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Nothing to say, yet
A family with two children were traveling by car to New York City when their car suddenly broke down. The parents went to get help and left the children in the car with the radio on. It got dark and the parents still hadn't returned when they heard a disturbing news on the radio. A dangerous killer had escaped from a nearby prison called Northwich C7, which was exactly where the children were next to the car. Precautions were being advised. Una família composta per dos petits i els pares viatjaven per carretera cap a New York City, quan el cotxe de sobte es va avarir. Els pares van sortir a buscar ajuda i pel que els nens no s'avorressin els van deixar amb la ràdio encesa. Va caure la nit i els pares seguien sense tornar quan van escoltar una notícia inquietant a la ràdio. Un assassí molt perillós havia escapat d'un centre reintensari proper a la carretera Nordwich C7, que era el lloc on exactament hi estaven els nens al costat del cotxe i demanaven que s'extremessin les precaucions.