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The Storms of Lives   03-30-2023

The Storms of Lives 03-30-2023

Coffee with Pastor PaulCoffee with Pastor Paul



The Storms Of Life 1 Corinthians 4:7-8 Prov Chapter 3:5-7 John 16:33 Be sure and stop by PastorPaul.tv and click on the register link at the top of the page for new notifications of audio and video and live recordings for this podcast. I choose love God bless you đź’“

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The speaker begins by greeting everyone and expressing their joy and gratitude for being alive. They share a story about someone asking them why they're always in a good mood and explain that they choose to be happy and grateful. The speaker then talks about receiving some devastating news that took them by surprise and how they initially reacted with anger and despair. However, they turned to their faith and the scriptures to find strength and hope. They discuss the power of God and how all things work together for good for those who love Him. They emphasize the importance of trusting in God and not allowing Satan to steal their joy. The speaker ends by encouraging others to stand on the promises of God and not feel alone in their struggles. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good to see you all this morning. Good to see you. Let me sharpen my pencil here. Hey, man. Good morning. Good morning. Good to see all of you this morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Arturo, Calvin, Jimmy, Kendricks. Good morning. Good morning, JT. Good to see you this morning. Jose, good morning. Miss Stacy, good to see you. Brandon, good morning. Good to see all of you this morning. Good morning, Miss Lisa. Good morning, all. Good morning, good morning, good morning, this beautiful day. Another day. Another day the Lord has made, and we are blessed to see it again. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. And we are winners. Yes, we are. Yes, we are. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Man, it is Thursday. Funny story, how many of you want to hear, I'm going to give you the, before we get in our scripture, I'm going to give you a Pastor Paul story. So yesterday I went into work and as you all know, I work at Ace Hardware and I went into work and I think probably 45 minutes in, a guy named Chris, I won't mention his last name. He's an older gentleman. He looks at me. He goes, can I ask you something? I said, what is that? He says, what drugs are you on? I'm like, uh, what do you mean? Good morning, Ray. He goes, you're always in a good mood. And I said, well, uh, I'm, I'm just, um, happy to be alive. I'm happy to see another day. I, I'm, I'm, I'm just a happy person and I choose to be happy. So he goes, okay. So, you know, he was like, no, no, it's nothing bad. He goes, but you're always in a good mood. And I said, well, thank you. I go, I'm just, I'm blessed. So then we had a rep come in and so the rep came in and he comes over to me, he walks over to me. I was just finishing up talking to a customer and he was like, and he said, what are you on drugs? And I'm like, why? He goes, good morning. Good morning, lamb. I go, no. Why? He goes, man, you are always in a good mood. He goes, are you married? I said, yeah, happily married. He goes, you have kids? I'm like, I got four of them. He goes, you got grandkids? I go, I got seven of them. He's like, how are you saying I'm happy? And I'm just like, man, I am blessed. I am blessed. And I choose this. I choose to come to the table with a joy in my heart. Why? Because God gave that to me. God gave that to me. And folks, we can choose. We can make a decision. Am I going to be weighed down by the things of life or am I going to choose to have joy in my heart? See, we read a scripture the other day. What did it say? That when we are focused on God, when we are focused on the Lord, there's peace in that. And I choose to operate in that peace. Now though, don't let me say things don't happen in my life. Let me give you a perfect example. Last night, probably about 8 o'clock, I got some news that literally took my breath away. Last night I got some news via phone that literally was a kick in the stomach, figuratively speaking. And I was literally, basically Miss Debbie, I went radio silence because I had to focus on how did this take place? What was the events that led to this information? And my mind was just, it was incredible how I went from being jovial to being super locked in my thoughts. And this information figuratively took the wind out of my sails. I was at work yesterday saying, Lord, thank you. I was at work yesterday saying, Lord, I just thank you for allowing me to share the good news, the gospel. I came home last night the same way, thinking, Lord, I want to thank you for using me in the gospel. For Lord, I know there's something on the horizon that you're about to do. And that was my mindset. But here comes the enemy of my God and me, Satan, Satan. For the Bible is quite clear that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but