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New Zion Missinary Baptist Church Northport Alabama - Jun 9, 2024

New Zion Missinary Baptist Church Northport Alabama - Jun 9, 2024

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To be just in our dealing, faithful in our engagement, and exemplary in our deportment. To avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger. To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage. And be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love. To remember each other in prayer. To aid each other in sickness and distress. To cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech. To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation. And mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure without delay. We further engage that. When we remove from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church. Where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word. Amen. Let's put our new brothers in position and we're going to follow our ushers as we fellowship them. Do we have any other members who have recently joined? May God be the glory today. Praise the Lord. Amen. I tell you, this is the day the Lord has made. And you can't help but rejoice and be glad in it. Because it certainly could have been the other way. But God has blessed us to assemble again in His great and matchless name. And we owe Him praise. Amen. And for the last two Sundays we've really been trying to drive home a reminder of how important it is for the people of God to be empowered. And we started out with a few people sharing the word of testimony and it seems to be growing. Praise God. But we overcome by testimony. And many people are already being blessed by just hearing testimonies of personal empowerment. It's not enough for the preacher alone to be empowered. I appreciate both of y'all for saying amen. Thank God for both of y'all. But the Lord intends for every child of God to walk in power. Now I'm not going to preach right now. But we do have Sister Ann has a burning testimony. She's been trying to get here a few times this morning. So she and Sister Kaplan are going to share. A few Sundays from now I'm going to, since I'm a man of faith, I'm going to go out on a limb and just kind of open the floor. And let some more people come and share. But they're going to come and share with us this morning. Sister Lewis, Minister Lewis is going to share a scripture with us. And we're going to come and open the word of God. Amen. Let's say amen as they come. Amen. It's your time now. Amen. Oh, that's my mic. Use the mic. Use the mic. I stand before you today to give praise, honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has done so much for me. In 2012, I was diagnosed with liver cancer. From 2012 until 22, 2022, I would go to DCA to receive a shot each month. The doctors were saying there was no cure for it. All they could do was treat the symptoms. It was transferred from my colon. Stage four, I had stage four colon cancer and liver cancer. Then transferred to my chest. I had a mass in my chest. I would receive treatment each month. I was doing, you know, I was still believing God. I was trusting God, standing on the word of God. God has shown himself strong on my behalf. In 2022, they did a PET scan. The doctors did a PET scan. It showed I had a lump in my right breast. It came, they did a biopsy, it came back cancerous. So then I had colon cancer, liver cancer, a mass in my chest, and breast cancer. God is good all the time. His word is truth. We can trust his word. We can stand on his word. I praise God that I'm in a church that speaks the word, lives the word. God is his word, and his word is due to trust. I stood on the word of God. I trusted the word of God because I didn't have anything else that I could do, you know. And they removed the lump in my breast. Many days I was so sick I could hardly get up out of bed. I would get in the shower, and I would be about to pass out. I would go in my kitchen. I would have to hold on to the counter just to stand. But I still spoke the word of God. I believed the word of God. I stood on the word of God. God brought me through. I praise God. Many times I didn't feel it, but I spoke the word of God for my own hearing. I had to hear the word of God. I spoke the word of God. You know, the word said, hearing comes, faith coming by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So I had to speak the word of God. I didn't feel it. You know, I didn't see it. Many times I wouldn't see, but I trusted God on his word. God is his word. God places his word above his name. God cannot lie. God's word is truth. I thank God that he has brought me so far. Like I say, the doctor says there's no cure, but we know that the Bible says, is there anything too hard for God? We know that there is nothing too hard for God. There is nothing impossible with God. I believe that I'm healed. In the supernatural, I am healed. I'm just waiting on the manifestation of it. My prayer is that God will show the doctors that he's God. Because the doctors need to be saved too. I thank God for all of you. Many times there were marvels, and many of you would call me or text me, send me cards, send me love offerings, and I thank God for you. But I mostly thank you for your prayers. Many of you stood in the gap for me. Many of you called my name before the Lord, and it really made a difference. I'm standing here because of prayer. The enemy meant to take my life, but God said no. I'd like to encourage somebody else, no matter what you're going through, stand on the Word of God. Believe the Word of God, and God will see you through. Praise the Lord. Good morning. Praise the Lord, everybody. And let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord, for he truly is worthy of all the praise, of all honor, and all the glory. I rose this morning to stand before you to give you testimony of how I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. When I had given my life to Christ, but I didn't have any power. And I was thinking I was okay. And I thought it was enough for me. But I found out it was another dementia. And our former pastor, the late Dr. E.J. James, Jr., was preaching and teaching on the