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Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



Auna's Freedom Ride turned into HUGE release of souls who had been held ( the essence and energy of them) for thousands of years. This was a pivotal point in liberation of Humanity as we know it! www.violetlotusenergy.com Join our VLE community and engage with us!

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The podcast host, Nicole, discusses recent episodes and expresses gratitude to subscribers. She talks about the suffering caused by ascension symptoms and offers help on her website. She mentions a campaign to disrupt dark strongholds and the discovery of trapped soul fractals of various beings. Nicole explains the process of releasing these souls and the challenges faced. She discusses the importance of staying focused and not getting derailed by past traumas. She also talks about the discovery of layering techniques used by the dark entities and the clearing and sealing of inner earth and middle earth. Nicole shares positive outcomes and guidance received from Mission Control and Mother Sophia. She mentions a upcoming mission and asks for volunteers. 17 participants are gathered for the mission, which involves wearing purple and confronting evil. Nicole discusses the power of the guardians and the significance of solar flares. She mentions receiving mission details from Mission Contr Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am your host, Nicole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix, so let's get into it. So last week was quite the episode. If you tuned in, thank you so much, I appreciate it. I want to give a shout out to our Truth Resonates subscribers, Teresa C., Anita E., Cassandra G., Karen H., Teresa H., Vianney N., and Angela B. I couldn't do any of this without you. VioletLotusEnergy.com, our website is completely live, totally interactive, and a great space to hang out. There's lots of information there, I'm posting new things every day, and it is my hope anyway that it will become a very active and engaging community, so please stop by and visit. I have seen and heard so many are suffering or feel like they're suffering with the ascension symptoms because they don't understand the action, they don't understand the transformation that's actually taking place in their energy body with all of the solar activity and light codes coming in, and I just want to mention that once your energy body is clear of distortions and you can process things easier, your frequency rises, which makes you able to handle the energies much, much easier without the totally derailing nausea, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, I mean the list goes on and on, right? So if you're really suffering, you feel like the energies are really getting the best of you, stop in on VioletLotusEnergy.com and see what resonates. You might surprise yourself. So last week, we disclosed the huge five-day campaign to disrupt the dark strongholds all over the world. This culminated in releasing and rescuing our sister Anna's soul fractals from beneath the Vatican Ritual Chamber podium and the Book of Sarah. This brought about massive amounts of downloads and soul memories. Many of us who had not really considered it were realizing that our soul fractals had also been trapped and abused, manipulated, harnessed for evil for thousands and thousands of years. So we obviously had some work to do, right? We had to go through our own soul growth and our own soul evolution at that point and really help support each other because this moment by moment, that's why I always say there's so many things that occur in a 24-hour period for us that it does seem like three or four days go by and it's really only the one. And so we dig in to support each other's growth. We dig in to say, let's just accept this for what it is, give it love, forgiveness and gratitude and move on down the road because no one wants to get bogged down in a trauma of a past life that actually creates more shadows that you have to then deal with. So we really wanted to focus, stay focused and not get derailed. So this discovery though, it also let us know that it wasn't just humans that these dark entities take the essence of, they will trap animal souls, they'll trap angel souls, they will trap off-world or being souls and use all of this and they hide them in this layered tapestry of their incantations and their intentions are all nefarious and all over the planet through many, many layers of our earth, we have discovered and released trapped soul fractals of all these innocent beings. Now as we go to release them, we can feel and sense their trepidation after being held captive for so long. It's the essence of the being, okay, it's the energy body, it's just like whenever I connect to an energy body and do a healing session on them, I can feel and sense their shift, I can feel their trusting or not, their questioning or not and some really do have to be almost convinced that yes, no, we don't want anything from you, we really just want to set you free so that the archangels can assist you in healing and your energy can be healed and cleared and then you can go