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cover of ep9 weekend 2 and 3 out of our 4 weekends at VA
ep9 weekend 2 and 3 out of our 4 weekends at VA

ep9 weekend 2 and 3 out of our 4 weekends at VA




So what happened in our second and third weekend at VA? The start of a set back for Mr W, first bi night find us on our socials @ Mr_Mrs_W_22

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Mr. and Mrs. W went to V8 for the Ibiza Weekender event. They enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere during the day and socialized with other people. However, a drunk woman made offensive comments to them, which affected their mood. They tried to move on and enjoy themselves, but witnessed another incident where a man touched a woman without her consent. They emphasized the importance of consent and were disappointed that some people didn't understand it. They decided to have some private time together on a bed next to the hot tub. Welcome to our podcast. This is Mr. and Mrs. W. Our Swingin' Adventures. I am Mr. W. And I am Mrs. W. So, last week, or two weeks ago, we got really bad. Again. It's been longer than that. Well, whenever it was, we last spoke about our visit to V8. The first time we went alone. Yeah, it was. We actually spent three weekends going back to V8 for different events, different... Nights. Yeah, and it was just, a lot happened in those three weeks. So, we are going to try and tell you about the second weekend we went, which was the Ibiza Weekender. And that, again, was quite a good night. There was just the two of us. We didn't arrange no meets. No play or anything. We just went there for the atmosphere that night. It was purely just to socialise. Yeah. So, we arrived early to V8. Obviously, they had opened up the Lutz Lounge about 12 o'clock, I think it was. And then, so we arrived, I want to say about 3 o'clock. Yeah, I think so. They had been open some time. And obviously, some people were already there anyway due to camping the night before. Yeah. So, we ended up going in. It was quite a weird experience because it was evening, afternoon, and you had to go through the side door to get into, obviously, the back bit. And it was the fact of, you walked in and it was nice. Normally, when you go into the club, you've got the reception. You start working into the club. Yeah. Where this time, it was out the back, grab a drink. Yeah, and I just think it was so more spaced out and it was just in the open air and everyone was so relaxed. And, you know, yes, there was music playing, like there would be inside the club anyway. Yeah. But it was just a totally different atmosphere. And me and Mr. W sort of checked in, grabbed a drink, and we just went and sat and chilled and just taking everything in. And I think the garden there is quite nice. It's quite big. The colours are just bright. Yeah, there's just a rainbow around. It's like a love island theme, which is quite nice, to be honest. It's sort of welcoming and colourful and just all round a nice place to be. Yeah. So then we went for a little wander, didn't we? Yeah, and we just sort of took a stroll around the field, sort of looking at the different tents and campers and things that were all there from the weekend. And we actually spoke to a couple. A couple at the back, didn't we? Well, we say a couple. The husband was actually half napping in the tent. Yeah. So she was sitting outside and we spoke to her. They were telling us about the weekend or the night before. Yeah, because they'd obviously done the whole weekend, hadn't they? Yeah, and it was just so nice just to be sort of away from the situation but in the situation. Yeah. Which we've not actually experienced yet, and to be honest with you, I think we actually decided we were going to possibly camp there. Yeah. At one point, and just get the feel for it. Well, we was. But we wouldn't really be camping. It'd be more in our van that we're currently building. Right, so it'd be clustered. Motorhoming. Is motorhoming ready, you think? Do you say, I'm going motorhoming, or do you say I'm going camping? Well, it's a bit of both, because camping is, we're going right off track now. Well, I'm about to go more off track. As we are sitting here recording this, Mr W decides to point out that one of the bloody toys, kids toys, I should just point out, has just fucking glowed. Flashed, not glowed. Well, the lights came on. For what reason, I do not know. And he's going to work tonight, so I have to stay in this house by myself. And I'm a wimp, like proper wimp. Right, so let's get back on track. So, that was the daytime. They had then opened the club. Yeah, about normal time, weren't it, they opened up? Yeah, but time had seemed to go so fast since when we arrived. Yeah, because we must have got there about three, four o'clock. Must have done, but it just disappeared. Yeah. So, we've gone into the club as we normally would. I say normally would, we went through the side door, we didn't have to go back through to reception. Yeah, we went straight into the lockers, didn't we? Yeah, sorted our locker out, put our stuff away, and went to join our normal routine of being a PA. So, as we said at the beginning, it was just a socialising thing. We weren't looking for nothing in particular, and we just got in the hot tub. Yeah. Chat to a few people. Did our normal thing. Yeah, but I think a big thing that stood out that night was something that almost put us off. Yeah. It literally nearly ruined the whole thing. The whole night. Not the whole lifestyle in general. I think it was the case of the words that were said shouldn't have been said to anyone, let alone myself. Yeah, but as you just said, it shouldn't have been said to