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Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



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Nicole, a quantum healer and medium, shares her journey of breaking free from the matrix and discovering her higher purpose. After a career in nursing, she underwent a quantum energy transformation that cleared her energy body and allowed her to connect with her higher self and higher consciousness beings. She possesses claircognizant, clairvoyant, and clairaudient abilities. Guided by Mother Sophia, Nicole started a YouTube channel where she shares truth and exposes the deception of organized religion. She now travels, clearing and releasing souls and spreading positivity wherever she goes. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am your host, Nicole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix, so let's get into it. Wow. I'm actually going to do a podcast. Welcome. This is my first podcast recording, and I am so happy you've decided to join me. Who am I? Well, my name is Nicole. My background a little bit, way back in 1991, I joined the army and I was a medic, and I learned all sorts of things about health care and people from all over the world and different cultures and different religions, and it was an amazing experience. In 2004, I was able to complete my education in registered nursing. I began that career then, and registered nursing took me all the way through 2022. Yep, do the math, two years of COVID nursing just about killed me. It sent me on a path of soul evolution, shadow work, and opened up a remembrance, an inner knowing that I was here for a bigger purpose, and I was here for a mission that I really didn't have any cognizant recognition of, but I knew it was mine. Now when I say cognizant, I knew in my being, I knew in my soul that I was here for a bigger purpose. I just didn't know what that was, and I asked for it to be shown to me. I asked, I earnestly asked. People came into my life that I don't think I would have otherwise encountered, and I knew that they were guided to me and me them. One of the people that I encountered offered a quantum energy transformation to clear my energy body of all the blockages and distortions I had acquired over my lifetime. It resonated immediately with me because I had been for more than a year really, really working at meditation, and I felt completely blocked. I felt like I could get my energy level and concentration up to a certain point, and it was just capped off in darkness. I could never really truly connect. Anyone that I tried to talk to about that, they said, oh, you just got to try harder. You just got to go deeper, and you got to focus more. In reality, I was blocked, and it would have taken me a very, very long time to clear out and diminish that distortion because I had been there for so, so very long. In August of 2022, I had my energy field completely cleared, and I like to say I was donkey kicked onto Ascension Highway. If you are on the Ascension journey, you know what I mean, the incredibly high highs and the incredibly low lows of shadow work, the dark night of the soul that is not just one night long. In the high side, the positive side, right away, I was able to connect to my higher self. Right away, I was able to meditate and connect to higher consciousness beings. Who had been trying to communicate with me for quite some time, but due to the blockages that I had in my chakras, I was not able to effectively receive those transmissions. I have the abilities of claircognizant, which is knowing without context. Information just drops in. I'm clairvoyant. I can have visions of things that are either occurring in a parallel dimension or has occurred in the past or will occur in the future. There's no context to it, I just see things. A measure of clairaudient is very individual to the messenger if I get a clairaudient message. I started receiving multiple downloads really right away, right after I was cleared, that I was exactly where I was supposed to be and that my 25 plus year history in nursing was not really a waste of time, but it was also not in my future. It was not in my highest and best good to continue down that path. I was going to continue to be a healer, but not in any context that I was actually prepared for, or so I thought. Mother Sophia, Source Creator, really put me on a boot camp of sorts to imbue me with knowledge and skill to facilitate quantum energy healing on clients, on other souls. It blew me away. It absolutely blew me away that, number one, this was my life, and number two, that I could be blessed with these abilities in a matter of seconds. Just on the will of Mother Sophia, Mother God, and to have a continual guidance. It wasn't like I was just given the instruction to do it and set off on my merry way. She has been with me every day since August 26th, 2022, and she was with me before, I just didn't know about it. I just didn't have that back and forth communication that has been such an integral part of the growth into the soul being that I am now. I was guided to start a YouTube channel. That was the first thing that came through that really snapped my head back. I thought, that message can't be for me. No way. You got the wrong person. You got the wrong girl. Like I'm a nurse. Like I'm not trying to be on camera. So, I had to sit with