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The hosts welcome a special guest to their podcast. They discuss upcoming events and a song release. They talk about their favorite cities in Australia and their experiences visiting different places. They also discuss a party trick and share their thoughts on Perth as a city. I'm just I'm Ross and I'm Connor welcome to the party guys. Yeah, here we are for another episode How are we all today? Yeah, not bad We have a special guest on today Connor. Oh, yeah. Thank you for having me guys I'm actually just about to introduce you Yeah, I was about to introduce you too Connor wants to cut it, but the one take policy says no. The one take policy says no. It overrules That that is raw humor. That is what that is. It's like raw honey Sweet and sweet. Fresh from the hive. That's right. What did you get up to this weekend Jocelyn? Um, not a lot just you know chilled went to the gym a bit and went out Didn't get into the garden of my parents Pretty good a bit of a garden grub green thumb off. Yeah. Yeah. What are you guys been up to anything Coast Goat related? Oh Yeah, well there's some stuff happening there's some stuff brewing um, we've uh, yeah You had a photo shoot done and so I've got some more content for the the page and got some stuff coming up soon Let's be real by the time they listen to this podcast. Yeah, we can officially now true the release date for a song That's true. That is wow. Wow. What and what is this say with me now? No, do you know? September 16 Wow, this is the first time I'm here Exciting I feel like I'm in on something We don't know when this is coming up, but we've got gigs coming up follow Instagram because that's where everything is Yeah, it'll be info be out there. Like if you just want to jump on there We'll have stuff in our stories and then our near bio. So, um, yeah, just keep up to date with what we're doing Yeah coast losers Um, well jump straight to a prayer, you know, bless this potty Russell you wanna take that one away happily Let's do it. Yeah heavenly father. Thank you for these boys Lord and for allowing us to get on another potty Lord Um, yeah, we have a lot of fun doing them Lord and just pray that I'm others can Um, yeah, it's get something out of it as well good and they can enjoy listening to what we have to say Yeah, Lord. Give us the words to um, yeah, just provide some Provide some entertainment for those listening Lord and yeah, I pray that what we say can give glory to you as well. I mean, I mean Yeah, that's good. Um, thank you for joining us again Connor. It's good to have you back on In a while. Yeah, you're you're a popular guest among the fans You are I heard and I know that last time we had you on Afterwards you kind of said that you wish I'd asked you what your potty trick was. I did. Yeah You know when I listen to the podcast and I hear all the guests on there getting asked the same set of questions Obviously, I'm doing my homework. Yeah, when I come and sit down you don't ask me I get offended. Yeah, my party I'm feeling my party trick Bit of a geography nerd and I went through a phase On the downhill now, but my peak was about a year ago on Geo guesser The web-based game you get plunked in anywhere on Google and you get a little bit of a little bit of a Web-based game you get plunked in anywhere on Google Street view and you go guess where you are It's right back. Use the clues on screen and that was a fun game. I See, I actually tried to get into it, but I couldn't it was it's it actually takes a lot of skill And I've got to give it to you. You were good at it It was sort of a party trick, but it was also, you know at school and yeah, I just whip it up and yeah That's how I kind of got it For everyone Yeah, no, it was good it was So you tried getting into it, right? Well, not really like I didn't I didn't play it myself But I definitely enjoyed watching contemplate. Yeah, it was good. I am Yeah, I tried so hard to get into it I was like I could be good at this But I just don't get how like some of the things you can pull stuff from but you knew your stuff You did your homework and that's what it comes down to homework really and when you when you love this great You know, you love looking at it and going that's what I am Smell a certain rock and tell what grade it is. And it's exactly right. Yeah Flavor of the trees look at the look at the color of the concrete and work out. Yeah, I didn't get that crazy I'll be honest. I wasn't looking at the complexion of the dirt Yeah Something I want to ask you guys favorite city in Australia Tasmania is included Not that Some people wouldn't include it Favorite city gosh, I don't know like capital city. Yeah, okay Look, I think I have to say it and I kind of gonna say the same thing Whilst I've never actually been