Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are: - The first position of man is having the breath of life in them, which makes them alive but separated from God due to sin. - Every person is born in sin and needs to determine where their soul will spend eternity. - God's plan is for every person to be saved and to be with him forever. - Jesus came to earth to be a perfect sacrifice for sin and salvation comes through faith in him. - Salvation moves a person from death to life and is obtained by believing in Jesus and confessing him as Lord. - At the point of salvation, a person is sealed with the Holy Spirit, identifying them as God's children and filling them until the Day of Judgment. This is the day that God made and I'm excited in it. So the last time we came together we talked about the three positions or the three Positions of man in in God, right? We are we are first We as It relates to the Holy Spirit we said in the last class and last conversation that the first stage of man by breathing and Pastor Donald read the in Genesis that God breathed into the body that he fashioned the breath of life and and the body became a living Body, but it also had an a living eternal soul became an eternal soul. So we understand that that That soul that body was holy holy and acceptable to God, right? Which was his reasonable service, but after becoming alive after living on earth after experiencing the three-dimensional world that God created and placed a man and woman in they They fail right? They they rebelled against God by Surrendering or submitting themselves to Satan and his instruction and they disobeyed God, right? They they trespassed against God so they fail but the thing about the fall is The soul was separated eternally from God through sin But the man didn't die yet, right? He was still alive separated from God spiritually, but still alive So we understand that every person on earth today every person since the sin Ended the world that every person Shaped in it is shaped in iniquity and born in sin and that all have seen and fallen short of the glory of God All that is true yet We find that the breath of life is in every person for there is no person who is alive That does not have the breath of life in Himself or herself when the breath of life is taken away from a body it dies body returns to the ground the spirit returns to God the soul The soul is eternal but we get to determine While we're living where the soul spends its eternity either in the presence of God are separated eternally from the presence of God so we said every saved person and Every unsaved man and woman boy and girl who is alive has the spirit of the breath of life In them and we determined that the the Hebrew word For breath of life is spirit. So they have a spirit in them So one of the positions of man on at this time is our first position Which is simple with the breath of life in us So God is with us because the spirit of life the breath of life is in every person who lives All right. Amen. So we have but God's desire is Is that we all should be saved and no person should be loved and no one should be left in the sin For say even before Adam and Eve did the first transgression God already had a plan that we will be with him forever his eternal plan for us that man will be with him his creation his his his Children his his own that we will be his own and that our full duty our full reason was to please God To serve him and to please him. So the basic the foundational thing that I'm called to remember this morning is that in the creation plan Which is perfect was God did by himself. No man was a part of it We were created in God for God and that plan has not changed Amen, and then we said so that's that's man. We are sinful. We have a spirit of life in us saved and unsaved but the plan included God's Son coming to the earth to live and to die and to be a perfect sacrifice for that seeing all seeing has a weight all seeing has a Payment coming right and the wage of seeing of a payment of seeing is death Not not physical death physical death comes to all men we have a born on date We have a death date physical death comes to every person who lives in time time starts for them time ends for them, but Spiritual death is eternal right when the when the body dies and the soul is eternal Based on where we what we've done on this side what we learn on this side of the fall We have a potential to be To allow our souls to spend its eternal rest in place in the bosom of God by what we do on earth So Jesus came into the earth I'm gonna get some scripture. I Was reading in first Corinthians With my note. Oh, I say let me turn there I was reading in 1st Corinthians in chapter 11, right? And you know chapter 11 is what we usually go for doing communion back to basics, right? So the word in verse 26 23 says for I have received from the Lord that which I also deliver to you That the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread I'm gonna come at a different angle and I'll show you in a minute and when he had given Thanks, he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me in The same manner. He also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood This do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you Eat this bread and drink this cup You proclaim the Lord's death to become He goes on to say therefore whoever eats this this bread or drink this cup of the Lord in an unworthy Manner will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks Judgment to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this reason many a week and sick among you and many sleep All right. So I want you to understand that God's plan was that every person at some point should examine themselves to see if they To understand what we're in the earth so that we can share the good news But not just to share to tell somebody so they can come and pay time and do all that and be a member of the Church, but so that we can get a person to the next position in the spirit, right? the next position in the spirit can only be Incidental can only be obtained. All right by faith in Jesus Christ Right in the in the death the burial the resurrection of Jesus Christ in other words Salvation comes through no other name. No other person no other way except to be saved So here's the scripture says well, you know, we're here. We're eating