Hi Lakon, this is Naomi here and I've made you a very special recording just for you and the first thing I'm going to ask you to do is to get really comfortable, just get super comfy lying down or sitting down but just getting super comfortable and now you're going to close your eyes and you're going to go on a special journey and have some fun with light. Now we're going to take two deep breaths, so breathe in and out and one more in and out. You're just going to relax your body now, to help you relax you can imagine a white light above the top of your head and now you can send this light down your face, down your neck, down your arms, down your body, into your tummy and all the way down your legs, amazing. Now you're going to take your attention to your base chakra which is at the bottom of your spine, remember the beautiful purple light that we found there? Now imagine that beautiful purple light like a lighthouse light shining out to the front of your body and shining out to the back of your body and remember that this is your grounding light to help you stay calm and to focus and I know you can get this light to shine really, really brightly, amazing. Now you're going to imagine, now you're going to imagine a huge bubble covering, now you're going to imagine a huge bubble covering your whole body and the great thing about this bubble is that no one can pop it, it's too strong. Imagine this bubble all around you and it's filled with that lovely golden white light and it's mixing with the purple grounding light, it feels so safe and comfy here and now you're going to take two more deep breaths but this time you're going to breathe in the beautiful golden light, so take a deep breath in, filling up with all that beautiful golden light and breathe out and one last breath in, taking in all the golden light you need and out and I hope you enjoy this special recording and I wish you a really good day or a good sleep if it's night time. Take care, from Mayimi.