Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by apologizing for being late and greets the listeners. They mention prayer requests for healing, rest, and the return of a niece. They share a personal story and ask for prayers for a job opportunity. They discuss the importance of forgiveness and share a Bible verse about forgiving others. The speaker tells a story about a king who forgives a large debt, but the forgiven slave refuses to forgive a smaller debt owed to him. The king reprimands the slave for his lack of forgiveness. The speaker emphasizes the need to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Alright, who's going to be that first one on? Man, you know what? Eh, I better leave this on. Let me leave this on. Alright, I am sorry I'm late. Alright, who's going to be the first one on? Since I'm running a little late today. Who's going to be the first one... Look at you. Ray, you're the first one on. Even though I'm running late, you're the first one on. Praise God. Good morning, brother. How are you doing? How was your weekend? Oh, TLBF4. Right there, always there. Miss Brandy, good morning. Good morning, good morning. Hello, hello, hello from Croatia. I had to think about how to say that. That's sad. Please keep me in prayer still sick. Oh, brother, Father God, we come in the name of Jesus with regards to my brother, Father God. Lord, I pray that you would heal his body, that you would just restore him to his strength, that he may do what he needs to do. Father God, we ask this in the name of Jesus, for by your stripes we are healed. Amen, amen. Praise God. You said it perfectly. Well, good. Well, you know, I had to think about it. Even though I'm reading it, Croatia. I had to really think about it. That's sad. I guess that's a senior moment to some degree. Good morning, good morning. Hey, y'all. I'm excited about this verse. My co-pastor yesterday preached from this. I want to share it with y'all. No revelation. Just good old common Bible sense. Turn to the book of Matthew. The book of Matthew chapter 18. Just get there. Book of Matthew chapter 18. Some good old Bible common sense. And you know what? We need some good old Bible common sense. Some good old words from the Lord to allow us to navigate through this thing called life. Oh, Mr. LaVoie, good morning. Good to see you. Good to see you. I've been seeing a couple of your posts. I love what they've been saying. I think that one, and I know I'm going to mess it up, I choose to be kind. I choose to love. I choose to forgive. And I loved it. I loved it. I know I'm taking it out of context, but I got the message. I got the message. Real quick. Watch this. I'm going to share this. A friend of mine said something the other day, and I thought it was very cool. He says, 100% of the time, you can choose your attitude and your activity. Let me repeat that. 100% of the time, good morning, Lambrio, you can choose your attitude and your activity. Matter of fact, that word activity, to some degree, in this particular case, about what you do, how you do it, how much you do it. So 100% of the time, you can't control a lot of other things. You can't control the people that are going to receive the message, or you can't control the events, but you can control 100% of the time two things, your attitude and your activity towards a thing. If your attitude is bad, you can put that in check and control it. If your activity is not where it needs to be, you can intensify it and get that where it needs to be. Think about that. I thought that was a great takeaway. Matter of fact, Lambrio, that was Nick. David and Nick, that was Nick who said that. We were over at Dina's house, and he made that statement. I said, you know, Nick, I'm going to use that. I like that. Think about it. 100% of the time, you can control your attitude and activity. All right? So there you go. Folks, I hope you are doing good on this beautiful Monday morning. Turn your Bibles to the book of Matthew, chapter 18. I'm just going to reiterate what my associate pastor taught this Sunday. I tell you what. Wait, I lost my fur baby bear of 10 years on Thursday. I need strength. I can't sleep. Father God, I pray for this sister that you would just please allow her to rest. She lost her fur baby. She lost her just beloved fur baby. And, Father, I just pray that you would just allow her to get her rest and get her sleep. And, Lord, I know some of us, we sort of take for granted our pets. But, Lord, you gave these pets to us, and, Lord, we take care of them. We watch over them, just like in the Scriptures. We see the shepherd taking care of the lambs. And, Lord, we pray that you would just bless her with the peace, Father God. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. I know that's important. We lost our little puppy not too long ago. We had to put her to sleep. And, you know, that's sort of hard. I used to think that way. You know, I didn't grow up in a household with animals or pets or fur babies. And so I was a little hardened with that. However, I've noticed that basically that's important to some people. So, boom. Real quick, yeah, write that down. The two things that you can control is your attitude and your activity. Think about that 100% of the time. All right. Yes, I am sorry I'm late this morning. Thank you. Thank you in crime. You know what? It's okay. I hope that things turn out okay. Amigo. Que pasa, amigo? That's the end. I don't know anything else. If I know just a few words, just get me in trouble. So when I say a little, somebody will come back to me with a paragraph and then I feel dumb. Can you say a prayer for my wife, Wesley? She is getting a valve replaced right now. Father God, we come in the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus, with regards to our sister, Wesley. Lord, right now, she's in a procedure. But right now, in the name of Jesus, I pray that you would touch the hands of the surgeon. Lord, I pray that you would touch the anesthesiologist, the technicians, the nurses, the first assist, anybody in that room. And I pray, Father God, for a speedy recovery. I pray that the outcome will be precision. I pray, Father God, that the anointing and the power of the Spirit be within that OR, Father God. And I pray that the faith, the size of a mustard seed, be right now as we come together in prayer for this to be answered. Father, let thou will be done. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. I pray for a speedy recovery. Praise God. Pastor Paul, you preach. I've been feeling the call to prayer. I'll cover the prayer request. Amen. Amen. You know what? Can I be very sincere with all of you right now? Okay, here. If we're going to pray, this is my prayer from all of you to me. I, of course, you all know I've retired a few years, a couple, well, almost three years ago. And me and Ms. Debbie decided, because the revenue needed wasn't coming in the way it needed to be, that I would go, you know, do Uber. So in the time being, in the last probably three months, I had a company reach out to me and said, well, I'd do some consulting for them. And I said, absolutely. So there was a revenue stream coming in every month. And they just notified me about a week ago that they don't need me to consult anymore. So that revenue stream is gone. It was dependent on, but it was gone. And so with that being said, I'm doing Ubering in the evening, which is fine. I don't mind that. I don't mind it. But so pray for me. Pray for me. Pray that God will give me something this week where I don't have to overly commit, that I can still focus on the ministry, focus on what I'm doing, but on the flip side, that that revenue comes in. If you could pray that for me. There's a church called Rock Point right down the street. I applied for a job. My friend Nick was scolding me. He's like, you're a pastor. You don't need to work. I'm like, Nick, it's like a little security job. I mean, I don't have a problem with working. And he was scolding me about it. I'm like, well, if revenue's coming in, I didn't have to do that. So that's the prayer for me. Pray that God will open up something that is just enough where I don't have to overly commit, right? I don't want to have to go back and have to go fly anywhere and lecture and talk. I don't want to do that. I want to focus on ministry. So something simple, something easy, something just very... Do you get my drift? I saw a guy the other day mocking a pastor who left his megachurch to go drive a FedEx truck. I have no problem with that. Maybe he was tired of pastoring a big church, and he felt that a FedEx truck would be less stress. Nothing wrong with that. So that's my prayer. Please, there you go. If you could do that for me, that would be the prayer for me. Please say a prayer that my niece comes back home. She's 18 and moved in with her boyfriend of 22. Father God, I pray in the name of Jesus that this young lady comes home. That she would not live with this young man. That she would see what is right, and she would move back home and not be involved or partake of that. Father, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. All right. Thank you. Keep us in prayer. Me and Miss Debbie are not starving. No, no, no. We're not starving. But if you could just pray that for me, and I'm going to do the possible. I'm going to go. You know, I applied at the church and, you know, the Rock Point, and I've done a couple other things. And I'll be doing a little Ubering tonight. And if you're in Arizona, East Valley, Pastor Paul might deliver your pizza. Amen. Book of Matthew. Oh, this is good stuff right here. Book of Matthew, chapter 18. How many of us have a problem with forgiveness? How many of us have a problem with regards to forgiving others? How many of us historically hang on to grudges to some degree? I don't know about you guys, but I'm that guy. And yesterday, my associate pastor, Pastor Coleman, Calvin Coleman, man, he brought a wonderful common sense word from the Bible. Oh, update. Remember the roof? Remember the company that's going to do the roof? The owner of the company showed up at church today. And when we got done at the end, I went to shake his hand. He had tears coming down his eyes. And he said, I felt like home when I was here. This is what he said. His name is Johnny. I think it was Johnny Lawrence. He says, I felt like I was home. Oh, guys, and check this out. Watch this. So the owner of this company, his name is Johnny. His name is Johnny. I'm just trying to describe what he looks like. He's a Caucasian guy. But watch this. When he came in, he said, hey, can I tell you a story? I said, yeah. He goes, my grandfather was a Methodist preacher. I go, that's cool. He goes, but my grandfather's church was on the same street. And my grandfather collaborated with a preacher that you know. I said, in the early 60s? I'm like, I was born in 63. And he says, and my grandfather's congregation and this preacher's congregation collaborated together in the early 60s with regards to the gospel. And I said, well, who's the pastor that I know? He goes, Martin Luther King, Jr. And now how ironic. The grandson of this preacher who collaborated with Martin Luther King is now helping the son of a pastor born in the 60s put our roof on. Is God so awesome? And I know that has nothing to do with the roof, but it's how God brought us together and how this guy is helping our church and they're going to put a roof on ours. So I'm going to keep talking about that. Titan Roofing Company. All right. Forgiveness. The book of Matthew, chapter 18. I know I'm all over the place, but I'm pretty excited at this point. Forgiveness. Now watch this. Book of Matthew, chapter 18, starting with verse 21. Then Peter came and said to him, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times? I love Peter. Peter comes to him and says, Lord, how often do I need to forgive? How often should I turn the other cheek? And I know a lot of us have that same thought where someone has offended me. Someone has hurt me. And, you know, you get to the point where, let's be honest, you're sort of like, I am tired of them. Let me look at my window here. Some of us get to the point where you're like, I'm tired of their nonsense. I'm tired of them always offending me. I'm tired of them always just looking down or belittling me. But Peter comes to the Lord and he says, basically, and I love how Peter amps it up a little bit more. He says, hey, Lord, Lord, do we forgive him? Up to seven times? Look at verse 22. Jesus said to him, I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to 70 times seven. Now, we're not worried about the end result of the mathematical equation. Because, like the pastor said yesterday, we don't even count that high, but it is a hyper-embellished thought. We say seven times 70, meaning we keep forgiving. Meaning that our heart to forgive cannot and shall not and will not be exhausted. We will forgive. And think about that. Thank you so much. Think about that. How many people have offended you and you've held a grudge? How many people have hurt your feelings and you've held a grudge? Matter of fact, you've had people even support you not forgiving. You've had some people validate why you shouldn't forgive. But the Lord says right here, Jesus said, I do not say to you up to seven times, but I say 70 times seven. We should forgive. Watch this. Verse 23, For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle his accounts with his slaves. So now we're going to get this incredible illustration. Verse 24, When he had begun to settle them, one who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him. Verse 25, But since he did not have the means to repay his lord, commanded him to be sold. Now think about it. He didn't have the ability. And the king said, well, since you don't have the means