Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Millennial Granny Podcast is introduced in this transcription. The hosts, Tenby and Chandra, talk about their background and how they met. They also discuss their blog, Millennial Granny, which was created as a coping mechanism for Chandra's depression. They share their experiences as grandmothers and the challenges of dealing with technology. They explain that the podcast aims to bridge the generational gap and create a safe space for grandparents to discuss various topics. They invite listeners to join them on this journey and provide information on how to find and subscribe to the podcast. Hello, and welcome to the very first episode of the Millennial Granny Podcast coming from Sony, California. I am your co-host, Tenby, where you get another day to get it right. And I'm your co-host, Chandra Charles, and we're the Millennial Grannies, so welcome to our podcast. We want to thank CT Youth Advocacy for sponsoring this ad. CT Youth Advocacy provides housing, education, and life skills to young adults transitioning out of the foster care system. We ask that you visit the website at so that we all get an opportunity to know a little bit, or you all get an opportunity to know a little bit about us. And in every episode, we will relinquish a little bit about ourselves, our background, what we love, and a plethora of other things. So one thing I want to do first is just give you a little background here. So how did me and Tenby meet? So we met about 30 years ago, a little over 30 years ago. Damn. Yep, exactly, at a healthcare organization. So what was my first impression of Tenby? Tell it. Okay, I'm going to tell this story. Let me just give you another little background. So I came into the department. I was new. I came in in my 20s, ready to learn. And guess who my trainer was? Bee. None other. Yep, Tenby. She was mean and sarcastic. And the reason why I say that is because, you know, normally when you come in and you speak to someone and everyone could be a little bubbly, I'm like, good morning. And I think I got a grunt from Tenby. I got like a grunt. There was 15 of them in the office. It could have been someone else. No, I got a grunt and a Tenby. So that was my first impression of Tenby, that she was not quite warm and fussy. That was actually my good morning greeting to you. You just didn't know it. So my first impression of Ms. Chandra, I remember you coming into the office. You had on a pantsuit and you had on some heels. And then you had this purse across your arm and your arm was up in the air. And I thought, ah, look at here. She thinks she cute. She thinks she cute. That was. That was. I was like. So I was your trainer and I trained you. And one day you called me on the phone and you had tears in your voice. And you called and you were upset and you needed help. And I said, okay, I'll be right over there. I hung up the phone. And I was irritated because the hospital was across the street, which means I had to walk half a block to go over there and get you. And I wasn't really happy with that. But it was my job. So I went over there, got to the office, and when I saw you, you were sitting in a chair, your hair was out of place, and you had all this paperwork in front of you. And the first thing that came to my mind was, look at here. She ain't so cute now, ain't she? Look at you. Look at you. Hair all out of place. Just looking defeated. Like you just got beat down. Okay. So disclaimer, everyone, there's a caveat here. I feel like this story is a bit embellished. Now, I can't say it. I came in around my 20s. And during that time, the work was very voluminous. And we didn't have computers. We had typewriters. So we had to type all of our work. So if you misspell something, you have to pretty much redo the entire document or you just have to wipe things out, and that would take probably longer. So I was a bit unorganized. I'm going to put it out there. So thanks, Tim B., that one particular day. I don't know about me being teary-eyed and all that stuff, but, you know, I did have a difficult, challenging day. So, you know, after I got organized, then it was a wrap. Yeah, I wish we had cell phones back in the day because I would have took your picture. Okay. This is when I realized you was ride or die. You came into the office, and we had cubicles. And S was on the left of me, and I was on the right, and you stood there in the middle. You were upset. And then you walked on the other side of the cubicle to go talk to another employee, an elderly lady. And you guys had some words. The next thing I heard was, blah! And I looked at S. She looked at me, and a spacer had flew across the room and hit the wall. And I'm like, next thing I know, you was walking. You was walking. Oh, okay. So, you don't want to jump in there. See, now, she used a lot of trigger words. She said, you know, the elderly lady. And then she threw out that I threw the stapler. She jumped out of her chair. Wait a minute. She jumped out of her chair. This is Clay for everyone. This is my story. The stapler. I did have a stapler. It fell out my head. And when it fell out my head, it hit the desk, and it was like, blah, blah, blah. And so, yes, the lady in the other cubicle, it startled her. So, she did kind of jump. So, you heard her chair, blah, blah, blah. But my story, and I'm sticking with it, is that I dropped the stapler. Okay. Let's be clear. When one drops a stapler onto the floor, you hear, bloop, bloop. Nope. The desk. The desk. It fell on the