principalities, the evil one. So what happens is Satan is always trying to come and rob and steal and kill your joy. He's always trying to destroy. And so last night when this information came to me, Ms. Debbie this morning had to pray for me. Probably within the last hour, about 45 minutes ago, Ms. Debbie had to grab my hand and she had to pray for me because I was in my thoughts. I was in my spiritual warfare. I was like, how could this have happened? And Ms. Debbie grabbed my hand and she said, Lord, we want to thank you for revealing this. Lord, we want to thank you for using some folks to let us know about this. Lord, we want to thank you and Lord be with us. Real quick. I'm just please real quick. Hi, Pastor Paul, please praise for my MCAT test on 415. It's an entrance exam to become a doctor. I know exactly what it is. And I'm going to pray right now. Father God, we come before the throne of grace in the name of Jesus. Lord, I pray right now for this individual who's about to take their MCATs. I pray, Father God, they have done the possible. They've done the study. They've done the work, Father God, but I pray for the impossible. Lord, I pray that you will bring them to that desk. You will get them to the point. They are so focused. They are so locked and loaded on that exam. Father God, I pray that you give them that recall. I pray that you bring peace in that room. I pray that they do not get distracted by anything. Father, I pray blessing and favor that you open that door that no man can close when they take that exam. And Lord, I thank you in advance for a great outcome. I thank you in advance for the med school that they get to attend. I thank you in advance that they become a physician. And Father, I pray that in the name of Jesus, as you open up all these doors, as you bless, as you do the impossible, I pray that this individual will always give you the praise and glory wherever they are as a physician. Lord, I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. As you know, I've been in the medical field many, many, many years. So praise God for you. We got you in prayer. So back to what I was saying. So Miss Debbie had to pray for me. She had to hold my hand, and she had to literally say, I do not want you to be this way all week. And then God took me to a scripture. Folks, I don't know if any of you can relate to things like this. Sometimes life is just, you just, you just, things are smooth. You're just going through a circumstance and situation, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, you just get this, this like kick in the stomach, just catches you off guard. Let me read this to you, though. The book, 2 Corinthians chapter 5, or chapter 4, verse 7, 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 7. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Once again, I want to reiterate. I want to thank Miss Holly, Miss Mandy for blessing the ministry yesterday. Praise God. Thank you so much. Once again, I ask at the end of our teaching, if anybody found anything that was of value, would they bless the ministry, and Miss Holly, Miss Mandy found something of value within our teaching yesterday. Back to what we're saying, 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 7, he says, but we have this treasuring in earthen vessels, but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. All right? There is the Spirit of God that dwelleth in this body. It's the power of God that's within us. It is that power that we must tap into. It's that power we must be led by, taught by, and in some cases, when we can't even pray, it prays for us because it knows what we need, but this is when the rubber meets the road. Here we go. We are hard-pressed, oh my, my, on every side, yet not crushed. Folks, last night I was hard-pressed. I was hard-pressed. I was literally, I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but you get some news and some information, and you just zone out on your thoughts. Why did this happen? What could I have done different? Oh my Lord, what if it does this and does that? And you start getting, once again, remember I talked about a few days ago, you start worrying about the details. Now, we had Bible study last night. I was fine. We had Bible study, and as a matter of fact, it was amazing. It was right after Bible study, and isn't that how it happens all the time? Lacey, good morning. Isn't that how it happens? You have a wonderful day. You're praising the Lord all day. You're singing hymns, and you're praying, and you're just like, wow. You go to Bible study, and you're just on that spiritual high, and then all of a sudden, something happens, and it just takes the wind out of your sails. Now, this is not saying that you lack your faith. This is not saying that you're not trusting in God. You're just saying that this event has just blindsided you, but what does the Scripture say? We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. See, I'm not in despair. This came from the side and hit me out of nowhere. I was