to repay me what you owe me, then I'm going to sell you or I'm going to sell your family into slavery. And that was absolutely normal. Why? To repay the debt somewhat of like an indentured servant to some degree. But watch what happens. So in verse 26, So the slave fell to the ground and prostrated himself before him saying, Have patience with me and I will repay you everything. So this gentleman who was in debt, who owed the king, he literally got on the ground. He got into the lowest position he could. And he pleaded to the king to have grace and to have mercy on him. In this case, mercy. He deserved. The gentleman deserved whatever he was going to get from the king because he could not pay the debt back. He said, have mercy upon me. And watch what happens in verse 27. And the lord, meaning the king, And the lord of the slave felt compassion. Did you hear that? The lord of the slave felt compassion and released him and forgave him of the debt. We see mercy in action. We see grace in action. And how beautiful that is. Let's stop right there. Hang on. How many of us right now are walking around with unforgiveness in our heart? How many of us right now are walking around harboring something that happened? Let's keep our finger there. I want you to look at something else now. I want you to look at something else. The Bible is quite clear when someone offends us what we should do. The Bible is quite transparent when someone offends you or sins against you or does something to you, this is what we should do. And this, what we are about to read, this is common sense Bible. This is something we can apply if we are a believer or a non-believer. Watch what it says. Let's look at 1815. 1815. We are going to go back to the king and the slave. We know we read that the gentleman who owed money has been forgiven, been shown grace and mercy. But let's look at 1815. Here we go. It says, If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private. Let's stop right there. If someone has offended you, if someone has done something to you, if someone has said something, maybe behind your back, you know the feeling. You know what I am talking about. The scripture says, go to that person in private. Doesn't mean get on Facebook and put them on blast. That doesn't mean get on TikTok and put them on blast. That doesn't mean call up your friends, tell everybody. That said, right there, go to that individual. Go to them face to face. Go to them in love. Go to them in humility. Go to them. And watch this. What does it say? It says, If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private. If he listens to you, you have won your brother. Good morning, Josh. Go to that person. Too many times we get so angry and so upset that instead of going to that person, we go behind their back to talk about them to someone else. Too many times we get offended by somebody and we somehow allow that to deposit in our heart. It takes root. And then all of a sudden, days and then months and then years, we have this bitterness against this person. When in the very beginning, we could have went to that person and said, you know what? I was offended. I was hurt. Whatever that was, we need to go to that person. And we can apply this on the work job. How many times I know I personally have worked in areas where I know for a fact I wish the individual would have came to me. Or the individual could have came to me and let me know that what I did or what I said was offensive. But what happens, good morning Brian, but what happens is I hear it second hand. I've heard it third hand. And it's blown out of proportion when that individual could have came to me. And guess what? It turns around. There's been times when I lacked going to the person. Now that might have been out of pride. I'm not going, I'm not going to address them on that. I'm not going to forget them. I've done that. Oh, I'm not going to let them know. I'm not going to yield or humble myself and let them know that they hurt my feelings. You know, we get all full of our pride. Right? But what if I just, like 15 says, it says if your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private. What if we went to that person in private? And I'm just illustratively speaking. I'm not saying this happened. But what if I privately went to Ray and say, Ray, you offended me. Then Ray would probably say, well, what did I do? What did I, and this is, Ray didn't do anything. I'm just using this as an illustration. And Ray would probably, well, what did I do? Well, A, B, or C. Now it might be this. Ray might like, wow, you know what? Joshua, I see you. Ray might like, I didn't even know that. Matter of fact, I'm so sorry. And when we can do that, folks, we can save ourselves a lot of pain. We can save ourselves a lot of hurt. We can save a lot of energy if we would just go to that person in private and say, what you've done is offended me. We can save a lot of time. Let's go back to what we are reading now, and you'll see how this all connects. So, in verse 27, 1827, And the Lord of the slave felt compassion, and released him, and forgave him his debt. How beautiful is that? That this man who was indebted now is free. He is able to go about his business because the king showed him mercy. Verse 28, But the slave went out, and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii, and he seized him, and began to choke him, saying, Pay back what you owe. Now, how interesting is this? That this gentleman, who was pleading for mercy, who was pleading for grace, who owed the king an exorbitant amount of money, on the ground, asking for forgiveness, asking the king to show him favor, is now forgiven, and has forgot, and now goes finds a fellow slave, and is literally saying, You owe me money, and I want it now. How soon we forget. Verse 30, But he was unwilling, let me read 29, So the fellow slave fell on the ground, and began to plead with him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will repay you. But he was unwilling, and went and threw him in prison, until he should pay back what was owed. So he completely forgot about the mercy that was showed up on him. He completely, extremely had the individual incarcerated, and he forgot about asking the king to forgive him. So when his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were deeply grieved, and came and reported to their lord all that had happened. So when the fellow slaves, who knew that he was forgiven by the king, and when the fellow slaves saw how he reacted to an individual who owed him, they reported that to the king, and the king was upset. Then, summoning him, his lord said to him, You wicked slave, I forgave you of all your debt, because you pleaded with me. Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave in the same way that I had mercy on you? Shouldn't we have mercy on an individual because God had mercy on us? Shouldn't we forgive others knowing that God has forgiven us? Shouldn't we, when we have a problem with somebody, go to them privately and allow them to know what they did so that we can build a bond back together? Shouldn't we? Or should we be like this guy, the moment we've been forgiven, after we've pleaded for mercy, go out and apply the injustice to someone else? No. Forgiveness is powerful. And you've got to understand something. Before I read any further, and you know the outcome of the story, but we'll read it in just a moment. Satan does not want you to forgive. I just don't understand that when they stole your innocence. I would like to know what's going on there, but let me finish this, and we'll talk about that. Forgiveness is your ability to unlock the grip that has on your heart. Forgiveness. I've told you this story a thousand times. Me and Miss Debbie, she was married before I was married before. Her marriage ended in a bad way. I ended in a... We need prayer for her pastor. Hang on real quick. What's going on? Lambriel, what's going on? Lambriel's like my kiddos, guys. If she says something that important, I want to pay attention to that. What's going on? We're talking about forgiveness here. What is going on? Somebody let me know. I kind of feel like Paul shamed Peter in public unjustly. We need prayer over Miami. I realize that some people shouldn't be parents. Okay, forgiveness. Miami, what's going on? Parental abuse. She is not understanding how she could possibly forgive. Okay, real quick. Miami, are you able to talk to me? I'm going to do this. Miami, are you able to talk to me? Are you able... Can we do a duet here? Can we do that? I don't know how I would send you a request, but how do we do that, Miami? There we go. I think I just did it. If you want, Miami, I don't want to put you on blast or anything, but if you want. If you want. Forgiveness. This is our subject and title this morning. Miami, I just sent you a request. I don't know, and I'm not going to put you on blast, but she's not understanding, okay? Okay, I understand. I understand. Let me finish this, and let's speak to all of this. And now the slave man who was forgiven now is apprehending someone else, and he's basically... the king has been notified, and now the king is saying, in verse 32, Then summonsing him, his lord said to him, You wicked slave, I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Verse 33, Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave in the same way that I had mercy on you? And his lord moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed to him. Verse 35, My heavenly Father will also do the same to you. Now, I want you to listen to this, everybody. Verse 35, the Lord's speaking here. My heavenly Father will also do the same to you. If each of you does not forgive his brother or sister, I added the sister, brothers universal, but each of you who does not forgive his brother or sister from your heart, meaning, if we do not have the ability to forgive, how can we be forgiven? And the king himself, when he was upset with regards that that individual did not forgive, the king has thrown him to be tortured in prison. Let's stop with that right now. Miami, I didn't read the comments, and I'm not going to, because what I'm about to tell you is off the cuff. I just read that you need prayer. I will empathize with you because I was raised by wonderful parents. I was fed. I was never abused. I had a home, and the list goes on. I will not sit here and pretend I know what it's like to be hurt or to be violated. But I do know this, and I want you to hear me out. And I took my glasses off, so I really can't read the comments. But I want you to hear my heart, not only you, but the rest of you. Over the years, I have counseled people that have been sexually violated. And the bizarre and crazy thing about it, the majority of them was by a relative as close as a parent, as distant as a cousin, sexually violated in the most grotesque way. Here's another thing, though. While most of us, especially me, cannot even comprehend how one forgives an individual of that. But I will tell you this. The individuals, through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, were free from the bondage of the violation that was committed against them. Why? Because they had the ability to forgive. Now, though, the struggle comes with the memory. Pastor Coleman yesterday talked about this. He was just talking about light of senses. This is an intense of sense. And I thought it was very powerful. He goes, The struggle that I have is the day-to-day event, not to remember what was done, but it's by way of the Holy Spirit that enables us to be able to look at that person and know they have been forgiven. But remember what I said, though. That's through the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the flesh wants revenge. The flesh is angry. The flesh remembers the violation of what happened. The Bible says there is nothing good in the flesh, but it is through the Spirit that you can say, I forgive you. And I'm going to move on from this point. And I am so sorry if it was parents, because that has to be the most hurtful thing that can happen. There's a young lady in our ministry. She has a beautiful gift that God has given her. Her gift could literally take her to be on a national stage. Her gift could literally allow her to sing to the masses. But as a young child, she was violated in a very horrific way. And she has never been able to get over it. And Satan has taken the opportunity to whisper in her ear that you are unworthy to sing. I even was on a plane one day. I sat next to an executive for a record company. And because I run my mouth, I set up a meeting with this executive at a record company with this individual. All this individual had to do was to send a sample. And it would have changed her whole life. But because, and I'm not judging. I'm just calling it for what it is. Because she will not forgive. She cannot forget. And she has been a victim of the violation ever since. And it's been a long time now. Why? Because she will not forgive. Back to you. I know it's hard. That I do know. Because I understand anger. And I do understand non-forgiveness. That I can. My issues of unforgiveness are petty compared to yours. But I understand that part. But I do also understand that when you put your heart in a position to be obedient to the Spirit of God, it is that moment that you will experience a breakthrough. The deliverance of the very thing that has plagued you or haunted you over the years. And I'm assuming, and please forgive me if I'm wrong, I looked at your call sign, and I looked at the year, and I'm assuming that is your birth year or circa. I was also born in the 60s. That indicates to me that you've been carrying this for a long time. But today, in the name of Jesus, I pray that right now in your heart, that you would forgive the individuals who violated