Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses their skepticism towards religion, citing personal experiences with churches involved in scandals. They express frustration with religious leaders who hide behind their faith and judge others. The speaker also criticizes the idea that religious beliefs are necessary for morality and highlights the issue of online harassment by entitled men. They emphasize the importance of character and individual responsibility. the church you went to in Sacramento, I kid you not, I really had to sit back and think about it hard, but I realized every church we went to had some kind of scheme, every single one. Even my grandparents' church, not like their specifically, but the whole denomination, but their Church of God of Indian Life Saints, it's antiquated, it's a weird one, like really old-fashioned, like no electronics. Yeah, like fundamentalist. Yeah, like that. My dad, like they went to that church, because that was the church that my mom went to when she was a baby, grew up in that church. My dad went to that church for like a few years after they got married, you know, for a few years, but he's like, I can't do this anymore. He's like, hey, check it out. I love you, woman, but we're gonna have to tune some shit up, okay? They were trying to make him a deacon and everything, and he wasn't happy. He said, look, I love you, but I can't go to this church anymore. And she... Yeah, we gotta make some changes. And she actually, she left, my aunt left, like all of them left, but that church, I mean, the whole denomination of California, I mean, they have their share of scandals, like I kid you not, every church I went to had some kind of scandal, you know, and that's what made me skeptical about religion in general, you know? Okay, so, the second... I can't remember the name of the bitch, but she had a husband who was a pastor at a church in Memphis, okay? This bitch is fuckin' banging some member of the congregation. How about they done fuckin' murdered the fuckin' pastor husband, okay? Bitch, you're married to a fuckin' pastor. Like, you can't be doing no murder for hire. Like, this is unacceptable. Like, what are you doing? And I'm... This was shit probably 15 years ago. There's an episode that snapped about her, and I cannot for the fuckin' life of me remember, but the bitch looks like a Sunday school teacher. She was a Sunday school teacher. Now, you done came from the Sunday school, and then you went and let this dude knock it off, and then you let the garage door open so he could come in and kill your husband? Bitch, this is not what Jesus was talking about. I don't know if you ain't got to that section yet, but I'm gonna tell you right now, you need to go on and switch up the Testament. Yeah, she's still on the old... Man, she's still reading out of Deuteronomy or something. You gotta get to the new... You gotta get to that New Testament, bitch. Because I promise you this is not what you're saying. She's over on Psalms. She... That's what I'm saying. No, bitch. No, you gotta get into the new Thessalonians. You know what I mean? Like, you weigh the fuck back there. We need you with Matthew, Mark, and Luke. You know? Like, you on that old shit, baby, where they was stompin' bitches. This is not where you wanna be. You know, no, like, denomination is to me any better than the other ones. All of them. I mean, you really all have their share of... Fuckery. People just getting into all kinds of stuff, you know, and it never fails. Like you said, it's always sex and money, man. Sex, money, power. Every single fucking time. Every single time. So, yeah. Let's just say, I've got a healthy skepticism of any kind of, like, religious leaders, so-called religious people. I want to know what someone's life is like outside of all that. Like, you know, who are you before we get to what you believe in and all that stuff? Because to me, that's more of an indicator than you just reciting some scripture from, you know, Ephesians or something. Like, that doesn't mean anything to me. Exactly. Who are you as a person? What's your character as a person? Exactly. Like, and a lot of people do that. You know, they hide behind a religion, you know, and at the end of the day, they're just not good people. You know? I've not been able to commiserate with the Southern Baptists. You know, they all, to me, they're all the same broad, you know, and it's just not a good look for me. I can't hang out with them if they have me, you know, ready to lose my cool. And it's just not a good look. I don't get down with what their whole shit that they're transcribing is, you know? I just feel like it's a whole lot of hate, you know, covered up with religion. And, you know, at their core, they're just not good people. You know, they're very judgmental, hateful people. And they're obviously not immune to adultery, to, you know, to anything, you know? They're not immune to anything. They just like to pretend as though they're more elevated as a society, but they're not. Oh, and that, you just, that pretentiousness of thinking that you're somehow better than others. That really, that really, really annoys me. Like, no, you're not better than me. You know, as a matter of fact, okay, so this question always comes to my core head. I see it all the time, which is if I talk with atheists, how do you live a life with morality? How do you live a life, you know, whatever? But what they don't understand is that, you know, you're really not saying much about yourself, because if you think about it, it's one of those gotcha questions, and it's like, okay, if you don't believe in anything, then how can you live a life of morality, a life of ethics? So what you're really saying is you didn't have your... The willpower. The willpower. You would be out here doing all kinds of, you know, depravity, all kinds of robbery and rape and pillaging and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that doesn't really say much about you, but again, because you have this elevated sense of yourself, because of your religion, you can just... You need a whole congregation in order to keep their eye on you to make sure that you ain't out here fucking up, is basically what