blindsided, but I'm not in despair. Why? Because I have to go back to the core of my foundation that God is doing something. Oh, see, see, you guys got to get me. You got to understand this. This is what I'm trying to get and convey to each one of you. Life brings its issues, some good and some not so good. Life will bring you a, you know, thank you, sometimes, you know, when you're playing baseball or softball, and you're up there at the plate, the pitcher is going to throw his best or her best throw, you know, and it's going to be, you know, it's going to curve, it's going to go low, it's going to go high, it's, you know, it's going to go fast, sometimes it's going to slow and just drop just before it gets to the plate, but that pitcher is going to throw, and you're not sure, but you've got to be ready. You've got to have your eyes on that ball. You've got to be in that position. You've got to be ready with that bat. Well, that's life. You've got to be ready. Things are going to come your way. However, I got to get back to what Paul's saying. He says, we are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed. See, I'm not crushed. I'm still here by the grace of God. I'm not crushed because God is my foundation. I'm not crushed because I know that God is in this. The news was devastating, but God over, how can I put it, is over it. God is in charge of it. God is overseeing it. The news caught me off guard, but then I had to flip the script and say, Lord, I thank you for allowing me to hear this news. Oh, y'all didn't get that, did you? See how that was turned around? What Satan meant for evil, God meant for good. I had to get to that point where Miss Debbie's like, at least God revealed this to you. I said, you know what? I didn't think about that. In my heart, that's what was going on. I didn't think about this. God revealed something to me. Now, the news I might not want to hear, and I might not like it, and I might not want to accept it, but the news I needed to hear, and God brought it to me. Did you get that? See, we might not want to hear it. We might not accept it, but sometimes God is working something out for your good. Well, I think Jim just said it. Let's look at that, and I know that our brother Brian is a verse that he loves, but you have to, and you cannot dismiss this verse. You have to wrap your mind around this. Watch what it says. Hang on just a second, I want to make sure. The Bible I'm looking at is pretty busy. Romans 8, 28 says, because it has a lot of other stuff in it, but watch what Romans 8, 28 says. We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God. I love God. That must mean, because I love God, all things, everything, every situation is working together. Do you get that? Are you wrapping your mind around that? See, last night, figuratively speaking, the wind was taking out of my sails. Okay? Figuratively speaking, I was at this desk looking out my window with my hand on my head like, how did this happen? How did this take place? What could I have done right? What did I do wrong? And my mind was just playing and thinking. Once again, remember I talked about, I was consumed with the details. I was consumed with the details, and I was just, ugh. I was just, a lot of emotions. I was angry. I was upset. I was up. I was down. I was just, it seemed like that time had just frozen. But watch this. Watch this. Here we go. We've got to read this because I've got to stand on God's word. We've got to stand on God's word. Life will bring its pitches, its curveballs, its fastballs, slowballs, but watch. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. See, I've been telling you, I am called according to God's purpose. God has got a plan. Our ministry, God is going to use in a powerful way. I can't get distracted by things that are around me. I can't get distracted by Satan and what he's trying to throw at me. Because what does it declare that Satan does? He's throwing fiery darts. He's throwing fiery darts. But why? We understand. Wait a minute. Hang on. Let's go over here. Let's go over here. I want to make sure I get you in the right place. Watch this. Hang on. See, application ministry is the best. Because why? You go through it, and all of a sudden you're like, wait a minute. I've got to lean on the Word of God. I can't be consumed with the things that are going on around me. Ephesians 6, verse 10. Finally, my brother, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. We've got to be strong in the Lord. Last night I had to get back to the basics, back to the foundations. I have to be strong in the Lord. Watch what it says. But be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. See, the devil was coming at me last night. Not literally. There wasn't the devil in the room. But the spirit of the Antichrist was coming at me with some negativity. The spirit of Antichrist was coming at me and the battlefield on my mind. Like, how did this happen? Why did this happen? Then my mind would fast track. Like, well, the worst case scenario could be this. You