desk. It was like going blank. And she jumped. She got startled because it hit the desk. Okay. Okay. When one stapler falls onto the floor, it goes, bloop. Or maybe it's, plop. It went, bam, against the wall. And I'm sure when they redid the office, some construction worker was looking and looking. Hey, why is there a stapler in the wall? What happened in this office? Okay. Okay. Well, my story, and I'm sticking with it, it fell onto the desk and bounced on the desk. Verify before you testify. So, how we fit. We fit because opposites attract. Somewhere along the line, we connected. So, Tanita can be saying that it was the stapler moment. You know. Probably was. It was comical. So, both of us were silly and laughed at some of the same things. We both were high performers, and quite often, we basked in our efficiency. You know, it felt really good to always be the high rollers of the department. So, nevertheless, we became besties, and look at us now. We laugh together, we cry together. M.G. Mariah. Yeah. We became grandmothers. We knew each other before we were grandmothers. We did. We did. Yes. The Millennial Granny started out originally as a blog back in 2017. It was a coping mechanism for me to deal with my depression at the time. And I didn't have a name. It was just a blog or journal that I was working on. And one day, I was trying to enter my Wi-Fi password into my phone. And, you know, there are like 15 characters with letters, numbers, and all that, and I had to find my password. And my granddaughter, who was eight at the time, she took my phone, and she entered in the password, handed me back the phone, and walked away. And I'm looking at her like, okay, so you memorized my phone number with my Wi-Fi with all the codes and characters. Big deal. And I thought to myself, you know, these kids, these millennials are built different. And since I was taking care of them, she's a millennial and I'm a grandmother, so I just came up with the name Millennial Granny. So that was the name of my blog. And then I was part of a group called Networking Our Way. Shout out to Angela, Katie, and Kristen. It was a networking group where women get together and we work on our business, and the blog was going to be my business. And just dealing with the up and downs of getting older and spending time with your grandbabies and dealing with all this tech stuff. Eventually I got distracted and I went back to working full time. And it sat. Then came COVID and more distraction because we were all basically trying to stay alive. So it sat a little bit longer. So as can be stated, you know, we both share the fact that we both have grandbabies, and some of them were doing some of the same things. And, you know, one thing I can say is that our grandchildren are truly amazing. Their technical skills and views are interesting and intriguing and quite different than what ours were years ago. You know, COVID, as we know, was a time of uncertainty and change. Me and Tempe would quite often dialogue and we would talk about her shelf baby, as I call it, Millennial Granny. I love the concept and thought it was time to birth this baby since it was such a great idea and really it was a great time to really start addressing the issues that a lot of us grandparents that we deal with on a day-to-day basis. Though we're grannies, we're not claiming perfection. We're making the playbook up as we go. And that's where all of you come in. We want to use this platform to have fun, to cultivate conversations, and to share best practices. We look forward to taking this journey with all of you, and we look forward to the conversation that will be cultivated as a result of it. So please visit our website at, and the email is millennialgranny at, and then subsequently the YouTube. You can find us at Millennial Granny Podcast. Now don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Yes, that's very important. So we will also be available on additional streaming platforms like Apple and Spotify, Instagram, and Facebook. You can find us at Millennial Granny. And again, hit the like button. The purpose of this podcast, we want to bridge the generational gap with laughter, commentary, and insight between grandparents and the millennials. We invite all grandparents to join us on this journey as we age gracefully through humor, stories, and candid conversations. Yes, candid conversations. We want to create a diverse community where grandparents celebrate the depth of various lifestyle changes, past and current trending events, navigating life's struggles, sharing favorite memories, and just simply reveling in the beauty of life itself. Now this podcast is a safe place for grandparents to openly discuss various topics and share your experiences to include the good, the bad, and the ugly. There's so much sadness going on in the world. When you turn on the TV, there's just stuff happening. The radio, there's stuff happening. The newspaper, there's stuff going on. And I just want a place where we could just come together and just laugh without feeling guilty. True. And we want to celebrate our various lifestyle changes, discuss the past, the current events. We want to share our struggles. Again, all of us have struggles, and it's important that sometimes we just take the opportunity to vent and to talk about them. We want to celebrate our new ventures, and we also want to share favorite memories. I want every episode to leave you with a smile and a fresh perspective as we age gracefully along the millennials. So topics for future