Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is Pastor Tyrell Brown welcoming everyone to a discipleship training call. He thanks the visionaries for allowing them to meet virtually and emphasizes the importance of growing in knowledge and understanding of God's word. He mentions the need for feedback and encourages participants to ask questions. He leads a prayer, expressing gratitude for various roles and gifts within the church. He shares a testimony of a miraculous healing through prayer. He then discusses the importance of purpose and discipleship after salvation. He talks about the need to train and disciple new believers and emphasizes the importance of prayer and studying the word. He mentions specific scriptures on prayer and encourages participants to verify and study them. Well, hey man, good morning, good morning, everybody. This is, welcome, welcome to the call. This is Pastor Tyrell Brown, Sr. I'm coming from Missouri, my office in Missouri, it's my home in Missouri City, Texas. And I love this airspace. I want to greet you this morning on behalf of the visionaries for this Sunday morning discipleship training where Shining Life Light Ministries and Promise Land Global Five-Fold Ministries come together. So to Apostle Zeno, Pastor Zeno, thank y'all for allowing us to be in this virtual space for the purpose of growing in our knowledge and understanding of God's word. And I know that we have Sister Sherilyn Wilson on the call today, somebody else just chimed in. The way that we'll do it is as usual, open in prayer, and then we'll get into the word. And so since, because this is a discipleship opportunity, we expect feedback. If you have questions, it's okay to ask. We have questions during this time because it's not just Sunday school as usual, but we want you to not only grow in your knowledge and understanding of God's word, but also to be able to help us to grow by sharing the thing that the Holy Spirit gives to you to share with us. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, we give you glory, honor, and praise this morning. We thank you for our life. We thank you for our health. Thank you, Lord God, for the visionaries. Thank you for every apostle, every prophet, every evangelist, every pastor, every teacher, every intercessor. Thank you, Lord God, for the psalmist. Thank you, Lord God, for the administrators. Thank you, Lord God, for those who clean. Thank you for those who nurture. Thank you, Lord God, for those who cook. Thank you for those who serve your people in whatever capacity. Lord God, thank you for every gift, every skill, every ability, every talent. Lord God, because we understand that we all, all these things work together for our good as a body of believers. We bless you and praise you. We thank you so much. I thank you for my wife, Lord God. I thank you for her ministry. I thank you for Sister's Cafe. If y'all haven't joined and followed her, you know, by all means do. She preaches the word with power and authority as well in simplistic terms. Today, we're gonna continue our conversation. Apostle, y'all, when I was up at the 330 this morning, you know, ready for this, ready for this opportunity, and it's good, it's good to be here. So, we've been talking about purpose. We've been talking about call. Last week, we began to open up about prayer. Sister Sherrilyn, I'm not sure if you're aware, but on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m., one of the things that promised man that the Zenos have spearheaded is intercessory prayer. Every Tuesday at 7 p.m., intercessory prayer, and everybody is invited to join, and everybody is invited to pray. You know, sometimes you might be going through, sometimes you may be, we might intercede for you, sometimes you may need to intercede for others, but we're calling people by name. You know, I have a cousin, his name is Jerry Brown. His, all of a sudden, his spleen was dying. He had influenza type A. He had, his lungs were full with fluid from nowhere. He had clots everywhere. 34 years young, right? And we began to pray for him. Today, the doctors can't explain why the infections in his body began to turn around. They can't explain why the spleen began to, which never regenerated, it doesn't repair itself, normally doesn't repair itself, why it began to just start working again. They couldn't explain why the clots went away. They couldn't explain why he was getting healthier and healthy, but we knew. We called him by name. We went before him, before God in prayer, and united, in united prayer, and we began to pray. So we pray for people by name. We pray for situations specifically. We pray in season and out of season. We pray fervent prayers because we know that the effectual and fervent prayer of the righteous change things. Avail, but says avail much, but change things. So we've been talking about purpose. Last week, we said that in Ecclesiastics chapter three, there's a time for everything under the sun. Y'all remember that, right? A time and a season for, let me