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Word Explosion 5-24-2024

Word Explosion 5-24-2024

Shyne Your Life Light MinistriesShyne Your Life Light Ministries



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The speaker welcomes everyone to the call and introduces Dr. Tyrell Brown as the speaker. They encourage listeners to pay attention and get ready for the teaching. They also mention the importance of giving to the ministry and provide information on how to donate. Dr. Brown thanks everyone for joining the call and talks about the purpose of the ministry and the importance of training and discipleship. He discusses the concept of ministry development and using scripture to support it. He emphasizes the need to speak things consistent with sound doctrine and imitate Christ. He explains the mission essential tasks of the ministry, starting with promoting and making disciples. He quotes Matthew 28:17-20 and highlights the authority and commission given by Jesus to make disciples. He emphasizes the importance of teaching and being with God always. Again, to hear what God said to the Lord, amen? We have an opportunity tonight to hear from one of the sons of the minister, Dr. Tyrell Brown, that's the brain of the Lord, that came to America tonight, amen? So get your attention and get ready for word on tonight. I'll pass it back to Dr. Brown and Sonja now. We just welcome you all to the call. So we start to get started for the next year's teaching. Get ready for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, amen? This is where we're coming. You fill up, fill up again. So we ask that you just attain a sense of dignity to get a word tonight from Professor Brown. We always give him a deep, deep, deep lesson. So we're looking forward to that. Again, on behalf of Dr. Brown and Sonja, welcome to the call tonight. Enjoy the word on tonight. Don't forget to cheer. As we always say, Empower Life Global is part of Brown. We're just giving to this ministry, and we always can expect from God. Amen, give, and it shall be given unto you. This message shall be taken together. So, amen, give unto your voice. And we welcome you all to give on tonight, amen? You can go to our PayPal account or Empower Life Global. Hey, give your time, give your offerings, give something, amen? Amen. Well, I'm going to close out. Let me do some housekeeping, and Dr. Brown, you can open up the prayer for us. The recording has started. Exactly. The next person here will be Elder Pastor Brown. Amen, amen. Well, thank you, Elder Crosby, once again. You know, it's a blessing to be in the house and to be among family, you know, on behalf of our examples and our leaders, Apostle Ronald Ham, Dr. Sonja Ham, and the Empower Life Global family. I'm here in the Shining Life Light Ministry office here in Missouri City, Texas. And as always, we've been doing this thing virtually as a ministry for, I think, since about 2006, 2007. So, it's a comfortable space to be where you are, where we are, and to know that no matter where we are, if you're on this line, if you're hearing it now or in the future, that you are in the right place at the right time. Virtual space or face-to-face, we just want to bring the message of the Lord to you. And so, thank you, Elder Crosby, for that introduction, and thank you, everybody, who's on the call. Today, I'm excited to say that I have – that my wife, Evangelist Gladys Gordon-Brown, has joined the call. She's part of the family, and she's joined the call for the first time. And so, welcome to the call, and just know that you are loved and you are in a safe place. You're in a space where it's good soil. You're going to hear the Word of God from anybody that's teaching, and just know that we love you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we give you glory, praise, and honor once again tonight. We thank you for this opportunity to sit at your feet, Holy Spirit, to learn and to grow and to understand more about your Word. We bless you, and we praise you, and just want to say thank you for allowing us to be together tonight. Thank you for allowing us to be in this space. Thank you for the opportunity, Lord, as one of the sons of the ministry, to stand in the gap, to stand for my father, Dr. Ronald Hamm, my spiritual father. We love you, sir, my spiritual mother, our pastor, senior pastor, prophet, teacher, Sonia Hamm. We love y'all, and we thank you for this. We thank you for the example that you set and for the enabling that you've given us. Those three E's, y'all. Tonight we're going to talk more about ministry development, and we'll use Scripture. We talked about it the last time I had an opportunity to sit before you, but today I want to go a little farther, maybe a little bit deeper, using Scripture to support every one of those circles. We talked about the concentric circle, right? We are all in our circle of influence, have circles of influence, and we're responsible to be a shining light in our circles of influence and to bring life to a dying world wherever we are. Elder Blake says that we are in that circle. Last time he said we're in the circle, and the only person who can fulfill the responsibility, the responsibility that we have in our circle is me, right? As a review, we have a universal purpose. We have a united purpose, and we have a unique purpose. Our unique purpose, we are able to establish as we're able to do as sons and daughters of the ministry because of the training that we've had over the last 20 years, 26 years. However long you've been sitting at the feet of the doctors, whether it's five minutes, we know that the simplistic teaching and preaching and ministry has affected your life in a positive way. So let's go. God, we love you. We thank you for allowing us to be here. So today I want to continue the conversation about in the military, we practice for war. We train for war. We train for our assignment. And in every unit, every unit in the Army, I think