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The Comforter The Holy Spirit

The Comforter The Holy Spirit

Mike KinesMike Kines



The Comforter The Holy Spirit Thank you for your prayers and support for this work and ministry. God bless you! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JX5ZJUSMLY6V2 Subscribe for more of our ministry resources: https://mikekines.substack.com/

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In John 14, Jesus talks about the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit sent by the Father to teach and remind the disciples of what Jesus said. The Holy Spirit is active and involved, as seen in Acts 2 when believers were baptized with tongues of fire. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would come upon people, but in the New Testament, he lives within Christians and makes their bodies temples. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and works with Christians to share God's Word. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is attributing the work of the Spirit to the devil. Believers are urged to be filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in his power to live an overcoming life. Seeking the Lord and obeying the Holy Spirit is important. John 14.26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said to you. The Comforter that Jesus talked about was the Holy Spirit. In the King James English, the Holy Spirit is written as Holy Ghost. The Heavenly Father sent the Holy Spirit to Christ's disciples to teach them. The Holy Spirit also brought to their memory everything Jesus said to them. The Holy Spirit repeated what Jesus said to them. Human memory may be faulty, but these men did not write from human memory only. They were inspired and taught and led by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible. God is three in one. God exists as three persons in one God. These persons are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. John chapter 14 teaches that there are three persons in one God. Jesus said the Father would send the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Jesus knew he would leave earth and his disciples would be distressed. Jesus reassured them that they would not be alone, that the Holy Spirit would be with them. It is clear in the book of Acts that the Holy Spirit was active and involved. In Acts chapter 2 we see the Holy Spirit moved on the day of Pentecost baptizing believers with tongues of fire. They spoke in tongues the praises of God and gave God glory, honor, and praise. Their behavior was so bold that people thought that they were drunk. Peter explained that this was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. Joel said that in the last days God would pour out his Holy Spirit. We may distinguish between the Holy Spirit from the Old Testament and the New Testament. I have heard it taught that in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit would come upon people like David or Saul or one of the prophets. However in the New Testament the Holy Spirit does more than come upon believers. Instead in the New Testament he lives within Christians and he makes the body of the Christian a temple. From this I understand that Christians are the temple of God in the New Testament. The temple of God is not a building made by the hands of men but Christian believers everywhere. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came on the disciples in the upper room in Acts chapter 2. He continued this in the book of Acts with new believers. Some were baptized in water according to John the Baptist. Others were saved by faith in Jesus and had not heard of the Holy Spirit. Once the apostles laid hands on them and prayed they received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit after I was saved I spoke in tongues and continue to this day. I pray in the Spirit in private devotions with the Lord. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He works with Christians who declare God's Word shining the light of Jesus upon the lost. When a lost person hears the Word of God the Holy Spirit convicts that person that he needs salvation. The Holy Spirit convinces people they need a Savior. Whenever someone does not feel conviction of sin I wonder if the Holy Spirit is striving with that person. It is possible to grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not always strive with a person. At some point he allows a person to go their own way. Jesus said to blaspheme God the Father or God the Son could be forgiven, but to blaspheme the Holy Spirit was an unforgivable sin. I have wrestled with this and what I understand that this means is that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is attributing to the devil the work of the Holy Spirit. If a Christian is used by the Holy Spirit to heal someone of sickness and other people who know that this is God at work proclaim that the devil did the healing then they are guilty of blasphemy. We see similar situations in the Bible when Jesus healed people and the Pharisee said that he was doing it by the power of the devil. I think it is important that a Christian seek God and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul urged believers in Ephesians 5.18, Be not drunk with wine, weary in its excess, but be filled with the Spirit. This is a continual seeking of the Holy Spirit and a desire every day to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We cannot live the Christian life in our own carnal strength or wisdom. We need the Holy Spirit to live an overcoming life in Christ. Galatians 5.16, This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Zechariah 4.6, Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. We need the Holy Spirit to strengthen us with his might in our inner man so we can walk in holiness and righteousness with the Lord. Walking in the Spirit, we will bear the fruit of the Spirit, listed in Galatians 5.22, 23. For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near. Let us ask the Lord to help us to hear the Holy Spirit and to obey what he tells us.

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