read that. I wanna read that. And it's okay to get your Bibles. It's okay to take notes. Today, we're gonna be talking again about prayer, right? And this is, I wanna talk about prayer, get back to some of the basics, and then open it up for discussion because we all pray. We all know how to pray. Been praying, probably been praying a long time. I know I've been praying a long time, but yet there's more to learn about prayer. So we wanted to get back to the basics and then open it up because we have purpose. We are called for the purpose of not only getting saved and getting people saved, but we have a phrase that we use here at this time, this discipleship space, after the cross ministry, after the cross discipleship, what are we doing with people? What are you doing to people? How are you handling people after they get saved? You know, we get them to get the word to them and they get saved. And then what happens after that? Well, we understand, and I know that you understand, that after salvation, we have a critical responsibility to disciple. Jesus says, go out and make disciples. Well, get them saved, make a disciple, but we have to do a little bit more than that. We can't just make them and leave them out there hanging, because they'll go right back to their vomit. They'll go right back to the thing that they know the best. So we have to train them up in the way that they should go. And when they're trained up and they become into a mature person, they'll be able to not only walk that walk, but also teach others to do the same. So prayer is very, very necessary. Prayer is necessary. Let me see if I can get back to this ecclesiastic thing. I just want to read it. If somebody hasn't ecclesiastic three already, here we go, here we go. But it says this, to everything, there is a season, right? To everything, there is a season. The clock just flipped back, right? We went from daylight saving time to, it's daylight saving time now. It flipped forward an hour, right? But there's a time and a season for everything. And to everything, there is a season. If you're going through something, guess what? That's your season to go through, right? And it goes on to say, and time to every purpose under the sun. We've been studying purpose, asking questions. Well, what is my purpose? What is my call? Our whole duty, our whole responsibility after salvation is to go ye therefore. We only have one instruction. Well, two, love the Lord with all your heart, all your might, all your strength and all of that, right? But then to go ye therefore and make disciples, it go everywhere and make disciples and teach them whatsoever he taught us. Disciple them, make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, you got it. And then to teach them something, teach them whatever he taught us. So we have this great responsibility. So the only purpose, whatever you're going through, whatever you're experiencing today, I need you to understand that it's your time, right? There's a time to every purpose under the sun. You don't set, we do not set our purpose. You don't set the purpose of yourself. You don't set the purpose of the things that you're going through. God sets the purpose. As a matter of fact, in Ephesians, the first chapter of Ephesians, he tells us that he, even before he put us in our mother's womb, he had already purposed us. So our purpose today is to share the good news, to share the word, to break it down in such a way that everybody can understand, take it back to your cup, take it back to your space, take it back to your children, take it back to wherever you have to take it back to and share it so that not only can you and I grow on what is being said, but also, also those in our circles of influence can be disciples. They can grow and mature so that they can share the word of God with others as well. So it says a time to be born, a time to die. I don't know what your time is. The only person that can answer what time, what season it is and what time it is, is you. So, Apostle, if you're going through or if you have a success or a failure moment, the purpose for that, there's a purpose for that and a time for that. Sometimes you go through, seems like for nothing. People just get in your business. People just do all kinds of things and cause you all kinds of trouble. For no, it seems like no reason at all, but there's a purpose. There's a growth process. There is a change, a maturing that happens when God allows us to experience the purpose, whatever the thing is and whatever the season is at the time, the right time is always the time that he permits you to go through it, right? He permits us to go through it. It's always the right time. So, this morning, as I was up studying for this moment, I began to study prayer, but God also, Pastor D, he also, it's like two lessons in front of me right now and I'm just gonna share it like he shares it and we'll talk about it. So, one is prayer. It's so important to get back to the basics where prayer is concerned. People are afraid