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cover of Loving Kindness - The Spheres
Loving Kindness - The Spheres

Loving Kindness - The Spheres

Pat SieglerPat Siegler



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This is a guided meditation focused on loving kindness. It starts by getting into a comfortable position and focusing on the breath. The meditation encourages the visualization of a ball of light in the heart, filled with loving kindness for oneself and others. The size of the ball expands gradually, from a mustard seed to a beach ball, filling the room and extending outwards to the city, the planet, and even the universe. The practice concludes with dedicating the merits to all beings and reflecting on the experience. Hello friends, again, I really hope that you're doing well. This is Airtime. I'm Pat. This meditation and visualization focuses on loving kindness. Let's get started for our Spheres Loving Kindness Meditation. Get into a comfortable sitting position and we'll focus on our breaths. Breathe in calm. Breathe out loving kindness. Breathe in calm. Breathe out loving kindness. Breathe in calm. Breathe out loving kindness. Now you are invited to share your aspiration for this meditation. You can do so silently or out loud. It can be as simple as may I be calmer or may I be kind to myself and others. May I forgive myself. May I be happier. Bring awareness into the area of your heart and visualize a tiny ball of light. It's the size of a mustard seed in the center of your chest. It can be a peachy golden color with hints of pink like an actual peach skin. This light is filled with loving kindness for yourself and all beings. If the ball feels a bit tight or strange, try picturing it moving, warming a gentle flame. Once you've established this, expand your loving kindness light to be the size of a marble. Remember you are not responsible for keeping this light blazing. It is happening with or without you. You are simply being present for it. Once you feel established with the marble size, expand to the size of a squash. Feel the light and the warmth going everywhere equally. Like sunlight, it shines on you and warms you regardless of what you have or haven't done. Now let your loving kindness light expand to the size of a tennis ball. When you're ready, move to the size of a volleyball, then a basketball, but a medicine ball. How about a beach ball? Expand outward so that all of these balls that you have collected fill the whole room. Start allowing this light of loving kindness to extend beyond your body. Always remain centered in your heart, but allow the loving kindness to grow outwards. City or town you live in, the whole island or continent that you live on, planet Earth, the universe. Finally expand the loving kindness to all the planets. Make note which ball sizes you cannot do, and allow interest into these. If you don't wish to extend the light past your body, don't push it. It's totally fine to give loving kindness to your body. When you're finished, dedicate the merits of this practice to all beings. We meditate for the sake of all sentient beings, big and small, visible and invisible. Before you get up, do a short review of your practice. What went well? What was challenging? What came up for you? Note it, and then let it go. Friends, take good care of yourselves. Practice love and happiness, and again, continue to share the love. This has been a Shadowbride24 production. Special thanks to S-Farm Studios. www.shadowbride24.com

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