwa's going crazy. But I started watching her on Call Her Daddy podcast. Is that her podcast? No, it's Alex Cooper's podcast. But she did it. Her guest was Jojo. And I started watching it. And I haven't finished it yet. I'm waiting till next Thursday. But I've seen TikToks, and it's crazy. So I watched a podcast that was talking about Jojo Siwa. They just briefly mentioned it. And I don't know. Like, from listening to that song, keep in mind, Jasmine and I, my only source of this information is Jasmine and Megan. And I don't really venture out for other external information on Jojo Siwa. I just know her as being this boy. We're keeping Joey hip. Yeah, I just know her as the toy girl, right? Like, she's into toys. The Bose. Yeah. And also, apparently, the message I got from that video is that she was cheated on. Her heart was broken, or whatever. And she's clearly saying, oh, karma is a bitch, or whatever. So then this podcast says she cheated on someone. Can I get some clarity? Like, what's the clarity? Is she a cheater? Well, also, Joey, I don't think we told you. But it turns out Joey didn't even write that song herself. Jojo. I believe it. Jojo. Joey, it makes sense that she didn't write it herself. But in the video, in that scene where she's with that one chick and kind of pushes the chick away and goes to the other chick, that's why I think she cheated. I think she did, because that girl, the girl in the podcast, well, it's this podcast called Fear And. I don't know if you guys know what that is. And there's this girl named Cutie Cinderella. She's just like a Twitch streamer. They're Twitch streamers. And it's Hasan Piker. There is Austin Show. There is Will Neff. And then there's Cutie Cinderella. I don't know if you guys know who they are, but that's kind of my contact, right? Like, that's what I'd be watching on my, like, downtime. So she put that little, like, she sprinkle-sprinkled that information at me. And I was like, huh, I have to ask follow-up questions about this. So now that you guys mentioned it, I was like, so we don't know. We don't really know. Okay. But based off the video, I think she did. I feel like I did hear something about that, though. But she's been in so many relationships, so she probably has been cheated on and probably has cheated. There's always that possibility. You know what I mean? Cheater becomes, cheated becomes a cheater. Oh, wow. Yeah, a little mixed message in there. But I will say, her production was good. Her dancing was good. And the song overall, like, I mean, it's a little catchy. But I liked it. It was a lot catchy. Yeah, I'd be singing it. I got sent this TikTok either yesterday or today. And it was all, like, first to sing Karma Pace for, like, the meal. And I was like, so I would be paying. Because that song comes out of my mouth so many times. I'll just be going about my daily business and it comes out. I don't know. She takes over. Yeah. Yeah, the Jojo comes out of me. And then I became Jojo. So it's in the extreme level. And there's plenty of black eyeliner left. Don't worry. Jojo will probably come back. I love the hair. There's more content to be put. I don't know how, so. You know, oh, sorry. That's okay. I was just going to say, Mani also did my hair. And she just, like, I had to keep redoing it because I kept doing the dance. And it just kept flying out. See, and it's coming out already. Next time you put the makeup on, you guys should go to your pool and recreate the scene like her. Wait, did you guys ever watch Madagascar where they go to Africa? Yeah, when the hippo comes out. Yeah, that's what it gave. It gave that. No, that's the thing I think about. Or Pennywise. Yeah, I saw that. People were looking at us through the window. I was looking because of my peripheral. I don't know why there's a little window there. But people were looking at us. I need privacy. Be for real. I was going to say, are you guys excited for the summer? Like, it's getting hot and warmer. And I'm just thinking about getting that bathing suit on and just taking a dive into the pool. I haven't done it yet. But it's coming. Or it's like, it's going to happen soon. I'm not excited for, like, the heat, though. Like, the heat's good because it, like, warms up the pool. But other than that, it's going to get hot. I'm not excited for that part. I'm excited. We're in Arizona. Yeah, I'm excited for my end of summer. Oh, Lollapalooza! Oh, that's exciting. Me and Jasmine have tickets to Lollapalooza. What is that? Can you give some context? OK, OK, let me tell you. Let me tell you. So it's the Chicago's Biggest. Oh, it's in Chicago? Yes, it's in Chicago. That's exciting. You guys are flying together or what? We'll meet up there. Yeah, we'll meet up there. Yes. And you have family up there, right? Yeah, so I'm going to stay with my grandma. And then it'll be so fun. It's Chicago's Biggest Music Fest. It's literally right in the city. So while you're at the festival, you look up, and the skyscrapers are right there. So I've never been to Coachella, but I already think I would