you and hurt you. You cannot change what has been done, but you can allow that to be free from captivating your heart. So you've allowed that to colonize your heart. You've allowed that event to seize you, to literally encapsulate you in concrete, and you are unable to move forward. But guess what? You're not the victim. You're the victor. And you want to take that thing that happened to you and say, You know what, Satan? Get behind me. I'm going to tell my story. I'm going to tell my testimony. I'm going to let other people know that have experienced similar events. I don't have my glasses on. Whatever you guys are writing, I cannot see. So if I'm not responding, please think I'm not being rude. I just cannot see. But Miami, take this that has been done to you. Forgive those who have hurt you and violated you, and help those that need to hear your message and your testimony, so that you can be used by God in a powerful way. But as we read right there, I don't know your relationship with Jesus, but if you're a born-again believer, you have been forgiven. Shouldn't you, according to that word, forgive others? It won't be easy, but it can be done. It won't be overnight, but it can be done. And this is why Jesus told his disciples, wait here until you receive the Spirit. See, my power, our power, our might, your might, does not come from the flesh. It is from above. This is why the Lord sealed us with the Spirit to empower us to be overcomers. And events, and I know, I know, I know, we are, a lot of us are consumed with the origin of why things happen. Let's take it deeper than that. The origin of any evilness in this world is a derivative of the disobedience in the Garden of Eden. The depravity of humanity and the sin nature has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, and in some cases, that depravity and that sin nature has affected all of us, but some of us even more, and with more horrific illustrations. But if we take that, and if we use that with regards to our testimony, how many people can we help? Maybe the child that was raised by alcoholic parents. Maybe the boy or girl that was violated. Maybe the children that were abandoned. Maybe the wife who was left by her husband to raise kids by herself. Maybe the family that had all the money that you can imagine, but they didn't have the attention of their parents. Maybe the husband who was a wonderful man, did everything he possibly can, but caught his wife cheating. The list goes on and on and on, but all of this is a derivative of that sin and the sin nature. But what we can do to be empowered to overcome this is the power of forgiveness. I forgive you for doing what you did to me. I forgive you. Miss Debbie, I've told the story, and I will always tell the story. Miss Debbie is a wonderful woman, and she was married before. I will not mention his name, but she was married before, and he committed adultery on several occasions. And I'll never forget, when we first started dating, we were in the front of her house. Her ex-husband was coming to pick up their daughter, and I don't know what made me, why did you know it was God? And we weren't serving God like we should have, but she looked at him and she said, and I'm just going to make up a name, I'm not going to say his name. She said, John, I love you, and I forgive you. Now, I don't want to take Miss Debbie and compare it to yours. I'm not doing that. But Miss Debbie intended to be married for life. She intended to be devoted to this man. She intended to raise a family. She intended to do everything she possibly could to be the greatest wife she could be. And on several occasions, he committed adultery in the worst way. But that day, she looked at him, she said, I love you, and I forgive you. He, at first, tried to minimize it with a sense of humor. He said, oh, no, no, no, I don't love you anymore. And she said, no, you don't get me. I'm not talking about that kind of love. I'm talking about love, meaning I love you with regards to you have a soul. I love you with regards that you are the father of my child. I love you like a brother. And she said, and she completed, and I forgive you. It was at that moment. Now, to her, to her and her heart, it equated to any hurt that anybody endured in life. But I remember looking at her, and right there in front of me, I saw the burden of her anger lift off her shoulders. And from that point on out, she changed with regards to her relationship with her ex-husband. They're not friends, but they're not enemies. They're not acquaintances, but she respects. She can be in the same room. They can be at the grandkids' events. We were just recently, last year, was at little E, little Eric, our grandson. We were all, and he's my grandson by marriage, but he's my wife's grandson by, of course, her ex-husband. He was there. Debbie was there. I was there. For labelization, their daughter, which would be labelization, my stepdaughter, we don't play that stuff, but my stepdaughter so that you understand, and Miss Debbie, cordial, kind, gentle, polite, and you want to know why? Because God gave her the ability to forgive, and she's been free ever since, and that happened years ago. My point to you is this. I'm going to put my glasses back on. I know it's hard. I know it's hard, but I want you to go beyond the flesh, and I want you to go to the Holy Spirit, and I want you to say, Lord, if you would have me to forgive this person, may you get all the honor and the praise, and I will forgive. And once you do that, there's going to be some work. There's going to be some struggle, but you will be given the power by God Almighty through the Holy Spirit to forgive. If you would do that for me, I guarantee you God will show up. All right, let's read some of these. Now I can look at some of these things and say, Hey, you. Hey, you. I see, hey, you. What's going on? Amen. Smile. Oh, there we go. Hang on. Isn't that you, Billy Joe? That is Billy Joe right there, folks. Billy Joe, did anybody say anything at the church that we reached out? I was going to tell you about the church, Myrtle Beach Christian Church. Well, did anybody say anything? Because, you know, I reached out, sent an email. Did anybody? Mm-hmm. Amen. Did anybody say anything at church? Because, like I said, I'm sure a few other people reached out to Myrtle Beach Christian Church and said something. They had a lot of views. Did they? Oh, here. Let's see what Billy Joe is going to share with us about all these views that were taking place. Let's invite Billy Joe. Let's see what Billy Joe is going to share with us about all these views that were taking place. Let's invite Billy Joe. How did we get on here? How did I do that last time? How did we do that? We're going to see what Billy Joe has to say here. See what you've got to say. Where is Billy Joe here? There we go. All right, Billy. She's got to share with us. Billy Joe. Hey, what's up? How