most units everywhere, there was what we call a medal, right, a mission essential task list that listed everything that we were responsible to do uniquely, universally, or united in order to be successful in battle, in war. So we as a ministry are in battle. We're in war. Our enemy is not Carmel. He's not physical. He's spiritual. And we have to fight him in spirit and in truth. And that's why we're here. That's what we're learning to do. And so as a part of Empower Life Church, whether you are here for the first minute or you've been here for years, our responsibility here is to disciple you, right, to ensure that you're trained up as a Christian in the way that you should go. We're going to talk scripture. We're going to go over it all. But to train you up in the way that you should go so that you're able in your unique purpose to be successful. And when you join together with this ministry or the next ministry or whoever is in your circle of influence, that you too at that point, at that time, will be successful joining together. Where two or three are gathered in his name, he's in the midst. Where two or three are gathered in his name but not on one accord, it can be chaos. So we want to be able to train up new converts and those who come from other ministries and those who have just been saved, trail up in the way that they should go so that as they join the fight, as they join the united and the universal fight, they're able to be successful as warriors in the army of the Lord. So we have a ministry, we have a commandment to go, and there are ministry essential tasks that we must do in order to fulfill that commission to go. So then the first, and I did send out a PDF document that had the circles on it. So if you have that, refer to it. If not, we can send it out again. But I'm going to be teaching from that and going a little deeper in that conversation. So in the document, we have discipleship in motion. There is the first thing, the basic, the foundational thing that we are or that we must do. We must speak things that are consistent with, I don't care who you are, I don't care what your title is, I don't care how long you've been saved, I don't care how long you've been a part of the fight. We must speak things that are consistent with sound doctrine, and in doing so, as we do it, we bring glory and honor to God by imitating, learning to imitate Christ Jesus, his son. We are to be imitators of Christ, and in order to be imitators of Christ, it's something that you have to learn, right? There's a scripture that says, lay hands on no person suddenly. You get saved yesterday, you go preach tomorrow, and then you're out trying to lead people Well, that's not the pattern of Christ. That's not the way that we do it, and that's not the way that we're trained to do it, and the mission essential task is help us to systematically go through that process. So as Christians, right, as disciples of Christ, the first scripture that we have, our commandment is to go, right? So, I want to use Matthew, the first task that we have is to promote, to market, to promote, and we'll go a little deeper, but the scripture is this, Matthew chapter 28, 17 through 20, and I'm going to be using the good news translation, right? It kind of breaks it down for me to understand it better. Holy Spirit, I want to ask you now, just open our eyes, and open our ears, and open our understanding towards what we are to receive from you tonight, and loosen our stiff neck, and any area where we're stiffened, God, any area of religion, any area of false teaching, any area of error, loose us from it today, in the name of Jesus. So, in 17, 28, Matthew 28, 17 through 20, it says, when they saw him, they worshipped him, even though some of them doubted, right? Even though some of them doubted. Verse 18 says, Jesus drew near and said to them, he said to all of them, he said to the doubters, and he said to the ones that believed, he said to everybody, right? He drew near to them and said, I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth, to go then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples, right? We have a commission to go then to all people everywhere and make them his disciples, his disciples, right? Make them his disciples. And the thing that I want us to say before I go any further is that Jesus drew near to them. He draws near to us. And he says all authority, at this point, all authority in heaven and earth was given to him. When he sent his disciples out, he had the authority. He wasn't sending them in their authority. He was sending them in his authority. He said, go then and make disciples everywhere, all people everywhere, and make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He then said to teach them, right? Teach them to observe everything I have commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of the age. So the point here is in our salvation and when we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, I want you to know that you were sealed until the day of redemption with the Holy Spirit and God made you identified as one of his children, right, in Christ Jesus. And every person who's saved, every one of us, every person who's saved, whether you doubt or whether you have confidence in him or not, this commandment to go is for you and for me. We're responsible to go and to promote and market Jesus Christ. If I be lifted, I'll draw all men to me. We are to motivate and to extol those that come into the kingdom, that become part of the ministry, that become part of the body of Christ. And then as leaders in our life, whatever your ministry is, wherever you are, whatever your circle is, we're responsible not only to motivate people to operate under that sound, consistent doctrine, but also to change their lifestyle, to grow in their lifestyle so that they can be imitators of Christ. But in order to be imitators of Christ, we must first learn what it means to be Christ-like. Who was