know how you go to the worst case scenario? Oh, and this, and this, and that, and so on, et cetera. And you get into that battlefield zone to the point you're like, and Miss Debbie had to pray with me. She had to pray for me. And but we get back to our verse that we were reading in the first place. We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. We are persecuted, but not forsaken. God said, I will never leave you. I will not forsake you. I will be with you. When you go through your storm, God is there. Matter of fact, to be quite honest with you, when you go through your storm, God knew that you were going to be in that storm. God knew the intensity of that storm. God understands what the storm is about and where it originated from. It's Genesis. He knows when it's going to end, but He's there with you in the storm. It's not like God took vacation and said, oh, this caught me off guard. Are you okay? That's not the situation. If God brought you to it, praise be to God, He's going to get you through it. Let me repeat that. If the Lord brought you to the very storm that He knows that you're in, He's going to carry you through it. And we will deal with storms, but we must trust in the Lord. Once again, back to Romans, and it says, all things are working together. All in Greek means everything, folks. Everything. Whatever you are going through, maybe in your personal life, it might be a relationship issue. God is able to carry you through because why? His grace is sufficient. It might be a financial issue. God is able to carry you through because why? Because His grace is sufficient. And the list goes on of things that you and I are enduring today. And you know what? Watch this, watch this. Have you ever noticed when the storms of life come your way that you feel all alone? Have you ever noticed? Now let me repeat what I'm saying. Let me word this a little bit different. Have you ever noticed that when you go through something that you feel like you're the only one that is or has gone through it? Why? Because it's personal. See, Satan wants you in your heart to feel that you're going to have to face this by yourself. And then you start questioning yourself. Am I really good enough? What did I do wrong? What sin did I not confess? And all of a sudden you start, if you will, questioning yourself. Because why? Satan wants you to feel that you are alone. But wait a minute, wait a minute. Did not God fill us with the Holy Spirit? Did not the Lord tell them, do not leave here until you receive the Spirit? And when you receive the Spirit, you will have power. See, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to overcome. And trust you me, last night in my mind, in my heart, I felt so like I'm in this by myself. I'm isolated. I'm the one who brought this situation and circumstance to the table. But then the Lord put up on my heart, are you not my son? Am I not the God over the cattle on a thousand hills? Am I not the author and finisher of your race? Am I not the one that went to the cross and resurrected on the third day? Am I not the creator of the heavens and the earth? Are you so worried about this that you put that circumstance and that issue on the throne where I should be? And I had to repeat and say, Lord, forgive me. But what Satan was trying to do is trying to isolate me in my thoughts, to question what God has done for me. But we have to stand on God's word. Let's look what Paul says again. He says, we are hard pressed on every side. We're in the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 8. He says, we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed, but not despair. Persecuted, but not forsaken. Struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus. That the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. Even Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane asked the Lord, his father, please take this cup from me. But then Jesus says, let thou will be done. What we have to say as we go through the storms, Lord, let your will be done. What we have to do as we go through our storms, our circumstances, and our opportunities, and yes, opportunities. Why do I say things that happen to us are opportunities? Because it develops our growth. It develops our maturity. It develops our walk with the Lord. Why? Because you will look back, I will look back and say, if God was able to do it, then God is able to do it now. And even as I speak to you, I'm reflecting on how God showed up on past events and he prevailed for our benefit. He's never left us. He's never forsaken us. He is God. And we have to continuously stand on the foundation and promises of the word of God. Do not, and I repeat, do not allow Satan to cause you to think any way else. Once again, I take you back to the scripture that I gave to you guys the other day, and that was Isaiah 26.3. Folks, when you preach this stuff and when you teach this stuff, trust me, you get a test. How many of you, and somebody's taking the MCAT, but you know when you preach and teach this stuff, there's always