are you doing? First, you like my shirt? Wait a minute. What's it say? Let faith be bigger than your fear. Oh, let faith be bigger than your fear. Because you know faith and fear can't coexist. But go ahead. Well, that's our motto for our church this year. It says no fear this year. No fear this year. Oh, no fear this year. All right. Let's talk about church. What's going on? Well, we had a baptism. Somebody got baptized Sunday. Amen. They had a lot of youth. They were told me, and I told them, I told our youth minister, that what happened today and that all these people are viewing. And he's like, amen. But they had a lot of youth. I don't see the camera itself because I'm either singing or back on my side. But I did have an encounter that I wanted to tell you about yesterday. Let me hear. Okay. And I'm not boasting when I say this. Like, you know, when you do something good for somebody, you're not supposed to go out and tell the world it's in your heart. That's the word. Okay. So after leaving church yesterday, the lady, we do homeless bags. Like we make up bags for the homeless to get the homeless. And, of course, we give them a card. But it's about everything from snacks to body stuff or shampoo, toothbrush, just stuff that they cut themselves, you know, just a bag for the homeless. Well, she handed them out to me yesterday. She handed me two. So I was going back because I work with the youth minister. I work with the youth. It's called the Kingdom Kids at Night. So that's what I do. I work with the kids at night on Sundays. Right. So I said, you know, I'm hungry. I'm going to stop at Burger King, and I'm hungry. So I drove into Dri-Zoo, and there was this woman, and she looked very homeless, and she was so disoriented. She was trying to walk up to the Dri-Zoo to get food, but she failed. She even failed. So I went around to the – because I didn't know what was going on, I went around to the lady as a manager. I said, this lady, there's a lady out here, and she has failed, and she's looking for food. And I don't care to buy her food, but we need to check her. So I drove my thing around. She said that I drove around, and she said that the lady was inside. And we walked in there. This lady didn't have nowhere to go, but I'm telling you, guys, do you know how they say that you're tested, and you never know who's going to be somewhere when they're testing you? And I'm going to get emotional. I don't want to get emotional about it. So I went inside, and I actually gave her one of these bags, and I gave her some money, and I'm not boasting, and I made her stick it somewhere because she had just got out of the hospital and had her arm wrapped up, and they had just let her loose in the hospital to go nowhere. She had nowhere to go. So she was walking around. But she was talking to me and kept telling me. She goes, your scent, or I didn't understand what she was talking about. She was telling me about her mom and the God in heaven, but looking at her eyes, I was looking at somebody else and not a person. And I cannot explain it. It's just like it pierced. The eyes pierced you. Do you see what I'm saying? And I cannot explain the experience. But I had to go, and the lady said she would take care of her. The lady said she would take care of her and make sure she had somewhere to go after I left. But this is just to show you that there's people out there, and I believe most of them are women. Say again? So what's your opinion on it? That's what I would ask. Real quick, real quick. Now, you might know this, but somebody help me out, everybody. Y'all listen. Give me that verse where it says about entertaining angels. Somebody give me that verse. See, Billy Jo, my memory's not as good as it used to be. I don't either, but I'm learning the Bible just to let you know. I love the Lord Jesus, and I'm learning the Bible as we go. We got some folks out here that's going to help us. All right, give me that verse, everybody, when it says, be careful because you might be entertaining an angel. Somebody will give me that verse. Give me a minute here. Hang on. Somebody watch. It's going to pop up here any second. Come on. Come on. Somebody give me that verse. Where is it at? We're going to turn there. Ooh, this is a good one. Uh-oh, Hebrews 13.2. I knew Joshua was going to come. Let's go to Hebrews 13.2. Yeah, Hebrews 13.2. Yeah, read it. Okay, hang on. Let me get there. My Bible's in the car from church yesterday. I apologize. We're not judging. We're not judging. What? Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Right here. Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. Come on, Billy Jo. Let's look at it now. I didn't make it up. I know, but it makes me upset. I'm telling you guys, when I looked at her eyes and she smiled, she had very little teeth. Her eyes, I mean, it makes me cry, but it pierced me. I've never seen anything like that. Come on. But look what it says. Let love of the brethren continue. Now, brethren doesn't mean male. It means universal. But, see, you were showing some love. And God says let that continue. Because why? You thought you were going to be doing something, but this was to exhort you. But watch. Do not neglect to show hospitality, kindness, charity, love, gentleness. So you were showing that. But watch this. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers. This was a stranger. You never met this woman, right? You over there at the burger place getting something to eat. But God was about to do something. For by this, some have entertained angels without knowing it. And it was like I was pushed there. Like when I went there, I wasn't going to go. I was like, okay, because, first of all, I'm on a diet. So I don't tell anybody. It's not really a diet. It's healthier eating. So I really wasn't going to do this. But something in my mind said, we're going here. Come on. They had sent me from my house to leave there that I was going there. What was the burger place again? Burger King. And I tried. So you were appointed by the king to go to Burger King to engage it. Now, guys, I'm not going to, you know, hypertheologicalize this, but how interesting that this woman spoken to Billy Joe, this woman Billy Joe sees something different in her face, but the scripture says, be very careful who we entertain. Or in the case, we might be entertaining angels. And what are angels? Messengers. That's all angel means, a messenger. If you want to see her face and demeanor, it's like, you know, there's a race. Like you have different races. There was no race involved. Like it's like she was, you know, you can identify people's race. You know what I'm saying? And you like to say if somebody, there was a crime that you had to identify somebody. I don't see race in any way. I see that God loves every single one of us. Right. But I could not identify this. Come on. It's something that I could not. I mean, her face, her age didn't