on to whatever your next plane of existence is. And so that took a lot out of us and I think it does each and every time, we've gotten quite accustomed at handling it now but back then we were dealing with so much of what we were discovering, then what was coming in via our guides, our downloads through our meditations and then also what was being sent to us, a negative psychic attack from the good work that we were doing. So there's always a reaction to the actions that we took and we were definitely prepared for that on that front and we have lots and lots of help with our angels, archangels and ascended masters but we played close attention to how things played out in the Huna Matea work that we had already done and that we knew that there had been layers of nefarious energy all throughout inner earth, middle earth, the waterways, the tunnels, etc. all around the planet and as an example, on October 26, 2023, this is the time frame that I'm talking to you about today, we found that, this was just one instance when we checked in, we found that the numbers were in the hundreds of trillions that wanted assistance to cross over to healing source light and I'm talking about witches, I'm talking about high-level negative entities, negative entities, merpeople, offworlders, giants, elementals, fey, realm beings, animal souls, human souls, they were all coming for assistance and needed the gates open, they wanted the gates open, they wanted freedom and so we spent a lot of our time doing this, opening gates, making sure that we were asking if there were souls that wanted to cross over and making sure that we were actively assisting in that service for them. We mainly, well, Anna was the main one, my sister, discovered that the dark used these layering technique under a lot of the key places that the dark strongholds were listed, so all those cities and the triangles, the ley lines, the earth chakras, the stargates, the portals, hydroelectric power plants, government buildings, these were all places methodically chosen that layers and layers and layers of benevolent energy essence was trapped and bound to these, to power their nefarious intentions and so we knew in short order, we started connecting these dots that we had cleared, cleansed, realigned and sealed inner earth, middle earth and lots of other land structures, which brought forth so many of the inner earth and middle earth emissaries and leaders. We also had representatives of the giants and elementals who came forward, they were all so great, they were so incredibly thankful at what we had done that they were speaking to us about how many of their people had returned to them and beings, family members that they thought they would never have any contact with again. And so this was outrageously positive. We didn't expect it and, you know, tears were definitely flowing at that time. Mission Control came back in and said to watch the Avengers Endgame final battle scene and that is a Marvel movie I have no connection to other than being a fan. It's a symbolic scene according to Mission Control and we were to set our intentions before going to sleep to ask for memories, magic and weapons for many of our successful missions in prior lives that it was going to come up, it was going to be something that we could pull from in the future, in the short order. So Mother Sophia then came in and said, clarity in all things is coming, this will test your spiritual resolve and remember who you are and why you are here. We were further guided to ask our general ground crew for assistance in the upcoming October 30th, 2023 mission. We made a post in my telegram room where we have our soul family gather and it basically said, are you being called to literally save humanity in darkness, protect children, change life as you know it. So we asked them to meditate and sit quietly in nature, ask for clarity on this and then raise their hand if they were led to. Because again, we didn't want to put mission stuff out there because that implies some level of guilt if they don't volunteer or the details may have swayed their actual intention. So we just wanted it to be for the right reasons that people were, our soul family was volunteering for these missions. So we gathered 17 participants for the mission in darkness. We know how that sounds because our missions are full of strong intentions but we fully intended for the result of the actions that we were taking to culminate in ending darkness. So then we received from mission control to wear purple for this mission because we're royalty. The mission states, wear purple for this mission. You are royalty. You are taking your power back. We are sending our elite guardians to go up against the highest level of evil on your planet. Let that sink in. Realize the power you have. Then source creator came in and said, the solar flares, waves and flashes, so many terms for the various levels, some receive details but no one is 100% accurate. No one is 100% wrong. We cannot share the full details but I will share with you guardians, you are the second wave. Those who are looking for the big change in your world as a flash are still waiting. We received a few more mission details but