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Last Sunday of 2023 - Discipleship

Last Sunday of 2023 - Discipleship

Shyne Your Life Light MinistriesShyne Your Life Light Ministries



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I ain't got money in the bank Cars in the driveway out of town A house black and clay Clothes in my closet out of town A lip on my head Shoes with my feet out brown Breath in my body And if I was just anybody I'd say It's all good But I'm a bad It's all done But I'm a bad It's all done I ain't got Friends I can call When I need help out of town Family when I fall To pick me up out of town A lip on my head Shoes on my feet out of town Breath in my body And if I was just anybody I'd say It's all good But I'm a bad It's all done But I'm a bad It's all done It's all done It's all done All done All done All done It's all done All done And if I was just anybody I'd say It's all good But I'm a bad It's all done But I'm a bad It's all done You know the Bible says in Psalm 27 and 13 David said I had fainted Lest I had believed to see the goodness of God In the land of the living And what we come to understand and know That even when it doesn't look good It works for the good For all those that are called upon it to its purpose Help me say It's all good It's all done Everything gone on in my life And it's all done And if you hear me crying It's all done I don't want to defend the man That I love But I know it's all done It's all done And if you believe me It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done Everything gone on in my life And it's all done And if you hear me crying It's all done I don't want to defend the man That I love But I know it's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done And if you believe me It's all done I don't want to defend the man That I love But I know it's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done It's all done Chapter 2, verse 5 to 7, let's hear it right now Continue And the Lord God formed man Out of the dust of the ground And breathed it into him Into his nostrils The breath of life And man became a living soul Amen, stop right there So what I want you to take from there If you're writing notes, taking notes I want you to write Breath of life Breath of life So man became So man So God breathed into the nostrils of the earth That he fashioned into a body The breath of life And man became a living soul So the breath of life Is in the Hebrew Spirit It's translated spirit So God breathed into the nostrils Spirit Holy Spirit We'll talk about that So the second reader If you would read for me Ephesians Chapter 1 13 and 14 Ephesians 1, 13 and 14 You see that? Yes sir Go ahead guys Amen And when He He heard The word of truth The gospel of your salvation Also after that He believed He was sealed With that Holy Spirit Of promise Which is the earnest of our inheritance Until the redemption Of the purchased Possessions Until the praise Of His glory Amen Thank you for that So here Sealed In these scriptures So we said In Genesis Man is created in the image and likeness of God And the spirit The breath of life Is breathed into this body Right? That's important And then Here in Ephesians It's talking about a person Who's heard the gospel And accepted Jesus Christ As Lord and Savior Right? So now There's a transition That we didn't talk about But I will In a minute So We're created And when man became a living soul We have the spirit in us The Holy Spirit in us And then at the point of salvation Right? We have Been sealed So God seals a person Once you believe the gospel Receive the gospel And receive Jesus as Savior God seals us Seals us With the Holy Spirit Got it? So we're We're He breathes The Holy Spirit He seals us with the Holy Spirit And then I want you to read That Luke part Luke 24 I'm sorry I was joking Okay Luke 24 You want verse 38 and 39? 48 48 Okay Here we are Amen Carry Right? Stay So here we have The breath of life The spirit in man That God created We have Another experience Where You're saved now And You're sealed with the spirit of God And then We have a subsequent Experience Where in Jesus Tells his disciples Which the saved folk are To wait Stay where you are Stay put Until after you receive power And then we know that In Ephesians Chapter 1 Verse 8 Is when they were In the upper room On one accord And They were praying And the Holy Spirit Fell on them They were baptized He was baptized His disciples With the Holy Spirit With the Holy Ghost And so now Let's talk about us Let's talk about Our Our responsibility Our call And this is a conversation Right? So When you have A question Just tell me So As I was sitting You know These three circles On my page And the circles The top of the page Is First of all If you have A sheet of paper I need you to understand that The page Represents eternity The whole page Represents eternity And so When you get to the end Of your page Top left Right of your page You don't see anything Right? The page It looks like The end of the