Christ? So we're responsible to motivate and to teach and to organize and to coach and to mentor and to align us or array people according to their spiritual gifting skills, talents, abilities, maturity, immaturity, right? We're responsible to evaluate and to assess the ministry, the needs of the people, and to provide training and opportunity and to go, ye therefore. So under this title, under this first task, to promote, right, we hold, the Holy Spirit leads God's people in effect, in perpetual motion, which allows us to bring, the Holy Spirit, right, leads God's people, allowing us to bring glory and honor to God by being imitators of Christ as we grow in our knowledge and in our understanding of God's Word. It's important that you understand that sitting here now, being in this space, you are growing in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word. You are here to grow in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word. So the Great Commission, right, to go, ye therefore, means that we are to be organized, right? We are to be organized. And this is what I want to say to you now. I shared it before. I'll share it again. We want to see, our responsibility is to see the life and power of Christ Jesus resurrected in the hearts and the minds of all people. Go ye therefore to all people everywhere and make them my disciples. We do that to strengthen our family units and provide safe environments that's filled with God's love, where all may, I'm going to give you some words, some action words, all may learn, all may worship, all may evangelize, all may fellowship, all may disciple, grow and mature, right? All, every person, the newly saved, the baby Christian, the milk Christian, or that person that's been doing ministry and has enough degrees behind their names and titles in front of their names, all of us are responsible to go ye therefore and do the same mission. But we may have different tasks and different requirements. We'll talk about that. We are responsible, as we said before, more action words, to pray and to listen, right? As we see the life and power of Christ Jesus being resurrected in the hearts and minds of people, we're responsible to pray and to listen to prayer and to hear the needs of others, right? To hear the needs of others so that we may attend to those needs. You know, I sat in a leader class under Dr. Ham recently, right? A three-day class. And one of the things that he pointed out to the leaders that were being taught is that this ministry, Empower Life Church Global, is not a ministry that feeds the people, right? We don't go ye therefore and feed the people. That's not our ministry, right? We're sent to the nation. We're sent to the world. We're sent to train leaders. God said to lift up leaders. So we're responsible to lead. But in our prayer and in our listening to prayer and hearing the needs of others, we are responsible, right? We can respond to their needs by sending them to the places and the spaces and the people who are able to meet that need, even when in our circle of influence, we're not able to do it. I'm not able to do it. You're not able to do it. But there's somebody in this family, in the body of Christ, right? The family of God who is doing it, who is anointed to do it, appointed to do it. In their circles of influence, they have people that have been sent, right, to do it. So we have to pray and then tend to those needs as we practice doing the righteous thing. If the righteous thing is feeding them, taking them home and giving them one meal and sending them out to be hungry again, then do that. If it's not that, we have to pray and hear, not just listen to them, but listen to the Holy Spirit and follow after that. Because our responsibility or ability to respond is that we sharpen ourselves and we join together with others to study God's word, to develop those trusting Christian or righteous relationships as we grow closer to God through the simplistic teaching, preaching, and I like to say measurable lifestyle application of God's claim, right? Every one of us is responsible to have a measurable lifestyle, to apply Christlike principles, to develop Christlike character. All of us are responsible to mature, and we'll talk more about that in a moment. We're responsible to mature to the point where we are successful in our circles of influence serving others, serving others, serving others. Hallelujah. So we promote, we motivate, we organize. As for me and my house, you've probably said it before yourself, we will serve God, right? You ever said that before? So in serving God, the second thing that we must do is organize, right? We must operate in an organized, dependable manner that effectively promotes the vision. Now, there is a vision, right? Go ye therefore and make disciples. That's a vision. That's the whole vision of the body of Christ. But God has set all of the members of the body in place as he desires, right? So the vision for Empower Life may not be the vision for your ministry. It may not be the vision for his ministry or her ministry. But the vision that we operate under must be in alignment and agreement with the vision, right? So our ministry, Essential Taskness, involves doing the things that are necessary in our lane, in our circle, in our ministry, your ministry, to make it happen, right? If you're a men's ministry person, if that's your gift, your talent, your ability, you need to be doing that under the vision, right? We must educate, motivate, encourage, and mentor people at every level of spiritual maturity to enable them to serve effectively. You know, sometimes you'll go into a ministry and you'll see things that are operating so smoothly. There's efficiency. There's excellence. There's effectiveness. They're operating extremely smoothly. But as soon as the leader, the senior leader, goes away, as soon as the cat's away, the mouse begin to play. And everything is in disarray. Those who seem to be in