you're saying. Yeah. No, I'm good. I can handle my own. I don't need 252 babysitters. I'm good. I got this, you know, but... And that was easy to make you laugh. It's one of those gotcha questions, but, like, you're getting yourself. You don't realize it because you're so into whatever you're into, but it's just like, you know, you got to think about this, man. What you're saying, the only thing that's stopping you, like you said, are the people watching you, making sure that you're standing on straight and narrow. Yeah. That's what I think when, like, this was a couple years ago when, oh, boy, Pence had that rule, you know, about, like, being alone with a woman attacking his wife, you know, that whole thing. Yeah. Like, on the surface, you know, people took it as, oh, you strong, moral, but really, you got to raise your hands, man. That's the only thing stopping you. Yeah. Like, really, bro? You have so little fucking self-control that you aren't even a grown-ass individual? Get over it, okay? That is unattractive, homie. And, I mean, the way it's set up, like, it would be the woman's fault because she tempted him, you know. Of course. I mean, it always is. Like, don't you know? Hello? You know what I'm saying? Like, that's all I do is just walk around and lead men into temptation. You know? Get the fuck out of here, bitch. I ain't got time for your shit. This is goddamn self-intimidation, bitch. But if we think about it, I mean, that is the prevailing mindset with so many of these guys. Organized religions? Yeah, with the religions, with all of these groups and subgroups of these, you know, going-the-wrong-way types and incest types. Yep. All my fault. I get it, motherfucker. I get it. You and all your, what do you call it? Stacy, Becky, whatever. Them two. Chads, and I guess I'd be a Tyrone, of course. She would be the Tyrone. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing. It is. But I guess, again, I have to wonder, okay, maybe it is. Maybe it is, like, when you're looking for a reason as to why. Gotta have a reason. Gotta have a reason. And you go online and you get those thoughts in your head. You get those affirmed again and again and again. Oh, there's a movement for it. There's a name for it. You know, we can blame people for it. Yep. And there you go. Yep. It's not my fault. You know, I'm not the reason why everybody doesn't, you know, like me as a person, and why I don't have any friends or a job or a life. You know, it's this bitch's fault. You know, this bitch did it. Well, she stopped sending dick pics every ten minutes, maybe. You might be right. Maybe. But, like, you know, there's a whole thread on Reddit, the nice guy thread, where all you do is copy and paste all this shit that these nice guys send you in your inbox, you know. And, listen, I got some of my incel shit up there, too, you know. Like, are you serious? Like, I mean, they just snap. And, like, I had a dude today who, like, it makes me want to avoid checking my social media because they'll see my shit line up, and then it's rapid fire. You know what I'm saying? So, like, I'm sitting here trying to fucking check something or, you know, whatever, or post a link, and then this dude is just like every ten seconds fucking messaging me something, and I'm just like, bruh. Like, listen, you gotta stop, or I'm gonna have to put the block on you. I need you to know right now. Like, you got zero leeway left with me. You're interrupting what I'm trying to do. Like, I'm not here to fucking talk, homie, you know. So, it's just bothersome, you know, and they don't care. They're just like, oh, well, what a fucking bitch you are, you know. Fuck you. You don't want to. No, I don't want to. I don't want to have a barrage of fucking messages every time I try to do anything regarding my work, you know, here. You know, because you feel like I have to fall all over myself because you decided to send me a message telling me I'm attractive. Bitch, I know I am. You know what I'm saying? I've heard this shit 15 fucking times today. Fuck you. You know, like, I don't have the time for your shit, you know. Like, that's basically what I feel like saying, you know, is you're late. You're late, homie. You're the whole fucking event. Okay, I've been knowing this shit. You got the back up, homie. Like, it just, and they get so fucking hostile, and you're just like, listen, bro, like, if you ever even stood a half of a chance, which you didn't, you know, but if you ever did, trust me, you have fucked it up now, you know. Like, there's just, there's not enough, I don't have enough patience to deal with people like that, you know. I don't have the necessary tools in my toolbox, you know, to be able to deal with people that fucking insecure, you know. Like, if you need validation after you pay me a compliment, you don't need to pay me a compliment, you know. I'm good. Like, I've got plenty of them. You keep it, okay, because clearly you need it more than I do, you know what I'm saying? And it's just very unattractive. It's a very unattractive scenario, you know, and they try to make you feel like a horrible fucking person. Dude, I'm not a bad person because I don't want you blowing up my fucking inbox. I'm not a bad person because I asked you to leave me alone, you know. Like, I have the right to be here unbothered. Tell me if this sounds familiar. Okay, hey, beautiful, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you say, no, no thanks. All of a sudden, you are a what, a bitch, cunt, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why do you got to be a bitch about it? Right. Okay. I can't do a single compliment that I didn't really mean. Yeah. So, you need to. Look at the name on the page, bitch. Yes, I have to be a bitch about it. It's my job. You know, think about what you're doing, dude. It don't even make no sense to me. Clearly, you don't know who you're talking to. You know what? That is a damn good point. Hello. Just read where you're at, dude. I have to be a bitch. It's my job. You know. It's like a combination of security and entitlement. That's just kind of the worst combination. It really is. It's something that I don't. Something went terribly wrong in the home training. It