sometimes, it seems like they're afraid to pray, to intercede for others or to pray. And so, I just wanna have a conversation about prayer and then in 2 Timothy 3, 15 and 16, it talks to us about why the word is given. You've heard it before. We've all read it before, right? But I just wanna share a little bit of that and then we'll get into this, get into the prayer part. There's a lot of scripture that I'm gonna give you on prayer and I want you to write them down because this week, as you go forward, you might not get all of them before next Sunday, but I want you to go in and begin to verify, to qualify what I'm telling you. Don't, you know, trust, listen to me, trust but verify what I'm telling you by going back to the scriptures, amen? So, in the scripture, and this is just a, you know that the scripture is given by God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. You've heard it, you've heard it, you've heard it, but what I need you to understand is that God is wisdom. He's the source of wisdom, he's the source of power, he's the source of authority, he's the source of authority, he's the source of wisdom and he's created you and I in his image and in his likeness. So then, we are created in the power and the authority with the wisdom of God available to us inside by the spirit of God who lives in us. Always been there. He never leave us, never forsake us. The spirit has always been there and is there and is necessary for us to be able to tap into him and we do that through communion with God, but the tools that God uses on earth is communicated like we're doing right now. You don't see me, the word is spirit, so there's the Ramo word, the spirit word that illuminates our mind, that opens our understanding, but there's also the written scripture. So God, the written scripture is wisdom from God. God, it goes on to say, God is the source of all scripture. We know that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, but that word inspiration is, can be explained as the wind, the spirit, right? The brother of God. All scripture is given by the wind, the spirit, the breath of God and it's profitable for doctrine. You've heard that doctrine thing, but what that means, doctrine, what we're using today is the scripture as doctrine because doctrine has the power to be taught and to be received as instruction or teaching, right? The doctrine, but not just to be taught, but to be taught with authority. We are God's workmanship. We are his mouthpiece. We are his instrument in the earth's realm. He's given us the word to use as a weapon. As surely as the word of God is a two-edged sword. You've heard that before, right? Not only do you have the sword, but you also have the power and the authority to use it successfully in every situation. No matter what you're going through, the word works when you're down. The word works when you're wrong. The word works when you're sick. The word works in every situation and every circumstance. And you always have access to the word because the word lives in us, right? Lives in us. We'll get into prayer, we'll get into prayer, but it's necessary to understand that everything that we need is given already. And you have the authority to use it with power, created in his image, created in his likeness, which is his power and authority. So it's the scriptures given to us for doctrine and we have the authority to use it. It's given for reproof. The word says reproof, but reproof is just a rebuke, right? Not a negative thing. Rebuke is not necessarily a negative thing because when we reprove, use the word to help somebody to understand better what they didn't understand before or to reprove the truth of God because of the power that we speak it or the authority that we have it, it causes them to, it can cause two, it can cause a lot of things, but two things that I want, two C words. It can cause a person to confess their sins, right? Make disciples. Cause a person by sharing the word in simplistic terms with power and authority, it can cause a person to confess their sin, right? But not always to confess their sin. Sometimes, I hear Pastor Donald often say that one plants and another will water, but God gives the increase. So sometimes it may cause a person to confess their sins, but sometimes it just causes them, it causes conviction in their heart. The word that we use calls conviction in their heart. And then when they're convicted of sin, the spirit begins to deal with them on the inside so that it can come to the point of confession and salvation. And then for correction, it's given for correction. So the Greek word anortho, it has a meaning of to make right. So correcting is not, you know, being, you know, hey, well, your dress is too short. Your suit is too tight or whatever it is. Not that type of correction, but the correction that the word is given is to make right or to make righteous, right? So we have all this stuff, all this power, all this authority, all this information to make right, to make right and to make right