anyone. The woman in question should have just kept her mouth shut. There was no need for her to do what she did. No. And I get everyone is not everyone's cup of tea. Oh yeah, I totally get that. But it's more the case of don't say it in the way she said it. There's no need to pinpoint something like that in front of everyone. Yeah. So, she was extremely drunk. Like, I get that everybody has different types of coping mechanisms, but to me that was too extreme. Yeah, because at the end of the day, you don't need to say anything. If someone's not your cup of tea, just walk away nice and... But instead, so while sitting out in the smoking area, there was, I think about four of us all having a conversation amongst other people out there. And loud as anything, she has just gone, I like you, I like you, I like you, well, you're alright I suppose, to Mr. W. And at the same time, I was the only male out there at that point. Yeah, so I get maybe she was a ladies person, but there was no need to say it with the tone that she had in her voice. And I think that was what the issue was, because not only did it piss you off, it pissed me off. And in all honesty, I think the other ladies that were out there were a bit gobsmacked that she had come out with that. I think that then put us in a mindset of, we don't want to be here. Yeah. And I just think that completely shut us down from then talking to other people and relaxing enough to enjoy ourselves. Yeah, because at the end of the day, she obviously walked off at that point, she was already going in, but there was just that bit over your head. And I didn't realise, I think it was about two or three days later, how much it actually affected me once I spoke to a friend of mine about it. And he went, are you actually alright on that? And I was like, not really. And then obviously I rang Mrs W and we sat there and had a chat about it. So obviously we had the conversation and then Mrs W expressed to me how she was feeling on the whole situation. And all I'm going to say is, just please don't say anything, because that threw me off for like a little while. It's not even the fact of just saying something to Mr W, because at the end of the day, you know, people do need to express themselves, but just choose your burden. Your words correctly. Yes, and your environment. You know, as Mr W said, it actually affected me as well as him. Because that completely threw me to be like, okay, yes, I find him attractive, not everybody else does. But it was just uncalled for. Yeah. And I don't know why she even felt the need to say it, to be honest. I think it was one of those cases where she wasn't thinking. She probably had that little bit too much to drink and was just like... Word vomit. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. But still, no need for it. But anyway, so we decided to try and shrug that off and sort of try and enjoy ourselves. Yeah, we did. I think we ended up back in the hot tub after that, didn't we? Yeah, I believe we did. Yeah, so we just went back in, chilled out. Was that a night that lady was touching someone else? Yeah, it might have been. Like, I believe there was something in the air that night. Because when we were in the hot tub, there was a couple in front of us and a couple next to them. And the second couple, the man had touched the other woman from the other couple. Yeah. She absolutely lost it. And she had every right to. Yep, 100%. The man had tried touching her boob and she literally turned around and went, don't touch me. No, because he didn't have her consent. But what made me and Mr W sort of like, well, hold on, the lady has every right to express herself. Because the wife then went, well, if that's an issue, you're in the wrong place. And you're not in the wrong place. You're in the right place. Because consent is everything. Without consent, it's just, everything's going to go wrong. Yes. Majorly. Yes, majorly. But I just feel like they could have just understood what the woman was saying. But they couldn't get her point. And I think that's what pissed me off the most. So, the lady who did get touched, her and her husband left the hot tub. I believe they went and spoke to a member of staff. Because we didn't actually spot the other couple after. No, we didn't. But I'm pretty sure they, no, it was the other couple. They got out straight away. Well, either way, whoever got out, whoever didn't get out, we noticed that the couple, the man who touched the other lady, they weren't about no more. No. So, whether it was just purely they had decided to leave after that, or whether staff asked them to leave, obviously, we weren't going to be involved in that because that wasn't down to us. That wasn't, you know. It wasn't our situation to be in. No. But I think after that, we thought, we'll try and have a bit of a play. Just to sort of keep us occupied, just the two of us. Yeah, just do our thing. So, we ended up on the bed next to the hot tub. Yeah. We always end up on that bed. Oh, next to our new bed. But we were on a different end, though, that time. We were more to the door. Who knows where we were on the bed, but, you know, that is mainly our bed. That or the other one. I think it was only ever, realistically, those two beds. Yeah. So, while we were on that bed and, you know, having our play, there was a couple we had previously spoke to. Yeah. And they were walking past. I think they were just walking past and just watching people, weren't they? Yeah. To start with. Yeah, just looking at, like, looking around as you do. See you saw more of that than I did. I was like... You were bent over at that point. It was face down. I couldn't see no one. I weren't looking at no one. But I think you