alignment, seem to be in order, seem to be mature begin to be passive-aggressive towards the one that the leader left in charge, right? So we must train, we must educate, mentor people at every level of spiritual maturity because our responsibility is to be disciple-makers, not just children of God. I'm saved. I'm saved. I'm saved. Amen, amen. But after their cross experience, after their salvation, regeneration, rebirth experience, there's a whole new world, the kingdom of life, that we must train them in, train them to live in, to operate in, and to be successful in as children of the living God and as soldiers in the army of the Lord. And so God didn't leave us hopeless or helpless in doing this, right? In Isaiah 47, 47 verses 7 through 10, I get excited when I begin to listen to some of this stuff myself. In Isaiah chapter 41, 7 through 10, the scripture says this. The carpenter said to the goldsmith, well done. The one who beat the idol smooth encouraged the one who nailed them together. They say the soldering is good. And they fastened the idols in place with nails. In other words, those workers who are in the world, who are doing their worldly thing, who are out there and not a part of the kingdom, they are out there and they know how to encourage each other. They know how to help each other. They know how to train each other. But get this. It goes on in verse 8 to say, but you, Israel my servant. That means us. That means the same. But you, you are the people I've chosen. Empower Life, Sisters Cafe, Shine Your Life Light Ministry, Martha Crosman Ministry, Blake Ministries. You, I've chosen you, Sterling Ministries, whoever you are, whatever your name is, whatever your circle of influence is, I chose you. It says, I chose you, the descendants of Abraham, my friend. I brought you from the ends of the earth. I called you from its farthest corner, north, south, east and west, into your presence, into this ministry, to be saved, to be delivered, to be set free. I brought you from the end of the earth. I called you from its farthest corner and said, you are my servant. I did not reject you, but chose you. And then there is encouragement. We're responsible to encourage others and to mentor others. God says, do not be afraid. I am with you. I am your God. Let nothing terrify you. I will be, I will make you strong and help you. I will protect you. I will save you. I am your God. Let nothing terrify you. I'm not giving you the spirit of fear. I will make you strong. I will help you. I will protect you. I will save you. He says, don't be afraid because I'm with you. Jesus says, go ye therefore into all the world and know, I will be with you always, even to the end of the age. So, we're responsible to train up, to continue to train and to fight, even when it seems like the battle is raging inside. You know, when you're trying to teach, when you're trying to lead, when you're trying to share the righteous way with others, those in your circle of influence, those inside of your ministry, those who ought to be excited about receiving sound doctrine, those in your community, those in your circle, when their lips are still, when their faces are hard, when it seems as though they're not listening, know that God is with you. He chose you. He chose you to be right there where you are right now. You, my brother, my sister, have a unique purpose. Your unique purpose, Tyrell can't do it. Ronald can't do it. Martha can't do it. Gladys can't do it. Whoever you are, the only person that can do what God has purpose you to do, even before you placed you in your mother's womb, is you. However, you need someone of wisdom, some ministry of wisdom to draw it out. That's why you're here. Empower Life Ministries and every subsidiary ministry that is attached. We're not just Empower Life Church. Remember that we were at one time in our cocoon state Resurrection Life Worship Center. Y'all remember that? And then we broke out of that and became a butterfly and grew wings. And the Spirit said to the man of God, what do you see? He says, I see the city. What do you see? I see the state. What do you see? I see the region. What do you see? I see the world. What do you see? I see the nations. So we, brothers and sisters, are sent to the nations. You can't be afraid to operate in your circle of influence where you are. You can't be afraid to step out even when it doesn't seem like anybody's listening. The only person, I'm online right now, right? I don't know how many people are on the phone. You may be on Facebook. You may be on Zoom. You may be on Twitter. You may be somewhere else teaching the gospel, and it seems like the only person there is you. But know that God says and Christ says and the Holy Spirit are with you always even to the end of the time. Your responsibility is do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Amen. So we work in harmony. We're responsible to teach others to work in harmony. You've heard of the five-fold ministry, right? The five-fold ministry guild. Well, they're there for a purpose. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but we're responsible to work with the Ephesian guild, the five Ephesian guilds, the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, the teachers. There are more. We have givers on the line. That's a spiritual guild. We have administrators on the line. That's a spiritual guild. We have healers on the line. That's a spiritual guild. Encouragers on the line. Those are spiritual guilds, and there are many, many more. But the five gifts that Jesus gave to his body in Ephesians are there so that we all can grow up into the Christlike image, to be imitators of Christ and know how to do it, know how to apply Christlike living in our own circles of influence. What are you doing, and what are you teaching, and how are you leading in your circle of influence? How are you operating in your circle of influence? So we motivate, and we strengthen the body of Christ by multiplying