when we get them from mission control they give us pieces. They don't give everything and they give it in a way that you really do have to meditate on or use your connection to source and your higher self and really go within to figure out the truest meaning of this message. There was always something deeper. It was always much, much more than what you were told on the surface. The day, October 28th, 2023, we call this Anna's Freedom Ride. It developed as downloads came in. A large amount was that Anna's soul, energy and essence had been held by evil witches. They were using Sarah's essence, that specific incarnation of my sister Anna, and had been for thousands and thousands of years to power much of their dark agenda. With the assistance of the Rainbow Guardians, the Olympians, Huna Matea's soul, Quan Yin, Sister Sophia, Merlin, all Ascendant Masters, the Angels, the Archangels, Crystals, the Agarthans, Yeti, the Elementals who choose to help, we took down many original and powerful dark witch covens to include Countess of Banbury, World Security Office, the World Governing Council, Bohemian Grove Entities, the Kentucky Viper Militia, the Ninth Circle Cult, the Golden Dawn, Sisters of Light, Cabot-Kent Hermetic Temple, Mothers of Darkness, the Cannibal Cravings website, and all of these entities and various minions, witches, enforcers, sorcerers, traffickers, supporters, and handlers. To be honest, I had no idea that these things existed, I just didn't. And they came to us when the time was right. So we commanded 100% unraveling of the webs of lies and deceit that surround the anonymity and the function and the intentions of all these different entities. We shine a lot of truth upon all of their dark shadows to be destroyed. We had protection in place for all the victims and all those caught up in the web of these agendas that found themselves there rather innocently or, you know, people make mistakes, they trust the wrong beings, they get involved with someone and they think it's just like normal and the next thing you know, they're tied up into some sort of, you know, cult thing happening. And they feel like they're trapped and they truly are. And so we commanded this be done. And I won't disclose all of what we did, but that was the gist of it. And this was to have an effect that would ripple out worldwide, because none of these groups are, are sole proprietary, right, they are all interconnected, and they all feed off of one another. And so remember, we had disconnected a lot of their power source and their, their upper echelons of leaders had chosen the light, they left them, they left them behind, and they saved themselves. And so, again, we were able to see that mission control had that 40,000 foot view, right, they knew when they started giving us these missions, what needed to be taken down first, so that it would lead us to a better opportunity to be successful in taking down the next thing on the list. And each time things came in to us, we felt like, you know, it was just a stepping stone, we knew that there would be another mission and then another mission and another mission, but we were prepared for that. So then mission control came in and said success due to enlisting the help of your dragons and many etheric weapons granted to us from the archangels and source creator, our mission was successful. It will take time for what we accomplished today to truly show and be felt in our world. Ana is being healed by the Arcturian Council. The next mission will be on October 30, 2023, the details will come. The souls that could be rescued and healed are with the archangels. Our work today did put a dent in what the darkness has planned for the 31st of October. On October 29, 2023, we developed the plan to take down the vampires. There were some key original vampires that needed to be identified. Vlad was only one. There was a clue that there was one deep in the Andes mountains in Spain, connected and associated with witch murders, soul fractals that are bound and being held under the darkness in Antarctica, away from other leaders. And so that's a typical transmission whenever they start to give us what they want us to dig in on. So that was like the hint of what our next mission was. And the typical flow is, you know, each member of the Rainbow Guardians uses their abilities and they go into meditation and they see what comes through, they ask for clarity on mission details and they see what comes through. And then when we gather together, we bring everything there and we give it to, you know, mission control and say, is this what you were looking for? Is this what we need to know? Is there more that we need to know? Do we need to keep working on it? So most often, as soon as we would get a clue, we were really good about pulling in the information that we needed and getting everything confirmed so that we could actually move forward with the mission. So on October 30th, 2023, the Rainbow Guardians, along with the Olympians, Sola Cuna Matea, Mother Sophia, Merlin, the Archangels, Ascendant Masters, Yeti, Merpeople, Dragons, Elementals, took down the following. And when I say take them down, they're given the option to cross over to the light