page But actually In eternity It just goes on And on and on Now the reason The page Ends Is because Nobody understands The beginning Or the end Of God He's eternal He's forever Right? Always He's eternal So The three circles At the top Of the page Is written in eternity Father And initially I had son And Holy Spirit Right? But then The Holy Spirit Said Wait a minute In Genesis I had to reveal God had to reveal Words in Holy Spirit Are in eternity Right? Um The son came into time But in eternity Time God is not in time Right? He's not in time God is in eternity He exists eternally So that There is no beginning Or no end To God He's eternal Right? He's in eternity The angels Are in Are created In eternity Right? Man In the beginning We are created And he said That us make man in our image We are created in eternity In the image and likeness of God Right? So in eternity We have our start In eternity And so In eternity The Father The Word And the Holy Spirit Are one God They're one God And God creates us in His image And in His likeness One God Well What is the image And what is the likeness? Well God is eternal He is He is truth He's life He's life He's holy He's spirit Right? He's love He's power He's authority He's wisdom He's knowledge He's understanding God is everything Everything Good Everything holy Everything that God is He created us Like Him In eternity Now in Genesis chapter 1 Verses 46 and 27 You have to understand that That man Both male and female That He created us Is in eternity He is a spirit In eternity So we are created eternal beings We are eternal beings From creation Before body Before soul We are eternal It's important to recognize That we are eternal And then in chapter 2 Pastor Ray Allerged us That even before trees grew Even before there was any animal on the ground Even before there was any life on earth Right? That water came up from That the mist came up on the earth The dirt And it watered the earth And from that dirt He fashioned a body For the man that He created in eternity I need you to understand something That in Genesis chapter 1 At this point God has created the light He's created the earth He's created the heavens and the earth He's created everything Everything Right? In eternity In the spirit Everything He's created But He's also called The physical earth The time Right? Continues to be real He's called the day The sun to be up The moon to be up The stars to be there He's called all the seas and everything And He's called all of them He's called the heaven and the earth to be So time is here now From the first day to the sixth day God is working In time God is eternal But He's working in time And so He fashions From the earth The body of man In time Right? Time has a beginning Time has an end When heaven and earth pass away God still is But man's body is created In time The spirit is eternal He's eternal He's in heaven In verse 20 chapter 2 He says And He breathed Into that body That He just fashioned in time The breath of life Well the breath of life is the Holy Spirit Right? The breath of life Translated in the Hebrew Is spirit So He breathed Into this inanimate body The breath of life And the body came alive And the soul became The soul became Not just alive But the soul became eternal Right? Your soul is eternal And your spirit is eternal But your body has an end date Right? It starts on your birth date And it ends on your death date The spirit goes back to God At that point The body goes back to the earth At that point But the soul has a place to We don't know where the soul is As long as it's in eternity Until we begin to search through the dash There's a born on date dash And then the death date Well the time in between birth and death Determines whether the eternal soul Will spend its eternity Got it? So So then Our responsibility We're looking in We're looking inside Trying to determine Well God what about me? What is my purpose? What is my reason for being here? Okay so The reason that we're here Is for us to make sure That every person on earth Your call Your service to God Is to make every person In your physical environment While you have time Understand who they are And how to get back to Him Right? And we do that Brothers and sisters By By becoming By the Holy Spirit Is with us always So let me Any questions so far? Any comments so far? So Amen So we are eternal We are created eternal From the beginning So on In time On this side Our reason for being here Is because God has placed a very Value Valuable possession In the earth And the very valuable possession That He placed in the earth Is the Spirit His Spirit The Holy Spirit The eternal Spirit He placed in the inanimate body And man became a living soul Became alive A human being A human being what? Is the question Right? And what? Your being Or what the unity of being Is determined Is by What we do By the He says Go out and make disciples It is determined by How effective we are In sharing the gospel Right? Not trying to say Not thinking of the title Right? Not