an exam. You ever remember school? You go to school one day and there'd be that, what do they call it? Not a pop exam, what do they call it? What is that called when you all of a sudden you get this random exam out of nowhere? What's that called? Some of you in school, I can't remember. It's been a long time for me. Somebody put that, a pop quiz. There you go. There we go. I don't know about y'all, but, you know, periodically you get a pop quiz. Well, guess what? I'm going to get an A on this, but turn to Isaiah 26.3. We got a pop quiz today, folks. We got a pop quiz. How many of you know about those pop quizzes? Anybody enjoy those pop quizzes? I don't mean the real one at school, I mean the one in life. Come on now. You know you were at church on Sunday, you were celebrating, you had your praise and worship on, and then you got a pop quiz that evening. Come on. Come on, man. Somebody help me out here. You were excited in Bible study on Wednesday night and, man, you were on fire. Man, work was awesome all day and all of a sudden you got a pop quiz. Man, come on. Can someone relate to me here? I mean a pop quiz where you got some word or some information that didn't go out the way that you wanted to. You received a strange bill in the mail that's saying, hey, you owe some money. You just had one of your kids, you know, go off on you. You just had the spouse, you know, say something crazy to you. You know the pop quizzes I'm talking about, those things that come at you. But guess what? I got God. I got God, and he's able to get me through the pop quiz. But wait a minute, Isaiah 26, 3, I didn't mean to preach at you there. You will keep him in perfect peace. How do I stay in perfect peace? It says right there in Isaiah 26, 3, whose mind is stayed on you. You want to pass the pop quiz? Keep your focus on God. I'm preaching to myself, guys. Keep your focus on God. Don't get consumed with the details. Don't get consumed with what could happen. Don't get consumed in how it happened. Keep your focus on God and say, Lord, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Thank you for allowing me to know this. Lord, help me and provide the necessary means that I can overcome this, that I can repair this, that I can fix this. Lord, not me, but you. And Lord, I will give you the praise. I will give you the glory whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. I'm going to trust in God with regards to every and all circumstances because all things are working out together for the good because I love God according to his purpose, not mine. I need to stand on that word. But Pastor Paul, it's hard. It's not easy. It's not supposed to be easy because when it's hard, it drives you to pray. When it's hard, it drives you to call up on the name of the Lord. But here's the issue with that. We don't want to just call up on the name of the Lord or pray when it's hard. We want to do that in the good times, bad times, easy times, hard times, whatever time, every time, call up on the name of the Lord and give him praise and give him glory. It's that simple. It is that simple. Make your mind up. My God is the God over everything in my life, even the news that didn't put a smile on my face. God is the God over that. In my circumstance and my situation is in the hands of God. Because why? He is the author and finisher of my race. End of subject. Thank you. Thank you so much. Scooter. I see, just see Scooter, Ann. I don't want to, I just see that, but thank you. He's the author and finisher of my race folks. That's it. That's end of subject. I can't, it, it, they're going to be things in your life. They're out of your control. They're going to be things in your life that just came out of nowhere. They're going to be things in your life that, that are seemed so big. But I go to the third heaven, the throne room of grace. I go boldly. Thank you. I go boldly before the throne of grace because of access through Jesus. And I petition my father and I pray to him. Lord, this is bigger than me. This is, this is, this is in my, in my heart. This is a bit overwhelming, but I know that you're bigger than it. Lord, I pray. I place this circumstance in this situation at your feet, but Lord, let me but Lord, let me experience the joy of your salvation as I endure and learn and be blessed in this opportunity. And I repeat that again. Anything that comes at you in my heart has to be turned into an opportunity, an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to grow your faith, an opportunity for prayer, an opportunity to, to, to, to proclaim what God has done. This is an opportunity. And I won't look at it any other way that God is blessing and will bless and teach me out of this. I also want to thank God for, for using a husband and wife to bring this to my attention. I'm not going to talk about it just yet. I'll talk about it in the future. However, I thank God that he used a husband and wife team, not only use them, but also equip them to be able to handle to some degree this, this, this circumstance. That right