or they battle energetically. And they go to the light either way, because we don't lose. This is the list that all of them actually chose the light. And there was some battles because we had to get through their levels of security. But we did. Once we did that, they saw the writing on the wall and they, Archangels Metatron and Michael and Gabriel and Raphael escorted them to the light. Vlad Tepes, Vlad II, Dracul Tepes, Vlad III Tepes, Radu III Tepes, Caligula, Master Vampire, Mercy Tepes, Pishtaco of Peru, Alonso de Salazar Freas, Vlad the Impaler. All of them ended their reigns of terror, control, fear, horror, ritualistic killings, and on and on, both human animal sacrifices that they've inflicted upon humanity for millions of years. But they all chose the light. In this mission, Aurelia, Aurora, Andalusia, Akita, and Ana worked with all those listed before. And we released all soul fractals of Ana, Andalusia, Akita, Aurora, Aurelia, as well as other siblings that we had no idea had been trapped, and all the others that had been tortured and other victims of the darkness. We disconnected all the under the leader vampires of the named ones that I mentioned, we disconnected them from the power grids, the ley lines, the earth chakras, the portals, every bit that that they could actually pull power from. We made sure that all that was disconnected, sealed in a way that cannot be undone. And every name that I listed, again, chose the light to be healed by the archangels, they were escorted through the light. And that energy of who they were, was then healed, and transmitted and transformed. So there again, I want to bring to light that when we are thinking about those that that have been a part of the dark agenda, and they have been a part of evil, they have been a part of taking advantage of the goodness of our people and humanity and our planet, and doing horrible things. It is the most Christ like, to give that being love, and forgiveness, and gratitude for showing us the truth. And the truth hurts a lot. The truth of, of what has occurred in our world and humanity and and that it's been willful and planned, has been quite the pill to swallow for many of us. But in order to do it in a way that you are shunning divergence, but you are looking to embody unity, the only way, and this is taught to us by our Ascendant Masters and Source is love. Love is the key. And I know when I first heard that, I thought, Are you kidding me? Like these people, beings, creatures, have tortured us and haunted us and attacked us for as long as we've been in an existence, it seems. And yes, Source said, and they also deserve forgiveness. None of us, none of us want to carry the burden of keeping that negative energy within our being. So in order to free yourself, if you are coming to terms with a villain in your own life, in order to truly, truly free yourself from the actual event, from the trauma, from the heartache, from the pain, you have to release that negative energy from your being and from your core. Don't buy into the, I'll forgive you, but I'll never forget mentality, because that only serves to keep you connected with a negative cord to an event that will siphon your energy away. It doesn't, it doesn't free you from it. And so it's a waste of energy. And it's also an energy suck, because you're not truly completing the forgiveness process. You want to fully and completely forgive all parties involved, all including yourself. You want to give love to all parties involved, including yourself. And you want to be grateful to all parties involved, including yourself, because there's always things that we can learn in every event, even the most horrific events, there are positives that we can take away from it. And to focus on the love, to focus on forgiving, to focus on being grateful. And the focus on Source Light is what brings us together as a collective of humanity, where we no longer are pointing fingers and attacking one another. But we're finding commonality. And that is where we focus our energy. On November 1, 2023, Mission Control gave us an update. So much is happening in your world that you are aware of, but a lot of it, the underlying happenings, you may not truly be aware of, and nor do you need to know. The work of the past two weeks has been monumental. The fact that so many of you continue to do this, as an example, Anna pulls in new pieces of information and it's beneficial, and continues to raise the vibration, undoing evil, protecting the work already done. You all continue to stupefy us. We want you to focus on growth, truly learning what it means to let go of this reality, and be able to transcend using love. On November 2, 2023, Mission Control update, we are glad to connect with the Guardians. So many of you have sent positive ripples throughout the world, good ripples of high vibes, love, and genuine forgiveness. The sincerity of your personal work, as simple as it may seem, speaks volumes. You're putting yourself, self-love, self-care first in a way that feels good to you. And so it's not work, unlike those shadows. One way to step into this is to focus on another person or situation in your love, gratitude, and forgiveness, releasing all