means that sometimes the words that you share, that we share, the prayers that we pray help to restore ourselves and help others to be restored because of the God breathed instruction, the God breathed direction, the God breathed reproof or correction comes their way. And instruction in righteousness, and I like to use our children, right? Children come out of the womb with all the intelligence that you have as an adult. They come out of the womb with the same level of intelligence because God did not create them with a portion of himself. He created us in his image and in his likeness. And when he placed you in your mother's womb, me and my mother's womb, that everything, the whole thing that he placed in our mother's womb is there when that baby comes out of the womb. You know, I like the way that the Greek, you know, in Rome, in the old Roman days, the Romans believed that a person, a child wasn't valuable, right? Wasn't worth anything because they really couldn't do a whole lot. So the children basically raised themselves. But then in the Greek culture, children were valued. It was like they could take a seed and they knew the value of the seed because they did not just look at the seed, but they looked at the, they could see the product. They could see the feel. They could see the food. They could see all of the value in that seed. And it's just a seed. And they could see the value in that child, the great power in that child, even though he was a child. So your children, my children, right? They have the same level of intelligence that you have. So that's why they can come out of the womb and begin to grow one year, two year. And they know they can, they'll accept pretty much anything that tastes good or feels good. Whatever they see that they like, they'll go toward it, they'll do it. But we have to raise them up in the way that they should go. And so the word of God is given for instruction in righteousness, right? Which means that, instruction in righteousness means chastisement. It means reproof. It means correction. It means instruction in the way that you should go. We ought to pray. Men ought to always pray. Women ought to always pray. And we ought to teach our children how to pray. Last night before I went to bed, I got on my knees and I said the Lord's Prayer. And I did that because I can remember as far back as I can remember, my father would take the boys into the room and sit us down in front of the couch, on our knees, not sit us down, but put us in the position of prayer. And we would pray. What do you mean by then? So the word of God, and then we learn the moral prayer and we learn, 23, the Lord is my shepherd, right? I shall not want, he makes me lie down and grieve. We learn those scriptures as a child. So the instruction in righteousness is like, is a sexual instruction because as a child, we begin to teach them the way that they should go. As a new convert, you just led a person to Christ. Now it's time to instruct them in righteousness so that they, like you, can grow up to be fully furnished to do all the work that God has purposed in them before the beginning, before they even begin. And so all of this information, all of this stuff that we've been given, we're not just left out of here alone, right? We have a purpose. We have a cause. We have a reason. And we have a line of communication. We have a line of communication. And so then from what the word is given for, right? All those things that Timothy talks about, but prayer, what is prayer, right? So just a basic, basic definition of prayer. And I'm gonna open the line after this. The basic definition of prayer. I don't care what type or what place or whatever. It's communicating with God. It's communication with God. We have to understand that God is always speaking. He's always talking. He's always communicating. And our hearts listen, but our flesh don't have to. Our souls don't have to. We can decide whether we talk back. But prayer is communicating with God. And it takes on so many different forms. I won't talk about that. But the basic premise to prayer is that you talk to God and God talks to you, right? Prayer is not a one, it's not. When you just pray that one way prayer, where God, thank you for this and all this good stuff. Amen. And you hear your amen, but you just walk away and keep doing what you're doing. You spend no time for listening. Sometimes that's appropriate, right? To pray and walk away and go do church or go do this or go to work or whatever. But prayer is communication with God. So when you pray, we ought to expect him to answer. Extravagant answers to our prayer. Ephesians chapter three, verse 20 says that when we pray, God answers prayers, right? Let me, Matthew 77, ask, seek, knock, right? But Ephesians three and 20 says that when we answer, the answers are exceeding abundantly above anything that we can think or hope, right? So God answers prayers. Amen. So prayer is communicating with God. It's calling on the name of God. It's crying out to God. It's drawing