there. Oh, well, well Perth looks like a beautiful place. I tell you what, that's exactly right Perth is the most beautiful city and here I've been drilling into Russell's minds for the past year. How could Perth how good of a city Perth is and all this more? I've won him over. I've won Russell over. You've you know, I'm brainwashed will not win me over I will I'm gonna take you there. It's a beautiful city. What are you gonna say? Okay, Sydney, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Okay It's got some really good bike tracks, that's what I'm gonna say the infrastructure there that is really good Yeah, honestly, it's a good luck little little place. I Don't know Main Street in Brisbane's actually really cool There's actually a really nice Main Street. Like it is pretty nice. I feel like it's a bit underrated Although I would rather like Sunshine Coast. That's right. Yeah, like the hinterland and also the coastal towns surrounding it Make it I think that gives it a state like if I went to Queensland I actually probably wouldn't go to Britain. I wouldn't make a point of going to Brisbane. I got it surrounding I've been to Queensland plenty of time, but I don't think I've ever been into Brisbane the CBD at least. Yeah, just a boy Yeah, it's got a nice Main Street. I'm gonna give it that Um, honestly, I'm gonna I'm gonna cut some slack to this because I've always put so much crap on it Yeah, but I actually think that Canberra is pretty nice Nothing is happening in Canberra Thought I heard you say like two weeks ago that you went there and it was Terrible yeah, I went there and I went to Questacon That's all I remember It was it's nice, but that's because it's black plan You know, it is the most planned and organized city nothing like Central Coast and their roads Which are like a one-way roads that late like I can build the house and then the roads around the house Yeah, pretty windy that way But honestly, we could write these cities on the scale of as tourists, you know I suspect perspective of people who haven't lived there, but think about livability Perth you see is that I Could be here for I'm not in my head. I'm not actually actually agree I want to I want to actually scrap everything. I just said to get what I said, Victoria, Victoria That's my favorite. I've been there once and it was the best time ever Victoria's Australia I'm not great. We're not Melbourne. No. No, what's Melbourne's capital? Victoria is the state and Melbourne's a capital I thought Melvin was like I kid you not when we got there. The first thing I got told is it was actually it's actually called battle aid And it is actually the sickest place ever. It's really nicely planned It's got huge gardens and stuff really really open city. It's really nice. You've been there Russell. I'm not I've not been to Adelaide Driven through that Barossa Valley is beautiful. Yeah, and it's There's like a German village near there And it's really nice and it's he's so like I'm old like historic buildings and stuff there It's actually very a very beautiful like place and like Victoria Adelaide is actually really good. I actually really enjoy that Yeah, well I was there when I was about I'm gonna say 12 years old and Not a lot of special memories in Adelaide. I'll be honest stayed there two nights in the Barossa. That was beautiful. But um good roads I must mention. Yeah I mean, let's be honest and everywhere's got better roads in Tyree. Yeah, um Newcastle what do we think of that as a up-and-coming? I actually really like Newcastle. I'm a big lover of Newcastle. Okay. Yeah I mean You two hours from Sydney. Let's go to Sydney Yeah Sydney if you're someone who doesn't like the intense busyness of Sydney then Newcastle is just perfect for that because it's the middle. It's it's the middle. It's it's busy. It's got lots of opportunities It's got everything that you want Not to mention it still has rural areas and coastal areas for reference guys. This is exactly what I sound like when I advocate for Perth I don't know, you're a bit fanatical now You're much more of an advocate for Perth I feel like you need to sell the listeners on Perth It's just sell me, why is Perth Are you giving me You have two minutes, okay Starting now This is your time So Perth is a beautiful city. Let's not mention that You know, we we praise the surface paradise of Gold Coast and those sort of things Perth is a city on the beach If I was to compare it to America It's the it's the San Francisco, let's go Los Angeles of Australia's palm trees everywhere. There's sand creeping into this into the suburban There's some emotive language It's got it's got an incredible road system like you think about Sydney roads always, you know blocked up always busy I don't think I've ever been in a traffic jam terrible drivers But I don't