like Lollapalooza so much more. Coachella is so dusty. Yeah, dusty and hot. It's really hot, yeah. Yeah. And Chicago, it was hot, too. But it was really nice at night. It was perfect. So should we talk about our favorite headliners? Because Stray Kids is going to be there. Stray Kids is K-pop, right? Yes, Joey. I'll show you them later. I'm excited for both of you. I am so excited. This is your second trip together, right? You guys went to Los Angeles, too. Yeah, we went to Universal Studios and Shrek together. I love the duo you guys got going on here. It's so awesome to watch from outside. It's such a PAV. Sign up. Yeah, no, literally. Headliners, OK. They gave me the biggest battle of my life. They put Tyler, the creator, and Hozier on the same night. Oh my god, I'm so upset. And me and my friend that I'm going with, we really, yeah. We were really debating. We're like, what if we do half and half? But then we're like, what if they play a song with Hozier? Yeah, but we decided to go to Tyler. Or we are deciding to go to Tyler. Because we feel like it will just be better. And who was the other person? At Lala, Hozier. See, I don't even know who that is. I think you got the best. I love Hozier. If he ever comes to Arizona. I have no idea. You know, take me to church. Oh, yeah, that's him. Yeah, I just feel like Tyler's going to eat at Lala. And I need a sandwich. But then I'm thinking, Tyler's doing Coachella. What if I just live stream his Coachella set? Because it's probably going to be exactly the same at Lala. But then I did see preview pics and his soundtrack. And it did look insane. I just feel like the experience is just going to be crazy. You're right, you're right. But then I'm upset because Hozier is going on tour. But he's not coming here. Yeah, yeah. And I feel like he'll go on tour again. You're right. He better. We'll see him eventually. Yeah, hopefully. Yeah, and then I'm going to see SZA. I'm so excited for SZA. Because her tickets were so expensive. Like almost a Lala blues. Really? Honestly. So I'm so excited. I'm excited for Melanie Martinez, too. Because she was one of my top albums last year. Portals, the new one. Yeah, and I want to see her in her alien makeup. Yeah, I think she'll do a bit without and some with. We'll see, we'll see. No, but the lineup goes so hard for me personally. Like so many of my favorites that I've been getting into were on it. So I'm so excited. And I love Chicago. I'm going to be there for two weeks. Sounds like an exciting city. I'll be there for two weeks. I'm so excited. Yeah, I'm debating what day I fly in. We'll see, we'll see. Are you excited for The Mountain this weekend? Yes. Tomorrow, me and two of my film friends were going to Tucson, where I'm from. And we're going up Mount Lemmon. Because I miss it. And I'm like, y'all need to see this place because it's amazing. I've never been there. And I've seen TikToks of it. I was like, I want to go. It's so nice. And a special place in my heart. Because, fun fact, my dad actually built a cabin up there. And it's still up there. Sadly, we had to sell it when I was little, but. Have you ever like drive by it? Oh, I visit it every time. Oh, do you know those people that live there? No, I think owners have gone by some multiple times. I don't know. But funny story, I called my mom Tuesday. And I was like, hey, like me and two of my friends are going to come down to Tucson to go up Mount Lemmon. And she was like, oh, OK, Jasmine, and who else? I was like. Oh, my God. Crazy. I was like, that was sadly not spooky. But next time. Well, actually, we're going to, when we go to Sweet Tomatoes. Yeah, when we go to Sweet Tomatoes, we're going to go. What is a Sweet Tomato? What is that? So it was a really OK. It wasn't popular, I don't think. But it was like a buffet style restaurant. And they had like a big salad bar, soup bar, dessert. It was just it was good. But I think I don't know if it was COVID or before that. It was during COVID. They all closed down. And it was the saddest thing ever. I didn't realize what I had until I lost it. I was devastated. And now I'm crazy. Yeah, I've never been there. You would love the salad bar. You're coming with us. Yeah, where is it? They reopened one. And it's all the way in Tucson. Yeah. The only one reopened right now. I think the reopened one's here. But I haven't heard them talk about it. And I need it now. So I will be going. What I'm excited about, too, when we're talking about restaurants, is they're opening up these restaurants on Aurora here. Oh, yeah. And they have Flour Child coming. And I love Flour Child. Tonight, I'm going to Flour Child. And I'm getting my flying avocados wrapped. No, it's so funny. My parents came to visit a few weeks ago. And they were like, they're building a bunch of restaurants right on rule. They're all like my boyfriend, because he's from Texas. He's like, Arizona is turning into a mini Texas. Shields is here. And it's taken over. They have the gas station, the Chubbies or whatever. I don't know what it's called. You know what I'm