near to God. It's looking up to God. It's lifting your soul, it's lifting your heart, pouring out your soul, pouring out your heart. It's crying to heaven. It could be begging the Lord, beseeching the Lord or seeking God or seeking his face. Prayer is in many forms. Prayer could be supplication or intercession. You know that? Prayer is not just talking to God, but prayer involves listening, right? Right there, I'm gonna open up for comment or question. Hey man, of course, you know, I have a comment. As you were just explaining so well, and you made reference to your father, sitting you guys down as a young boy. The scripture that came to mind to me was Matthew five and six. Which six? It says, and Mary the king said, blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. So what I was thinking about as you were explaining, cause I said, well, why is it some of us, we really just, we wanna pray all the time. We enjoy praying. And this is what he said. Well, you can, you'll develop a taste for us, for prayer, if we make it a practice. Because you made reference that sometimes, some people may be afraid to pray out loud or whatever. Well, if you've never been introduced to a fool, you could never yearn for that. You know how people say you can't miss something that you never had. So I'm saying this for those that prayer may be new to you, like praying out loud or having it to be your go-to. Like last week, Dr. Cheney said, prayer was our 9-1-1. Well, I wanna encourage you to continue to do it because the more we, and I like to liken it to food cause everybody's got a favorite food. So the more you eat something, number one, the more your body is going to desire it, but your taste buds will be fixated. So one of the things, and I'm gonna share this as well, when I'm in prayer and I pray for people that's addicted to say negative things, addicted to drugs or whatever, the Lord led me to say, Lord, give them an appetite change. So in order for us to hunger and thirst after righteousness, we got to pray often so that your body will desire and your taste buds will desire prayer. Amen, that's my comment. Amen, thank you for that comment. You have to, if you never tasted it, how can you desire it? Amen, amen. Anyone else? Amen, so let's continue. And then- Praise God, praise God. Okay, yes sir, go ahead. Yes sir. You know, as you were just discussing the word and you said, turning up a child in the way it should go. And you know, it just kind of jumped deep in my spirit. You know, oftentimes when you use that scripture, turning up a child in the way it should go and you wouldn't go, you will not depart. Oftentimes when we use that scripture as our children turning them up. But if we're just coming into the full as you said, we should go and make disciples, right? Go and make disciples. Well, this is a stage in our lives where we're learning how to do things, how we're learning how to pray, how we're learning how to live holy. So, when we have the prayer sessions, we have the prayer time, that's our time to learn. And as the apostle was saying, we desire that taste to pray. We desire to be like, oh man, this is good, you know? And the two parts of prayer, as you would say, that's us communicating to God and God communicating to us. So, we are learning these things in our training of prayer, you know? So, it's just awesome just to hear how the word is going and that we may be encouraged to, I say men should always pray, but not, you know? We should always pray. And that way, that two-part communication, that talking to God and God talking to us, amen? Amen, amen, thank you for that. Two-way communication. You have to train up. You know, Pastor, one of the things that helped me to become more confident in my prayer, and I share with others, is I was taught that you have to start by reading the scripture out loud to yourself. Some people don't read out loud. You know, when I was coming to school, they taught us to read with the eyes and not with your words, right? But I learned that the word of God that we speak, it helps in two ways. First of all, we're too concerned that anything on earth is established, right? So, if I look at the word and I read the word, that's good, it's getting down into my soul. But when I read it and say it, those two things, what I see and what I hear, agree. And they produce life inside of me. So, I recommend to people to start reading, you know, you might not wanna read in front of somebody, right? Go to your closet, go to your room, go to your bathroom, but read the word out loud. And the thing is, it's okay to mispronounce words because you're learning how to say the right word, you don't even know, you don't know how to say, pronounce the word if you never say it, right? I can remember reading the book of Job. Anybody did that, right? Until I read it and somebody corrected me and said, well, his name is Job, not Job, right? But it's spelled the same. So, read the word out loud. When we read the word out loud, you're actually praying, right? And God