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Paul English Live 008 ⋅ 26 Oct 2023

Paul English Live 008 ⋅ 26 Oct 2023

Paul EnglishPaul English



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The speaker welcomes the audience to the show and talks about the gloomy autumn weather in England. They mention technical issues with the streaming platform Odyssey and the absence of video feed. The speaker then discusses their disappointing experience with donuts and their preference for instant coffee. They introduce Jodie Kay as a guest and discuss her awakening to the truth after the death of George Floyd. Jodie talks about her liberal mindset and her journey towards embracing dissident truth. She mentions the fear of speaking up and the importance of community. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good middle of the night to you and all that kind of stuff. It's Thursday, October 26th in fact, and this is show number 8 here at Paul English Live. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good middle of the night to you and all that I trust you've all been having a cracking week as the gloomy autumnal nights come in. They certainly do here in England. It's been getting dark and grim and rainy and here comes the winter. But hopefully tonight we'll put a bit of sunshine into your life even though it is late at night here in the UK. It's just gone 8pm here in the UK. We're going out live on WBN324.com and 324.zil and on other assorted stations and networks. Welcome to the show. And quite a few things lined up tonight. First hour is taken up with talking to somebody else. Yeah, a guest here, which is a good move here for this show. And I've got a lot of other things lined up. Whether we'll get them all covered tonight, who knows. Yeah, hi, welcome back. And if you're in the mood for chatting and all that kind of stuff, text chatting rumbles the place to be for this. That's the one I tend to look at the most. And speaking of technical things here right at the beginning, we were on Odyssey last week. We should be on Odyssey tonight, but we might not be on Odyssey for much longer. Not by choice here at this end, but because Odyssey has hit a kind of technical SEC impasse. Many of you might already be aware of it, but Odyssey is a free speech live video streaming platform and they lost a case to the SEC, which is a bit of a problem for them. It's such a problem that basically they, the incumbent management, are going to have to lose control of it. And whether a sort of golden knight turns up at the last minute and recovers it and takes it forward, we don't know. But we certainly had problems putting the show up on Odyssey last week. It wasn't recorded properly, so I don't even know whether it went out correctly. So if you are listening on Odyssey, we're going to carry on using it, but really the main point at the moment is rumble in terms of the video feed. There is no video feed, of course. We don't use cameras. I don't want to frighten you all late at night time. So we don't use that. It's basically for screens and stuff, but if you want to chat, I am looking at it. I'm going to try and look at it a little bit more often than I usually do. That's the place to be. Now, just before we bring our wonderful guest on for this week, I thought I might have to tell you a little bit about my dreadful day with donuts today. I don't know if you've ever had a bad donut day. I shouldn't really be having a bad donut day, but I did have one today. You know those donuts that have got jam in the middle? Yeah, those. And I've got into the terrible habit recently, it's ever since the autumn weather has arrived, of having a coffee around about 11.30 in the morning or just before lunchtime. And somehow these jam donuts keep turning up in the house. I'm not the only one responsible for this. But imagine my crushing disappointment today when I took a donut out and there was literally no jam in it. How about that? I didn't know whether to write to my MP or whatever to get this sorted out. I was devastated actually. It was very disappointing. So I tried another one and there was jam in that. Then one of my sons came home. I told him this terrible dramatic story and of course he sympathized tremendously with me. And he went off and grabbed another one only to discover there was no jam in that. So I hope such dreadful things have not been happening to you, but they've certainly been happening to me. But the coffee was okay. By the way, for Americans, I don't drink normal coffee. I don't drink sort of American coffee. Being a pleb and a bit of a peasant, I tend to drink instant coffee. It's about as low-grade a thing as you can do, but it keeps me happy. So there we go. So I hope you're all up to speed on that. And if you've had a good donut day, you're already one up on me. So that's marvelous. Okay. So a few months ago, I like, was it this year? I can't remember. I think it was actually. There was a lady who used to host the radio show and that lady is called Jodie Kay. And