invited... The gentleman over. Yeah. Because he was, like, looking, so I was like, why not? Are you joining? Yeah. Yeah, that sort of thing. And I don't even know how I realised he was there. I can't even remember. You were shoving it in your face. Yeah, but I don't know what made me then look up to realise he was there. I think it's because I, like, I think I said to him, do you want to come over? Yeah, it might have been. And I sort of looked up at that point. Yeah. Yeah, there it was. And I started doing my thing. But with that, Mr W then sort of backed off from me. Yeah, just to let you have your time. Yeah, but I weren't sure how I felt because we hadn't done that before, like, where another guy joined. Yeah, because his partner went off to a smoking area. Yeah, and I just, I don't know, all mixed emotions were going on my head then. As much as I enjoyed it, I sort of, again, weren't sure how you'd feel because we hadn't... Discussed it. And not even been in that situation before either. No, but I do think in that scenario, and we have spoke about this off-air, that they may have a, what's the right word? A code way of, if he wants to play, he can, but she doesn't give him that long. And then she'll come back and say, oh, I need you to get a pack of Rizzlers. Yeah, so... And that's like his end of his time. Yeah, and I think we noticed that during the day, I say during the day, previous on that day, that it was like if any of them went off, the other one would sort of come back and join, or they're like, not so much join, but distract them and take them away. Yeah. Which wasn't an issue, in all honesty. No, no, it wasn't, but it was more the case of how they did it. Yeah, I get that. But again, I wasn't too bothered because, ideally, unless we're sort of in a situation where we're couple swapping, a man doesn't necessarily interest me. No. I didn't, it's not that I didn't want to, I'm... More for the ladies than you are the men. Yeah, so me playing with another man isn't necessarily something that's going to get me off. No. I think after that, we sort of decided to call it a night, didn't we? I don't think we done much more after that. No, I don't think we did. I think we just sort of worked around saying goodbye to a few people that we had spoke to that day. So we ended up just popping out to the smoking area to say bye to the last couple of people, and we ended up starting speaking to that really nice gentleman, didn't we, who it turns out he's part and heart. Well, we had actually spoke to her out in the smoking area a couple of times, and we were saying goodbye to her and a few people she was with. That was when we spoke to the gentleman. Yeah, and it turned out that she was from... A local area. A local area to us. So we ended up exchanging numbers before we left, and Link sort of said our goodbyes, and that was that for the night. Yeah, we just had our time, and we were like, you know what, let's go home. So we actually have time to tell you about our third night, our third weekend at VA, and that was Benny's bye night. So we wanted to try the bye night just to see what it was all about. We kept on seeing it online, so we thought, why not? We had childcare. Yeah, and we had never been to a bye night before. It had always been a Saturday. Yeah, it was always just a normal Saturday night. There was nothing on specifically, and we just went for it. We actually didn't go alone. No, we didn't. We did take a friend with us, and it was just quite nice because she wanted to see... What it was all about. Yeah, because obviously we've got a podcast, of course we're open. Everyone knows about us, family, friends. Jack down the road, Bob across the road, do you know what I mean? Everyone knows about us, so we decided to take her along. Yeah. And let her see what we sort of get up to. Yeah, what a club situation it is. We had said that we wasn't going to play. We were not going to play because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. No. So it was just going to be the case of, again, another socialising night. And again, just finding groups with a different type of event. Just to see who was about and who may, if we want to go back to that night again. So I actually quite enjoyed that night. It was a different sort of environment. And everyone seemed a lot more different, I think, and upbeat. And again, the pressure from the previous week was still... There. Yeah, it was still over our shoulders. And I don't think we could fully shrug that off. No. And it was quite weird because we actually got back into the hot tub again. And ended up sitting beside the woman we were having last weekend. Yeah, we had just got into a random conversation, weren't we? Yeah. And I was like, I'm sure I recognise you. And she was like, yeah, I feel the same. And I was like, oh, actually, you're the lady from last week who the gentleman touched you. She was like, I don't really want to be known as that type of person. She said, but yeah, that was me. She was like, you know, I'm really sorry about that. And I just said to her, there's no need to apologise. No. Because at the end of the day, he was in the wrong. Yeah, and I think she felt comfortable that we had agreed that what happened was not her wrongdoing. Yeah. I think it was also nice because we had experienced an incident the week prior. And so had she. And it was the situation of we both bit the bullet. Yeah. We both dived straight back in. It's like when you fall off a bike, get back on it. Yeah. And I knew if we'd left it... Too long. It was just not exploded or gone sour or anything like that. We would have just... We would have just ended up back at square one. Yeah. Like, I have fully come out of my shell. At