with drinking the Lord's Supper For the purpose of remembering what he did, but it's impossible to remember something that you never know that you never knew. So so a person who is Unsaved remember that their minds can't even understand the things of God they can't even They can read it and they can watch us do this and do that But they and they can even participate in the Lord's Supper, but they don't understand what they're doing All right, they don't understand why we're doing what we're doing So the person who eats of that bread and drink of that cup Unworthily is the one who doesn't recognize that that Christ The need for Christ and and why they're doing what am I remembering we're remembering the death We remember that God's way into the second position is through one man and that man is Jesus Christ So they must know the story a person that doesn't know the story, right? They'll drink the cup that eat the bread to do all of that and they'll go their souls been eternity Separated from God after doing all of that for doing all the religious things that have done all the stuff. Yes, right Because they never accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior Amen, so the first position you don't have anything to do with it. God created us He breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living soul the second position though is salvation is that person who is saying there's a difference in the earth of God's children God has all of it the people in the earth all of us in the world We are God's children all of us right saved and unsaved So the two categories of God's children on earth are the saved and the unsaved Amen saved and unsaved in heaven or in eternity. God has children. They're called angels They are their two categories. They are the fallen angels and the holy angels Well, they're all his children the difference between the fallen angel and the holy angel is they fail in eternity? And they were judged in eternity. So that's eternally separated from God spiritually, but the demons are Separated from God. They can't go back. They can't return to God They were judged in eternity and sentenced in eternity and they'll spend eternity in that judgment Okay, so let's move back to earth though on earth on earth We are two categories of God's children saved and unsaved The unsaved person the one who has the spirit of life but hasn't accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior Right. They have the potential as long as they breathe the potential as long as the spirit of life is with them to come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and what he's done and to and then they have a power and the authority to Accept or to reject the truth so that they can be put either Transition into that position that second position in the second position. You've probably already said it the second position is Salvation, right? So then we move from death to life and eternal life through Christ Jesus by Believing in our heart and confessing with our mouth the Lord Jesus the things that he said I came he came he lived he Suffered on the cross. He died. He was sinless right sinless. That's two words sin less Or that's one word sinless for him is one word. And so he was able to be blamed He wasn't able to be blamed. He was blameless one word after salvation. We have a at in Ephesians 1 chapter 3 Excuse me chapter 1 verse 3 verse 13 and 14. It says that at the point of salvation. We are sealed the second position is That we are sealed the foundational Principle here is that we all got us with us all the time. We all have the spirit of life in us all means all Spirit of life in us and at the second position We have something to do with that. We can either accept or reject the free gift of salvation through Christ Jesus Accept it or not accept it. But when we accept it when a person accepts it we are sealed with the spirit sealed with the Holy Spirit and and that is to identify us as God's children saved holy children on earth and to fill us until the Day of Judgment because at the Day of Judgment Every knee we know that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess but also everything that you and I have done everything that is recorded and God doesn't He records everything everything is known. There's nothing secret to him Everything will be judged Everything unclean will be judged and burned by the by the and burned away by the holiness the pureness of the judge The Son of God who comes the second time as judge not Savior, right it will be burned away But because you have that seal Fire does not burn fire, right? It just gets stronger when fire joins fire and gets stronger So the Spirit of God that is in you and the Spirit of God That that seals you just makes it stronger. So you have strength after salvation to begin to To be in a position to begin to Understand the things of God the ways of God the the way You have the power and the authority to begin to understand the Spirit of God to begin to understand Kingdom things Amen, and then the third position that we touch king of things So it's important that at the point of salvation. We all are made worthy to partake of worthy to partake of the Lord's supper right because We understand why we're doing it And the reason we're doing it is because we're saved not because everybody said to do it not because mom and gave it to me but we are at a point of understanding remember the age of understanding and we Remember what we're doing Because we have actually lived it. We've actually accepted it. We're actually a part of it We've actually been translated from the kingdom of darkness into God's marvelous light It has happened for us And so we we we eat but not unworthily because now we are he is was sealed with the Holy Spirit We are identified as God first position everybody born in shape and iniquity born in to see in second position Everybody God wants everybody to hear the gospel and they have the opportunity to receive it or reject it For those who receive it Salvation eternal life For those who reject Christ, right who the unbeliever that can be on already, right? They are already separated from God, but they are already separated from the from God eternally Unless they're born again the third position Apostle read to us was the position What is this the power Jesus told his disciples wait until after that you