of the complaints that you may have. Don't leave yourselves out. But the ripples will grow even more when you consciously do this. On a side note, this was how we started to develop the LFG, the Love, Forgiveness, Gratitude campaign that we use on a daily basis, really. There's hardly a day that goes by that we don't gather as a group of Guardians and send out a love wave through the universes. And it has had amazing effect. Back to Mission Control's message. Remember, just because it is the month of Thanksgiving in America, it doesn't mean that it is not a great opportunity to be grateful and love everywhere, every day. It is a great day to be grateful. Then Source Creator gave us this message. The next few days should show changes in your world that all will notice. Keep loving, being grateful for all things and experiences and contrasts that will help us all grow. Learn to be as much as possible, meaning rest, just be in your energy. Truly choose that which you want to do that brings you joy. And say no to anything that doesn't as much as possible. As an example, remove should from your vocabulary. If you're thinking, I should go do this because blah, blah, blah, even though I don't want to, the answer is don't do it. I, Source Creator, give you permission to say no without explanation or apology. In the following days, we supported each other in our soul growth, coming to terms with past life trauma, cutting cords, removing the attachments, sending them to the violet flame. Our dragons helped to heal us in ways that we still don't fully understand, but we are immensely grateful. We celebrated liberation of our soul family and ultimately all of humanity and practice being until the next mission was disclosed to us. It's hard whenever, well, speaking only for myself, it's hard whenever I've come through this work, work, work, work, work mentality and, you know, because we're taught that from a very young age, you know, hard work pays off and don't, you know, rest too much because you'll get left behind and that kind of thing. And so, especially this work, this work doesn't seem like work. You know, this, this is, this is motivating and it is fulfilling in ways that I really cannot even articulate, but I do have to, I get, I get metered, I get permissions taken away when I've, when I've done too much in a day. And when I say permissions taken away, I ask permission from my team, from my higher self, from Source Creator, Mother Sophia, do I have permission to do such and such because everything that I do requires energy and everything that I engage in is going to take a bit out of me and they know, again, that 40,000 foot view, what I have on my horizon better than I do. And so, there are days where I plan to do 10 things and I only get through three because of the energy that I expend. And so, I do live my life that way now. I, I have broken the, the bond with the calendar. I used to plan my life out 60, 90 days at a time and I now live within a 24-hour period. I don't plan beyond that because I feel like that's a waste of energy because there's too many other factors at play. And, and I want to live in the now moment. I want to be present. And so, I've learned that through my amazing guidance to just be. When I, when we first started getting the advice to just be, I thought, what the heck does that mean? And we were guided many times to go sit in nature, to just be, just be out in nature. And it takes a little while to get used to it because for me, I felt like there was other things I could be doing, you know, that I felt like I needed to be head down, just working, working hard at this all the time. And I really needed to rest. I really needed to recharge and reconnect with Hinamatea and really, really ground the energy that's coming in and, and allow my own healing. And so, that's what it means when you hear us say to practice being. The B and the E is capital. We want us as a culture to stop racing around like there's actually a prize at the end of this race because it's not. The race is just to keep you busy. So, you don't really realize that you're not living. So, if you are enjoying the disclosure that I share here of Delphinus's crew and the Rainbow Guardians, please consider subscribing to Truth Resonates podcast. Leave us a comment and a review if you have that option. I know not all platforms have a review option. Thumbs up will work great as well. You can send fan mail or you can send an email if you have questions. If you become a subscriber, there's benefits of Q&As and shout outs. And coming up, there'll be some live events as well. Also, a reminder, please visit VioletLotusEnergy.com. Join our VLE community. It's just a good, high consciousness, compassionate community where you are feeling the changes of our world energetically or you're just coming on board with that thought. We welcome that and we're happy to engage with you there. I'd love to hear from you. Many blessings. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole, my book titled Souled or Soulless on Amazon, and my website, VioletLotusEnergy.com for all of our quantum healing services. And remember, just LFG it.

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