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Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



In late September to mid October 2023 we were given a detailed list of objectives to take on as a mission for take-down. These re energetic missions, and have very significant consequences for all of Humanity. One Huge revelation in todays episode is details on the lost book of Sarah. Many Blessings, Nicole

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The podcast host, Nicole, discusses the challenges and rewards of fulfilling missions from the Rainbow Guardians. They encounter psychic attacks and negative energy but remain motivated and transform that energy into motivation. They communicate with spiritual guides and rely on love and integrity in their missions. They also discuss the importance of discernment and not judging based on labels. Nicole shares her responsibility in sharing the truth of historical figures and discusses their Founding Fathers Discovery Series. They continue their daily maintenance work on Hunamatea and sense that something bigger is coming. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I'm your host, Nicole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix, so let's get into it. So as we have gone through some of our missions, you can see that there are some incredibly high highs and some incredibly low lows in terms of the darkness and evil that we encounter. Last week, we had a beautiful share that allowed us to reminisce on some of the celebrations, some of the gifts and rewards we received for being committed to our mission and seeing it through and then navigating the energies that come with the mission. So every single time that we step down the path of fulfilling what is asked of us on our mission, we always receive psychic attacks, negative energy attacks, all sorts of different curses, hexes, and spells. We have quite the vocabulary and the catalog of things that has been used to deter us. And I'm happy to say that for the most part, we do not get deterred. We transmute and transform that energy into motivation. So thank you. Thank you to all who provided us with that motivation. As I have stated, each mission of the Rainbow Guardians complete, we level up on a soul level. We're given new opportunities, new gifts, rewards, and ultimately a newer level of serving humanity with a new mission. We begin in time. You can see that our soul family evolves in our conscious knowing over time. We did not begin our missions with the knowledge that we have now at this point. At this point now, we are able to, on a frequent basis, I would say daily basis, communicate with Father Yogananda, Mama Rophiel, Gran, which is White Buffalo Cattleman, as well as Source Creator Mother Sophia and our Archangels. They are an integral part of what I would call our guidance and our messengers that allow us the information that we need, which they only really give us bits and pieces. We then work on pulling the rest of it through either meditation or intentional Q&A type stuff with our team. And then we come back together, the Guardians come back together and discuss what we've all been able to pull in. And we go with what resonates and then we present that as, is this where you wanted us to go with the clues you gave us? And then that's how a lot of our missions developed. But the mission that I'm going to give you today was one that came into us. It was already a list. There was a list created by Mission Control, and it was quite the list, quite the list of things that they wanted us to go ahead and take care of. Keeping our sole mission at the forefront of our actions is really paramount. Understanding why you do something is really, really important. When I first met and encountered the energy of Poseidon, he was actually with a human at that time. And that guy really just would receive the information for missions and never ask any questions. He didn't need to know why. He didn't want to know why. He was just like, so testosterone, you know, he was like, okay, this needs to be blown up. I'll blow it up. Okay, this needs to be stopped. I'll stop it. He wasn't really ever asking the who's and the why's. So when he and I actually encountered each other's energy, my energy being a significant soul energy from many of our past lives further activated him. And we actually learned how to traverse missions together. But initially, he wasn't asking those questions. Now it's a different story. Keeping in mind that our mission anchors ourselves, our essence of who we are, to the eternal and the immortal being. And that is always rooted in love, service and honor. There is nothing that we want to participate in that is not in our integrity and is not in alignment to the service of source creator. And love is the most powerful tool in our tool belt. Love is the key. Without the connection to source and Mother Sophia, along with our parents, our soul parents, Father Yo and Mama Ro and Gran, we could have been lost quite easily in all the dark psychic attacks that were sent in as a recourse, repercussions to what we were doing. But we try our very best to hold each other what I call spiritually accountable, where we check each other's energy, we check to make sure we're clear. You don't just talk to your higher self and get messages and never confirm them with others because that's how we actually determine if someone's getting tricks or information or just bad and distorted information because they have become unclear. So we remain unshakable, unshakable faith, steadfast commitment to the mission. And we're highly, highly motivated to maintain and actually bring back, I think, integrity to serving the greater good because there's been so much of it in our life that we have heard people use that term, serve the greater good. And what they're doing behind the scenes is atrocities. They are faking that they're actually serving humanity while they are raping and pillaging all across the world. And that is absolutely not what we are about in any way, shape or form. So the archangels have a huge role in our success as well because very early on, we all were given archangel assistance in creating a very specific custom to our energy body and to our abilities, armor. And that armor gets added to as needed. There are times where we request