receive power? So the power the third position that we have after salvation this position is not available to the unsaved It's only available to those who have obtained the second Position in the spirit by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior It is a critical position because there are many who have accepted Salvation but haven't accepted the power to operate with Maturity with strength with effectiveness in the kingdom of light that they're not in living in translated in Because they're trying to do it in their afterlife Spirit right the Holy Spirit seals until the day of redemption right until Jesus comes again But in between the time that he I get say you get saved and he comes again There's a whole lot of living to do and so Jesus says wait until after that you receive power right this power that he speaks on is the Jesus came baptizing with With with with fire right with spirit is the Holy Spirit the power that he speaks on is the Holy Spirit being baptized or being feared not only being Having the spirit of life in you and being sealed with the spirit of the Holy Spirit For the day of redemption but also being in dude with the power the dunamis power of God by having the Indwelling and instilling of the Holy Spirit by the by receiving the baptism of that Jesus came to give right the Holy Spirit who is the power of God to live a holy and acceptable life Pleasing unto him. Amen. I'm gonna pause right there and open for comments I Be explaining everything, you know People Go ahead You're a backer back where you know, you know the person's a Christian but they don't take it So I had someone asked me a question Concerning Adam and Eve on yesterday. So I just want you to just Just a little bit in there Number one that God won't forgive And the question that was asked to me it was concerning when the Lord spoke about the man Leaving the garden, but he never really did say spoke to Eve and of course it was so Did she leave because she was following? Her husband in that scripture reference to it. But number one if you just expound on it this man, you know That will not be forgiven. And if you want to touch on the portion about Adam and Eve in the garden, you can. You can do that later, but I think the person is actually on the line is the reason I was asking the question for her. Amen, thank you for those questions and those comments. And that's good. That's what we're here for The Holy Spirit, if you don't if you don't ask the question I can remember my first grade teacher told me if you don't ask the question That's the dumb question is the one that you never ask but in the church sometimes We've been taught that the key to stay quiet If you don't want especially leaders to stay quiet if you think you don't know something you already know it by now and all that good stuff Right, but the reality is this All sin, the only unforgivable sin the Bible as the Bible identifies is is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost Right. So when you when you what is blaspheme in the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is God. So There's so many different You'll get them get it from if you're standing in the north to south to east and west you might get a different explanation But this is what I hear the so when I reject God, right? First of all I'm saved, you know say a person can turn over can I reject God, you know, Adam and Eve were holy But they rejected God they see all seeing is worthy of death, right? but to blaspheme the Holy Ghost that is to deny the Holy Ghost to the not do you says once you are the scripture says Once you're saved right and you return to your vomit and you go back to what you're doing And you you turn your back on on us you say What do you did say Jesus was Lord, but now you say I don't know. I don't I don't think you're not talking speaking against Christ You're not speaking against the pastor. It's not against you speaking against the Holy Spirit because he is the one who he is the one who who Brings life. He's the one who seals and he's the one who empowers you so that the blast Yeah, so so to speak against the Holy Ghost to to To oppose what God says, right? This pleases the Holy Ghost, right so blaspheme the Holy Ghost is just going against what's going against God You know going is as simple as that and then you know, I've been in church y'all were When the communion happens when the sacraments happen and people, you know will will not Take communion because they were with their boyfriend or girlfriend last night. Are they did something that they thought? The they thought was this or they thought was that so they've been taught the religion has taught them that the reason that they are not able to take the sacrament is because they they committed a Physical thing and they transgress so they did this or they did that But we're not remembering the scripture says to remember what he did, right? You're not taking the sacrament to remember what you did. That's what Satan wants you to do He wants you to bag away from Christ from what you know, because of what you did, but we can't We're not clean enough. We can we're not holy enough. We're not powerful enough to earn our own salvation Or to earn our own forgiveness, right? We can forgive I can forgive you you can forgive others But in order for us to that's those sins to be forgiven That God speaks on where salvation is concerned the thing that causes you to be eternally separated from God That is on to be unsaved. The only person that can change that is God, right? And when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, so if a person is saved They have to examine themselves Remember my testimony is I was a grown man before I realized that my baptism as a young, you know baptized at a young age Wasn't salvation. It was it was just I was baptized, but I but I didn't believe in my heart I didn't confess with my mouth. Well, I didn't confess with my mouth, but I confess with my mouth what the preacher said Not what I believed. So when I came to the age of understanding where I recognized that what I believed in my heart When I confessed with my mouth, I hadn't believed in my heart But when I examined myself and determined that I wasn't saved I gave my life to Christ and I confessed with my mouth What I believed in my heart after I confessed with my mouth, but I believe in my heart and