think I've been in a significant traffic jam like I do every single time I go to Sydney the roads, you know, you've got four massive parallel roads going north south and then east west They're all like cross over and there's a freeway across them inside city the city. Yeah, it's beautiful It's just well-designed up the stadium that bridge there Actually called that bridge You guys can imagine this that bridge there. Yeah, you got you guys can see that bridge Yeah, the beaches are incredible. You know, we we rave about the beaches on the east coast of Australia where we are But over there, it's it's the same if not better. It's also hot like much warmer during winter Much much hotter during summer as well. Yeah Like what I feel that's a lot of positives. What are some negatives some negatives? Um, I mean, let's see real Let's be real. Well, I go over there every two two years for family around about around Christmas time I've been there in the winter as well. The only negatives is that um, I haven't gone with you guys yet Oh Well, I'll tell you what that's gonna be no, I'm actually stumped negatives bad drivers Yeah Well, I feel like Newcastle thing Hinders that for me is it the fact that the coal industry is like at the core of the city That's what drives the economic growth there and like makes it a popular place because it gives so many jobs But there's a lot of air pollution and stuff there which like yeah, it's something that we have to consider Like I mean, there's always dust particles floating up in the air and their waterways are very dirty because of all the cargo ships coming in For sure. Yeah, and yeah, it's speaking of negatives in Perth. It's it's definitely boomed because of the mining industry Yeah, big one down there, isn't it? Yeah big ones. There's plenty of plenty of mines like not in Perth They're about much on the map. Yeah, you can see them on Google Earth. They're massive They're huge. Um, but there's you know, 400 kilometers to 800 kilometers out of Perth. So there's still a distance but um Yeah, that is a big thing Mining's a big thing in Australia. It's a big thing. It's everywhere. What now? They're doing something there with renewable energy like they're gonna try and rehabilitate the area and like make it so they're digging up renewable thing Yeah, what you know, just like all cities Perth is also very it's it's victims to suburban sprawl, you know Yeah, there's dusty suburbs that with boring old modern hyper modern You know just white concrete times. Yeah, it's not pleasant and I have grandparents who live in those suburbs and it's just not ideal Like they're they're livable areas, but they're not aesthetic. Yeah, there's no dramatic value. Yeah Yeah, um, we've gone back to Newcastle. I remember the last time I was there I was out at the beach and I looked out like Occasionally when you're at the beach you look out in the horizon You see like one container ship off in the distance. I went to Newcastle and there were all Container ships on what you just animal. Yeah, probably 10 12 like Yeah, it's ridiculous, um one thing I actually want to ask you guys about the topic of discussion Renewable energy. What is their stance on it and respect it like Solar panels once they're like they run out of life. Where do you where do they go? Well, we're the lithium batteries go we start to mine up the lithium to make these batteries I Think we should get a biodegradable before we go there We're at that step of like straws and stuff. I think that that's that's something that can like gets me going like An electric car is really much better because like the the electricity to power that is often made by coal And then the batteries inside of that die and I throw them in the landfill and they still had to dig up the core Materials to build that battery. Yeah, I've really yeah, I definitely know that you guys are Opposed you can say to the to the modern to the current electric vehicle But I just find I don't know if you can agree with me on this But the theory the concepts of a car that you can park into your driveway Plug in overnight and then you have 700 600 700 kilometers range just be able to drive Silently that's pretty ideal So if you're going to a gas station paying much higher prices and when you plug it in at home It's just powered off, you know your roof. I've got a few point. Yeah, I've got a few pointers one like with last time I was in Sydney, I Was driving along and I was on my way home and next minute I have these fire trucks fly past me and I get to this intersection It's further down the road and there's an electric car it's caught fire The lithium battery couldn't stand in the actual heat. There's a pretty hot day. Yeah, and it's actually just caught fire No, another point is that I just don't feel like we have all the infrastructure