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Mr. and Mrs. W attended a social event called the Southampton Social. They had some car troubles and had to get a ride from a friend. They arrived at the social and sat in a corner, but were eventually spotted and told to move. They had conversations with other attendees and had a good time overall. They also spoke to a doorman who had experience with the swinging lifestyle. This is Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Swingin' Adventures. I am Mr. W. And I am Mrs. W. So if you are not over the age of 18, please do not listen as this contains adult content. So on tonight's episode, we're going to be talking about the Southampton Social, what was a multiple social? A multiple social group. So we hadn't actually had one of these before, had we? No, we haven't. We've never been to a social that doesn't just contain us and one other or us and another couple. No, so it was a good opportunity. We hadn't done it and we thought, why not? We'd go support some friends. Yep. Make new friends. And that we did. Oh yes, we did. So where do we even start? Because that was just one hell of a ridiculous weekend. Yeah, we ended up leaving our house to travel down and we didn't make it. No, not straight away. It was absolutely ridiculous. So- Got caught in traffic. Yep. Then the car decided to- Go to sleep. Yeah, basically shoot its engine. The car died on the fucking motorway. And as we're driving along, Mr. W's like, the car's dead, the car's fucking dead. I'm like, what? Just, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah, it was just a nightmare. So we ended up getting that put into a lay-by and we were like, fuck it, we're not gonna ruin our night. We were staying at a friend's house anyway. So we were like, do you know what? Let's just- Leave it. Leave the car, we'll deal with it in the morning. Yep. And that we did. Well, we had to get picked up. Yeah. So to start with, the social we were going to was the Marvellous social. And we are always, not so much playing pranks, but we're always joking and telling them we're not doing something to surprise them. Or we can't make it. Yeah. So when the car died, I actually rang Marvellous Vixen. Yes. And I said, my car is dead. She's like, no, it's not, shut up. I said, my car's fucking dead. And at this point, you were getting stressed. Oh, I was getting bitchy. And he was going, just get off the fucking phone. So in the end, I'm like, look, I've got to go. And I hung up. I actually sent her a picture of the car on a grass verge. I think it was, wasn't it? Yeah, it was. So luckily, Marvellous Stag come and saved us. Well, we couldn't really get Marvellous Vixen out because she was halfway through getting ready. No, and Stag takes quicker time. No, they always take quicker. That's debatable sometimes. So on the race, I'll get out the door for you every night of the week. Okay, we're going to try that then. All right, well, we are going out tomorrow night, but you'll hear about that in a later episode. Yeah, so we are a fair bit behind. So Stag come and collected us and took us back to theirs. So we could just get ready. Yeah, because we hadn't got ready. We'd obviously spoke that we were going to be at theirs. Yeah, well, we were meant to collect their dinner and everything on the way. Yeah, we were getting five guys. I missed out on five guys. Yeah, so we had said we were going to treat them for dinner. Yeah, I still didn't get my five guys. No, they didn't either. I got it like two weeks later. Two weeks, you still got it, it's fine. So anyway, we were getting ready. Oh my fucking God, my eyelashes. They were just taking the mick. You could not get them on. Not at all, and it actually was pissing me off. And at this point, the single lady from the- Southampton. No, the Swindon event we met. Yeah. She was actually there at this point. And she was like, do you need help? I was like, no, fuck it, it's done. I can't be arsed. Whatever is whatever. Yeah. So I think we all had a drink or two. Yeah, and then we got an Uber. Yeah. Because obviously Mr. J was there at that point as well. Yeah. He was driving the others down there. And obviously there were six of us that weren't going to fit in a five seater car. So it wasn't an issue us getting an Uber. Because we had to go back to the car because guess who got his glasses? Yes, you had your sunglasses on. Yeah. I know. It took me a while to realize that once I got into the house, I went, oh shit. Yeah, we picked up your glasses and we headed