VA you have. At VA, yeah. That's my go-to. That's where I always want to be. Yeah. And because I'm comfortable there, I just feel like if we had left it too long, I would have then probably... Gone back in yourself a bit. Yeah. Not that we need to spend as many weeks as we do there. But we haven't spent that much time there recently. No, we have taken a break. But anyway, so again, no pay. Just socialising. We actually were in and out of the hot tub a few times that night. Yeah. And... Brian. Yeah, Brian was in there, wasn't he? Everyone has got to know Brian if you go VA. And he was in there. He shocked me being in there. Yeah. But he was like, no, this is my Friday thing. I get in here on a Friday. And it was just so nice just to see... Him in his natural... Like, him just being him. Yeah. And just having that time. Yeah, I definitely agree there. We actually also got speaking to a single male. Oh, he was lovely. And do you know what? I've... I say I've. We've met a few single males. Yep. And as much as we have built connections with a few of them, I feel like that's something different. Yeah, he was a true... Like, didn't want to push his boundaries. Like, even when we were in the hot tub towards the end of the night, like, he'd come over, he... He didn't want to... I say he'd come over, but he didn't want to come over because it was the three of us and we were talking. And then, like, obviously we started interacting with him, but he didn't want to come over before and interrupt us. He didn't want to be that bloke, just go straight over and tries his luck, if that makes sense. Yeah, so because I think everyone had either left or were in playrooms, we were generally the last four in the hot tub. And because, like you said, the three of us were talking, you could see that he was watching and listening at a distance. So that was when we were like, you know, come over, like, have a chat. Yeah. And it was so nice because he was actually still new to the lifestyle. Yeah, he hadn't been in it long enough. No, so he was trying to find out... What night he was more suited to. Yes, and whether, you know, he could go down certain routes. And we actually taught him a few things. Yeah. And we ended up finding each other on, was it Fab? I think it was either Fab or Insta. Yeah, and I had a few conversations. Maybe we need to drop him a message to see how he's doing. Yeah. But it was just so nice to see such a genuine person and you could tell from the second you started talking to him. Yeah, that he was more genuine than most folks you've spoke to in this lifestyle. Yeah, I definitely agree there. So with that, our conversation did actually get cut short in the hot tub. Yeah, it did, because it was... Closing time. Yeah, unfortunately. Brian actually appeared and was like, sorry, guys, I do need you to leave. Yeah, so, well, it wasn't leave, it was more like, just start wrapping up, we're about to start closing up. But then when we had actually got out, got dried and ready to leave, we actually walked through and I was like, OK, maybe there is literally not even a handful of people in here. And that was the... Friday night. The Friday night, yeah. So after that, we did actually speak to the lady that spoke, the lady that we took, and just checking in with her. We were checking in throughout the night, but she was OK. If at any point she wanted to leave, we would have left. Yeah. And, you know, she said she felt comfortable. Yeah. And she was sort of intrigued, in a way, I would say. Yeah, we'd already had conversations with her about the whole lifestyle and the situation like that, and she'd expressed to us that she was obviously interested. In finding out routes. Yeah. But we're not going to take that conversation any further as of yet. No, that's for the next one. So the conversation we will have next time, or the next podcast, would be a bit more to do with mental health in the lifestyle. Yeah. Because mental health is a big thing, whether you generally suffer with mental health or whether it's just knockbacks that affect your mental health. Yeah, because at the end of the day, what happens can affect you quite badly. As we had agreed, or had discussed, the lady that sent me to the WVAC slightly, we're actually going to go into depth with a bigger situation. Which really, nearly chucked us completely out. Yeah, and we will get to that. So we apologise in advance for a more serious podcast. Yeah. But it was our journey. Yeah, and it's necessary for us to bring up. We wasn't actually going to talk about it. We wasn't, but we will go into more depth with that next time. Yep. I'm so focused on what we've got to do next time. I almost forgot the outro. So here we go. Thank you for listening to our story and our journey in the lifestyle. If you have any questions or would just like to drop us a message or if there's anything you wanted to add to what we've said. Or even give us some feedback. And we would really appreciate some people's feedback on how these are going. I know they are in a man. To be honest, we still are learning. We still need to make a good choice and way around it. As you get up to speed with doing it. Yes, and equipment wise. Yeah. We still need to get more equipment to make things easier. But we are getting there. So again. Your feedback would be great. Yep. But if there is anything you do want to say direct to either of us. You will find us on Instagram. We are also on Twitter or X. I think it's now known as. You'll also find us on FAB. And Swing Hub. We are now on Swing Hub. So feel free to drop us a message. Leave feedback. And we hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you.

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