you will have seen, I think, hopefully on the little bits of blurb that I've done for the show that we've got her on as a guest here tonight. And I know Jodie a little bit. I know Jodie a little bit, which is great. And we've talked quite a lot. And hopefully we're going to talk a little bit more tonight for the first hour. She's with us here up until nine o'clock UK time. That's 4 p.m. Eastern time. Jodie, good evening. Welcome to the show. Great to have you here. How are you? Good evening, Mr. English. I am very well. And I'd like to thank you for having me on your wonderful, delightful show. And I am sorry to hear about your bad doughnut day. I don't want to pop the bubble of your bad doughnut. But something that came to my mind when you were talking about it. Yes. Were they specifically sold as jam doughnuts or was it a mixture of doughnuts? No, no. Some were plain and some were jam. Yeah, yeah. They were specifically sold as five jam doughnuts by a famous, you know, well-known high street brand supermarket brand. And, yeah, it was quite a thing. They were very fresh. They were certainly fresh of jam. There was no jam in them. I mean, what can you do? I didn't know where to turn, frankly. It's a shocking thing when it happens. So, yeah, I mean, the MP would be on the card. I know. I thought we might actually be able to put them to some use, really. I mean, what's this? Another jam doughnut complaint? Yes, Minister. It's getting out of hand. You know, it might be something that they could actually deal with. I mean, the idea that they could deal with anything, of course, is ludicrous. But there you go. So, yeah. Yeah. So I'm glad you've not had such a poor start to your day as I have. I've got over it, by the way. You know, it was quite a few hours ago. And I've been out doing the guttering today as well, which is very exciting. Stood up on the roof, shouting at the neighbors because you can look down upon them. Well, not shouting, but talking to them from a distance, making me an interesting figure, you know, as I'm hovering around the guttering on the roof. So that was all part of my day. But obviously, putting it aside, looking forward to talking with you now. And you were on with Dennis Fetcher at the weekend, and I caught that. And it was really wonderful. I wanted to sort of go over some of those points with you again. Certainly, the audience here at WBN and at Freefall Radio will not be too familiar with it. Maybe the listeners that speak free will be, I suspect, because you had a show there for a little while. But you've got quite an interesting tale to tell, I think. I mean, when I heard it through, I thought it was a very interesting tale to tell. And I just thought you might like to go into it a little bit to kick things off so that listeners can get to know a little bit about who you are and why you're here on this show, talking with me right now, that kind of thing. Absolutely. I feel like I'm on Mastermind, and your specialist subject is me. I'm going to buzz it. I should have brought one, shouldn't I? I hope I don't get anything wrong. No, no, you won't. We can't get anything wrong. It's all correct and breezy and wonderful. No, you won't get anything wrong. Gosh, where to begin? I guess I can begin where it all began. This part of my journey was the, gosh, I'll go to the middle of the beginning, which was the death of George Floyd. I guess people, whatever you want to call it, the dissident or the awake or the right, they talk about the red pill, your moment of truth, your moment of awakening. Mine was the death of George Floyd and how I witnessed the blow-up of that in England and America. I was living abroad at the time. I was an expat. I was living in Spain. I uprooted from my homeland that I didn't really feel connected with, and I disappeared for 10 years. Thanks to my dear friend Von Hash, who I know is listening, he had woken up to a certain group, a certain part of history, ongoing history, and he was feeding me information and telling me certain books to read and sending me to certain sites and certain articles. I was taken under his wing with truth. At the same time, I was very much living a very liberal existence. I am a yoga teacher. I'm a sound therapist. I was in the frame of mind. There is no truth. There is only what we feel, and it's all about how we feel. We just need to feel, and we just need to see the love and the light, and everything's okay, and everything's going to be okay, which I do believe it is because I'm a raving optimist. I stand to this point. I'm a raving optimist. I was in this middle of a liberal mindset, waking up to the dissident truth, actual real truth. I was watching certain podcasts, listening to certain podcasts, Mark Collette being one of them, of PA, Patriarchical Alternative, for those that know. Mark, in particular, was talking about the death of George Floyd and how he died and what the mainstream weren't telling us. I was in a group of friends who were therapists and healers, and they were very much on