to the social. Yeah. It was one of those we got dropped off and the driver was like, right, where you're going is just over there. So we walked through and I'm like, where do we go? Like, can you spot someone? But luckily enough. Marvellous victim. Yeah. Marvellous thing. Mr. J. Was there walking up the road and the single lady, the single female. Yeah. Was walking up and we were like, bonus. We ain't got to find out where it was. Yeah, right. Because we'd have been phoning one of them to be like, where is it? Yeah, but we managed to get in. We were one of the first people there, which wasn't bad. Was it? Yeah, I don't think there was many people there before that. No, there wasn't. It was one of those situations where I actually felt at ease. I was like, yes, I'm there before anyone else. You know, I can just go sit slightly in a corner. You didn't get in a corner? I did by the bar where the DJ box was. Was that a DJ box? Yeah, because we were also peering through that window because there was somebody dressed up as a princess downstairs. So somebody's wedding reception. Was it a wedding reception? Disney themed wedding reception, yeah. Really? Yeah, I quite enjoyed it. There? Yes, there. But anyway, so more and more people turned up and I didn't think it was too bad. We kept sort of flitting in and out to try and get some air and just move about, so to speak. Yeah, and then? We went back upstairs and we sat in a corner. Oh yeah, because we did it as a bit of a joke. We'd see how long Marvelous Six would take the spot off. Considering she tells us to get out of the fucking corners all the time. So that's what we've done. We hid in a corner. And the next thing we hear is her shout to another single lady, the one that we had kissed the week prior, couple of weeks prior. And she was like, can you get them out of that corner right now? I think she just left us to it. I think it was one of them. The funny thing is, she spotted you, not me. Yeah, I know. And I like just sunk down in the chair. I was like, I'm just staying down here. You know, the thing is, it's a bit different. Like, I'm sort of noticeable. I have multicolored hair. That's your problem, not mine. So if I had just a plain natural color hair, it wouldn't be an issue? Well, you should dye your hair a natural color. You blend in there. That's boring. Exactly. It was boring for me anyway. It's not my personality. That's not me. We carried on sitting in the corner. But I think we moved from the corner corner to the corridor corner. Like, so where we were sitting, it was like the plain seats, weren't it? Yeah. And then we went and sat in the little stalls. And that's when- Oh yeah, because then we were right up in the corner. And then she like peered her head around and I was like, you two, get out. And we're like, but we're not in a corner now. Which technically we weren't. We weren't hiding. No, we were still seen. Yeah. And she just had to peer around the corner. Yeah. While we were sitting there just chatting away, there were four people sitting on the airplane seats in like the middle section. You had the single female. Yeah, Mr. J. Mr. J. And you then had Naughty and Nice. Yeah. So they were sitting there. We sort of briefly flitted in a conversation, but not much. And then once, you know, one had moved, we sort of, we were all seat changing. Yeah. Actually, it was nice just to chat with them. Yeah, because it was good, like, catch up again after Swindon. Yeah, because we didn't get much of a chance to actually spend 95% of our time with Naughty and Nice that night. Yeah, we did, because we had some right good laughs. Yeah, just about random shit. Yeah, didn't he give me a lap dance at one point? No, you gave him one. Did I? Yes. Okay. I didn't drink that much. No, I think it was because you went to get up to go to the toilet or to get a drink or something like that. And you were like, I'll give you a lap dance and walking through. He thought it was funny. Yeah. One conversation that did get brought up was you were nicknaming him. And that's where in the preview, so we said about Naughty and Nice, aka Peach and Snake. Yeah. And this is where the snake come out. So you were just saying to him, he's a bit of a snake, not in a bad way. No, no, no. In a good way. Fucking me, that would hurt. So, I apologise. I know you're going to be listening to this. I apologise, we're not going to discuss this. It's huge. Right, okay. Okay, I get that. But, he doesn't see that. It's like a dwarf's arm. Let's not. Inside joke. Let's not discuss that