yet to like fully eradicate Like petrol and diesel cars. Yeah, it's in Australia. I thought the theory of it Theory the theory is the theory of it is logical But like yeah, if we can we really call sure might be a cheaper alternative to having petrol cars But is it really sustainable? Well, well if we it's actually probably not even cheaper I reckon it costs more and it's a it's a hard one because like I was looking at like wind like wind farms I got follow origin pretty closely invested in them and they are transitioning to Wind farms, right? So a coal plant probably takes out it takes up about you know, I know let's Find figures hundred by a hundred meters meters squared or something. Let's say that but a wind farm takes like 500 acres or something or hectares because I have to spread it out so that they actually have to destroy environment to put a big windmill that are just like 50 times less effective as one plant. Yeah. Yeah, but I'm actually for green energy 100% but I feel like it's hard to find the right sources But I definitely think and this is this is applicable to all technologies in the history of time like there's There's a point of advancement and you only get advancement in technologies if you embrace them and you know Not taking me to fit, you know, yeah people constantly like robots, you know, I mean, yeah But yeah, definitely there needs to be that on that degree of advancing these things and there needs people to invest them If we just drop them off and let them rocks then it's not ideal, but there's definitely a future for electric vehicles I think yeah, but yeah, it takes these things take time and Yeah, the them blowing up is definitely not ideal for sure. But yeah, there's definitely statistical I think behind that there is logic to I think that my let's go through our favorite renewable energy source I think that I'm tied very closely between thermal energy like geothermal energy and nuclear Nuclear power is actually really like incredible when you look at the real detail of it And there's a lot of logic to it and it actually is very like good, you know There's a lot of benefits to it, you know, but it's very devastating if it goes wrong. Well, I think it's I Also have to say that I do stand by nuclear But and yes, you're right. Look is Absolutely devastating things go wrong, but I feel like you know, it's It's more the fact that it's been stigmatized because of things that have gone wrong in the past Which really have only been a result of people who've misused it. Yeah. Well one of them was a bomb And one of them was a tsunami that hit it So I think that that's another aspect though. We've got to understand there is human error and they're pretty it's pretty devastating impact What do you know about geothermal? I actually don't know much about geothermal, but I think that it has a lot of potential I know that heat creates energy and the center of our earth is a big molten ball. I think that Harnessing that is such a smart idea solar panels. I think it to like reliant on Fluctuations at a day or night winds powers to reliant on whether it's windy or not Hydropower has potential but I think with a lot of droughts coming and stuff and irregular rain patterns Whereas geothermal it's hot and it's gonna be hot like if we could you know Like about like those massive holes the like the Russian the Soviet Union made ages ago. They just don't strike down I don't know them too Well, they will they dug up the world's largest one If we put a big lot metal rod down there and just suck up like a big straw All right in theory that you've sold me let's get it run through the pipe and the point Is it a bendy straw to bend the show I think one got me actually now it's a paper straw Very quickly Maintenance, but I think geothermal 3c. Anyway, what do you get? Like as much as we aren't, you know fully informed fully knowledgeable, you know I personally haven't researched every single alternative because you know, it's not an industry that I'm actively making decisions on No, but in like a personal decision I don't I haven't been provided with too much negatives towards nuclear like that in itself is very young Talk about the advancement a lot in terms of scientific Capacity our capabilities as humans to you know, make the most of what we're given That's that's pretty impressive what they do with that nuclear stuff. I have no idea what's going on in those uranium It's happening and it's making energy it sounds good It's awesome. Have you seen like the reactors starting up and stuff and like just like I think Like China recently had a breakthrough, but I created one that doesn't actually make pollution anymore And I'm thinking actually how to help a big nuclear research center like a hospital They closed it down because Australia didn't want anything