became saved My sins are forgiven, right? I'm forgiven When one of our Conversations we had the class on On basic training for old and new believers One of the points that we talked about was is that even in the model prayer, you know Our sins are forgiven. Our past sins are forgiven at salvation The sins that we understand that we've done are forgiven at salvation and the sins that we didn't even know We did or that we didn't consider it to be sin was forgiven at salvation But not only that right the sins that because I wasn't born when Jesus went to the cross And I don't think anybody on the call was born when Jesus went to the cross But the sins yesterday today and forever were forgiven through Jesus's work on the cross That is what we are to remember and then a man examines himself because you are saved if you are saved Then there's no way for you to drink damnation on yourself You've been delivered through Christ Jesus, but you can still see it, right? we've learned in that class the only new believers basic training that Jesus knew that after salvation you would still slip trip fall and sometimes intentionally do things. They're not right So in that prayer, he says forgive us Forgive us, right? Why would I have to pray every day forgive me for the trespasses that are already forgiven? Unless he was making a way for us to cleanse out our minds He's our consciences is a person's conscience that keeps them from taking the sacrament. It's a person's conscience It's the guilt that That's placed on that person by their religious leaders the guilt The condemnation that they're taught to feel or they're taught to believe that that keeps their mind from being set on this Jesus did it all he paid it all and there's nothing that I can do There's nothing that I can do apart from blaspheme in the Holy Spirit. They can take they can they can there's unforgivable It's already been forgiven Now in order for me to cleanse myself, I know Lord that I trespassed last night. I lied yesterday. I lied this morning I yelled and screamed and cussed and fussed and not only the things that I do, but also I allowed Unclean things to come into my eyes. I was watching that movie Lord I know I didn't do it, but all those things that they were doing in that movie that you said don't do I didn't do physically But I thought about it when I watched the movie when I heard the TV when I did all these things Those things cause us to have a guilty conscience right to have an unclean Conscience, so if your conscience is not clean if your conscience is not clear all sorts of You can you can oppose the Holy Spirit by believing the lie Okay. Well, I'm not worthy because I did this I'm now she's not worthy because she did that but if you say If that if they're saved right if they're saying they're forgiven so there are so many people so they realize that the position between the Second position of the Holy Spirit and the third position. There are people who are saved Right, and they can't overcome their craving for this sin or for that sin Because in their own strength in their own power the temptations are just too strong Are they just like doing this seeing so much that they can't overcome it. They need power they need the position of Being in Christ, but not only in Christ, but in Christ end up with the Spirit of God flowing in them Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Ghost So How much does it cost give it to me I want that you can't do it like that, right it's a free gift It's a free gift from God, but it's only a free gift for those who are Saved it cost an unsaved person to get this free get access to this free gift. And the cost is believing and Believing in Jesus Christ confessing with your mouth what you believe in your heart and being saved Amen Now the deal with Adam and Eve right in the garden Adam and Eve when you're looking to see God did not see Adam and Eve as two He created them one. He gave them two different bodies so they could help each other But man and woman the two shall become one flesh God didn't look upon them as As Two individuals when he gave when he cast when when he gave the The when he gave his judgment After their transgression, he told Adam that he would have to work forever right He told Eve that she would be surrendered to her husband and have children and in in in in pain But when he he said it says that he put the man that he created Outside of the garden, right and then that caused a cherubim an angel to God the gate so he would come back in Is he right? so We can we can try and say well when he said man he didn't mean both of them But God sees us as one and then when God gave the commandments in another in In Genesis chapter 1 20 when he gave commandment he says and to the man have dominion over this have dominion over that He was speaking to the man. He created which is both male and female When he when they came to be physical and came alive, he didn't speak again and say well woman you do this and man You do this. He's already given them to commence. So they're one Amen And then thank you for that Pastor Brown, um, I Always like to get insight for those that I know are not Distorting the gospel or trying to water it down or make it fit this or that though. I'm grateful for that In which you know that God has a Lord If you don't allow you to make things just so simple to where the youngest caller can walk away With an understanding because that was definitely powerful Concerning the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I'm getting so many calls Where you know people are desiring to walk out their deliverance But yet find themselves falling back and that is the key component. Amen So I think at this time Pastor Brown is leaving the line open Because I know that there are other people on the line You don't have to ask a question if you don't want to but if you need something to address now's the time Even if we don't come back and address it until next week, but the Lord Has been dealing with me. This is not just a regular Sunday school the Lord, you know, he explained to me that this is a Discipleship training. So please if you have a question, you can put it out there You can text or if you have a comment, if not, thou is well fit with a lot of information But we're going to expound. We don't have to take an hour. We don't have to act like it's the last time we'll