Holy Spirit. And I was sitting there listening to him, but I still didn't desire to be filled with the Spirit. But it was a lady by the name of Ms. Cora Fryson. She asked me one Sunday night, she said, have you been filled with the Holy Ghost? And I was like, no, ma'am. She said, well, do you want to be filled? And to be honest, I'm in the Church of Mormon, thanks to God. I said, yes, ma'am, but I didn't mean it. But I said it. And she said, well, come on, let's go upstairs. So I went upstairs. And they told me to start calling on the name of Jesus. And I was saying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. And the more I called on Him, I didn't feel anything. I'm honest, I didn't feel anything. But I started sweating. My hair was so wet. Water was running. I was tired. I was so exhausted. And you know why? Because God cannot deal in a lie. God said He is truth. And so I had to repent of that lie. But I was in a matrim meeting one day, and a young lady by the name of Barbara Harris. She was filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. And she told me about a situation she had going on in her house. And she said it was like they was about to lose their home, and her husband was so hurt over it. And she said she started praying. And some days she was praying, and then when she didn't know what to pray, then the Spirit prayed through her. And she said that she started telling her husband what does say the Lord. And to be of confidence in her husband, he gave his life to Christ. And I said, God, I don't have that, you know. But he said, you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you. But he told us in Luke 11 and 13, he said, if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your kids, how much shall the Father give the Holy Spirit? Something like that, to those that ask. And I said, well, Lord, I got to ask for it. So I started coming before God, praying and asking God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. God, I need that power. I need to learn how to walk right, to talk right, to live right. There's so many benefits to the Holy Spirit, to God, I want it. And so I was at home one day, and I was watching Benny Hinn on TV. And my husband normally come home at 12 when I'm off for his lunch. So I'm in there cooking, and I'm running from the TV to the kitchen, from the TV to the kitchen. And I was in the process of walking back to the kitchen, and the Lord spoke to me. He said, my sheep know my voice, and the stranger, they won't follow. But the Lord said, turn the stove right out low. And I was obedient, so I turned the iron low. And when I came back in the room, Benny Hinn was talking about the Holy Spirit. He said, take it. And from there, it was like fire shot up in my bones. I started speaking in the Holy Spirit, and that's one evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. And so I asked God, God, you said they are gifts. Because see, the Holy Spirit is a gift. You don't have to pay for it. So I said, it's a gift. I want everything that you have for me. And so he said, in his word, according to Mark 16, 17 to 20, he said, the signs shall follow them that believe. He said, in my name, you shall cast out devils. He said, you shall pick up serpents. Now, you should speak with new tongues. He said, you shall pick up serpents, and you shall take up serpents. And if you drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm you. But what he told me is, he said, you shall lay hand on the sick. And, hey, la basha da roco da basia. He said, you shall lay hand on the sick. And when you lay hand on the sick, they shall recover. And so God has allowed me to do some of the things that he has told me to do. And the Holy Spirit will give you direction. He'll tell you about things that's going to happen in the future. Because he has told me many things about things that was going to happen in the future. And it happened just like he said. And, but God, when he shows you things, everything will have to happen exactly like he said. But God is not a man that he should lie. But he wants somebody to intercede. He said, I look for a man that can stand in the head and make up the gap. So he needs you to intercede on behalf of whatever he's showing you. And I have done that. And whatever he showed me was going to happen. Sometimes it depends on you lifting that person up in prayer. So I just want to encourage someone. If you're walking, you don't have the power. And it benefits in having the power being filled. It's another dimension beyond just being saved. And then I ask you to ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit so you can have that power. Okay. Well, praise the Lord. Pastor Morris said he was going to do something he probably didn't need to do. And that was open the mind. Will there be another one? Amen. If not, then we're ready for our Scripture reading. And our Scripture reading this morning will come from Matthew, the third chapter, verses 1 through 11. Matthew, the third chapter, verses 1 through 11. Amen. Will you stand for the reading of the Word of God? And it reads as follows. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his path straight. And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and eleven girls about his loins, and his meat were locusts and wild honey. Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who have warned you to flee from the wrath to come, bring forth therefore fruits, meat for repentance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father, for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which bringeth forth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. This is the word of God for the people of God, and we all say, Amen. Let's say Amen again. Let's praise the Lord for the testimonies that we've heard today. Praise the Lord. There's power in a testimony. When you can hear someone share their personal experience, it will always be a blessing to you. We greet you this morning in the name of our Christ. We thank God today that he does everything after the counsel of his own will. We thank God today for all of his loving kindness and the multitude of his tender mercy. God is good to us right now. Amen, and we are grateful. I do want to start today just by once again thanking all of the people who made our 2024 Vacation Bible School possible. I would that all of the Vacation Bible School workers and staff and supporters, if you're here, would you stand please? Let's praise the Lord for them. They're all over the building. Amen. Amen. To God be the glory. We are grateful, amen, for your labor of love and for those young people who accepted the Lord. Amen, during Vacation Bible School. I think we have one more who couldn't be here today, but don't worry, we're going to take her down. Amen, as soon as she's able to be here. Amen. So, on the heels of these powerful testimonies that have been shared today and since Pentecost Sunday, we've been trying to take a look at the power of God's Spirit. I do want to, before we go to Matthew, amen, again, we're going to go to the 28th chapter. So if you could turn there, we're going to go to Matthew chapter 28. I want to remind us that our own sister, Billie Nalls, from First Baptist Faith, she was a musician for the women's department. She passed away and her funeral will be on Tuesday at First Baptist at 11 a.m. So let's remember her family in our prayers. On tomorrow, our state women's convention will open down in Millbrook, Alabama. So let's be prayerful as women across the state gather to celebrate the work that they've done. Amen. I'm going to be as brief as possible today. And if the Lord set us free. But I do want to look in the gospel of Matthew chapter number 28, which is also familiar to us. But I want to pick up, if you will, at verse number 8, 16. Matthew 28 and 16. Do you have it? Amen. Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Amen. From the 18th verse, Jesus said, I want to, the old preacher said, I want to pick up on the B clause of the 18th verse, where Jesus said, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. And I really want to look today, God bless you, Usher. I want to look today at our power source. Music You got to be ready to roll with whatever comes along. Thought I was going to have to freestyle some lyrics there, but we were going to go all the way with it, you know. Amen. So, our power source. Praise the Lord. Where our power, when I say our, I'm talking about the Lord's people. Where our power comes from. We know a lot about power sources. Natural sources of power and energy. Solar energy and wind. That energy that we get from the blowing of the wind. And hydro power, the power that we get from flowing water, that we can empower things with natural substances. We know about coal and oil and other natural sources of power. But today I want us to look at this Holy Ghost power. That Jesus promised to the church. I need you to say Amen this morning. When we talk about the power of God. That he's left to the church. We've got to remember that we are people of power. You often hear people say that the church is just a hospital full of sick folks. And we come to get well. I think I understand the connotation. That we can come and get help for whatever we need. But the church of the living God is a triumphant church. This is a church of power. Jesus said behold I give you power to tread upon serpents. Not just to huddle up somewhere and cry about how hard you're trying to make it. I just can't hardly get along. Amen. The Lord didn't call us to a barely make it ministry. He called us from a place of darkness where we were barely making it. Having to make it on our own. But the record says that he has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into this marvelous light. Now that I'm over here. I got power. I got power. I used to have to do everything the devil told me to do. Well. Y'all just going to be quiet today, huh? Sit there. Sit there. I'm coming. Yeah. Well there was a time when you had to do everything the devil told you to do. Because you were following his direction. You didn't have power because the enemy didn't want us to have any power. But now that I'm in Christ. Somebody say now. I'm in Jesus now. Amen. I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Did you hear the sister calling off the different places where cancer manifested in her body? Amen. Not one time did she break down and cry. She said I stood on the word of God. Now it doesn't mean that you can't be shaken. Every now and then the devil will throw something at you that will shake you up. Amen. If you've never experienced it, tell the Lord thank you. But sometimes that rascal can throw you some curve balls that are unexpected. And you have to step back to get yourself together. But when you get your mind regulated. When you get your mind renewed. You can tell the devil you thought you were going to destroy me. Amen. But I began to look over the record. Amen. And when I looked over the record I saw where the Lord promised that many are the afflictions of the righteous. Amen. But the Lord will deliver us out of them all. Amen. The hymn writer said I've seen the lightning flashing. And I've heard the thunder rolling. I felt sin breakers dashing that were trying to conquer my soul. But I heard the voice of Jesus telling me to fight on. And he promised never to leave me. Never to leave me alone. The world's fierce winds may be blowing. But Jesus is with me. Somebody said and if Jesus goes with me. I'll go anywhere. Because if I got Jesus with me I can make it. Amen. Our power source comes from the Lord. From the gospel of John chapter number 15. Remember Jesus begins to talk about the true vine. Jesus makes it plain that I am the true vine. He said that my father is the husband man. Hallelujah to God. Jesus said and the branch cannot bring full fruit of itself. Except it abide in the vine. Isn't that good news? Amen. I can do all things. But I do them through Christ. That strengthens me. I don't have the power or the know-how to do it on my own. But I found out that the source of my strength comes from the Lord. All of my help. I need some help this moment. I said all of my help. It comes from the Lord. Reckoning who made the heavens and the earth. I can look to the hills. From what's coming my help. When you talk about power sources. I guess the illustrations were limitless. I was reading where a fellow.

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