match the way she was, the way she was acting. Does that make sense? Like it was so young in her face. You have a divine encounter. You transition from time and space into eternity. What I mean by that, you encountered someone that was being moved by the eternal God. And she was talking about it. She was talking about God. She was talking about God. The word she got out, we started talking. She was putting her hands up like in the sky, telling me about her mom. And then she was going on with the story. And the story is like, she was talking in something different. And I didn't, I don't know. I just can't. It goes through my heart. I went to church and I was telling them, you know, because they do help people, but she might have not been there when we were getting done. But the lady said she would take care of her. And let me tell you something. I gave them church cards. I gave the lady behind the counter, wanted to know the church I went to. She took cards from me. Cards? She took more than one? Yeah. She took more than one. The lady behind the counter has kids. And maybe she says I needed, I couldn't even, I don't even know if she said she needed a church. She said, what church do you go to? And I gave her cards. Wow. Wow. But I want to tell y'all anyway, good morning. I love you. And God bless. Y'all are amazing people. Being in here, listen to this. But make sure today that you go out and you make somebody smile and you tell them about our good Lord Jesus. Thank you. Because people need to know this. They need to know it more now than ever. And by the way, I'm starting a new class. I'm studying revelations. Woo. Going deep. Going deep. I don't want to, but you know what? It's only how you present it to me. Like our teacher said, when you think of revelations, and I want to ask the class this and you, when you think of revelations in the Bible, what do you think about? Well, first thing. I mean, what comes to your mind about that chapter? Not that you've read it. Okay. Well, that's the only thing I can reflect on. Because I've read it a thousand times. Okay. But before you started reading it. I think of the end times. Yeah, the end of times. But some people, does it seem scary? Like a lot of people. Everybody. That's what most people would say. It's scary. But it's not. But most people think it's scary. Most people think it's close. And then most people will get a Bible, they'll go to revelations first, but they don't know the beginning part. And when they get to revelations, it scares the bejeebies out of them. They put the Bible down, and all of a sudden they never read it again. Well, when I first started reading the Bible, I was directed, in my heart, I started with Matthew. I read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And that told me about Jesus and their transition and their walk with Jesus. And then when I have that, and Romans is really, really good. Like if you want to get straight, guys, if you want to get straight, read Romans 8. Or Deuteronomy 28. Brian, did you hear that? She said go to Romans 8. Romans 8. Now, a reason why, because, Brian, Romans 8, 28, all things working together. And you want to hear some better news? Y'all ready for some better news? Come on, let's hear it. You can go to this class, too. It's online at Myrtle Beach. Did you hear that? This is online, revelations. You can go to this class. At that church on Facebook, they have each class, but it's online, and you can go to listen to them. Come on, now, y'all. There you go. There you go. Getting some Bible study read up and reading and revelations, getting ready. And our teacher is Steve, and you know what he said to me? And it's hard to say that, you know, I love talking to you because you've read the Bible inside out and you kind of understand. But he looked at us and he said, everything has played. Revelations tells you that what's going to happen. He said, it's happened. Everything has come together. It's happened. We're not waiting for something else to happen. We're waiting for Jesus Christ to come get his children. The blessed hope. Amen. Yeah, people say, well, this has still got to happen. This has not been fulfilled. It's fulfilled. We're excited about the coming of Christ. We're excited. And I don't know if, you know, and you might be able to relate to this because you sound like a very knowledgeable man, but you listen to the class. He goes to talk about, like I said, we're only in Chapter 1, so we're not really getting there. You know what I'm saying? We might be a little further than Chapter 1. But he said, you know, where they talk about the mark. And your head and your forehead, right? He said, it's not, he doesn't believe it's going to be. Because when you read the Bible, God, you know, when Jesus read this, I mean, written the Bible, he takes it in different ways, like for you to do. He said, the Romans, okay, talk about the mark. The Romans, when the people had to, back in the Roman days, people couldn't buy, sell, or trade unless they sacrificed something. They had to sacrifice something in order to get it. He doesn't believe it's going to be. They're talking about your hand, which your soul, whatever guides you is your head. You see what I'm saying? It's in your hand to take it, to receive it. He doesn't think it's going to be a mark. It's going to be something where you're going to have to give up your salvation. You're going to have these people because anybody can have. And I ask you, but I'd rather you watch it and listen to him, people to listen to it, and then because I'm not completely, you know what I'm saying, knowledgeable enough to talk about it. I understand. You know what? We thank you. I appreciate it. Once again, keep up that excitement, that zeal. I'm glad that some folks got on there and viewed it, but God bless you. Take care of yourself. Yeah, guys, go and read that class. I mean, listen to the class. There's nothing. This gentleman here, keep listening to him because he's spreading the word. You are an amazing, amazing soul. Thank you. I'm embarrassed. You know what? That's okay. You'll get your crowns one day. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much. You'll get your crowns one day. Guys, I love you. Y'all are awesome. I got to go to physical therapy. It's my Monday. God bless you. Have a great day. And never know when you're entertaining angels, like I said. Just keep your eyes open. Amen. All right. Take care. God talks to us all the time. We just have to listen. Bye. Take care. God bless you. You too. Bye-bye. All right, y'all. Y'all heard it there. I mean, amen. You know, once again, let me reiterate. I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here, but it's okay. How funny. You trust me. I don't know how it works. I know, but I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here. Okay. Let me leave, and then I'll come back and listen to your life. So I'm just going to leave, and then I'll come back in. So I can listen to what you have to say. All right. Bye-bye, guys. Amen. I reiterate what I said the other day. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. The sister's on fire. You might be attending a Bible-teaching church, but are you inviting your neighbors, your friends, maybe strangers? Well, you see what she did? She just went right there, and she plugged in for the kingdom of God, you know, talking about her church. She went even further to notify you of a Bible study. So we need to do the same thing, folks. We need to be on fire, because watch this. She's talking about Revelations, and you know, Revelations is one of those subjects that I'm very careful who I listen to, and I'm very careful, you know, what I digest. Basically, I'm well-read in Revelations, but there's some interesting views. But my point is this. We are in. We can all agree. Eschatology, we can sometimes disagree on certain events, when they took place, how they took place. Those are not salvational issues, but we can all agree. There's 126 of us right now, but we can all agree that Jesus is coming soon. Can anybody disagree with that? If they can, I don't know how you can disagree with that, but we can all agree that Jesus is coming soon. And I'm telling you right now, you better be ready. You better be ready. Now, I'm a pre-tribber kind of guy. I believe that the church will be raptured out of here. I know some of my friends don't believe that, but I believe that we'll be raptured out of here. So, I am raptured ready. However, I am operating in the expectation of His beloved hope, meaning I'm still sharing the gospel. I'm being responsible. I'm inviting people to the ministry. I'm encouraging people. I'm not hunkered down, prepping, waiting for Armageddon. I am saying, Lord, I'm going to keep on, keep on sharing the gospel until you call me out of here or until you come and get me. Meaning you come and take the church out or you call me out of here because it's the end of my life. Even my father, James Abram, he preached his last sermon only a few days before he passed away. But even the night before he went home to be with the Lord, he said to my godparents, I am torn between the two. I would love to stay and preach the gospel, but I'm ready to go home to be with the Lord. And within a few hours, he took his last breath and he was at home with the Lord. However, let us be ready for the coming of Christ because, folks, every indicator is out there that Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready? That's really the bottom line. This is what it all means. Are you ready? That's all this means. So with that being said, Matt, once again, I want to thank Billie Jo for her excitement, her zeal. And, of course, somebody said that Southern charm. We love it. We love it. We love it. So, hey, let me repeat again. As you all know, our, let's see, those called in Christ are never allowed to retire. Ha ha. It's not in the Bible. Nope. It sure isn't. Not allowed to retire. I used to be the guy, used to drive me crazy when people asked me, is your dad still preaching? My dad preached until he was 93 years old, believe in me, if God allowed me, I'm going to be in my little vans, my little jeans, with my little shirt. And at 80 years old, if the Lord allowed me, I'm still going to be lifting up my hand, praising God. So you're right. There is no, there is no, without a doubt, surrendering or retiring. Let's see. What is that? Okay. Amen. All right. Somebody real quick. Was it Captain Cub? Captain Cub? I don't want to. Thank you. Was it you that said you just went back to church for the first time as a Christian? Who said that? Wasn't that Captain Curve? Use the word retire. Old Testament did use the word retire. Amen. Maybe in the sense of going to sleep, but yes, sir. Okay. Hang on. We got to give you a second. Let's do this. Wait a minute. We're going to, we're going to talk to you. Hang on. Let's back up. I want to know. I want to talk to you. How do I talk to you? Reply. Pen. How do I do this? How do I talk to you? I want to do a wet you. How do we do that? Two messages. Oh, Captain Curve. I want to talk to you. Can we do wet? Do you have enough people to do that? Where were you at? Where did you go? You guys got to help me here. I want to talk to him or her. I'm assuming Captain Curve. I guess she could be a lady. Be a captain. Priest required to retire age 55. All right. Captain Curve. Come on. Where are you at? Well, I was going to do wet you. I wanted to talk to you about getting back to church. Please. Yeah. Don't use that. That's too funny. Too funny. Yeah. I still don't, brother. I don't. That's why you guys all help me. Praise God. All right. Captain Curve. Come on. Where are you at? Well, I was going to do wet you. I wanted to talk to you about getting back to church. Please. Yeah. Don't use that. That's too funny. Too funny. I still don't, brother. That's why you guys all help me. Praise God. Yeah. I don't know how to do it. So, Captain Curve, I wanted to tag team with you to talk about that. Okay. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You have been used by our Father today, my friend. Confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much. Praise be to God. Let me check how to do it. All right. Yeah. Let's do this. Let's see. I know. I thought if I go there. Wait. I got to follow you and say now. Wait. Let's do this. I bet you I get you now. Watch this. I bet you're going to be. We're going to be guests now. Where are you at? Where are you at, Captain Curve? Okay. Let's do it. I'm going to find you here. Captain Curve. Captain Curve. All right. Why are you not there? Captain Curve, I'm looking for you. You guys be patient with me. Okay, Captain Curve. I was trying to send you an invite, but it's not working. Why is that? Let's go to. What does this mean? Let's look at that. Okay. I don't see Captain Curve. I'm trying to get you here. All right. Hang on. I don't see you on my list here. Now, Captain Curve, do you have. I think. Do you have to have 1,000 people? Do you have 1,000 people, Captain Curve? Let's see. Hmm. Ah, you know what? You can't do it because you have only 40 people. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. Ah, you know what? You can't do it because you have only 42. You have 42 followers. I don't want to say it like that. Oh, you only have. And that's why I won't let you do it unless you have 1,000. So, you got to have the 1,000. Unless. Well, there's only 127. Like, if you guys all followed Captain Curve, but then again, that still wouldn't be 1,000. But you still can follow him. I didn't. That might be why. All right. Well, I'm glad you went to church. I'm glad that you went to church. I'm glad you got back there. You know what? It's important. Irish sharpens iron, man. My English is good. 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