that a while, and eventually, Source's voice kept coming through very big. Start a YouTube channel. Share truth. Start a YouTube channel. She was not taking no for an answer, so I started a YouTube channel. My very first segments were what the church doesn't want you to know. These are things that I had discovered on my own that other beings brought into my path and knowing that I went back and looked at and totally resonated with, and as a child, as a person, I was raised Catholic and left that form of religion when I was in my teens in search of what felt better because Catholicism, to me, was so hypocritical, and it didn't feel good. It didn't feel welcoming. It felt full of guilt and shame and blame and gossiping, and it wasn't any place I really wanted to spend much time, nor the people that tout Catholicism. It's always been something that really gave me the eebie-jeebies. When I went in the military, they're happy to march you to church services on Sunday, and it's non-denominational, and I had never experienced that before, and so it felt kind of good. I just was really reveling, I believe, in the collective camaraderie of being there for God and being there to give my gratitude and to give my thanks. I wasn't there. I never really aspired to attend any kind of religious services where I had an agenda. That was never part of my MO, so I bounced around. That was the beginning of my tiptoeing into other religions, and I, fair to say, I tried out many of them, Methodist, Apostolic, Bible, Baptist, yeah, several, enough to know that religion is not spirituality. So getting back to the YouTube channel, I did the first two episodes on what the church doesn't want you to know, because in reality, that deception that was created and carried out for thousands of years has set the stage for so much of the world's pain and so much of the trauma that the population has to heal from and deal with. But I think it's really important, as many of us lean on our religion and our religious practices, to understand fully who and what you're dealing with, I believe, is empowering. I firmly believe that it is not the congregation of people that is nefarious, that there are some strong personalities and there are some strong agendas within the religion as a whole, and that those that go there well-intentioned for the right reasons get swept up in the bigger energies, the bigger personalities that are all too happy to make a newcomer feel unwelcomed via shame, blame, guilt, fear, but also super welcomed, you know, love bombing you whenever you're willing to just tell the line and do everything that they want you to do. And that never resonated with me. I was never a follower. So that started my YouTube journey, and it has been very fun. I learned a lot, came out of my shell a bit. I learned that some of the things I thought I knew, I didn't know, and that's life, and that's the part of the journey. You know, none of us are ever truly all-knowing because that's Source Creator's role, and the rest of us just are on the journey along with His guidance. So that brought me to meet many, many people, encounter many beings, and learn so much more than I ever thought was even possible. Information comes to me mostly via my clairs, my clairabilities, mostly claircognizant, things just drop into my knowing. And so I have continued to be a messenger for different Ascendant Masters, and Source Creator, Mother Sophia, and many of the Archangels as well. So as I go through my day-to-day, I go through not planning a month at a time, not planning a week at a time. Not planning a week at a time. I go through and I ask Source Creator and my Spirit Team, what's in my highest and best good for me to focus on today? I really just look at my life in a 24-hour window because I've detached from the control that a calendar and a clock can have over a being. You're left with a little bit of freedom, and that's not how we were intended to be. And it's not how you can truly soar into the light of your soul if you have a buzzer going off. Oh, time's up. No more soul searching for you. Get back to that desk. You know what I mean? So this has been very freeing. I followed the guidance to walk away from my career, and that was the scariest freaking thing I've ever done in my life. But I had to walk in my faith. I'd always said I had enormous faith, and it was time for me to put the faith in action. And so in September of 2022, I received my last paycheck, and I sold everything that I could, and I put what was left in a little bitty car, and I went out on a faith journey. And you can see all this on my YouTube channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole. It has been amazing. I've seen Sedona, and I've seen beautiful places in Colorado, and Texas, and us, all sorts in between. And I've met some amazing people in some of the smallest, most God-fearing communities across this country, and I see their pain, and I feel their pain. It's a huge empath. I feel it. But I go through different areas, and I clear and release souls, and realign to the positive grids, and I try to remove as much darkness and evil as I can find. I send it packing. So Mother Sophia has continued to be a huge guiding force for me, and once I realized that I had a gift, and my gifts were actually just added to with what she gave me, and I started doing quantum energy healing sessions. And