the side of the mainstream and on the side of what the media was saying. I knew I had to speak up. I was absolutely petrified because we are a tribal people. We are community-based. No one wants to be ostracized. No one wants to be the outcast. I knew instantly, if I started speaking up, it was like jumping into the lion's den, but I knew I had to do it. I'm also a Christian, and I was saying to God, not this, please don't make me do this, not this, anything but this. I spoke up, and one of my friends in that group, he was of mixed race. He and I started on a very deep conversation, he as a man of a mixed race background, me as a woman, and I didn't even know I was... This may sound stupid or unbelievable for people, but I didn't know I was white. I didn't see colour. I didn't see race. I just saw... Like I said, I saw the human race. Obviously, I knew there were distinctions when I looked at someone, but to me, race and ethnicity was as meaningful as the colour of someone's hair. It just didn't have meaning until my friend of mixed race sat down and started telling me that with this George Floyd episode, how his people were finally finding their voice. His people that were so downtrodden and oppressed and beaten were finally coming to stand up and say, what do you mean your people? It's our people. And he said, no, no, no. Your people, white people, particularly the English, are hated. He said, I've travelled the world, everyone hates the English. White people are oppressors, in inverted commas, the masters. His race, his people were the slaves. And he was talking to me so... I can't even think of the word, but like he was talking about what he just had for dinner. And the amount of white guilt that I felt in that moment was like a lifetime or a generation or a whole lineage. And I didn't mention this on Fetch's show. I have mentioned this on others' show. I felt so bad about being a white person and thinking, how have I been so blind to listen to Mark? I'm the bad guy. It's us. We're the problem. And I, for that moment, and thank, literally thank God for Von Hash, because I felt so guilty. I didn't feel I had a right to live. And I looked over my balcony and I thought, this is what we deserve. And it was horrific. I went into a complete anxiety, panic attack, thinking, the world's problems are ours. It's ours, it's ours. We are the problem. And then, thankfully, Von gave me a very friendly chat slap on the face as I was hyperventilating, crying, thinking, how can we repair the evil we've done in the world? And he just showed me some more articles, told me the truth. And my eyes were completely opened. And all my roots, what I thought were truth from history, what I thought was true from my lifetime, generations past, every single root in belief I had were being ripped up and pulled up. My red pill was super, super, super intense. And I was apolitical, completely apolitical, didn't care about politics, didn't know anything about politics other than left-right, which is now just the same, different wings of the same bird. And I, as a singer, I knew I couldn't stay quiet. And I had to be a presence in this battle, in this struggle, in this fight. And I started streaming on YouTube and sharing my story, sharing the truth. Hence, you and I got involved, thanks to Blackbird9. And in doing so, I ended up on live radio speaking to Keir Starmer, who's the leader of the opposition, possibly, potentially, the next Prime Minister. Oh, stop it with your jokes. Yes, yes, yes. And I ended up on a live radio show that has millions of listeners. And somehow, I ended up talking to him. The radio phoned me. There was a pre-stage to that. I don't know if people know the term groiping. I don't know if that's a term people know. But I was ringing radio shows to get the talking points out. Yes. From a previous talking radio show, this particular radio show phoned me back and said, we've got Keir Starmer on. We want you to speak with him. And live on this station, to millions of people, I questioned Keir Starmer about the nation-state law of Israel and how I, as a white British female, didn't have that same right in my own country. And then from there, literally, the national press got hold of it, found out who I was. And it stemmed from there that I became quite infamous for this racist, far-right conspiracy theory. What's this about the nation-state law of Israel? And fast forward, here I am. That's quite a tale, isn't it? It's quite a tale. It is quite a tale. And I think it's a very valid and powerful tale because I suspect you, like I, find this topic of race as a white person, when you're speaking to other white people, it's the most, how can you put it? It's the best topic to start if you want to clear a kitchen at parties, I've found. Yes? If you want to be left alone, start talking about that. Not that I get invited to many parties. Actually, I don't get invited to any. I don't think anybody's been invited to many because we've all been locked down or something, right? But, you know, if