additions to our armor based on things that we're dealing with. And there are times that we get approached and we're told, you're going to get some upgrades because we see this happening. Or we foresee this happening. And so we all have a very intricate armor that is around us and our energy bodies all the time, as well as our physical form. So we are now discussing the timeframe of August 2023 through September 23. We've been working on maintaining all of the grid work, portal work, chakra work, basically lots of the things that we've done on Hunamatea. We have a vast list now of sites and places and we go through maintaining that. So again, we split that work up amongst our crew and everyone has a ownership, a buy-in of what they're contributing to clearing, cleansing, realigning, and maintaining that for Hunamatea, for basically the collective as well. Because what we do for the great soul of earth reverberates out through all of us. We're all connected. Yeshua and Maggie St. Germain, which is also Grandpa Ken, and many of the Ascendant Masters started to work with us in compiling information that I formed into a Founding Fathers series that you can find in video form on YouTube and Rumble. I was given the responsibility, I was given the choice to take on the responsibility of sharing the truth from some key historical figures on a soul level that wanted their story corrected because their stories have been bastardized greatly and manipulated and just blatantly lied about. They are acutely aware of the things that people think and feel about them and they want their truth set forth. I happily agreed to be that voice for them and to share that aspect of their truth. When this began, it gave us a very clear understanding that there are good and bad in all races. There are good and bad in all subset categories of life. There are good and bad in politics, there's good and bad in religion, there's good and bad in healthcare, there's good and bad in education. We have the ability to discern who is a soul being, who is of the light and an alignment to source creator and that's how we go about navigating our world. That's who we choose to engage in, you know, energetically. But there's also a lot of truth that comes from understanding that blanket judgment because of a label is still at the very core of being low vibrational and judging. We are not in a role as Christ consciousness beings, unity consciousness beings to judge. It is not for us to judge. So I'm guilty of falling down that rabbit hole of assigning blame and guilt to every member that's ever been a Freemason and I was wrong. St. Germain, Grandpa Ken, made sure that I was aware that there's good and bad Freemasons, just like there's good and bad Knights Templars, there's good and bad in all of these different subcategories of our culture and so you really do have to look at the being. You really have to focus on the energy and what does that feel like and what are they actually doing versus what they're saying that they're doing. There are many deviants that hid in plain sight in the Freemasons because they were afforded the protection of the Freemasons and so they wanted that secret society protection. They wanted that cohesion that there would be a brotherhood of protection no matter what their actions are and the only accountability that they would then be served up would be within the organization that they have an allegiance to and so that has been definitely something we have seen transpire rampantly in our world. Some of the Founding Fathers videos I have completed so far, the series is not anywhere near complete, has covered George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Nixon, and our favorite John F. Kennedy. So stay tuned on the Founding Fathers Discovery Series, there's always going to be more added to that, there's just only so many hours in a day and I haven't really released another one yet. I think the next one I'm going to do is Eisenhower and Eisenhower is a president that I, my soul, actually walked into during his presidency to give him some help so I think that will be the next one that I conquer. We continue to do our daily Hunematea maintenance and we still are, that was just a huge focus in the beginning and it remains a huge focus today because we don't want to lose any traction over all the work that we've been able to accomplish. But as time went on, we started to get a sense, an energy shift sense that there was something bigger on the horizon and we started getting a few clues here and there. So now we're into late September, early October 2023. And when I was initially cleared and activated by Poseidon, we went down a very long list of dark entities and we realigned them to source, we basically did grid work and realigning to this long list. But I was just learning at the time of how to, how to use my energy for the greater good, how to be a quantum healer. I was processing a lot of activations and upgrades. And this was really actually a Poseidon task I was assisting with. And as I mentioned before, he was very like of a checklist mentality, you know, this would be given to him, he would take care of it and never think about it again. So we didn't have the maintenance mentality at that time. So fast forward to this timeframe, the 2023 timeframe, about a year after those initial tasks had been realigned, most of them had already been corrupted again by the darkness and we had no idea because no one had gone back to check on it. So this came up in some conversations that we were having with the Ascendant Masters. And we knew that the work that we had done on the triangles, the grids in Antarctica had provided a tactical wedge between the dark entities and their power sources. And that gave us a small window of opportunity. So the order of the targets were decided by mission control. And I don't have any reason as to why they chose the order the way that they did. I just verified with our other guardians and from Source and Mother Sophia, we had permission to use our energy for the greater good on these dark entities. At the same time, various Ascendant Masters and Archangels stepped forward with guidance for each one because each one presented a certain level of mastery, a certain level of comprehension of what they had in place for their protection and what we