it has completely transformed not only my life, but I would say every member that has, every client that has engaged in a consenting to having all this darkness and distortion removed from their energy body, so that they can connect on their own terms with Source Creator, Mother Sophia, the archangels, their guardian angels, family members that have crossed over before. And it is something that really helps people align, you know, so it inherently a byproduct is you get healthier, because the higher your frequency rises, and the more aligned to Source you are, and the more guidance you have, you tend to eat better. You tend to be outside and grounding more, so you feel healthier, you are healthier, you drink water, you get rid of the cigarettes, you get rid of the alcohol, you can rise up out of the addictions, because the source of what's driving the addictive behavior to begin with has been cleared. How's that for a newsflash? You know, and that's why so many people discount energy healing, because if it is truly able to be practiced on the masses, there is no room left for the 98% of what Western healthcare offers you. So unless you have a traumatic injury and require surgical intervention, something like that, or some other acute process, in my opinion, they don't really offer much except a hamster wheel of degrading behavior and toxic pharmaceuticals that keep you sick. And so I'd highly, highly recommend looking into what energy healing can do for you as an energy body. As I work through my shadow work, shadow work is a journey, it's on a checklist. We're always going to be faced with things that trigger us from time to time. When you get down the road of shadow work, you're able to be triggered a whole lot less. And then it's because you have dealt with the triggers, you've dealt with the source of the issue, and you've learned your lesson, and you have evolved and leveled up as a soul. In saying that, it's not easy. It's uncomfortable. It hurts. It brings you back to the moment of initial pain or wounding. And you do feel it again. But running from that doesn't make it go away. And you've seen that play out in your life, I'm sure, time and time again. Facing the pain, accepting the uncomfortableness of working through it, understanding that it's not going to last forever unless you choose not to work through it. That's really what prolongs the agony of a core wound or trauma, is that we, as humans, shy away from pain. Now, pain is not joyful. I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that it's not going to kill you. And to feel a little bit of discomfort for a short period of time while you work through and grasp the lesson that that entire event was there to show you, it's worth it. Because once you grab the lesson, once you get it, that pain is removed. It's gone. It's healed. And I don't mean for a day. I mean forever. As long as you don't keep going back and ripping the Band-Aid off, letting it heal, it's done. It becomes part of the past that stays there. Not a part of your present because you keep inviting it back. And that's kind of, you know, what shadow work is in a nutshell. So, when you understand that your sole mission is to work for the greater good, and you've spent your, you know, bulk of your adult life. Like I said, I started in 1991 as an Army medic. I worked in hospital facilities up until 2022. That's all I knew. That's all I ever wanted to do was to help people heal. Well, in 2020, you know, what happened there, what I learned was that I was part of a very, very well-oiled machine that was causing harm. Even though I was functioning in my role, following doctor's orders, following the five rights of medication administration, following in line with the Nurse Practice Act of every state that I worked in, even though I wasn't doing anything quote-unquote illegal, I felt like I was a huge part of the problem. They were not listening. They were not looking at what we were looking at. I was looking at science. I was looking at immunity because you already had it. I was looking at logic. And that's where I went wrong. But I still did not initially lose faith in the healthcare system until my last position was at a very world-renowned cancer research facility. And my job was COVID testing nurse. I put the orders in. And there were obviously protocols in place and whatnot. But as I questioned things, as I started to see data come back, because this is like the holy grail of research, I had access to it. It was my department within a huge system. I went straight to the head of microbiology and asked if these tests aren't reliable, why are we still doing them? I was not given an answer. And in my world, not answering me is an answer. So I took that as a gut punch. I'm like, man, I am really part of the beast here. I have got to get out of here. And I really was already feeling it, you know, working bedside ICU and COVID units across the country. I volunteered. I answered the call. And that really ripped my heart out and my soul. I saw death on a level that I had never seen before. And I worked my tail off. We all did. We would be just dripping in sweat at the end of the shift. Mentally, physically, spiritually exhausted, exhausted. And I knew that I had to do something different, or I was myself was going to succumb to what I saw happening around me. And I didn't want that. I didn't want