to do with nuclear power Too close to the like main thing, but they used to use it for like, you know I can't the treatments and stuff like that and right so actually I have heard about that Yeah, but they closed it down that should I should come back 20 years from now? Yeah, talk about where energy went But the thing is nuclear energy is definitely prominent like they have nuclear submarines now like they can I can copy that that power and copy it into a smaller like Processor and use it on smaller scales and I actually was reading an article ages back But I'm Port Macquarie was actually on a proposed list for a nuclear power site Actually, we're gonna bring some jobs. There was um, it was there and it was Newcastle and a couple other places I don't remember. I only knew the Port Macquarie was one of them. Yeah, but I thought that was an interesting prospect I don't think they I think it was like something they floated up into the air because it was a couple of years ago But I think it's definitely gonna it's gonna make it fine What's the potential and I think people just need to get over the negative stigma attached to attached to it Australia will follow through with it because we actually have the I think we all have the first or second largest Uranium deposit in the world. Yes, which is what you use for that. We have So as we transition from using less coal, which we're gonna have to our economy is gonna suffer because of that But we can just pick up by you know Introducing being on the forefront of nuclear energy. The issue is we're very behind because we haven't been doing it. Yeah, that's true Yeah, I would have thought you know, some random African country. I think it's Brazil might have the third. Yeah Okay, Brazil might be first, but I think Australia was yeah. Yeah, someone will correct me that how about Last topic to finish up. Yeah, of course. Yeah Mars We're going or not. I wouldn't know no if I Know I reckon it's the world's crumbling apart Let me come over there. Yeah, I don't want to care. What if the world isn't crumbling? You can go I'm just hanging up again Do you want to you want to get up there and be like you can only have this amount of food in this little statue? You can only have one hour outside a day of oxygen, you know There's no oxygen outside of mom never like and I mean it's like you can have it in your outdoor zone You can only have one area next, you know, let it consume all our oxygen. You're only allowed this much water a day And I don't see it like that How do you say it then? Go over there get a street named after me You're ridiculous anything. You're a pope Go to any development Australia, let's say they take, you know, like a Few thousand people on one of their third or fourth sleep, you know, it's firstly to Australia and they bring more convict Anyways, so we go to Mars and you know, there's a bunch of jobs laid out It's very well organized and there's some pretty switched on logistics people doing running the errands, you know And you work in a job you getting guaranteed things. You're just starting, you know, like a multi planetary word multi planetary appeal And then a meteor hits your air supply and you'll suffocate the media can handle on earth I've got to say Justin you you come up really extreme There's a lot of things that could go wrong Mm-hmm in a confined space with limited air limited water. I do agree with you. I mean like I wouldn't go to Mars That's like being a caged bird anything could happen If say if someone went crazy Say someone like actually went like mentally ill and they went and they tampered with the air thing There's an airlock, they can just suck them out There's a police force There's a police force What else is there? There's going to be a Thai restaurant in Mars If I have to open it then I'm... There'll also be a hearing aid place Where the people stand out the front and they say Do you need hearing aids? Come in, come in Because they're everywhere That will be one of those on Mars That is Big Brother That is Big Brother, they're terrible You know I'm all about taking risks The adrenaline rush of getting in the rocket ships I don't know Look God's given us this awesome world Earth is pretty cool Earth is pretty darn cool And I will admit we should be putting way more in We should be putting our money into Saving Earth rather than getting to Mars 100% That's another topic But think about it, would you rather save Earth or have a street named after yourself? We'll wrap that one up there Thanks for joining us Connor I don't think I'm coming back We're never bringing up anything to do with geography Or anything again Or Mars But we appreciate you guys listening As always I'm Just And I'm Russ I'm not allowed here anymore See you guys

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