one. So, anyway, we sort of flipped between conversations with him and whether it was just one of us sitting with both of them, both of us sitting with one of them. And it was just a really nice time. But, at one point, I did go outside for a fape and I was speaking to the doorman. Yeah. And he actually said to me, he was like, I don't mean to ask this, but is this a swingers event? And you went, um, um, um, yeah. I was like, but don't worry, don't worry. No one's going to be up there ripping people's clothes off. Everyone's fully dressed. Like, it's all good. But, I actually had a really nice conversation with him. Yeah, and it turned out he'd been in the lifestyle before. Yeah, which was quite nice. So, we were just sort of like waffling to and fro. And every time after that, I went outside, we'd waffle a bit more. Didn't you find one of the girls up the stairs? Yes, one of the girls wanted carrying up those stairs. In all honesty, I wanted carrying up those stairs. They're fucking annoying. I know, but half of the women in there wanted him to be up there probably butt naked. Yeah, more likely. Oh, like a naked waiter. That's what he should have been. But anyway, so... All right, stop daydreaming. As soon as I found out, I went upstairs and I found Vixen and I was like, oh my God, guess what? So, I told her about the conversation I'd just had with the doorman. And her eyes lit up like Blackpool illuminations. Yeah, but not just that. She actually spoke to the other girls and she was telling other girls, she was like, oh my God, guess what? The doorman, he, you know. Yeah, because that other woman who was there sitting there speaking at the same time. Yeah. Because I said, oh, look at her. Yeah. Because she was, reminded me of someone and I was like... But, I think with that, after everyone found out, it was like, oh my God, all women downstairs right now. And I think that's sort of what it was, wasn't it? Yeah, I think the club got emptied. It was like a sausage rest in there. I went outside. So, anyway, like after that, we just continued upstairs and they had like a circle seating area, weren't it? Yeah. Which was nice. It was big enough for people to sort of walk through, big enough for quite a few of us to sit. And we were actually sitting with Naughty. No, just Naughty. Nice come back from the bar. And she was like, oh my God, I've caused trouble. No, she caused trouble. She kissed someone. Yeah, she kissed. The lady. And she was like, I've caused trouble. I think there's a bit of a debate over there. And I was like, where? That's it. I got up and I'm like looking, because I'm nosy bitch. Yeah. And I think when that Naughty got up and he stood next to me and we were both just watching. That bar mate. We're not going to discuss the bar mate. No, everyone, even Vixen was like, we're flipping her. And I was like, okay, we can try that. Well, to be honest. They knew, they must have known. Yes, I don't think they're stupid. I really don't. But just some of the laughs we had that night was just a different form. Like we connect with quite a few people from different places, but the conversations were just constantly flowing that night, which I was pleased that we could just sit and talk. Oh yeah. Like it was a nice atmosphere. Yes, it got rowdy towards the end, but alcohol involved, it's going to. Yeah, but it didn't get overly, do you know what I mean? I think there was one little blowjob in a corner, but. But that's later. So we then, well, the single female, she ended up going home, didn't she? Yeah, halfway through the night. Yeah, because she wasn't very good. And I think she burnt the candle at both ends that night, because she went to a club before. Oh yeah. Yeah. So we were obviously like, it's late, everyone's been drinking food. Yeah, so I think four of us decided to pop down to the local kebab shop and get something to eat. But then as we walked back. Was it normally a knife walking towards us? Yeah, they were leaving, so everyone said goodbye to them. Yeah. And then all of a sudden it was like a situation where everyone was coming out of the club. Yeah. Because everyone was like, oh, we're all going, you know. I was like, okay, they don't bother us, to be honest. No, it was getting to that point at night where it was like, okay, like, it's late, it's really time to go to bed. Yeah, I was tired. Yeah. Extremely tired. After pushing that car, I was tired. Yeah. We actually didn't need to get an Uber back. No, because obviously the single lady, she'd gone back already. Yeah. Miss