I were to be invited to a party and found out people were getting on my wick, then I'd just start talking about this. It's like a huge space opens up around you after two or three minutes. People slowly drift off to the lounge or whatever, and you can then attack the volavons or whatever you want to do. But that is quite a tale. It really is. You know, I heard you go over it again on Saturday, but I'm really glad you went over it again just then because maybe for women as well, it's maybe even more of a challenge. I don't know. Whatever it is, these sorts of talking points that are thrown at us all the time, most people don't know how to deal with them because, you know, like you were saying there earlier, it's not as if we have... We've certainly been trying to not even think of ourselves as a people for so long. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And when I was talking to my friend, he's no longer my friend, funnily enough, I said to him, I've never seen colour. And he said, that's your privilege. I've had to live with it my whole life. So you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't. We're just damned in that essence. And I think for women as well, if you look at most of the protests, whether it was the BLM or whatever protests, whatever has been going on, they're mainly white women because the white woman's heart is so full of nurturing love that it's this wanting to help, wanting to love, wanting to nurture. And they have abused that and sold this fake, false, directed our love in completely the wrong way, in the wrong direction. And I've said many times, I still see it now. And I said to my now friend, I said, that would be me at that protest. All this stop oil nonsense and whatever's going on, I was like, gosh, had I not looked and kept looking for the truth, I would be there with the BLM banner, I'd be there with the stop oil, I'd be tying myself to trees, covering myself in orange because that's where I was and that's where you think you're doing the most good. But I long for truth, however ugly, dark, horrible, scary, whatever it is, it's the truth. And when I was going through this journey and this process of awakening and finding the truth, my friends in the healing therapy world just kept saying to me, yeah, but just look for the light. Just look for the light. I said, there is a light, but there's a truth. Let's look for the truth. So, and then I ended up moving back to England. Yeah, it was a wild end of a journey, but I wouldn't change it. I really wouldn't change it. And what year was this, Jodie? When was this happening? How long ago? It started in lockdown, so 2020. Gosh. Yeah, 2020. Yeah. It's like a different universe of ways 2020, isn't it? Or 2019 is in comparison to how things have been, you know, unfolding and how we've been under the cosh since then. But that point you mentioned about about women's feelings, their empathy and all this kind of stuff, they've definitely been hijacked. I think there's a hijacking. You see, I did a show with someone a few months ago and the title was contentiously and intentionally done, Should Women Have the Vote? Right. And maybe I should do it here again, actually, because it's a really good topic. It's meant to be a little bit sturdy, right? The truth of it all, of course, is that no one's actually really got a vote that means anything anyway. It's just another big seduction to make you think that, you know, you're participating in democracy and all that kind of stuff. But I've often felt that because the women that end up going into politics are very dangerous, not for reasons that appear necessarily obvious, but because of this empathy and this caring, this nurturing quality that we rightly associate women with and which is their great strength. That quality is for the family. It's not really for anywhere else. You know, women are gifted with a caring and a management skill for the house. Of course, this got demeaned over the 60s and the 70s and the 80s. Oh, you don't want to be a housewife and all that kind of stuff. But the thing is that what they do with houses in terms of managing things is amazing. They apportion the love around to the children and to the husband, right? Because the husband needs a bit too. So they apportion the love around and they make sure that people are looked after and that bandages go on and that there's a kiss on the forehead at nighttime. All of this stuff, which is natural, they're looking after people. They make sure they cook the food. Oh, no, no, we don't do that anymore. I know, but they used to. My mom did. And they serve things up and they make sure that everybody gets fed. These are just things that you take for granted like an unconscious operating thing, although it's very different these days. But that's how it needs to be because that's where happy families lie. But if you take that quality, this quality of extending empathy and care and put it into politics, then it's very, very dangerous because now you get people saying, oh, we can