were going to have to overcome to clear things. So this is a message from mission control. The window of opportunity is five days to execute. Request assistance as you have never requested before. For example, call in a thousand angels. We do what we know and what works for us. Let everything else be handled in its time and watch what happens. That's the end of mission control's message. Source Creator followed up with, what you are all about to do is monumental. It will literally change your world. Feel how momentous this is. Truly deep down, feel the immensity and recognize this is no small mission. You have volunteered and you are an elite team that has been chosen. More than anything, I want you to feel what this represents. So many of you go on doing, clearing, living and being loving and you never stop to give yourself credit. I want to ask you now to truly stop. Truly be aware of all you have accomplished in this journey. You're all being asked to go towards putting your energy into a better world and you've now been given the opportunity to create it and not just energetically. Create it in a way that we will sense and feel. In the next few hours after those messages came in, we received another message. Mission control gave us the following list. Starting on October 16th, 2023, you will have daily missions. You will try your very best to complete in the five-day window that we have seen as an opportunity to exploit the weaknesses provided by your previous missions. On Wednesday, you'll take down dark strongholds around the world. On Thursday, you'll take down mainstream media, planes, trains, and automobiles. On Friday, the FDA, Big Pharma, and healthcare along with CPS and DCFS. Saturday, education and all that that entails. Sunday, the Vatican, the Ninth Templar, Shadow Group, and religion on a whole. Monday, banking system, financial system, negative crypto, stocks, the Rothschilds money. So we had a list and we were given the opportunity to come up with the sites that were most prevalent in need on a global scale. So we took our time, we meditated on this, we asked for clarity, we asked for further messages and we came to the following list, which we executed the takedown on October 16th, 2023. These are a list of strongholds that were in place in all these various cities and countries that I'm about to list for you. New York, LA, Philadelphia, DC, Denver, Houston, Nashville, New Orleans, Charlotte, South Carolina, San Francisco, Detroit, Seattle, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Miami, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Mexico, Vatican City, Israel, Africa, Buckingham Palace, and the City of London, Madrid, Spain, Barcelona, Seville, Granada, Charleston, South Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, Quebec, Canada, Saskatchewan, Canada, Vancouver, Canada, Calgary, Canada, Austin, Texas, San Antonio, El Paso, Phoenix, Arizona, Savannah, Georgia, Knoxville, Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee, South Africa, Finland, Ukraine, Venice, Athens, New Zealand, Cyprus, the Caribbean Islands, Ottawa, Canada, Boston, Chicago, and France. As you can hear, this is a very long list, and it took a lot of energy, it took a lot of planning and execution, and it took us about three days to complete this list. And what we did was essentially the same thing that we had done to clear and cleanse and realign any of the other structures that we had ever done. We removed the connection to these dark strongholds from the negative power grids and realigned them to positive grids. Then we cleared any of the darkness, so we cleared negative cords and attachments, curses, hexes, and spells. We cleared entities, implants, we cleared all, the whole list. And then we locked it in. We sealed it in multiple, multiple, multiple layers of benevolent divine seals. And then archangels came in behind us on every single one, and they added their own level of protection. And then Mother Sepia came in behind the archangels, and she added her level of protection. So it took us about 72 hours of not constant, but frequent attention to maintain those in a clear state and have them sealed. And it was something that we were very proud of. We are very proud of our work, because it is for the greater good, and there are good people. There are really, really benevolent light beings that live in every single one of these places that deserve better. We all deserve better. Some choose not to align with source, but does that mean that really and truly do the good really have to suffer for the bad? It should not be that way. That is a duality state. We're leaving that frequency. We're leaving that type of dimension into unity. So then on October 19th, we were given, that was the day that we were to take down all negative worldwide media persons, personalities, corporations that benefit from spreading lies and fear through the official narrative. Then we also took care of automobile manufacturers, factories, dealerships that were all in the involved in negative fraudulent loans and use of negative AI technology. On October 20th, in the morning, we took down the FDA, Big Pharma, for contaminating our food and geoengineering food and crops and playing a major role in causing addictions in our humanity as a whole, causing more problems than they actually solve. In the afternoon of October 20th, we took down CPS, DCFS, and all agencies dealing with crimes against humanity, specifically involving children. This stirred up a lot of memories, a lot of past trauma, past life trauma for some of us, and we had to do a little bit of shadow work to get to the next point where we really felt comfortable engaging in the next takedown, which was on the 21st of October, and that is the education system. We started in the very, very basic levels and went all the way up through higher levels of education and these institutions that really are indoctrination camps. On October 22nd, it was a huge day. October 22nd is the day, Sunday, that we took down the Vatican. We found ourselves with a thousand archangels assisting us, and the energy that was flowing through us in that now moment, I couldn't even be inside. I had to be outside. It was so large and palpable that I had to ground, I had to have my feet on the ground for this mission. We found ourselves