Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Sister Melissa, announces that her book called "Why the South, Why Egypt" is coming soon. She talks about the importance of building an altar of worship before receiving blessings from God. She references the story of Abram in the Bible, who became rich in livestock, silver, and gold because he constructed an altar before going to Egypt. She encourages listeners to have faith and trust in God, even in difficult times, and to continue building an altar of worship. The speaker shares that her book will have more details on this topic and concludes by urging listeners to construct an altar and walk by faith. Hello, hello everyone. Good morning. Sister Melissa here. It is 10 a.m. on August 31st, 2023, and I am back with another message from the Lord God Almighty. This morning, I just want to let everyone know that soon my book called, Why the South, Why Egypt, is coming soon. It has been a rough journey. It has not been easy, but with God, all things are possible. And I'm super excited because it has ministered to me in ways I could have never thought possible. I cried, I laughed, I had my profound encounters with the Holy Spirit throughout this journey. But most of all, God is the one who is directing the pages on this book. God is the one who is redirecting our focus to understand that in the seasons that we must go through, God is in and within every moment. Yes, even the details of our lives, Jesus is in them. And so this morning, I want to touch base a little bit about my book. And it has to do with praise and worship and how before you and I can receive what God has for us. Yes, we must build an altar to the Lord and call upon His great and mighty and holy, holy, holy name. So this morning, let's get right into the word. I'm going to be reading from the book of Genesis, chapter 12, beginning with verse 7. And I will be jumping around to different verses, but let's go ahead and get into the verse. Now there was a famine in the land. And Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there. For the famine was severe in the land. Now I am going to go ahead over to chapter 13 in verse 1, which says, Then Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife, and all that he had and lot was with him to the south. Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver and gold. And he went on his journey from the south, as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, to the place of the altar, which he had made there at first. And there Abram called on the name of the Lord. One day I was in my dining room, typing away. I believe this is within the first chapter of my book. And as I was reading and typing, all of a sudden the Holy Spirit says to me, Do you know why Abram became rich in livestock? Do you know why Abram became rich in silver and in gold? It was not because he went into Egypt and I blessed him and he came out with more. It's what he did before he had to go through the south and through Egypt. And the Lord spoke to me and the Lord said that it was because before Abram went to Egypt, he constructed an altar of worship. He believed in everything that I had told him before going to Egypt. And before going to Egypt and down south, he made that choice to construct an altar of worship, not seeing the blessing, not having the blessing, not receiving the blessing, but believing. And although he could not see it, he could not touch it, he was not able to inherit that blessing just yet. But he believed God when God spoke the word that I will bless you and your descendants. But Abram had no idea that by constructing an altar to the Lord and walking by faith and not by sight, although Abram and his family had to go through the south, had to go through Egypt, but because they did what they did before inheriting the blessing, God blessed them with more. Can I get a witness? Can I get a witness in here? Can I get someone to witness to the fact that before you and I can inherit the blessings that God has for us, we must build an altar of worship and say, Lord, I know you spoke it and I know it will come to pass, but right now I just need to lift an altar. I need to lift my sacrifices of praise to you because I know that if you spoke it, it will come to pass. And even though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, your rod and your staff may comfort me. Oh, I need somebody in here to get excited. I need someone who's hearing under the sound of my voice through the Holy Spirit to get excited and to start building that altar because you may not have the blessing right now. You may not inherit the blessing just yet, but God is saying to us all in this day, if you will do something, something before you encounter your greatest moment, then I will do what only I can do. And that is when you're going through Egypt, when you're going through your most difficult moments, I will be with you as I was with Abram and with Sarai. I will be with you while you are encountering your moment because you chose to lift sacrifices of praise. You chose to lift an altar and call upon my name in the midst of this perverse generation. You decided to construct an altar. You decided to walk by faith and not by sight. Oh, I need somebody, somebody right now to say, yes, I will construct an altar to the Lord. I may not see it just yet, but I will construct an altar to the Lord. I have not had that answered prayer just yet, but I will construct an altar to the Lord. Oh, and that is exactly what Abram did. And the next thing we find is that Abram and his family were heading toward the South, were heading down toward Egypt. And it was there. You can read it in the word of God. You can read it in chapter 12. And hallelujah, when Abram came up from Egypt, because it's a lot of details to explain exactly what happened in Egypt. But I can tell you one thing, God in the midst of their trials and tribulation was faithful, will always be faithful with his children. And the Bible says in chapter 13, that after Abram and his family, they had to encounter Egypt. They came up. Oh, hallelujah. This is so good. The Bible says that Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all he had and lot with him to the South. Oh, hallelujah. Abram was very rich in livestock, silver and in gold. And the Bible clearly tells us that Abram went back to the same altar that he had constructed before going in to Egypt. He went back to that altar and he gave God shouts of praise. He worshipped God. Oh, because you know what? When we know what God is capable of, after seeing the great and mighty hand of God working in our favor, we need to go back to the same altar and we need to thank God for what he is doing, for what he did and what he is going to do. When we live our lives on the altars of praise and worship toward our God, it does not matter the difficult seasons. It does not matter the trials. It does not matter what we have to face in this life. As long as we are constructing an altar of worship to God, then whatever we face in this life, oh, you better believe that God will see us through. God will see us through. And it does not matter what we face in this life because if God is for us, then who can be against us? Oh, I hope and pray that this message has blessed your heart. It has ministered to me. There is so much more in my book called, Why the South? Why Egypt? That I want to share with you. I will continue to keep you posted from time to time. But it is almost finished and God, through it all, has sought me through. He has seen me through every challenging moment and he is no respecter of one person. What he does for one, he will do for another. But I encourage you to construct an altar even if you don't see the blessing just yet. Even if you don't see the promise come to pass just yet. But God is waiting on you just like we are waiting on him. He is waiting on us to build an altar of worship and praise. And even though you may encounter moments where you feel like it's over and there's no hope, your faith is lost, but as long as you construct an altar to the Lord, no matter what you face, no matter what I face in this life, as long as we continue to build an altar to the Lord, then when we come to the realization of knowing who our God is, even in the midst of the valley, God prepares a table in the presence of our enemies. And in turn, we will celebrate a victory so big, so mighty, that will bring us back to that same altar that we constructed before going into the valley, before going through our down south moments, before having to travel through our Egypt moments. I encourage you this morning, build an altar to the Lord, worship his name, walk by faith and not by sight. Until the next time, bye bye for today.