ourselves as we go ye therefore and make disciples. Making a disciple is simple. I don't think I explained this, but making a disciple just means you share the gospel, you explain the gospel in a simplistic way, you teach, you preach, you example it by your living, and explain when a person asks what they must do to be saved. You have the words to say. At the end of every Sunday service, Dr. Sonja says, okay, now there's another important part. After all the teaching, after all the music, after all of that, there's another important part or decision that you have to make. And she explains how a person, what a person must do to be saved. And she gives them the opportunity to pray the prayer. She leads them in the prayer because our greatest responsibility is to make disciples. And the only way to make a disciple for Christ is that they are saved, right? You don't baptize them before they're saved. You don't lay hands on them before they're saved, right? You don't expect them to be able to teach others or disciple others before you get them saved. So that's a big, that's a great responsibility that we have. That's a great responsibility that we have. And then, brothers and sisters, we have to implement a plan that ensures that there are disciples who are functioning devotedly in every area within the ministry, right? I can remember when I first came into resurrection life, right, back in 2001, 2002, the first thing that I noticed, right, before I hit the walls was there was sweet music coming from inside of this room. And when I stepped into the room, I didn't get an opportunity to get inside of the room before I was greeted by two brothers who had the biggest smiles on their face. They gave me the strongest hug. Elder Mac, Deacon Cork, Blake, right? They were there. And from the time I stepped in, the excellence, right, the love that I experienced drew me in to want to be a part of what I am a part of now, right? And so we have to implement plans that ensure that there are people functioning at every level, devoted people functioning at every level. Everybody is not in church. We're not in church right now. I'm in my office. You may be in your office, your living room, your car, wherever you are. So we need to make sure that there are people who are serving the body and functioning devotedly in every area of ministry, right? People who are precious to Christ and precious to us who are spiritually mature and proficient servant leaders, servant leaders, who actively participate in the work of ministry under the leadership and direction of every spiritual gift that is available in the church. We must be able to identify the talents, the skills, the gifts, the abilities and the temperaments of all of our subordinate leaders so that we can train them up, we can distribute them, workload. Some people are excellent workers, but their temperament doesn't allow them to be overgroups, right? Their temperament won't permit you to let them go, let them loose, let them wild, yet they have to be trained, right? We have to identify that as leaders and be able to array them, set them in place in a manner that they're able to grow. We nurture, we nurture their growth and development inside of the ministry, in the workplace, in the marketplace, in their homes, wherever they are. We train them up to be successful, effective, efficient, right? Excellent leader, excellent Christian, excellent followers in the body of Christ. We're responsible to provide teaching in church and in community-based settings that follow sound biblical principles. We must develop people, members, who are saved and full of faith and spiritually mature, apt to teach, and people of integrity, and then develop them into leaders who are saved, full of faith, spiritually mature, apt to teach, and people of integrity who are able to develop others, to train others, and to keep the process going. We have to keep the process going. Amen. Amen. So one of the responsibilities, another responsibility that we have is coaching and mentoring, right, coaching and mentoring. In Ephesians, the scriptures that I have for this is Ephesians chapter 4, verse 12-16, and then 2 Timothy 3-16. I know you know those scriptures, but let me share them with you. So in Ephesians it says, and again I'm reading the Good News translation, Ephesians 4, 11-16, it was he talking about Christ. We coach and mentor. It was he who gave gifts to people. He anointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, and others to be evangelists, and others to be pastors and teachers. Or you could say, and others to be teachers. He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service in order to build up the body of Christ. All of God's people. You know, there are some, all of God's people. I'll comment in a moment. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God. We shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature. So everybody means everybody. All means all. So he did this. He gave these gifts so that we're able to mature everybody, to raise everybody up, to be in their Christ-like position, right? In their God-given position in the ministry and operating in excellence. Operating effectively and efficiently in the positions, whether in the bathroom cleaning the stall or in the pulpit teaching a lesson. From the door to door, front to the back. In all aspects of ministry, able to function efficiently, effectively, and in excellence. So then one of the questions that some people have is, you know, or are teaching in some of the ministries that's not following an alignment with sound biblical principles, is that there are no more, you know, the fivefold was good for a certain time, but now there is not anymore. There are no more apostles. There are no more prophets. There may be a pastor and there may be an evangelist. And there probably are teachers, but all of the gifts are not there. And so we use scripture to define scripture. We use scripture to answer questions so that we can respond to the needs of the people through sound Bible. So it goes on in chapter, in verse four that says, so it says that in 13, it says, and so we shall come together to that one, that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God, we shall become mature people reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature or Christ-like lifestyles, Christ-like character, Christ-likeness, right, to the glory of God. Verse 14 says, then we shall no longer be children carried by the wave and blown by every shifting wind of the teaching of deceitful people who lead others in error by the tricks they invent, by the tricks they invent. Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head. Under his control, all the different parts of the body fit together. And the whole body is held together by every joint which it, the head, supplies. So we each, so when each separate part as it should, operates as it should, works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love. The next verse, verse 17, I want you to read for yourself. It says that this, all of this is done, or in these verses 13 through 16, until we all come into the unity of faith, right? Until we all are mature, we have a mature character, until we all are operating in our lifestyle evangelism in a way that imitates Christ and that brings glory and honor to God. And all means all, right? All means all. So when somebody gets saved tomorrow, brothers and sisters, that means that the discipleship process must begin. If you led them to Christ and they're still in your circle of influence, then continue to teach them, right? At your level of understanding, teach them at your level of skill, gifting, and ability, and then understanding when you've reached the end of your role, end of your understanding, end of your ability, and pass them on to someone in your circle of influence who is apt to teach, full of faith, and able to teach sound doctrine. In Timothy chapter 2, I assume 2 Timothy chapter 3, 16, it says that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for teaching the truth. It is useful for rebuking error. It is useful for correcting fault. It is useful for giving instruction for righteous living so that the person who serves God, every Christian soldier, the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed. Brothers and sisters, every kind of good deed means the big stuff and the small stuff. It means the ooey stuff, and it means the in front of the camera stuff, and the behind the scenes stuff. It means all things. It means when you're in public, in the workplace, in the marketplace, wherever you are, especially in your home, right? It means at home. It means your family. It means those who are in your circle of influence. Scripture is able, but we must be ready, and we must be able to be chosen at the proper time to go ye therefore. In Antioch, the Holy Spirit said, separate for me Paul and Barnabas to do the work to which I have called them. Separate for me Martha. Separate for me Tyrael. Separate for me Cory. Separate for me Gladys. Separate for me whoever, whatever your name is, Jerusalem. Separate for me Rolando. Separate for me Cory. Separate, put your name there for the work for which I'm calling them. What is your work? What is the work to which he's calling you, right? You are responsible to function in excellence, efficiency, and effectively in your circle of influence. You're responsible. We are responsible to sharpen that brother or that sister. As iron sharpens iron, we're responsible to be that person of good character who's able to teach people how to operate in life in good character. Bad company corrupts the character. We are not of the group who are of bad company. We are the children of God. We are children of the light. We are His. We are His. And we have responsibility. We have marching orders. We have the ability to respond to those in our circle of influence just as God pleases. Amen? So, brothers and sisters, we have marching orders. We are responsible to go ye therefore and promote the kingdom of God, to motivate those who are not saved to get saved. Those who are saved to want to learn and go higher, to grow up in the Lord, to mature. And then once they mature, we're responsible, brothers and sisters, as leaders to be able to know how to array, how to place them. You know, Jethro told Moses, you know, you're going to wear yourself out trying to do all the work yourself. Go ahead and choose men or choose people who are capable, right, who are able to do the work, who are able to judge and place them over thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens as they are able. And we are to identify those in our circle of influence and organize and array them in such a way that ministry flows, that the ministry flows, that the growth and development of every Christian soldier flows. I can remember in the military, and I go here and then I'm finished. I used to train my soldiers to reach up two grades. If I'm an E3, I need to develop myself to the five level. If I'm a five, I need to develop myself to a seven level. Whatever the requirements are for the seven, if I achieve it as much as I can at the five level, by the time it's time to be at the six level, I've already qualified. I've already maxed out. All I need when I'm promoted to the six level is experience because at the six level, now I'm reaching for eight. I'm reaching up. So we have to train those in the kingdom of God to reach up. I know some people have been 25-year, 50-year, 70-year pew sitters or, you know, lifetime deacons of this or that. But we're responsible to mature to the point where the Holy Spirit trains them up in the way that they should go so the Holy Spirit can say, can identify to the leader, separate from me this one for the work through which I'm calling. We're all called to make disciples. That's all I have. Heavenly Father, we give you praise, we give you glory, and we give you honor today. And we thank you for our life. We thank you for this time together with you. We just say hallelujah, praise your name. And it's in Jesus' name, in your authority, we pray. Amen. May the cross be in your hand. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. 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Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. When I read that scripture, it makes me think of the traditional churches, the churches that don't receive the five-fold ministry, the churches that don't receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the churches definitely that don't receive women in ministry, so to speak. And so when Jesus, I know in some translations it changed it to say the gifts, but when you look in the King James, the Elder Crosby, if you real quick, or Elder Brown, since you're the teacher tonight, real quick, just go back to Ephesians 4, but I want to read that out of the King James version of the Bible. And one of the things that everybody needs to remember is when you're reading other translations, always go back to the original King James. I do read other translations because they are easier to understand, but I always go to the King James version. In other words, I don't read independently of the King James or New King James, because the New King James, all it did was take away the d's and the thou's and like the complicated words, but it's left the structure and the meaning the same. So do you have that, Ephesians 4, where it says, yeah, read that, I believe, starting at verse 7? At verse 7, yeah. But I'm saying, every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gifts of Christ. Wherefore he said, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto me. Verse 9, now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might feel all things. Verse 11, and he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. Verse 12, for the perfecting of the saints. The correction I want to make, because a lot of times, it's mission perfected, and it's been throughout all church, and we've learned it that way. But when you go and you really exegete and study those principles out, what people tend to do when he says he gave gifts unto men, or he gave the measure of grace according to Christ's gifts, right? So that encompasses everybody. But then when you drop down to verse 11 or 10, where it says, and he gave some, that changes it. So he's talking about gifts first, that he gave these gifts to men, and then he talks about apostles. It's very important that we get that correct, because a lot of people think that they can just call themselves apostles, call themselves prophets, or call themselves evangelists, you know, pastor or teacher. And the reason being is because all of us have the capacity to teach, and I think, well, I'm going to repeat. I just want to make this point. There is a difference in the gift of the office, and I think I shared this last week. I don't know. Sometimes. As an apostle, a prophet, you are the, those offices, how do I want to say it? We're God's equipping, they're God's equipping functions to prepare, equip the body of Christ. And we're going to teach more in detail on this, because you're seeing all of these Facebook prophets, and, you know, everybody just, it's like we've left the order of God, and everybody thinks, oh, you know, I can just be who I want to be. Yes, to a certain degree, but there is an order, and if nobody has laid hands, remember, the disciples just didn't go out. They became, they were disciples first. Thank you, Holy Spirit. That's a good way to explain it. The disciples were disciples first, and as they walked with Christ, who was the chief apostle at that time, as they walked with Christ and he taught them, then they demonstrated, and they didn't get it 100% because he said, oh, faithless generation, how long am I going to be with you? But I want us to be sure that we understand that order, that Christ claimed the disciples first, and then he commissioned them to be apostles. And so, you know, and when... Stop. Yes, stop. So when we look at those fivefold ministry offices, those have to be commissioned. You can't just say, well, I'm a prophet, or I'm an apostle, or I'm just getting ready to be elevated. And it's not necessarily that I want to be, but God convicted me that I can't tell him what I'm going to be or not going to be when the fruit is there. So that's the second thing I want to say. You're not an apostle without fruit. You're not a pastor without fruit. You're not an evangelist without fruit, or a pastor or a teacher. There has to be fruit. And watch this. The fruit is not that you have the ability to teach. The fruit, kind of to your point tonight, Elder Brown, the fruit is your ability to convert. Now, understand what I'm saying. The Holy Spirit does the convicting, but without the message, there is no conversion. So that's why he sent what? Romans 10. Find that real quick, and I'll finish. Romans 10, and I think 17? 17. Yeah, I know that. Summary by hearing? Okay. I want the one about sin. How can they preach except they be sin? It's close, I think. Okay, so verse 13 says, Okay, how shall they preach except they be sin? As it is written, Amen. It sums up your whole message tonight. How can they hear without a preacher? How can they preach except they be sin? Which goes back to my point from Ephesians, that the order of Christ, somebody has to recognize your gift, and we say, Oh, I don't need a man. Yes, you do. That's the order of God. Jesus spoke through the exact same order, right? Jesus had to submit to John's ministry, and it all worked together, right? So Empower Life is the equipping station, and then you all, as teachers, as pastors, as evangelists, you know, I think we all call it evangelize. We definitely all call it ministry, for sure. But this is the equipping station. Empower Life is the equipping station, not you individually, right? We all serve a purpose, so we bring people to the equipping station. So we're all submitting to go out and make disciples, but then where do they get equipped? And so, you know, I guess you can call us the recruiters, right? So the Army, this is a good example based on what the teaching was tonight. So think of it. You've got the Army, you've got the Marines, you've got the Air Force, and then you've got the National Guard, right? Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy. How could I forget Navy? I was like, it's four branches. I know it's four branches, right? But it's all called, what, the Armed Forces, and each one of those branches have a different function. You know, the Navy is the water function, the Marines is whatever. You all get my point. But when a recruiter goes out to recruit, they don't go to recruit them to their Army. If I'm a recruiter, I'm not recruiting them to me. I'm recruiting them, what, into the Army, or I'm recruiting them to the Marines, or I'm recruiting them to the Navy or to the Air Force. You all understand what I'm saying? And so when we go out to recruit as leaders of this ministry, you're recruiting them, yes, to the kingdom, but the way to the kingdom is through Jesus Christ, and then the equipment station is what? Empire Lights. I want to make sure we've got that order and we're clear on that, because then we're just thinking, you know, we're all over the place, and it's, you know, blatant ministry. And I'm not putting anybody's ministry down, but every ministry should come back to this house, and that's the important part. So with the Marines, that's a good example. So when you think about that, if I go out and recruit, you know, whatever rank I am, I don't know what the ranks are for recruiters. Usually, Elder Blake, I know you as a recruiter, but it doesn't matter what rank you are. I think they start at UC, maybe. I'm not sure. But it doesn't matter what rank you are in the Army. If you're designated as a recruiter, then you're recruiting your recruits for what? The Army. So each of you, when you're recruiting your recruits, you should come back to this house. Amen? And then this is the equipping station. Our job, Apostle and I, is to equip the leader to function at your level of leadership, but then our job is to equip those that you blame for the work of ministry, and that part we all take a part in, you know, each individual. And that's the concept that we need to get in mind. When we look at the Apostles, the example is very clear. You know, Jesus represented the kingdom. Ultimately, he had to come to earth in physical form, and he had to train up disciples to take on leadership roles. But they didn't go off in their own ministry, even though, well, you understand what I'm saying. They had their own distinct circle of influence, I guess is what you say. They had their distinct territories. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Their distinct territories, but they all were recruiting for the same purpose. Amen? They didn't go, you know, they all brought people to the body, but it was the kingdom that was lifted up. So I wanted to make sure that we are clear on that. Amen? So with that said, I will turn it back over to you, Elder Brown, to close us out and just remind everybody you can give tonight. That's another aspect, right? You can't, you can't, you can't, how do I want to say? When it comes, well, I ain't going to get on giving because y'all know we'll be here all night. You, Elder Brown, but these are some of the things that we are going to definitely be covering when we come together in August. So we need to go ahead and pin down that date. For August right now, it's looking like the 10th and the 12th are the best dates for either the 22nd or whatever, whatever that next weekend. But we need to go ahead and pin that date down so that we can start preparing for that. And again, the purpose of that coming together is because we'll be going to Shreveport in December, and we want to make sure, you know, it's been a long time. It's been six, I couldn't believe it's been that long. But since our last conference, which was in 2018, so that's, what, six years since our last physical gathering. So we want to make sure we need everybody all hands on deck. And as Apostle has already stated, we want our team because we don't know everybody else, you know, and we don't want mixture. We want our team to take the lead and, you know, be able to function. And it's like riding a bicycle. All you got to do is get on it and ride again. Might stumble a little bit, but that's why we want to come together in August for leadership training and also for laying on of hands as we go into this next era of ministry. Amen? So back to you, Elder Brown. I am all the way. Uh-huh. Right. Absolutely. And that sending, that's the order, right? You can't just go and do what you want to do. You know, that sending, that's the laying on of hands. When we follow the ministry of Paul, every, you know, from Jesus, it was the laying on of hands and submitting into whatever that, you know, place is or function is in the body. And so it's important that, you know, we keep that in mind. Amen. Well, thank you, and I will yield the mic back to you, Elder Brown, to close us out. So thank you, Dr. Stanley, for your wisdom and everybody for participating tonight. We just thank God for you. Let's pray. God, we love you so much, and we thank you, Holy Spirit, for opening our eyes and opening our ears and opening our understanding that we might receive the truth and then apply it to our lives. We bless you. We praise you. We thank you for our leadership. We thank you for the servant leaders in this ministry, and we thank you for what you're planning this year. Thank you for our August date that has settled in, and thank you for October, Lord God. Let it be great. To God be the glory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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