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The speaker discusses three online resources for teachers to make learning fun and stress-free. The first resource is BrainPop, a free website that uses videos to explain difficult concepts in a simple way and offers quizzes to test students' knowledge. The second resource is Blicket, a fun quiz game where students can answer questions and compete against each other. The final resource is Kahoot, a website with quiz games tailored to the students' needs, allowing teachers to assess their progress while keeping them engaged. These resources help increase students' love for learning and reduce stress for teachers. Good morning everyone, my name is Megan Sheehan and I would like to thank you for tuning in this morning. Today our topic is how to have fun while learning using online apps. We want to make school as enjoyable and stress-free as possible, but can we really do that? Today I'm going to talk to you about three resources that you can use that are going to make your classroom as enjoyable and stress-free as possible for both you and your students. The first resource I am going to talk about today is called BrainPop. The BrainPop is pretty great and it's universal for pretty much any grade in elementary. My favorite thing about it is that it can help enhance pretty much any subject area and even things like health, art, and music, not only the core subjects. So BrainPop is a free website that anyone can access and it basically just takes concepts that might otherwise be difficult for children to grasp and it puts it into like a fun video that kind of just breaks things down into a simple way that children can understand and also another great thing that it does, after every single video you have the option to give your student a quiz. So you can kind of test what they know and there's even different levels of quizzes. Okay, so the next resource I have to tell you guys about is amazing. It's called Blicket and this great resource for quizzing your students in a fun way. This is where your students are going to be answering questions made by you or you can choose someone else's that aligns with what you're learning and if they get the right answer they can play against each other and try to win the most points. This will help enhance their math skills and help them grow or it can help their reading skills and help them grow. The students will progress forward and as they complete the quizzes and concepts they will play games in between. This is something I know my students love to do. Blicket is just a great resource to use and I know for a fact that the kids enjoy it and it's a low stress situation that they're having fun competing with classmates and it's all about them and their progress working at their own pace. And so the final resource I have to talk about with you guys today is called Kahoot. This is a resource that I actually used when I was in elementary school. This website is essentially just a bunch of games but they are working on or just a bunch of quizzes but they are working on any concept needed and it questions tailored to your needs or it can be made by you just like the Blicket and these things can be relevant to the kids and they actually have fun using this quiz game while you are assessing your students to see where they need to grow or where they can exceed in. And so a lot of teachers use this quiz game to review on whatever is needed and the students love it so much that they think it is a game. They also love to see who gets first, second, or third within their peers and you also can add incentives to go along with the places. All of these games are a great way to keep your students engaged and increase their love for learning while keeping the stress low for you as a teacher. Join us next week so I'm talking about going completely digital. Thanks for listening teachers keep changing the world.