J was like, jump in the car. I, of course, called front seat. Did you get it? Yes, of course I did. Did you? I was the first one to that car. Oh yeah. So I got front seat. Marvellous fix and got sandwiched between myself and marvellous stag. So, not that it's a problem. No. Because I just want to pinpoint that it's not a problem. No. Because they will listen. And there was an after party. Yeah. Every social's got to have an after party. Someone has to have an after party. I think it's their thing. Yeah, but again, that's not an issue. No, no, no. At the end of the day, they do that. It's their house. Yeah. They do what they want. Yeah, exactly. So, we did actually go back and we were sitting there chatting to them for a bit. And then I think four, five people turned up. I think it was more than that. So, not quite sure how many, but a few people turned up and I said to Mr. W, let's just go for a fape and then head up to bed. Because- Could not sell. No, I just think it was a stress of trying to get the car sorted and the fact of, we knew we weren't going to get no sleep. No, and we had another friend of ours coming all the way down. After we had realised the car was broke, we actually spoke to a friend from where we live and she agreed to come down to pick me up and leave you at the car. Yeah, because obviously you need to get back to the babysitter and the kids. Yep, so it was just stress. And I was like, look, I don't actually feel comfortable. I'm stressing. I'm not going to sleep. And this is the thing as well is, yes, we've both been drinking, but at that point the car wasn't moving under its own power. There was no way of being done, well, probably could have got done for drink driving, but at the same time is, you wouldn't drive. The thing is, we weren't even in charge of a key for that vehicle. The key was well and truly away from us anyway. Yeah, because it was under, on the back wheel where they meant to be if you're drunk. So, we weren't. We, I won't say we were drunk anyway. I only had two. I think I only had about three or four. Yeah, I only had two. I'm not really a big drinker. So, we got an Uber back to the car. Yep, oh, that was the night. They tried to get an Uber at that time of the morning. And I went at like three, four o'clock. I don't have a clue, but we finally got- I think it was about four o'clock, because once we got back, I think we ran through the breakdown at about half four. Yeah, I think so. But once we got back to the car, of course, where I traveled down in a dress- Did you? Or a pair of shorts, I think it might have been. I didn't have much on because I didn't have nothing to get changed into. I was literally in that car, like covered up with one of your shirts, have a blanket, and I was freezing. So, Nate, if you're going for a road trip, just take a duvet or blanket or something in the back, just in case. Yeah, you should always, we've said this before, but you should always have like an emergency supplier in the boot. Yep. A blanket, maybe a little pillow, and some drinks or lunch or something. Well, I think we learned that mistake when we broke down. No, we got- We got stuck in traffic. Stuck in traffic once. On a road closure. Yeah, well, because we had drinks in the car that day. Yeah. Side track. Yeah, just a bit. So, anyway, we were asleep in the car and I couldn't sleep properly. I think I was waking up like every 10, 20 minutes. Oh, I slept. Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. Fully aware. I put a film on. I'm quite surprised you didn't sit there and start watching them. You normally do. I know, I did. But then I think part of me was getting paranoid because where you were so laid back in the seat, no one could have seen you. Whereas a female sitting in a passenger seat of a car in a lay-by, you know, people are driving past. I just think- Yeah, I get what you mean. I'd rather just sit in the dark. Yes. Although, it wasn't actually getting dark because the light was coming on. Fucking sunlight. I think we were actually only there an hour, two hours maybe. Two or three hours we were there. And then our friend rang and woke us up. Yeah, because I actually managed to get a bit of sleep then. So she rang and she was like, right, the sat-nav's saying I'm about 10 minutes away. I was like, right, okay, that's fine. So we sort of got up, waited for her, and then I got on my way home. And I sat there, I'd say till about half eight. You sat there for about three hours, four hours? Yeah, waiting for obviously breakdowns to come. But then