that to be how this life ended. I still felt like I was here for a bigger purpose. And so when I wasn't getting my questions answered, and I kept, you know, giving a system that didn't really deserve the benefit of the doubt, the benefit of the doubt, I finally had to realize that I was the definition of insanity. Doing something over and over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. And I had not truly changed. And yet I wanted a different answer. So my guidance that came through once I was clear and I had true guidance, I was maintaining my clear field. It's very important for me to have clear spiritual energy hygiene. I realized that all that taught me was a lot of stuff that I needed to carry with me in the future and my future endeavors, which were not going to be, you know, endeavors, which were not going to be under the label of nurse. I do still consider myself quite a empath and energy healer. But I do not resonate with the label nurse anymore. And for decades, I was the nurse. People say, oh, you're the nurse. Oh, yeah, I know. I heard about you. You're so-and-so. You're the nurse. You're a nurse here and you're a nurse there. And it was nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse. The other labels in my life, wife, mother, sister, daughter, they never trumped nurse. So that was a huge part of my shadow work was letting go of that label and all the expectations that came with it and letting go of that life of 12-hour shifts and planning my life six weeks at a time and, you know, all of that. So in an effort to truly honor my soul mission, my path, my place in this life, while saving myself, I had to walk away from the matrix. I said all that to let you know that I have not regretted it one bit. And it is fly by the seat of my pants, so to speak. I live on a wing and a prayer, several of them. And I've never been happier. I've never been freer. I've never felt more grounded and more enlightened and more compassionate in my life. I have amazing soul family. I've lost almost every single person that knew me before I made this change. They don't know how to relate to me anymore. They don't know who I am anymore. They would if they actually stuck around, asked the questions, and was able to hear the answers, but that's not always the case. Some people want to know, but the answers start to make them uncomfortable. And so they opt out, I'll just say. They're just sitting on the bleachers eating popcorn, waiting to see what's going to happen. So what happened is a faith-guided journey that's coming up on a two-year anniversary in August, and I am 100% guided by Source Creator and Mother Sophia. I don't do it if I'm guided not to do it. And anyone and everyone has the opportunity to accept that or not, but I'm at peace. Something that took me a very long time to achieve, and I covet that peace. Some of the things that I have learned that are definitely worth mentioning are not every being that we strive to get love, affection, acceptance, recognition from are capable of that. As I did my shadow work, I realized truth is so many gut punches in this life. One of the hard truths, but it's also extremely valuable to understand is that not every person that is walking around with a heartbeat and a brain has a soul. I have just released my first book called Sold or Soulless, and it is a culmination of all the different types of scenarios where you can encounter a being that may or may not have a soul. And how does that happen? And what does that mean? What is a walk-in? Like all of that. So I definitely invite you to pick up Sold or Soulless. And I thought that for today, I would actually read you the intro, and maybe the first chapter. Sold or Soulless by Nicole LeBlanc and many other questions you never knew to ask. It's available on paperback. It's also available ebook on Amazon. And it was released on May 1st. So run out and get yourself a copy. You don't have to run anywhere. Just order it on the computer. It's an easy read. My goal on all my books is to be less than 150 pages and chock full of information with no fluff. That pretty much surmises me. Sold or Soulless. What in the name of all that is holy am I talking about, right? Well, when I began my spiritual journey, I was in my teens. The only two things I knew for sure, the Catholic religion I was raised in felt completely unholy, and there was definite evil in people in spite of their religious practices. I began a long and winding journey full of faith, and a higher power I had yet to prove existed, but I deeply felt in my soul a connection to pure love. I followed my gut along the timeline of my life. And for a few years, all I could say was, I have enormous faith, and it has nothing to do with religion. In 1994, my husband was fatally injured in an accident. This three day stint in ICU brought the faith I had into a very different context. In the event, I felt the soul recognition of my angels and higher powers loving energy that really seemed to hold me up when I had no power to do so on my own. This book is not meant to be a memoir of my experiences in life, but as some do relate to my journey in discovering the truth, I have shared details here and there. Not all beings we walk around, work with, talk to, and even enter into relationships with actually have a soul. There are several conditions in which we can find ourselves in that