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cover of De Javu Mando_1
De Javu Mando_1

De Javu Mando_1

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The clothes on this rack are from various sources, such as TV shows I've been on, social media posts, and even some from music videos. There are also a few items from concert rehearsals. Although I have some custom-made hoodies and undergarments, I usually only have about three or four pieces from each concert. So there aren't many. These clothes are what I wear for concerts and other work events. If you have them or can find information online, let me know when I wore them. 这个架子上面的衣服呢都是一些我可能拍摄一些网络的综艺啊 或者说一些在我的社交媒体里面有穿过 甚至我有拍过这个MV的一些的衣服 然后当然也有一些小部分的是我在演唱会彩排的一些衣服 因为哪怕我们每次有生产一些专门的那种卫衣啊或者一些护底 但是呢我自己顶多也大概就是问演唱会主办拿个三四件的样子 所以数量不是很多 反正在这个架子上面的都是我在演唱会还有访问以外的一些工作场合会穿的衣服 假如你拥有它们的话或者你看看能不能在网上找到资料告诉我到底我在什么时候穿过它们嘞

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