we obviously got the car recovered, not all the way home in one hit. That would have been great, but it didn't. No. Sat in the services for like four or five hours. Yeah, no, that was a long old fucking day. That was killer. What was frustrating is we couldn't do our usual. We couldn't- Debrief. Yeah, our debrief. We couldn't do that. Yeah, we couldn't chat, because there was no- Well, we'd travelled over, we'd been all right, but we didn't, we went home separate. So we actually got to have a debrief once you got home, I think. Although it was only- It was short, because I was like, I've got to go. Yeah, you got home quite late and you had work quite early the next day. It was a quick sort of debrief. Let's get washed in bed and sort of- Go to sleep. Yeah, just discuss it over the phone during the week. Didn't someone want a reclaim as well? I wouldn't call it a reclaim, because I hadn't been with anyone. But obviously I wanted sex at some point that weekend. You had it Friday night. Doesn't mean I can't have it Sunday night too. Oh, give me a break. Oh well. So that basically is sort of our first social. Group social. Yes, our first group social. I'm glad we went. Yeah. So the downsides? Car breaking. Yeah, having to sleep in the car. Yeah. And a long ass journey home. Yeah. But the positives? Got to meet more people. Yeah. Got to meet someone who I thought was really good. Yeah. Turned out, filters are everything. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Catfish. Yeah. Catfish and a half. Yeah. Would you go again? I would. If the car breaks down, we're not going ever. No, I would go again. But I would say we either need to take the camper. Can we get a night here first, don't we? Or we book a hotel. Hotel sounds better. It does, doesn't it? We can bring people back. We can have our own after party. Do you want to come back to my camper, or do you want to come back to our hotel room? Mate, you'd be surprised how many people want to come back to a camper. Yeah? We've got one bed. Yes, and it's a super king bed. Yeah? We can fit four people in that bed. You can trust four people on that bed? I don't know, we can give it a go. Oh, so in a later episode, if you hear me say, I've got to rebuild the bed in the camper, you know what's happened. Does anyone want to test my idea? Give us a message on Instagram. We will be taking requests. We will also do an application form. That's good to ask. And Mrs. W will not do any of that, because she doesn't do it. Oh, shit, we're so short. We're shit with everything. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, sidetrack. So, where were we? We've done the pros and the positives. Pros and cons. Pros and cons. Pros and positives are the same thing. Tit, so, I would go again. What about yourself? I'd go again, but I think it's the same with you. Take the camper or book a hotel. Yeah. Because as much as it's nice having our friends say, yeah, come and stay at ours. When you need sleep, you need sleep. Yeah, and a three hour journey there and back. Is a long ass journey. To get no sleep. Went to Swindon again. Yeah, that was a six hour round trip. Oh, yeah, it was at Swindon. But, I don't know, we'll see. A lot of things have happened since the social. Yep. And we have not had time to go down and support them on another social. No, it's just been money. I'm hoping that, you know, come the new year, and things start to ease off again. Yeah. That we'd have a bit more time to go and visit them and go to their socials. Well, we've got one social booked. Do we? Oh, yes. We do. We've actually booked that today. And we are booking. But that social isn't a Marvellous social. No. So, technically. It's not a Marvellous social, it's another social. Yes, it's another social. But, we do need to try and possibly get down to a Marvellous social. Yeah, definitely. We need to book that other event. Yes, we've got so much going on. We've already got, what, the first three months into the year fully booked. Yeah, fuck we have. Yep. We could actually talk about the next social or the next event by the time this goes out. That will be already released. We will discuss that when we discuss the fucking. Next one? Yeah, the event we've just been to. So, when we discuss that. That will. That would then be when we talk about the other one. Okay, you've got a lot of editing to do. Yeah, sure do. Ha ha, what? So, yeah, after March, I think, if the socials are still going as strong as we hope they are for them. Yep, I think we'll take a trip down after March. Yeah, if