there is God's grace and mercy. That right there is a blessing from the Lord. Why? Because what I wouldn't have known, God revealed to me. That's another thing, folks, God will reveal things to you. And God is always, always have blessed me. Maybe not overnight because you know, I'm, I don't know about some of y'all. I'm, I can be a little, have a little tunnel vision. You know how, when you just, you know, you have that tunnel vision and I, it can be a little hard for me to see what I need to see out here. But God always, always, always somehow reveals it to me. And in that, I thank God in that. I thank God. Let's I'm going to, you know what? Hang on, hang on. I want to read that. Please let me read that. Let me read that. I think that's, Ooh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It's such a blessing y'all to get on here this morning with all of you. You just don't know how, what a blessing to be able to be up here with like-minded people, that bringing some verses and helping me, helping each other. Proverbs chapter three, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not to your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths, but look at verse seven, because I think that is the icing in the cake. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil. See that I received that word. I received that word. That was the book of Proverbs chapter three, five, six, and seven. Thank you so much. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Folks. I want to thank you. I want to thank you. I want to thank you so much. I must get off early today. I have to be, um, um, um, at, uh, well, hang on, hang on. Let me do it. Let me do it, brother. Let me get that. John 16, 33. This will be the last one I read on this one. Cause I got to get off, but, oh my, my, my, my, my, y'all just want to bless me this morning, y'all just want to bless me this morning, because you know that the powers in the word, you know, that breakthrough and deliveries in the word, these things I have spoken to you that in me, you may have peace. Oh my, my, my, my in the world. You will not have tribulations, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world, but he says in me, you will have peace. Praise be to God. Y'all just thank you. Thank you. Keep me in prayer today. I felt the prayers. Uh, uh, I felt people praying for me. Keep me in prayer today. God is going to use us today. God is going to bless us today. And I just thank God for each one of you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Um, please, as I say again, if, if anything of value, it's raining. It is raining praise God. Well, it's drizzling, but it just rained praise God. Um, if anything of value was spoken today, if anything that you heard was, was helpful today, please partner with us in the ministry. First prayer for prayer that, that is, that is the most important contribution that you can make to this ministry. Please pray for us. Pray, pray for, for, for God to use our ministry to, to reach out to people. I believe that our ministry must be, should be, needs to be multicultural. I believe that. I believe that our, our ministry, our congregation should represent all the ethnicities that I see on a day-to-day basis. I believe our ministry should, should have a room full of people with their hands honoring and praising God based on even what I see in the book of revelations of, of people of many cultures, many tribes, many nations. I believe our church should be that. I believe that our leadership should reflect what that congregation looks like. I believe conversations and dialogue when we watch the news and the narrative that says that because I'm black, I'm not supposed to like you because you're white. And because you're white, you're not supposed to like me because I'm black. I don't, I want our church to say, we are a church of many ethnicities and we come together under the blood of Jesus. We're here to praise Jesus. We're here to honor Jesus. And not only do I, I want that for our church, but we want that to be internationally broadcasted, that there's a church in Arizona where people love each other, and I want you to come to our church. I'm not worried about your sexual agenda. I'm not worried about your background. I'm not worried about your sin. I want you to come to a church where you can hear a message and allow God to transform your life from the inside out. I want you to come to a church where people will love you, but love you in truth and live truth and love. I want you to come to a church where you feel comfortable when you meet the people, but you feel uncomfortable when you hear the word. I want you to come to a church that wants to share the truth of God with you. If you could pray for that, please, if you could pray for all of that, if you could pray that God would use us in a powerful way, and I want to declare and decree this right now. How many of you saw the movie Jesus Revolution? How many of you saw Jesus Revolution? Any of you? Thank you, Lambriel, for putting that up. Moderators, thank