thinking of the gifts Not thinking of Just sharing who Just helping people to understand Who they are So On this side of glory In time We find ourselves And everybody else on earth In three positions Right? In three positions Where the Spirit of God is concerned First of all Adam and Eve were created In time The male and female The man was created in eternity Adam and Eve had a body So they were in time Right? But when they were fashioned in time And received the breath of life They were holy They were They were life They were light They were spirit And body Right? And they had a soul But they were not evil They were not wicked They were one with God Because They were created in eternity In God And God is holy We are created holy So When the scripture says I am holy You be holy God is not trying to say Get to a point where you're holy He's speaking to your spirit man Because he recognizes That the breath of life That he breathed into us Is alive It is light It is holy It is spirit It is eternal And it can't change Whatever is created in eternity Is eternal Right? So God places this eternal spirit In the body And Adam and Eve had it on earth And until they Decided And they had But they rebelled You know the story Where they rebelled And they failed Right? Sin came into the world So every person since Adam Every person that comes out of the womb Babies come out of the womb right? When an infant comes out of the womb She was shaped in iniquity And born as a sinner But everything that God created them to be He spoke it into existence In eternity So that's exactly Who that person is So on this side Lord We have three positions We all Had our start Enemies to God Sinful Right? Unsaved Unsaved Yet God Valued us Because he recognized That inside of Every man who's still breathing Is the gift that he gave us In eternity Which is The breath of life Or the spirit of God And we became Humans Being In time Human beings With eternal souls Human beings With a born on date And a end date In time But created in eternity And would Would live forever Was Was God Separated from him? Right? Wouldn't Or separate So every person is important So our responsibility Is to recognize the importance Of every unsaved person And to try to get them saved Is that God's desire Is that we That we all be saved Right? We all be saved So I need you to recognize That inside of the Unsaved man Is the breath of life Or the spirit of God The scripture says He never leaves us He never forsakes us Right? Never leaves us He never forsakes us Why? Because the spirit of God Is eternal And it's everywhere So even though We are operating in time As human beings The spirit of life That is in us Is everywhere At all times Because the spirit of The breath of life The spirit of God Is God So the unsaved person Has the spirit of God The breath of life In them To give them life So that they On earth Can experience The three dimensional world That he's given us To enjoy To have the fullness of life On earth On this side of the world In time Amen So the unsaved person Has the breath of life But the importance For our call And for our ministry And for our mission And for our purpose Is to help that person Transition from just being A man Filled with the breath of life To being a man Sealed With the Holy spirit of God And translated From the kingdom of darkness Into the kingdom of God As children of God Right So then we went on to Ephesians Right Ephesians chapter 1 Verse 13 and 14 Is speaking to Us Who are disciples of Christ And who are You know fulfilling Our mission Our duties By getting people saved How can they hear Unless somebody Unless they have a preacher And how can they preach Or proclaim Or tell somebody Right Unless they're saved Jesus says Go ye therefore so Brothers and sisters If you're saved you're saved Amen But if you're saved It doesn't mean That you have power So man is Initially Has the breath of life Of the spirit of God In him And that valuable gift In him Is why God Reaches out And stays with us And always attempts To draw us Back to him So that At the end of life When the dash Is through And you have a date back there You can return to him Eternally With him Not separated From him spiritually Amen So Ephesians tells us That at the point of salvation A person Is changed Right It tells us that A person that Accepts Jesus Believes in the heart And confesses With their mouth The Lord Jesus That person Is saved And at the point of salvation You've heard some people Argue that I don't need to be Baptized in the spirit I'm already sealed With the spirit Well that's Right and wrong Right How can that be It is right Because At the point of Coming out of the womb The breath of life is in you So you have the spirit And he's not contained In an earthen vessel Right So you have more Than enough Right You're filled with But at the point Of being filled with him As an unsaved person You cannot live a holy life Or even understand The kingdom of life Or God's principles Precepts and statutes Because your mind Your