speaks to you while you're praying, while you're reading the word out loud. So, prayer is necessary. God is always speaking, always speaking to you, always communicating about the situation or the circumstance or the condition or whatever the need is in your life or the victory in your life. He's always communicating with us. But the enemy would have you to be still or to be quiet because he knows that your words have power. You heard it said that life and death is in the power of your tongue. Well, when you pray, right? It's been said that when you pray, when you read it out loud, it's like praying twice. You read it with your eyes and you read it with your mouth, right? You're praying twice. But when you pray, understand that he always answers. He always answers. And so, we have to be confident enough not to rush in and dump all of our requests on God. Not just tell him everything. Tell him all about your troubles. I think there was a song. Tell him all about your troubles. He will hear your faithless cry. He will answer by, y'all remember that song, right? Don't just drop all your baggage on him, right? Don't just do that. But you have to also listen, right? God hears your request. At the end of your prayer, listen. Take some time to hear what he's saying, what he's saying. Write down what you thought you heard coming out of your heart, right? Write it down. But the enemy of your soul who is not an enemy of God. The devil is not God's enemy, all right? He's God's devil, he's God's creation, right? He created an angel and the angel rebelled. He created man in his image and man rebelled, right? But so, I'm not equal, we're not equal to God and nor are any of the created beings or things, right? But he is your enemy. He is the enemy of your soul. And his desire is that he can stop, if he can stop the mouth of God's children from speaking God's word, then he can cut your power. He can unplug you from the power source. So we have to pray, we have to always pray. Me and Alta always pray, teach your children to pray. My granddaughter is here, right? And they taught her that whenever a person sneezes, she says, she's two years old. She says, "'cause it's hot." And she says it with clarity. But not only that, whenever she stubs a toe or has an ouchie, rather than crying, she'll come and give you her ouch, her boo-boo and ask you to pray for her. And at the end of the prayer, she says, amen, and she goes and runs about her own business, right? But teach, communicate with God. She knows, teach them early, teach yourself early. Pastor said a moment ago, we're talking about children, two years old, but when a person gets saved, that's new life. They've been born again. They have moved out of the devil's playground, the kingdom of darkness, and entered into God's marvelous kingdom of light. They entered into a whole new environment that they have to learn, that they have to come to understand. I am a new resident in Texas, right? There are some things that are similar to Alabama, similar to some of the states. I think I've lived in, I've actually lived in probably 30 or, more than 30 states and four countries, right? And so here in Texas, some of the surroundings, some of the things are the same, but I have to learn the specifics in order to get the most out of this environment that I'm in. In the kingdom of light, I can come and be saved and I'm going to heaven after life, but if we don't teach them how to communicate with God and how to be confident in hearing from him and knowing that he's talking to, wants to talk to him, I don't care if you're a stripper, you're a stripper going down the pole, God is speaking to your soul. He's speaking to your spirit. He's speaking to you. I don't care if you're a drug dealer or a drug user. I don't care what it is. God is always desirous to have a conversation with you and he hears you, right? He hears you and he answers prayers. So when you pray, amen? In the comments on that. Don't just rush in, but take the time to receive the message that's just specifically designed by God for you. Amen, I hear a comment. Amen. You were saying about encouraging them to read out loud, to pray out loud, you know, and as you say, you know, the scriptures just pop up, you know, they say faith coming by hearing, faith coming by hearing, amen, by the word of God. You know, I remember as a child, we used to do this commercial about the toothpaste and it was saying, Crest, and God was standing up there and he'd hold that thing up and he said, Crest by the cavity. So when you're going to go out looking for toothpaste, what you're looking for is Crest, you know? So when you're praying and you're reading the word of God and hearing what the word of God is saying about him, where he said he's not a man that he was, that he should lie neither. He's not a man that he's ever been, but what he said is what he said and we could hold fast to what God's word said and it builds up your faith, oh my God. It builds up your faith when you begin to, when you begin to hear