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The speaker advises not to bring a false version of oneself when trying to meet someone or start a relationship. They emphasize the importance of being authentic and true to oneself in order to have genuine connections. The speaker also encourages handling personal baggage before embarking on a quest to find love. They mention upcoming shows and platforms where they will discuss relationships and offer advice. The speaker expresses their love for their black community and the importance of unity. They sign off with love and appreciation for their audience. Hey y'all, we're back for Food for Thought Fridays. I hope y'all are good out there. Today is Friday. I hope y'all are feeling good. I hope y'all are vibing out. I hope y'all worked all weekend, made a little bit of money, going shopping, out, you know, just doing what you love to do. You know, that's my motto. I just want to come right here. I don't want to hold y'all on because, baby, we got things to do on Friday. We are on here today, and I want to just bring some thoughts, food for thought, to your mind. Don't bring your representative. Don't bring your representative when you are setting out to meet the person of your life or you're setting out to meet, you know, someone who you, in your mind, you have a goal that you decide that you want to be in a relationship and you're starting to set out here and you're starting to meet people. Don't bring your representative because what's going to happen when you bring your representative, you are going to get false results. True and authentic is in. It's in. I'm telling you, it's in. I don't know what to tell you, but don't bring your representative. That is out. That is old news. Bring who you are, baby. When you show up on scene, show up of who you are, and then you will connect with the person that you are supposed to connect with. I'm going to tell you right now, this is food for thought Fridays. I'm not going to keep y'all on here long, but I'm telling you now. If you are bringing something to the table when you're meeting someone and you're not bringing your true authentic self, you are going to get a false read alert. Okay? I'm telling you that now. Don't bring your representative. Once again, authentic, your true self, that is what's in. You're going to get real results because you're going to find out how somebody really reacts to really who you are. Don't show up with something that is not who you are because that is going to get the false read. Let's stop fronting. Let's be for real. Let's say who we are. When you're meeting someone, let's stop putting the fronts on, and, you know, right now we got all this social media and all of this and that and all this posting, and a lot of times that's not truly who somebody is. It's just what you see on social media, and that's kind of what we've got into with this social media world, that we're just going to create, you know, a person that is not who we are. Bring to the table who you are so you will get the real deal when you're dealing with people out here in the real world. If you are single, this is for the single people, that you are really, you are on your quest. When I say you're on your quest, you are trying to find that person that you connect with. You need to bring your true self and do not show up with your representative. I mean, we all got problems. We all got, you know, a little bit of baggage, and some have more than others, but I don't judge. I don't judge. But I would say in a conversation I was having with someone, y'all need to handle that baggage. Before you start out here trying to be on a quest to find your love, handle that baggage so you don't come in and you don't bring some kind of false hope or false representative to somebody once you sit down and talk to somebody and you're feeding them. Handle that baggage. That's what you got to do. Either, you know, like I said, go to counseling, take financial courses, and we're going to have a show coming up where we're going to talk about, you know, all of that because all of that stuff is so important. You know, if you haven't dealt with some things beforehand, before you are here on your quest, because when I say quest, that means you serious, baby. You out here trying to find someone to partner up with, you know, dealing with your life. And when you're dealing with, you know, your life, you know, that's what I think you start to get more serious about, you know, who you interact with and things of that nature. It's so important, and I also want to tell you, don't quit, don't let nobody stop you, and don't be afraid to show who you really are. I am your girl, Pamela Denise, and welcome to my show, Black Women's Butts and Our Relationships with Black Men. You can also follow me on Facebook under Pamela Denise. I'm also on YouTube under Pamela Denise. We also have a group that is in the making on Facebook, Black Women's Butts and Our Relationships with Black Men on Facebook. We're going to be going live, baby. You're going to see us go on Facebook Live. You're going to see we also talked about having a counselor come on, therapist slash, you know, she has some real outlooks, you know, and it's just have a different perspective. Change your perspective. I'm not saying, you know, you shouldn't be presentable when you're out here on your quest, and when I say, again, when you're on your quest, you're out here, you're really trying to find someone, and you're not out here playing these games with people, and stop getting these fake results. But we got a lot of stuff coming, y'all. This is Food for Thought Fridays. We're going to be trying to pop on, definitely for Food for Thought Fridays. We do have a scheduling conflict on Tuesday with our counselor, so once she gets back with me on her schedule, we're going to try to get her on at least, I would say, once or twice out of the month so she can come on and we can talk about these relationships with the black men that we love and, you know, authentic black women's images. That's what we're about. We need to be on here, you know, uplifting each other, and it's a journey trying to figure out, you know, how we can love who we love and love the right person, have the right person love us. This thing is for real because, you know, we are actually in society where, you know, I think the past couple years we've seen a lot, and I do feel like African Americans have come a little bit closer into, you know, sisterhood and brotherhood, but it's not how it used to be a long time ago, but you would say my brother, my sister. So there's something that did happen in the black community. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it 100. I don't like to sugarcoat. I won't sugarcoat. I love who I am. I love who I am, and I love my black people, my black queens, my black kings. I just want to keep it 100, and that's what we're going to do. And, again, this is Food for Thought Friday. Don't bring your representative when you're trying to show up because you're going to get a false read, baby. Love who you love. Love the right person. But let's talk about it, baby. I love y'all.

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