you so much. Thank you so much. How many of you saw the Jesus Revolution? Can you pray for my leg? Father God, I pray for this individual's leg. Lord, I pray that you will heal, that you would restore. I pray, Father God, please, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Jesus Revolution. Is it biblical? Don't go as a theological student. Go looking at a story that took place in the sixties. All right. Any of you who saw the movie, I'm praying for a revolution to start at our church. I'm praying that Jesus will use our ministry and our church and bring people together that we may praise and honor God. I declare and decree that. I declare and decree that. I declare and decree that. I pray that. And I pray that people will turn their hearts to Jesus. I believe that's going to happen in our ministry. I do believe that without a doubt. But I also know, I also know for a fact that Satan is angry. He's throwing everything he can at us. Notice I said us, not just me. Because there's a variety of people in our ministry. Stephanie, one of our praise and worship leaders, just had kidney failure. We have our praise and worship leader, John. He just, basically his mom is ill with cancer. And the list goes on. We are under attack, but you know what? I know God is doing something. So if you would just pray for our ministry and partner with us in prayer. I pray for that. Last but not least, if you see anything that has helped you on here, help us. Bless our ministry and partner with us. And if you want to bless us monetarily, praise be to God. Your love blessings will be used to take care of what we need to. Things like getting the information out there via the internet. Getting, I see Joshua, being able to bless Joshua to create insignias and things like this so that we can see these all over the place. I choose love. Blessing, Jim Taylor, our software engineer, blessing those around us. If you are able to bless our ministry, thank you. Thank you. If you see anything of value, but let me close with this. Let me close with this. PayPal, Venmo. I hate putting, I mean, if I think we have, if you look on my webpage, I can't remember what it was, our, what's our, moderators, what's our church account, which I'm going to call it. What is that? I can't remember. Oh, oh, I can't remember what it was. Oh, it's Cash App and it's Cash App and it's S-A-M-B-C church. So Southern Avenue. So it's S-A-M-B-C church. So you can look, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that's Cash App. If this is, if this is something that God leads you to do, but most importantly, I want, I want you to pray for our ministry because I know God has already started something. I know he's already started something and I know something explosive is happening. It's happening right now. I know that. I know that. I don't doubt that at all. So if TikTok disappears, trust me, the software engineer, he's setting it up where we will eventually on every platform. If TikTok disappears, so be it. We will Instagram, Facebook, whatever, whatever these guys tell me, I will just go to the microphone and I will run my mouth about God. But once again, bless us with your prayers. I pray with that. I pray for that. Please. All right, everybody. I must get going. Keep us in prayer. I thank you so much. I hope today was helpful, but I thank you. May the Lord keep you, watch over you. May he bless you. May he show you favor. May he open the doors that no man can close and remember God is able. If you come to our church, our praise and worship will sing some beautiful songs that will give you that, that God is able. Let's bow our heads. Father God, we thank you. We praise you. We honor you. Lord, I pray this morning that you would just bless us, that you would just, just keep us and Lord as I, as I deal with this opportunity, Lord, I pray that I keep my focus on you as I, as I, as I, as I deal with this situation that has come our way, Father, I pray that you will bless me with that faith that I understand that your grace is sufficient. And I pray that Lord, you show favor upon me for each person that I need to speak to with this. Father, I pray that you will open that door. I pray that you will bless. I pray that you will allow me to just keep my focus on you and not the storms. Focus is my prayer. Father, we thank you. We praise you Lord. I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice. I pray that you bless. I pray that you will heal, that you will restore, that you will open the doors, that you will just do a mighty and great work with each individual. And Father, any prayer that I miss, any prayer requests, you know, anything that I didn't see, you know, Father, I pray for them, whatever that might be. Father, we will forever honor you. We will praise you. We will lift you up. We ask all of this in the precious name of Jesus. And we all say, amen. All right, everybody. God bless you. We thank God for you. Have a great day. May the Lord show favor upon you. God bless.

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