the word and say, well God, your word said this. You know, when I was reading, your word said this and you know, and if you could hear back from God, God said yes, my word did say that, you know? Amen, but that's my comment, amen. Amen, I like that, I like that. When you're hearing, when you're reading out loud, you are hearing, you are hearing. There's a little song, be careful little ears what you hear. You don't have to be careful of the word of God. It is inspired by God and it's profitable. Any other comment? Amen, so when we listen, God will give you a specific message that encourages, that he might give you a message to encourage you in your situation, but he may just give you a message that encourages others who are in your circle of influence, right, so it's important to not only say, but also to listen and then when you pray, right? Some people might tell you to pray in this position, some people might tell you to pray in this position or that position or maybe go into your prayer closet and stretch out on the floor, but the reality is right now, I'm sitting in my chair and I'm talking to you, right? And you're talking back, so we're communicating. So it's okay to stand and pray, it's okay to sit and pray. In 1 Kings, you'll find standing, examples of standing. In Mark chapter 11, verse 25, you'll find standing. Then there's bowing down. All through scripture, but in Psalms 95 and six, you can bow down and pray. Bowing down, I can remember, I don't know if you can remember this Egyptian president who was assassinated years ago, his name was Menachem Begin. Well, Menachem Begin, on his forehead, he had this look like a tattoo or look like a big scar all the way across his forehead. It was darker than his skin. And when I studied his biography, it said that that scar or that tattoo happened because every day for hours, Menachem Begin, the first thing he did was he would go get on his prayer cloth and he would kneel to the ground with his forehead on the ground and he would pray. And that tattoo was the result of his prayer time. So you can bow down and pray. You can kneel down and pray. You can fall on your face and pray. You can spread your hands and pray. Lift your hands and pray. I sometimes lay on my back and pray. I drive and pray. I walk and pray. So however you're praying, the important essential thing is that you commit, you talk to God, get comfortable talking to him about everything. He knows it all already. So get comfortable talking to God about everything. The little stuff, the big stuff. Talk to him about that bullet. You can talk to him about your husband or about your wife, about your needs, right? You can talk to him about everything. And according to the Bible, prayer, God answers prayer, right? And there are four, he and I don't know the flavor of the answer to you, but God answers prayers in Isaiah and Daniel. Isaiah 65, 24, Daniel 9, 21 through 23, we find that God answers prayers immediately. Sometimes you have an immediate answer to your prayer. Sometimes though, the answer to prayer is delayed. The scripture tells us that God's answer is yea, he always answers yea and amen, right? It may be immediate, it might be delayed. It might be different from what you asked for, different from what you desire. You may be asking for a house, but he doesn't give you a house, right? He gives you favor in a different area. You're looking for a house, but what you really need is healing. You didn't even know you had cancer, right? But through whatever, your prayer, God reveals to you or to somebody else about you that you need to go see that doctor. When you go see the doctor, he says, I'm glad you came. We need to take you to surgery this week, right? So sometimes the answer to prayer is different than what you're thinking. You think you're praying for one thing or the other, when the reality is God knows what you need and he'll answer sometimes different from what you desire. And then according to Ephesians chapter three, verse 20, he always exceeds our expectations. His answers are exceeding abundantly above that which we can ask or think, right? In Matthew chapter seven, verse seven, we understand that we can ask and it shall be given. Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be open unto you for everyone, this is the results, right? Yay and amen. For everyone that asks receives and he that seeks finds and to him that knocks, it shall be open. Didn't say might be, right? Didn't say almost everybody who asks or just about everyone who seeks finds, but he says he or she. So that means you and me and everybody else. Amen. Amen. Our time is spent. So I'm gonna pause for the day, but listen, let me just say this. So make prayer a priority. We want you to do it like Jesus did it, right? So Jesus prayed anytime. He prayed in the daytime, he prayed in the nighttime. He made prayer a priority even before eating, right? He made prayer a priority when he was doing business or he had something to do and he taught his disciples, he taught others how to pray. So it's important for us to know how to pray because all of us are given the commandment to go ye therefore and make disciples, right? Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them whatever whatsoever he taught us and we know that he's with us always because he lives in us even to the end of the age. Amen. So go ye therefore today, tomorrow and every day and pray. Meet us on Tuesday evening at seven. Let's pray. Let's pray all sorts of prayers. Understanding that our Father which is in heaven desires communication, communion with us and he loves it when you talk to him about everything. Amen. Apostle, I turn it over to you. Amen. Awesome, awesome, awesome. We will continue to learn. We'll continue to grow. Before I close out this prayer, I need to see if anybody wanna make any comments or do you have a question? The line is open. I'll wait one or two minutes just to see if anybody has a comment or a question. Otherwise, I'm gonna pray and close it out. Amen. Here's a comment. Yes, I just wanna say one thing we must know about prayer though. God only hears the sin of prayer when he's there in repentance. Well, you know, I've heard that taught but the reality is the spirit of God lives in all of us. Right? God desires that no one should be lost. So if a non-saved person prays for you, does God not hear it? I'm not saying that, you know, we have to test the word by the word. So before I was saved, I was prayed. I was an adult. This is just Tyrell. I was a grown man before I discovered that being baptized does not equal being saved. And so I was praying for people. I was praying before I went to bed and when I got up, but I wasn't saved. I was chastened iniquity and born into sin. And the spirit of God, the breath of life lives in me then just as it lives in me now. The breath of life is God. At the point of salvation, something happened. I was sealed with the Holy Spirit. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit. The same spirit of God that was there as the breath of the rook of God, the breath of life, he then sealed me for the afterlife. I belong to God. And then after that, we have a responsibility. We have a privilege to ask God for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be baptized. Jesus says, the word says that Jesus baptized in spirit and in fire, to be baptized with the power, the doomless power of God, so that we can commune with God, be one with God and understand God by God, by his Holy Spirit. So the question that I won't answer yea or nay to what you comment, I just want to raise this. If your unsaved grandparents, your unsaved ancestors, my unsaved grandparents, my unsaved ancestors prayed for their children and their grandchildren were their prayers heard? So I just leave you with that thought. To you, Apostle. Amen. Amen. Again, we are putting out the information as Pastor Brown said, so that we can go and search the scripture, because many times, and I definitely like to have this known. A lot of things that we were taught long time ago, those people had second and third grade education sometimes at best. So many times, scripture got distorted to have an absolute. So now, what we've learned, that if it doesn't line up with the word, then it's not Bible. Amen? So we thank God that this is sound teaching to where you can go and search the scripture and then be able to walk into the knowledge of the truth and the word of God saying, it's the truth that we know shall make us free. And I like exactly what you say, Pastor Brown, because many of us did think that. Because I know growing up in a Baptist church, they made us feel like once you were baptized, that meant you were saved, but yet there was no lifestyle change. Amen? So with that being said, any other questions that come? Amen, amen. Time is well spent. It is 10, 19 central time, and Dr. Chaney, you are an hour ahead of us. She's in Florida. But we thank God. Let's close this. Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you, oh God, that our appetite has increased, not only for the word, God, but for prayer. And God, we give you glory right now, God, for being able to study the word, or work with me after you say, and rightly be gotten the word of truth, God. We thank you now that we throw out every cliche that does not line up with the word, so that we are disciples of Christ. Amen. And we accept the call to go out, ye therefore, and compel. So Father, we bless you once again for your facilitator. We bless you for everyone that joined the call. And we thank you that we can walk in the power of God, that we can bathe in his image and his likeness. And we give you glory that today, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice. And be glad in it. Thank you for joining us, amen and amen. Come back Tuesday again at seven o'clock p.m. for intercessory prayer, amen. And back again for discipleship at 9.30 every Sunday morning, where you are chosen, amen. Y'all be blessed, and have a wonderful day. God bless you all. God bless. Thank you, ma'am.