we can, obviously, get earlier. We will get earlier. Yeah, but we've only been booked for February. Without having my diary on me, I couldn't actually tell you. You've got a diary for next year already? Yeah. I'm sort of, it's a half a year to half a year diary. It's like a. Oh, is it? Yeah. Okay. It's my work diary, but I've got everything else in it. God. It's when people from work, they're looking at your diary to go, what houses have we got this week? And it's like, you're going to what club? Ha ha ha, yeah. But we are going to venture out next year a bit more. Yeah. We're going to try. Well, the camper will be fully done by then. It better be. So, we're going to actually spend, like, a couple of weekends here and there, just basically travelling to different clubs. Maybe see if we can do, like, a Friday through to a Sunday again, and go to, like, one club on a Friday night, travel down to somewhere else, go to another club. What, do the? We'll do a swingers crawl. Oh, fuck it, then. What are you going to, like, brand it as? The swingers crawl? Yeah. But ain't there the? The club crawl. Is it West Brom double? I don't know. But you've also got the one we really want to go down to, and have a look at Bournemouth. Yeah. Untamed. Want to try that one? I still want to try Pleasures. That's in Kent, ain't it? Yeah. Yeah? And just a few others. They're all scattered, this is the issue. So, we've just got to, sort of, pinpoint what ones we can get to first, and when, and. Well, we said about JVs as well, didn't we? Yeah, but every time we go to, say, we're going to JVs, where do we end? BA. Every time. But I like VA. And we've just. But, you've got to give it. Got to give it what? A go. Yeah, we do have to give it a go, and I know we've got to give it a go. But, at the time. Of recording. Of recording. We're actually due to go to VA tomorrow. Yep. For Benny's pilot. Yes, and I cannot wait to get back to VA. It feels like it's been forever. It's been since August. Considering how often we were going there, and we haven't been since August. That's like three months we've not been there for. How? We weren't there in October. Where did we go in October? No, we weren't there in September, because that was when we had this social that we're discussing now. Yeah. We didn't go in October. I don't think we went anywhere in October, in all honesty. Yeah, we did. Why did we go? That would have been the event. No, the event was November. We've just got back from an event. So. We actually didn't do nothing in October. I think it was just so busy. So busy. No, we did go out. No, we didn't. Now, here is where you're going to start checking emails, isn't it? Hang on, we're trying. Oh. And I ain't got it on my laptop, so. Anyway. Fuck yeah, we had a month off. We did have a month off. So. Not to say that we're out every month. We're normally out once a month. We try and do once a month. But the babysitter has said that she wants to work more, so she's more than happy to do two nights a month. Yeah, so. So we're like, bonus. So we're taking advantage of that. We are off to Venice Bar Night at VA. Yep. And we've then got. By the time we're recording, all this coming out. Yeah, but we've actually got a Christmas due from Vanilla Life. Yeah, precisely. And if it gets boring, we're going to ditch that and go to VA. Are we? Yeah. I feel bad if we do that. No, I don't. Okay. I just say we double-boot ourselves. Does it feel like blaming the wife? No, I just. No one will blame me, that's the problem. I'll just tell them how I was going to get my, so. Oh, lovely. They don't know if it's my wife or a bit on the side. They'd probably assume it would be a bit on the side. Yeah, probably. They do know our life. Yep. So, anyway. We're going to round this one up here. Guys, thank you for listening. And we'll catch you on the next one. Don't forget, our socials are always open to anyone. And again, I keep saying I'm going to get better. I will get better. Please, just bombard, say, Mrs. W, are you there? Just to see if she actually responds to you. Yeah, maybe. So, our socials are. Swing up on Twitter or X. Instagram. That's it. TikTok. Yeah, not many people use TikTok to sort of. Oh, really? Yeah, so yeah, we have got TikTok as well. There is some videos up there. Of me, clearly. Yeah. There's one of me in there. There might be two. One, two, three. If you're lucky. Yeah. So, anyway, guys. Thank you for listening. And we shall see you soon. Thank you and goodbye. Goodbye.

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