in the sacrificial chamber under, in the auditorium, and we were led to find, locate, and recover the Book of Sarah, the lost Book of Sarah. It was found under the podium in the sacrificial chamber and returned to source creator by Archangel Metatron. If you're not aware of what the Book of Sarah is, it is not the Book of Sarah as in Abraham's wife. That is not what I'm talking about. The Book of Sarah is a large, dark brown binding with golden light that comes around the edges. Now you've seen old books that have the gold edging on the page. That's not what I'm talking about. I mean the actual pages had a golden divine light that shone from it. It emitted light. It was literally imbued with the light of Sarah. Who is Sarah? I asked Maggie Magdalene to give me what she wanted me to say about Sarah and here it is. I am Maggie. The Book of Sarah is divine. It is full of truth and it's the story of us, Yeshua, Maggie, Sarah, and all of our children. More importantly, the pages are imbued with Sarah's beautiful energy and when we, all of us, and you, write our frequency becomes imbued on the pages and in all forms of communication. That's why the frequency of your words is so powerful. The Book of Sarah was started by me and Yeshua excited to greet our firstborn child, her born day ceremony, her many celebrations, gifts, and blessings. She made note of her teachings, her missions, different recipes and purposes of her missions and lessons. The Book of Sarah contains our firstborn's essence and is even more powerful than anyone can imagine. Some believe there are spells in the book but overall that is not true. There are daily ins and outs, powerful incantations for the greater good, recipes for salves and ointments to heal, information about traditional Lemurian common of age ceremonies, and Sarah's lessons and teachings from the mystery schools. The dark entities of the Vatican and their fully capitulated Knights Templars, not the Knights who were loyal to us, but those who capitulated in fear of the Vatican, who hunted us all. They eventually stole the Book of Sarah and within the Vatican used her beautiful power and light for evil. They never wanted our story and truth told, but their jealousy and ego wanted our power. The fractals of Sarah's soul essence was ultimately trapped and taken to hundreds of dark strongholds to exploit her power by negative entities, which is why it was recovered from the ritual chamber beneath the Vatican. We are forever grateful to you and the entire team who worked with the Guardians to free her soul fractals and the essence of my beautiful Sarah. The Book of Sarah being recovered and returned to Source's hands, so to speak, allowed for an immense soul healing from all beings that shared in Sarah's soul fractals. We were just getting started and had no idea. Join us next week for the massive disclosure drop. And remember, love, forgiveness, gratitude is the most efficient and effective way to deal with shadow work and triggers. As this information comes out to you, I have no doubt that there will be moments in time where you feel completely and utterly triggered because it is something that you have based your life on, and you've made decisions based on things that you find out are untrue or less than true, and we completely are sympathetic to that. We had to go through the same shadow work. Many of us were raised in the same lies as a foundation as you were, so it does take some time, and we are here to help you with that as much as possible. Back to the mission list now. On October 24th, 2023, we took down the banking and financial systems as that has been such a controlled and manipulated aspect of all of our lives, where we are reduced down to a credit score based off of such erroneous and fraud practices that took shadow work for all of us to work through to get to a point where we were in a place of neutrality to actually complete that mission. And then on October 25th, 2023, we energetically took down the military industrial complex, including animal and human abuses via experiments in hybrid labs. You're seeing some of that come out now because of the labs that have worked for the darkness and have encountered negative off-worlder energy and negative off-worlder artificial intelligence who quickly control them into doing things that make absolutely no sense to a good-intentioned soul. There is no reason why we need to create more bacteria and viruses other than to cause harm. We don't need to create them. They are intended by natural sources to evolve over a period of thousands and thousands and thousands of years naturally. It is not in anyone's greatest good to go into a lab and try to splice together beings and bacteria and viruses that were never meant to be put together other than deceit, deviant behavior, negative agendas. It's not for the greater good of anyone. So we have seen how those with power, those with secrets, those with protections of secret societies have taken their own interest, and they created issues that they spread around the world, which has negatively impacted us. I ask you now to look at what we've done, what the Delphinuses crew has done, what the Rainbow Guardians took upon ourselves to undo and correct, because we simply are combating negative energy with positive energy for the greater good, to make a positive difference around our world where so many have used every resource that they can put their hands on to cause harm. We endeavor to be part of the solution and not a part of the problem. This is the update that came from Mission Control after we completed this very intense five days of missions. We slowed time down, also known as time dilation, to allow the energies of all you've done to have the most impact. This will also allow for restorative sleep for you all. Clarity and healing, letting go of the baggage is priority for you, in addition to loving yourself of course. Remember, love wins. It trumps all other emotions. And this is where I will leave you today. Thank you for joining me, and I'll talk to you again next time. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole, my book titled Souled or Soulless on Amazon, and my website, VioletLotusEnergy.com, for all of our quantum healing services. And remember, just LFG it.

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