reality, and most are not preventable. This journey provided a real world experience of all possibilities and taught me quite literally the character and difference in souled beings, meaning in possession of a soul, and soulless beings, meaning they have no soul or only a micro-soul, and therefore cannot connect to Source Creator or their higher consciousness. This really helped me immensely in understanding why some people have no issues at all harming others. This went a long way in allowing me to navigate my way beyond the painful event that I could fully engage in healing using love, forgiveness, and gratitude. Please give yourself the opportunity to fully understand what and who you are dealing with in your life so you can completely heal and let go of your shadows. In the naivety of multi-level mind manipulation, we as a collective of beings were not told the most accurate Biblical truths. Scientific data was altered and manipulated to support the narrative and the profiteers of our ignorance. It is through my never-ending search for truth that I now know there are very few authentic sovereign souls with so much manipulation. I have been shown over and over the actual reality of beings that we live among and interact with. This book is meant to be for souled beings, to have the information they need to discern who and what they are exchanging energy with in their day-to-day lives. The first chapter will give you some foundational information to assist in receiving this new and shocking information. The goal is to take your power back and live your life on your terms. With the knowledge, we can truly set ourselves free from negative energy beings who manipulate our energy field. It is my sincere intent to deliver this in the way that you can absorb and meditate on so that you feel the truth really comes from within your own being. I am simply the way-shower. I am simply the way-shower, the light-worker, the dove in the darkness. Some of the information I will share will seem completely foreign. This is accurate, but it does not mean the information is not true. It has just been hidden. One has to go in search of truth in our world. The information we are flooded with, which is rarely accurate and free of molestation to support a specific purpose, which is not enlightenment. The way the mainstream floods the pre-approved information to us is very deliberate and targeted. It was decades of being submerged in a narrative from healthcare, as my matrix career was nursing, to science, politics, academia, music, entertainment, finance, and religion. There was so much of each of those that made no freaking sense to me at all. Now that I know what I know, and after the initial gut punch of everything you've been taught is a lie, the truth is much more logical and resonates within my soul. My soul recognizes the truth within a deep sigh feeling of, finally, I truly want that calm and peaceful feeling for you as well. As stated, this book is intended for the sold. But if you find yourself reading this and realize that characteristics of the soulless describe you, give you a sense of, I wonder if, the best advice I can give you is to accept The best advice I can give you is to accept this information in a free will choice and make decisions using the guidance you feel is best for you. The life you contracted or were given can be without a soul or only with a micro soul. But it is possible for the next incarnation to be on a higher timeline for soulful connection. This is possible with your free will choices that are in service to others and not service to self. Difficult without a soul, but not impossible. Perhaps when the ego starts to rear up with doubt, judgment, fear, shame, and blame. Do yourself a great service and tell your unnecessary ego to shut up. Consider today, whatever day it happens to be that you choose to read this little book on souls, the first day of your next phase, and you take your power back. This is a soul evolution book. This is not about egos and manipulated minds that want to stay shut down to new information. Aristotle once said, it is the mark of an educated mind to entertain thoughts without accepting it. He also said, educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. What do you say we get educated? Chapter one. Energy bodies as souls. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. This is the absolute scientifically proven truth. Another absolute truth is that humans are energy bodies. All matter is energy formed from a specific assimilation of atoms and molecules that create an identifiable structure. Do you agree? I hope so. As this is irrefutable in all dimensions. And I invite you to look up this concept if you have any doubts at all before going forward. This is going to accomplish two things at minimum. First, you will likely see information about energy that has not been the focus of most science classes. And second, you will have a clearer mindset going forward with accepting the mindfulness state. Until you can realize that true knowledge has nothing to do with the mind, this is a great place to begin. In an energy transformation, the energy literally changes form. This occurs in nature all the time. The energy transformation flows and doesn't require force to have the natural changes occur. Since energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed, where does the