be on the call But if you do have a comment or a question the line is now open and Pastor Brown if we don't get any comment or question You can close us out, sir. But again, I thank you guys for joining. Amen Hey, man, let me just say this before, you know, we hope we will get a comment or whatever. This is a non-judgment zone So I don't care what your title is. I don't care what color you wear. I don't care what it is God Allows us to come together to grow in our knowledge and understanding of his word, right? We have to bring life. We are responsible to bring life to a dying world. They all lift up the name of Jesus that's what we're doing right so that others can also be saved I increasing the knowledge and understanding of his word sometimes You can read and read and study and study But it's through your questions and through the comments and through the through other people that God will speak directly into your situation And then F fight the enemy with the Word of God And it's only the Word of God that you know that you can use to fight the enemy when he comes and he comes daily and He is to elevate the minds of God's people. And so this this discipleship training is for the purpose of of Lifting up the name of Jesus first He'll draw all men to him and to increase in our knowledge and understanding We all need to grow in our knowledge and understanding of God's Word so that we can We can fight and help others fight the enemy and then to elevate the minds of God's people so help us grow by sharing your questions your comments and And and your your your your thoughts. Amen. Lanzo Forgive me for breaking part of what I was saying, but I'll also be a touch on exactly What I was saying was the question the comment that I was going to make, you know, there's a lot of people refused to take communion Saying well, I'm not going to play with God, you know They said well Communion is offered and it's like well I'm not going to do it because I'm going to go right back out. I'm going to have this drink off. I'm going to be with my partner in section. So I'm not going to do it. You know the one thing I want to Encourage the people is that God said he desired to suffer with us. He desired to be with us, you know, and this is why The words I tell them to them and I would sell you know Examine ourselves to ask for forgiveness. God help me to move forth in this year, you know So we can take the Lord. I'll say sure we'll continue in sin No, the words that God will forgive that we continue in sin. No, we don't want to walk in sin or live in sin. so We have that opportunity to say God forgive me Because he desired. He desired to suffer with us. And it's your desire to suffer with him. Amen. That's my comment. Amen. Amen. You know Yeah, sin no more. Do you remember the lady at the well? The one that Jesus spoke to? And he says go get your husband. Well the one that he said the one you with is not your husband. You had five and the one you with is not your husband. What comes to mind there is she went out and she became an evangelist and she evangelized the whole of Samaria Yeah, but he never Jesus never touched on the scripture never touched on whether she stopped living with the man Right or whether she got married to him, right or what happened with her? But we know that her life was changed because she met the because she met Jesus right her life was changed. So But I just don't believe that it happened immediately. She did not take the water home when she came to drive she went home. So some people are in situations and circumstances they can't change they can't stop they can't they can't leave right but Remember what Jesus did on the cross helps them to understand that there is more there's a way up. There's Everything every answer is not the way out. Sometimes it's the way up, right? So remembering what Christ has already done and accepting that you are worthy to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit Who is the one who is the one who will help you help us to understand how to walk it out how to get better how to change Without him we just we're just doing religious we're just doing things religiously over and over again But with him he'll teach us right how to change from that that down that broken that that condition that will try and keep us From following the ordinance. That's the ordinance right the baptism is an ordinance directed by Christ The sacraments that's an ordinance that's that's directed by him But having that guilty conscience will keep us from following after the instructions of God having the Holy Spirit Will empower us to do even when we don't understand to go even when we haven't experienced it and have faith that he He's faithful and just to forgive us of our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Cleaning us from all unrighteousness On our end is a process you don't just I can stop smoking today Well I never smoked so I most people tell me that you can't and there's something to say well God cleansed me of that He took it away immediately and after I after he did that if I was filled with the Holy Spirit I didn't smoke again I didn't drink again I don't know but I know a lot of people it's a process They go to AA and all of that they're saved but they're forgiven but the process of clean of sanctifying your life Holy Spirit is needed for that Amen I open for one more comment if there is anyone Amen Amen We're going to close for the day Thank you apostle Thank you pastor Thank you for everyone on the line for being here If you have questions as apostle said you know you don't have to answer ask them here Write them down send them in the text Ask them so that we can we can read them we can adjust them we can pray over them And we can come back and and share the share what what does say the Lord right In another setting let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you so much for allowing us to be here Thank you for allowing us to be together to receive your word to understand it Help us to understand the Holy Spirit that's our question that's our request today Give us understanding of the things that we hear Give us understanding of the things that we read Help us to work it out to mature in it by experience In Jesus name we pray Amen Y'all have a wonderful week and see you next week same time God bless God bless you all have a great day Bye Bye