mindset Our mindsets Are enemies of God So the natural being Cannot explain Who you are It cannot understand Who that Who themselves are Because their Minds are Have been darkened Right Their minds Their understanding is darkened They can't understand So our responsibility Uh First day in the kingdom Last day in the kingdom Is to go to you Therefore and make disciples Or to teach them some things So the person Who is Now saved Is filled With the Holy Spirit Of promise It says filled with the Holy Spirit Of promise Well the promise is that Because you accepted Jesus Christ You are now in Christ Jesus And he lives in you That when the judgment happens In eternity You won't go to You won't go to hell And hell be thrown into the lake of fire But you will spend your eternities In unison In the family of God In eternally In eternity Okay But get this You can't spend You can't operate In eternity In time You cannot We cannot operate In eternity In time So the seal Is your insurance policy That after death You'll have life In Christ you'll have life But the Lord Jesus Christ came That we may have life And life more abundant The prayer is Your will be done On earth As it is in heaven God's will And his desire Is that we prosper And be in health Even as our souls prosper That we will experience The fullness of life On earth As it is in heaven Right? The kingdom of God In heaven Is perfect You said we'll cry no more And all that stuff You know You'll be healed Delivered and set free In heaven But it's that same opportunity The miracles The signs and wonders Are available to us On earth But as salvation Right? You don't understand enough We don't understand enough About the kingdom of God To actually Cause God's word And promises to us To manifest Because we don't understand We don't have everything that we need All of the spirit that we need Right? To be who God says To perform To perfect And to Propagate To spread the gospel In an effective way In a simplistic way So that every person can understand So at salvation It's a good thing You have eternal life But brothers and sisters Our responsibility Is not to leave a person At the cross Right? Because I promise you I'm in Houston now Earlier this year I lived in Alabama In Houston I'm going to Let's say Let's say that this is the kingdom of heaven Well I'm in Houston I don't understand The way Of the world here in Houston The way of the city in Houston I don't know how to be a Houstonian Just because I moved here I have to drive the routes I have to learn the culture I have to I have to be taught How to live in Houston By those who are already in Houston And have already lived in Houston Right? By observing By listening And by By submitting to The wisdom The wisdom That helps me to grow As a Houstonian Well in the kingdom of God After salvation You have the Seal of the Spirit The Holy Spirit The brotherhood that is in you But then In order to operate in power And authority As the righteousness of God We need more So we have to help those Help people in church y'all Right now There's some folks that you know And that I know That That can Dance with the best of them That can Sing with the best of them That can do this and do that But as soon as they leave your presence As soon as they leave the fellowship They're They go right back into their Bunk They go right back to the wood They go right back To living A defeated lifestyle Because they haven't They haven't been taught The rest of the story They haven't been taught How to live after the cross They know that they're saved They know they have eternal life But how If they ask the question Well what is my purpose What is my call They haven't received the The The third portion Of the The experience The experience with the Holy Spirit That Apostle Red Red a moment ago And we'll talk about They haven't received that So Shaken in infamy Born into sin But Born into the time Continuum With the Holy Spirit The brother of life Inside of them They live on earth Not understanding Who they are How they are They're unsaved They're in limit to God But somebody In their Circle of influence Tells them about Christ They hear it over the news They hear it over the TV The radio However the message Gets to them Their heart Begins to believe What they're hearing And from their hearts Their Their mouth It overflows Their mouth So they confess with their mouth When they believe in their heart And they invite Jesus in They repent They do that stuff They're saved Amen They're saved But there's More to life Than just Being saved There's power There's power to come Amen Open for conversation I pray to God I have to dive in Pastor Yes sir You know As you speak You know The scriptures And just kind of Just speak In my spirit And different things As you were speaking I was hearing Other things like You know You say You got those Downstate That call it Dance And singing With the best That we We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can We can 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