energy of humans begin? Where does the energy of humans begin? Let's remember to open up our hearts and also remember to keep our egoic minds in check. As I stated before, as a child, my family were members of a Catholic church. I was taught the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Which, let's face it, that in itself sets up a whole host of questions. One I had early on, and not one nun had an answer for me, is this. Father, Son, and Spirit. But where's the Mother? Did you ever wonder where the magic and the miracle of life began? I did. Nothing in my religious dogma came close to satisfying my soul's need for truth. One truth the church never wanted you to know is that there was a vastly concerted effort to suppress the existence of the Divine Feminine in our history. Not just in historical events, but in our creation. In order for the Vatican to brainwash billions into believing that only men had the wisdom and divinity to have positions and power in the church and ultimately in the world, there could not be any hint of the truth in regards to the powerful Divine Feminine Ascendant Masters of our true creationism. I often get asked about the Holy Trinity, and coming from Louisiana, I thought they meant celery, onion, and bell pepper. Actually, they are trying to make sense of the all-male Holy Trinity and how that correlates to children, and I can't blame them for the confusion. The patriarchal Vatican would have nothing to do with allowing the truth of how we are created to be spread through the masses. The truth has been shared on my social media platforms. Look for the video, What the Church Doesn't Want You to Know. I will relate my aha moment to you to ruminate on. As my ascension journey really started to guide me, I found many of the old ways no longer felt right to me. I had learned that many of the beings who use the word God were saying with intention of honoring the God of darkness. With the good-intentioned and godly folks go to church, and they get their love for the Lord flowing with singing, praising, and worshiping, they use the word God. Through blind faith, they assume there is the only God that would benefit from their praise. In reality, the evil is exploiting this congregation to gather energy for their God of the underworld. There have been entire congregations full of energy, harnessed for the darkness, this way in a deceitful manner, which leads me to a very important part. I do not think every member of a church is nefarious or unknowingly worships darkness. I do believe the intent for most with the action of going to church is benevolent and for the right reasons. I also believe through blind faith, shame, blame, guilt, and bullying, the beings with good intentions find themselves joining in with those beings of more nefarious intentions, and they fall prey to these dark leaders. This is not what this book is about. For more on this topic, look for Spirituality is Not Religion. Coming out soon. Source Creator is also known as Father God and is creator of all things. Mother Sophia, the Grand Geometrician, is also known as Mother God and the creatrix of all life. Together, they have created the souls that have been incarnating all over the universe in multiple dimensions and densities. Humanity, as we know it, is originally a product of a hybrid program with 12 higher consciousness alien races. You guessed it. I have a video on that too. The beings were originated from or the elusive Sasquatch. The Sasquatch were living peacefully on Terra, also known as Earth, before the Anunnaki came to create a slave race to mine their gold. Gold is the power source for many races that are not of the light, like the Anunnaki, and they deplete entire planets for this mineral. The Anunnaki were not successful in capturing all the Sasquatch, and many escaped to Inner Earth. The Sasquatch are protectors of Inner Earth and trained with the Archangels. They are inherently benevolent beings. We are not pure anything. We are not supreme beings. We are not the only sentient technologically advanced species. In fact, what we have was given to us or stolen by the military industrial complex, then reverse engineered to have these inventions in our world. The whole of humanity is seen in very primitive beings, as we are mostly entrenched in duality driven by egoic minds. Take a pause before you find yourself all out of breath with a huge wave of judgment. This is going to trigger you, and that's good. Triggers are places along the map of your soul that have shadows to work through. It is not a reason to put the information aside. In fact, it's a reason to keep going. Remember, growth happens when we are uncomfortable with the friction, the lead transforms and transmutes to gold. Let's keep following this new path to discover more soul truths, shall we? And that is where I will stop reading, sold or soulless. I hope you've enjoyed this first episode. Truth Resonates podcast and join me again. I don't know how many I will make, how long this will go. Again, I follow my guidance, but I do aspire to connect with you on a weekly basis. Have a great day. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole, my book titled, Sold or Soulless on Amazon, and my website, Violet Lotus Energy.com. For all of our quantum healing services. And remember, just LFG it.

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