have millions of people from this country come and live here and we can look after them and they're all going to be fine. And you've suddenly got the most desperately insane situation building up. It's totally out of whack. And, you know, we are enduring and we're going to continue to endure for some time yet. The terrible repercussions of this completely asinine situation, which is bringing all this ruin to everybody, such that people now don't even speak out against it because, you know, to do so means you're a white supremacist and all this other stuff, you know. And, of course, I must be a white supremacist because I had a white supremacist breakfast this morning. I had cornflakes and then I had a donut, you know, jamming it, you know. How supremacist can you get? I mean, it's just outrageous, you know. So they're going to throw these sort of criticisms at us all the time. But for the role of women, you see, to a great degree, they've attacked us as a race through the women. It's been devastating what's happened from the 1920s onwards. You know, it's not that men are against women working or anything like that. I'm not against any of that. But there's got to be a priority. And if no one's having families or raising children that are the better, that are better than their parents, what are we doing? Oh, we're making the economy good. Really? Well, that's not too interesting, frankly. How long is that going to last, you know? And that's really what we've been caught into. We're sort of in a, you know, sort of vortex of people focusing on all these other things. When, in fact, if there are no children and no families, what are we doing any of it for? You know, it kind of escapes me. It's just all going to disappear very rapidly. People think it couldn't, but it can. And I think that that's, you know, a great force that's being applied to us right now. And it all, well, it didn't all start from there. But one of the key leading movements was feminism. And, you know, we know who and where that came from. And it was this masculinizing, if that's even the word, of women, and feminizing of men. And women have to be the equal. And I want to earn as much money as you, so I'm going to earn as much money as you. If I do have children, I'm going to keep my children and send them to school so they can have the indoctrination that they're going to get from there. They're not going to have the mother's love. They're going to get this indoctrination from the, inverted commas, education. And the women are constantly striving and becoming, having to be really masculine, having to take over. And the men don't know their place. The women don't know their place because it's all been turned on its head. It's the inversion again. But, you know, women are beautiful. I mean, the shape of the woman, the woman is a beautiful being. We do love, we're very nurturing. And the empathy. And even through school, my younger years, and my later teenage years, I just had this urge to just help. And I was always drawn to the underdog. And even my parents, as a young age, said, you seem to just be drawn to those that need it most. I didn't necessarily know when I was in play school that the boy in the corner, his parents were separating or divorcing. I didn't know that. I just felt this little boy needed my love. So I'd go and hold his hand. And then I realised we're the underdog. And so I became a voice and a presence. And I've been quiet the last couple of months. It's been a real whirlwind these last three years. But I will continue. So women in politics. Does it work? Should we? But look at Laura. She's a huge prominent figure. And she's done amazing things. I made a huge statement. Like her or not, what's her name? Katie Hopkins. She's hugely funny. She makes it very funny. But she talks about politics. So put the women at home. Leave the women at home. Let them cook, bake, make the home. Look after children. Men make fire. Women make home. I think so. There's something sort of magnificent that's being lost. That's becoming detected as it gets lost. This whole thing of demeaning the housewife and everything is complete madness. Because I know even now to this day. Some of my most cherished times were as a young, as an infant and as a teenager. At home with my parents. Just being a family. Like just eating food together. And laughing around the table to see who could eat the most cake or donuts. Actually, my mom never made donuts. But whatever it was. These very small things that appear to be very small. This wonderful glue that bind us together. And the idea, I mean, you're talking about sending the women out to work and all this kind of stuff. How's that helped us then? It's absolutely ridiculous. One of my sons was asking me the other day. My father, he's no longer alive. But he bought the house that I grew up in in Leeds in 1962 for 2,000 pounds. 