really did. I don't know what possesses men to do that. I don't either, but it's getting pretty bad. It really is. Like, this whole crop lately is like, there's something wrong with them. You know what I mean? Like, they're not really, they're not like regular dudes or even your group of dudes. You know what I'm saying? Like, this whole new school group they got going on, there's something bad wrong with them. You know what I mean? Like, they did not get, I don't know if their mamas didn't hug them. Or were we like going through something where they weren't breastfeeding in those years? Or what is happening? Like, I don't know, but there's a bunch of them. And whatever the problem is, it got the whole fucking group. Yeah, I racked my brain to try to figure out why. It's probably an exercise in futility, but I thought I'd try. And so the first thing that comes to mind is the inability to see women as human beings. You know, that's obviously number one. But then I'm like, okay, but from that, where did the parenting go wrong there? And that's what I'm struggling with. I don't know. Because I look back and think to myself, okay, so when I was growing up, you know, like how were the morals and ethics of life taught to me, right? Yeah, well, I think it has to do with Sweet Pickles. They quit sending out the little bus with the Sweet Pickles cards in it, you know? And then look what happened. So we need to bring back the Sweet Pickles. I think there is an aspect of like the instant gratification, you know, of the Internet, the anonymity of the Internet, you know, but that's a factor. But even then, I mean, I don't understand why it's so difficult to view women the same way as you would men, like as human beings, as equal people in the world. Well, okay, if we look at the first group of the Internet kids, this early and so batch, now remember when the Internet was the wild, wild west? Do you remember that? When it used to be like you had your BDSM that was real heavy on the Internet, you know what I mean? Like you hop in the wrong spot, you walk into some shit, you know? Like that was that group, you know? These kids now, you know, hell, it's all the Snapchat kids and the bitches that can't do nothing other than heat up chicken nuggets and take selfies, you know? But the early group of them, that was the fucking wild, wild west batch, you know? And I don't know if that's where they got their ideas on women, but maybe so. Now it's starting to make a little bit of sense, you know? Because, I mean, if the only view of a woman that you have is one with a bald jacket, you know, then... That's gonna fuck you up. You know what I'm saying? That's gonna do something to you. No, you're right, you're right. And I'm saying, you know, so maybe that is what happened, you know, to this group of them. That they, you know, they got out there with, you know, with all these weirdos and now they've got this warped sense of roles, you know? Like, I can only assume that if that's all you see and that's all you know, you know, then maybe this is what it does. I mean, I'm not sure. Well, you know, that's a good point. Because, I mean, you know, like we were talking about earlier, you know, like if you grew up in this little, you know, like bubble community and that's all you know, anything from the outside is gonna be, you know... Evil. Right. So if you kind of take the same thing and, like, if all you know, if you're only viewing this through this lens, yeah, then... And then let's say now, like you said, people just... No talent, people just get on TikTok, get on whatever the latest social media is and just... Air it out. Yeah, I mean, I don't... Honestly, I don't even know twerking is still in style, but I'm gonna use it just for the sake of this example. You're twerking, you're getting chicken nuggets, right? You're just, like, that's all you do. Doing too much. Yeah, you're doing too much. Bitch, sit down. Sit. Sit. Down. You know? And also, I mean, and also, like, on a face-to-face level. Now, you know, so many people, especially now in this industry, I don't think they get, like, a whole lot of, like, practice interacting with women, with people who don't look like them. I mean, you know, in general. Yeah. And... Even if they are out to, you know, see other people, they're not. Everybody's got their fucking face in their screen. Like, I told you, I had to fucking enact a no-phone fucking policy at the fucking bar. Like, bitch, if you pick your phone up, I swear to God, like, don't do it. Like, that's not why you come here. You know what I'm saying? Like, you don't be that. You know, don't be that. That's not human interaction, you know, and it's... There is, yeah, there is definitely a serious lack of social skills with people. Even, I mean, people that are even, like, middle-aged and you're just on the phone, like, all the time. There's not a... Like, the group that I'm under, or over, I should say, most of them are, like, somewhere between, let's say, 23, maybe 27 or so. And even that, it's not a big gap to me, but the gap, I feel the gap. Because I'm trying to talk to somebody, you know, directly, and they're just like, you know, yeah, yeah, just talk to me. Here. So, it's hard even from that little tiny perspective. But, like, imagine, yeah, I mean, if you're... If everyone around you is doing the same thing, if they're at the bar and all of them are sitting in a row, but they're all just, you know... There is a problem. Why don't you just turn to them, you know, hey, here you go, you know. But, yeah, there's probably a combination of all these things that we're talking about. But there's just such a lack of interaction with people that it bothers them. I mean, I'm not... Hey, that's better. You know, I'm not old by any means, but even I see, like, just this degradation of, like, socializing skills. Yeah. Well, I am old, and I need everybody to get the fuck off my lawn. How about that? That's good to me. All right, then. That's good to me. Speaking of which, that email that you sent me from that dude, did he ever respond back? No. Didn't. No. So, like, okay, you know how mad I have to be if I tell somebody to take their meds and sit their fucking ass down. Like, see me?