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There is a discussion about the concept of God. It is mentioned that we cannot fully understand what God is, but we have a vague idea of it. The speaker believes that God is alive but cannot be seen or have a personal relationship with like the disciples in the Bible did. The speaker also reflects on the difficulty of comprehending God, as he is not in human form. There are misconceptions about God being an old man on a throne, but the speaker believes that God is much more vast and present in everything. Despite not being able to fully understand God, we are encouraged to have faith and not rely solely on what we can see. and the next topic there's a quote out of the book that goes like this we can't conceive a being like God but we get the faint notion of it what does that mean to you Paul? so for me that means that there is a being out there that we know is alive but we can't see with our own two eyes and can't have like a relationship with disciples in the Bible as they saw him and followed him and they he did these things while that was about 2,000 years ago yeah yeah I think it's kind of difficult to fathom who and what God is because he's not you could say this human being form which he ultimately sent his son in a human form to us so it's hard to comprehend exactly what God is you know and I think there's a lot of different misconceptions you know that God is this old man with a you know big white beard sitting on a throne you know ruling but I think God he is so much more bigger and deeper than all that I think God is in everything and everywhere and we we can't fully fathom and understand who and what God is but we walk by faith and not by sight