talking about, right? No. It's something. Yeah, it's in Goodyear. And it's opening up. And it's just like all these Texan restaurants are just coming to Arizona. And it's a little scary. A little? Yeah, just a little scary. OK, that's my story. My parents are like, they're opening a bunch of restaurants on rule. And I was like, no, they're not. Yeah, they are. Because I never go that way. Well, I do. Wait. No, I don't. I end where King's is. Yeah. So I never actually make it down there. And then I thought, I was like, dang. Like the Trader Joe's area, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. And it's going to be so much busier now when it opens. It's going to be fun. They have some good places opening there. Yeah. It's going to be a different ASU when we're older. No, literally. I'm so excited for the building to open that's like right near Hayden. Oh, that's been under construction. Yeah. I hope it's a good study spot. I found a good study spot. The design Norse building. Yeah, mini library. Mini library in there. It's so... Cute? I have to go because there's so much here. No, I saw it yesterday and it's cute. It's really quiet though. Yeah, it's really quiet. You have to walk in when you go. Have you guys ever been to the construction building? They have some cute like little hidden like study areas. And they're like on a skyscraper. So you can literally be on a like up there. And we'll go explore. Yeah. And they have like cute like... Because it's a construction building, they have like cute construction things. They have like water fountains coming on the side of the wall. And it's just like different like cool little designs. You're gonna have to drop a pin or two. Yeah, it's like... Do you know where Susan's at? Yeah. Across. You know where that like little bookstore is at? I know what you're talking about. That little like that store right there. I've never really lived in there. It's gonna be right above that. That store. Like by the pizza place? Yeah, exactly there. Or just right above that. All those pots and pans. That building has some secret little study areas. I'd explore. And get lost. You'll get lost a little bit. Okay. So good luck. When my roommate and I dormed freshman year, like our favorite activity was to just like go out and see like which doors were unlocked, which places we could go into. I love exploring. Yeah. There's so many random ones that are R. There... I keep finding like more and more things. Yeah, for real. Like hidden gems that I've never known about on this campus. It's crazy. But I love it. We gotta make a map. We gotta like make a map. These are the spots. It's like an interactive map where it's like we just like make the name and then like type this is cool for your... I don't know. Yeah. Your district. Yeah. Everyone keeps asking where the e-sports lounge is and I kind of want to gatekeep it. But... Gatekeep it because I've known about that. I've known about that place since my freshman year because I was like still in my little gamer era. So it was like on the discord e-board chat and I was like boom, boom, boom. And I found that instantly. And I've only been there a few times. But now I'm hearing they're charging. They are five dollars an hour. For real. Yeah, that's why I'm like... But their events that they have, it's free. You don't have to pay. So go to their events. But I'm like I'm gatekeeping it but I've heard of this place since last year. I just never went because they always have a sign up that says e-sports lounge. Yeah. And so if you're on that side of campus, you'll see where it is. But I'm like... Not saying what side, but yeah. Are you interested in joining the e-board? I think I should. I think you should. Join their discord first. For fun. And then they can table at the ABA. Because they literally posted me yesterday. Not the club, but like the e-sports lounge. Instagram. I got my own private picture of me building my brick house and it was so funny. I was like I know. Yeah, another victory for the OGs. What can I say? Allie comes up to me and her picture was front and center and she's like oh my god. No, they hated it. They got our like side profiles and I hate my side profile. But then they got my back and I was like... They got like my earrings and it was like cute. Oh, I love that. Yeah. Yeah, it was crazy. Oh, I have a crazy story from my week. Have you guys ever seen X or Pearl? Yeah. Wait, so are those movies connected or is it just the same? Okay. X or Pearl. Yeah, they're films. I only saw X. No, I haven't. Okay. No, that's perfect. Yeah, that's perfect. Well, maybe I have. I just don't know the title. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. After the situation. They're really good. They're like one of my favorites. Anyways, so Tuesday night I was watching X with my friend and her roommate. I don't really like her roommate. We're not name-dropping. I'm not name-dropping. I don't really like her roommate but whatever. So we're watching it and like I love Mia Goth. Like her acting in that those films is insane. You need to watch it. It's literally insane. She amazes me, right? Right. So throughout the film, I was like, oh my god, she's literally eating like hyping her up. Not like she can hear me or anything but like she's amazing, right? So yeah, the movie ends. We're like talking about it and the roommate was like didn't really like it. Doesn't really like X and I'm like, what do you mean I don't really like X? That's crazy. But I'm like everyone has their own opinions, right? But then- I'm not like a judge. Please turn around. Yeah, no, literally. But then we're just sitting on the couch and her roommate like goes into her room or whatever and my friend pulls out her phone and the roommate put on letterbox that she just does not like Mia Goth or her acting. She really wrote the review. Wrote the review sitting right next to me when the whole film I was hyping up Mia Goth and I was like, ain't no way- That's crazy. That's like a little crazy. Yeah, ain't no way she hates Mia Goth, period. And it's like being rude as fuck about her accent in the film because she eats the accent up. She eats up the Western accent even though she's British. They always do that. Yeah. They all can eat- They can replicate the American accent so well. Like a lot of them can. Yeah, that's crazy. And I'll give props to them. I don't know how they can do it but they're like, I'm American now. They're like this like English person with a top hat and a watercoat and they're just like, boom, I can be from the country. I literally love her accent and I'm like, one, ain't no way you're hitting on Mia Goth and two, right next to me when I kept saying how much I love her. That's personal. That is. I took it so personal. She could have kept it to herself. I took it so personal and I literally texted my friend back home telling him about it because- And she clearly wanted you to notice. No, literally I'm like, but yeah. That's crazy. Pissed me off. I was like, I'm never watching a movie with you ever again because that was crazy. Also, you're not watching a movie and who's opening up their letterbox? Not even consuming the whole thing. I don't know, have they watched it before? Yeah, she's seen it before. But why does she have to write the review there and then? I don't know. I hate writing reviews on letterbox because, I don't know. Everyone has their own opinion. I don't want anyone to think- No, I've been on the Goodreads. You know that? It's literally letterbox but for books. Oh, okay. Yeah, I have letterbox. I just write when I watch a film and I have my favorite film there. I know, I was like, I'm never watching a movie with her again and I haven't seen her yet because I'm like, I can't look at you right now. Like right after my friend showed me that, I was like, I'm going to go home. No, that's kind of mean. I'm like, I'm going to go home because that was crazy. That is rude. I'm sorry about that. That's crazy. She totally did that intentionally. It's actually embarrassing that she doesn't like me at Goth actually. Because you're so likable and approachable. No, I think she's projecting. She's for sure like, she's mad. She's like, I can't be friends with you. We're doing a deep dive. You're so cool. Megan is one of the coolest people I know. You're so easy to get along with. You're so like up, like you're so upbeat, so well, you're so good to go with. And so the next day, we were like, okay, I was still stuck on this topic, me and my friend. And we looked up the roommate's ex-boyfriend. They like recently just broke up. We looked up his reviews on ex. And he was like, loved it, like loved Mia Goth. Oh my gosh, there's deeper feelings here. Okay, you weren't part of that. You're like, okay, it's not that. Yeah, you're like, okay, it's more targeted to him, but to also me, to Hayes. Yeah, so I'm like, yeah, she's just a hater. A lot of emotion there. Yeah, she's just a hater and it's crazy. But I was like, I have to share this story because... I appreciate you sharing that. And that sounds a little like... You need to watch X and Pearl. It's amazing. And then Maxine is coming out with a new one. I'm like a trilogy. We have to watch X first. You have to watch them in the order they came out. Let me see, let me look this up, because I'm like, what if I watch this? Maybe, maybe. We have less than 10 minutes left. So should we wrap it up? Oh, is it a horror film? Yeah, it wasn't. I didn't think it was scary. I don't think it's that scary. It's more gory. It looks scary. And like, definitely rated R for a reason. Oh, okay. Can we do our media? Yes. What was the name you came up with? I didn't think of anything. Okay, placeholder name. Yeah. We're going to steal from Emergency Intercom Media of the Week. Yes. So, but ours, we're just going to name either a song. We could do both if you have both. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. A song and or film that you've been obsessed with this week. Oh, okay. That's easy. For the film, well, last, whoa, Kingsman. That's just what I've been watching. I'm on the second one, and now we've got to watch the third one. But yesterday, last night, we watched Ready Player One. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, so I fell asleep, though. I fell asleep with my head up like this. No one didn't get that on the podcast, Joey. Oh, my God. Well, I have never fallen asleep during a film. It was late, and I was like, okay, we'll catch up tonight. So tonight or tomorrow, which is tonight. And I'm like, okay, tonight we're going to get our flower child, and we're going to be able to enjoy Ready Player One. So that's why you can't go to Culture Fest. No, that's not why. No, no, that's not. Well, that's technically one of the reasons why. He's closer to you. That's one of the reasons, yes, that's why. I'm spending time with my boyfriend. So I really, I was looking at my schedule, and I had to pick some things up. So yeah, that's what I decided to go with. But anyways, that movie, there's a lot of movies that I'm watching right now. That's just a little date night that I'm doing with my boyfriend. But then for music, right? Yeah. So music, it's going to be the, it's just such a classic. It's called, oh, my God. I'm like, blanking out. Circle back, circle back. Circle back, circle back. Okay, I can go next. My media of the week, not a movie, a TV show, but I rewatched all of Bridgerton because season three is coming up, isn't it? I actually really love like, Queen and her glow up. Yeah, I love those types of shows where it's like, oh, it's like that, and they go to balls. So I am so excited for the new season. And then my song is called Billabong Babe by Royce Fisherman. It's like, I found it on TikTok, so I don't even know if it's like an actual like, popular song. But I heard it and I was like, oh, my God, this is insane. Yeah. He remembered the song. I thought of something. No, but go, I don't mean to interrupt. No, that was it. That was my song. The reason why I just gasped is because there was, I was at a meeting for my like, RHA thing where I'm a president and I have to go to a general council meeting where all the presidents meet and they're playing this crazy, annoying song. And yesterday, it's just been stuck in my head and I don't know what it's called, but it's just like, so annoying and it's stuck in my head. I hate when that happens. I hope you guys are not dealing with that right now, but, oh, have you, can any of you guys resonate with this? Is it Karma by JoJo Siwa? No, it's not Karma, I don't know. You're like, I would know that one. Right. And the song I was thinking of, it's called Mountain Sounds by Of Monsters and Men. Oh, I know the band. I don't know the song. Okay. The song is amazing. I like it, I like my song. Okay, in the past like two, not even two weeks, I've seen so many newer movies, but I think my top one is Immaculate. Immaculate was amazing. Oh, that movie was so good. Immaculate was so good. I recommend Sydney Sweeney 8. Like, she is in her horror film era and it's crazy. She's so good. No, literally. And then the song that I've been putting on repeat is Sunshine Baby by The Japanese House. They're going to be at Lollapalooza. I mixed them. I love it. Yeah, any last words before we end it? I will say that one of, well, one of my goals for this podcast is the topics that we did talk about today we'll have to circle around on the next time we do our podcast and give an update. Give an update on how it went. I like that. Yeah, because you guys are going to Chicago or whatever. The next podcast might even be before that, but when we do that, we'll have to 100% get an update of what you guys do. Photos and everything. So when we're like 200 episodes deep into this podcast, if you will, carry it on, it'll be fun to circle back. Yes, yes. Well, learning experience, fun time. No, literally. I had a really fun time. Our cafes are basic. Our cafe con leches are basically con leches. I drank all of mine. I'm a big gopher. In my tummy. Yeah, are you a gopher or a sipper? Real quick. I think, like, here's the thing with boba. Oh. Boba's gone into me. Boba is like, if you give me a boba, it's like, shoop. So I have now started eliminating the boba so it lasts longer. I no longer get the boba. But also, it's like, that's what the boba's for. I love boba. It's just like, oh. But anyway, I drink it quick. I'm a sipper. I'm a gopher. Yeah, there's always a gopher and a sipper. When I'm eating, I'm a gopher. I'm a big gopher when I'm eating. But like, if I'm just drinking something, I'm a sipper. It'll be like an hour later and she still has a full drink. That's crazy. Yeah. But yeah, it was a really good time. I had so much fun and I'm excited to continue. Next week. Next week. We'll have to pick our day. Next week. We'll be busy, busy. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like we could do before Dope. Yeah. And also, we might have to find a new, like, arrangement for this, like, room. Also, we're going to say goodbye. Oh, yeah. All right. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Bye.

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