discussion. Inquire Minds wanted us. See, sometimes we may get a little messy. Now we won't dump them, but we're going to get a little messy. Yeah. Dirty. Just dirty. But we'll flat out ask you because Inquire Minds wants to know the worst of truth. Okay? So we also will be talking about verify before you testify. Now this is very important. Yeah. Say it again. Because we need to verify before we testify. The bottom line, before you start yakking. Yeah. Taking the story. You know the story goes on. Yeah. But we want to make sure you verify the story because a lot of times people are graduating from MSU. MSU. MSU. University. So verify your story and your source. After you've done that, you may decide to keep your story to yourself. MSU University. Making stuff up. University. Wow. There's a lot of people out there that got a diploma in that area. Exactly. Exactly. So we want you to verify before you testify. Wow. Okay. We'll be talking about raising grandkids. Empty nesters. Dating, divorce, widow. Okay. So I will be talking about dating, divorce, and widow because I am the one that's been dating, divorcing, and widow. And we'll also talk about sex. Sex. Sex. We know grandparents be getting it on. And there's some fine granddaddies out there who are single and available. Okay. That's what I'm talking about. Sex with them. Not all of them. Just, you know. Okay. Sex. Sex. We'll be talking about our jobs. Some of us are near or in the retirement age. Favorite saying, you know, your grandparents, your mom and dad, they had favorite sayings that you say to your kids now. We grew up in the 80s. I love music from the 80s. I love music from the 90s. And that's pretty much for me. That's where it stops after that, you know. The words started getting very graphic in the music. We're going to also do talk about parenting styles now and then. And family reunions. We all have, you know, that one relative that messes it up. That one relative who gets drunk. That one relative that just gossips. That one relative that instigates me. We'll also talk about girl trips. Yeah, we had some amazing girl trips. Future segments of the show, if there's any topic or discussion, please email us at millennialgranny at Yes. We want you to email us with your ideas and or topics that you would like to discuss. We want to cultivate that conversation, so please email us at millennialgranny at For the future of the podcast, we're going to air every Thursday at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. This is our first podcast, and we're going to progress and move forward. We're going to eventually get to our one-year anniversary and several anniversaries after that. We want you to grow with us, learn with us, be part of the MG family. So please share the podcast, subscribe, tell your friends, just listen, and tell us what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome. Eventually, we will have video starting in January 2024, and our overall goal is to go live so we can actually interact with you guys and have live discussions. We are going to celebrate milestones, and when I say celebrate, we're going to give out gifts. More than likely, there are going to be gift cards. Now, listen, we're Millennial Granny. We broke Millennial Granny. So when you get a gift card, don't complain, because that was more than you had the day before, and it's tax-free. So let's be grateful. We are currently working on merchandise, so we have some stuff planned. 2024, we're going to be dropping some, I'm going to call them Granny goodies. So you have to make sure you go to the website, Instagram, Facebook, to get the latest news. And one of the first milestones we would like to hit is to get a total of 500 subscribers on all the platforms. So all the platforms hit 500. We're going to give out some gift cards to show our appreciation for you all. And we want to take the opportunity for you guys to travel with the Millennial Grannies. Come travel with us. Share our experiences. We want to go out to the community and meet with different grandparents and cultivate dialogue. There will be granny challenges. We will also look at, sometimes we'll have book reviews. We can take the opportunity to choose a book and then to discuss that book. But essentially what we want to do is collectively, as Millennial Grannies, what's important. Again, we'll say it over and over and over again, is to cultivate those conversations. And sometimes there will be difficult conversations. Cultivate. Okay. So again, our website, Email, MillennialGranny at YouTube, Millennial Granny Podcast. And we're also available on Instagram and Facebook. You need to get onto those forums because that's when we'll let you know when we drop a new episode. So please like, subscribe, and download. So the topic for next time, the traditional grandparents versus the Millennial Grandparents. If you would like to join the show, please feel free to email us at MillennialGranny at So in conclusion, we want to welcome all of you to the NG family. And we want you to come back. And remember, take your medication, grab your ointment for those aches, and subscribe to all of our platforms. Do it now before you all forget. You know how it is. You do one thing and then go back and do something, and then you forget what you're supposed to do in the first place. So do it now before you forget. So at the end of every episode, we're going to end with a quote, and my favorite quote, you have plenty of yesterdays, a few tomorrows. Enjoy today. Until next time. See you. ♪♪♪