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Blue Moon Meditation 2

Blue Moon Meditation 2

Naomi BennettNaomi Bennett



Harness the power of the Blue Moon for a fresh start 16 August 2023.

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This is a guided meditation to harness the power of the New Blue Moon. Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Imagine standing on a beach under the Blue Moon's light. Visualize a blue light flowing through you, cleansing and renewing your spirit. Connect with the Moon's energy by visualizing a silver thread from your heart to the Moon. Reflect on your intentions for transformation and send them up to the Moon. Trust in the Universe and surrender attachment to outcomes. Feel the Moon's energy infusing you with purpose and clarity. Express gratitude and slowly bring your awareness back. Carry the energy of the New Blue Moon with you, knowing positive change is possible. Welcome to this Leading Light Guided Meditation for harnessing the cleansing, transformative and renewal power of the New Blue Moon. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, filling your lungs completely. And then exhale slowly, releasing any tension you may be holding. And let's begin. As we approach the rare and potent energy of the New Blue Moon, let's take this time to connect with the universe's cycles and align ourselves with its transformative energy. Imagine yourself standing on a serene beach, bathed in the soft light of the Blue Moon. The sky is clear and the air carries a sense of anticipation. Feel the energy of the Earth beneath your feet, grounding you in the present moment. As you breathe in, visualize a soft blue light emanating from the core of the Earth, rising up through your body with each inhale. This blue light represents the calm and soothing energy of the Moon, ready to cleanse and renew your spirit. With each breath, allow this blue light to flow through you, clearing away any stagnant or negative energies. As you exhale, release any worries, doubts or fears that may be holding you back. Feel yourself becoming lighter, freer and more open to the possibilities that this New Blue Moon offers. As you continue to breathe, feel the sense of connection between yourself and the Moon. Envision a silver thread of light extending from your heart to the center of the Moon. With each inhale, imagine this thread glowing brighter, connecting you to the Moon's powerful energy. Now take a moment to reflect on your intentions for this New Blue Moon. What areas of your life are calling for transformation? What dreams and designs do you wish to manifest? Allow these intentions to arise naturally and then send them up through the silver thread to the Moon. Visualize them as seeds of light carried by your intentions to the heart of the Moon. As you offer your intentions to the Moon, feel a sense of trust and surrender. Trust that the Universe is listening and surrender any attachment to outcomes. The energy of the New Blue Moon is here to support you on your journey, guiding you toward alignment and growth. Imagine the Moon's light growing even brighter, illuminating the beach and bathing you in its radiant glow. Feel its energy infusing every cell of your being with a renewed sense of purpose and a clarity. Allow yourself to be open to receive the wisdom and guidance that the Moon offers. And now, as the meditation comes to a close, express your gratitude to the Moon and the Universe for this sacred moment of connection and intention setting. Take a final deep breath and gently begin to bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. And when you're ready, slowly open your eyes and carry the energy of the New Blue Moon with you into the coming days, knowing that you have tapped into a wellspring of transformative energy. Trust in the process and know that as you align your intentions with the rhythms of the Universe, you are creating the space for positive change and growth in your life.

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