2,000 pounds it cost. And he said, how much did he earn? And I'm going, yeah, that's a really good question. I can't remember. Maybe about 30 pounds a month. Gosh. That would be like 2,000 pounds. No, no. Maybe it's more than that. I don't know. Maybe he's earning, he wasn't earning 2,000 pounds a year. Right? Because that was the price of the house. He wasn't earning that. There were no credit cards, no these things. Of course, I sound like we're going to start playing the nostalgia stuff now. But the point is that my mom didn't work. There were three of us. They had three children. And my mom didn't work. She only started working when we were teenagers in the mid-70s when she could. Because she wanted to for something to do. She didn't have as much to do at home. We'd stopped going through nappies and things by then and all that kind of stuff. Those days had gone. So there was more time to do certain things. Of course, she had a washing machine by then. They didn't have a washing machine. We didn't get one until I was about seven. It's bizarre, isn't it? So all of these sort of little things, it sounds awfully quaint that I'm saying this stuff. But the real point is that on one wage, my dad's, he could buy that house. My mom didn't have to go to work. Now, everyone has to go to work and no one can buy a house. Can they? No. No one can buy a house. Listen, we've only got you for an hour. We've only got you for an hour. I'd like you for 10. But we've only got you for an hour tonight. And there's something else that we want to talk about. So let's just take, I'm going to take a short break. I'm going to play a song by somebody called Jeff Winston. And then we're going to talk about him a little bit after this break. Here we go. Here we go. This one's very general. Robert E. Lee Was a proud man from Virginia Military Academy A master of strategy, a true leader They distinguished a gentle man He fought and he won the hand of Miss Custis Mother Washington's great grand girl Her daddy didn't want a soldier more hardy A house full of girls and boys Filled with the loving noise of family Robert served in Mexico He was often brought from home to country Slid across the Mason-Dixon line Led to a war in time after war Drank it up and fooled your man But he decided to take the stand for Dixie Mary Sainicraft is a club Judy is loyal of proportion Down the mood and way I'd come They fought like hell at Antietam with honor Ulysses and Robert E. Met to make a peace decree known as bloodshed At the Battle of Charlottesville Many men they showed their skill for the general They fought like hell at Antietam with honor Ulysses and Robert E. Met to make a peace decree known as bloodshed At the Battle of Charlottesville Many men they showed their skill for the general Once they gave us hell They're gonna hear the rebel yell Ah, ooh Once they gave us hell They're gonna hear the rebel yell Ah, ooh They're gonna hear the rebel yell Ah, ooh Once they gave us hell They're gonna hear the rebel yell Ah, ooh and Jeff was unfortunately I have to use that word a very interesting and visionary guy and Jody you know a little bit about him don't you I do I I I don't very often get lost for words but when I think of Jeff and I try and put into words what it is I want to say I feel like I come against this huge like wall of void and like nothingness because I just don't know I can't put it into words I I struggle so when I was living in Ibiza I was living abroad I had just gone through my huge journey of awakening my red pill my truth and recently discovered I do belong to the people and I was listening to PWR for those that know it was Mark's show and I've been listening for some time and this one particular show was with Jeff Winston and the White Art Collective and my ears were just transfixed on every word he was saying because not only had I recently discovered that I belong to a people but Jeff was bringing the artists together he was he was like a beacon whether visual artists poets songwriters musicians and he was he was bringing us together because not only we as a people are under attack but that is also our culture we just have to put the radio on and hear what the latest pop song is or the latest sitcom or movie or show and it it's horrific and it's lifeless and Jeff was bringing us all together and it was like a dissident artist on my own but yet here was Jeff with this White Art Collective bringing everyone together and and I wrote to him as he was talking to Mark I emailed him and said oh my word I'm an artist and I know and I yeah please how can I be involved and that was back in 2020 and I discovered on the Friday last Friday just gone that Harith announced Jeff's passing and I will never forget where I was and I just stood staring just I froze I didn't know I didn't know I just couldn't believe it and Jeff has left behind not only his his love and his best friend and his friends and his family but a three month old little girl I mean I can't even fathom I can't it's just so tragic it's tragic on so many levels on the personal level to his daughter to his love to his friends and family but as other people what he was doing and what he was accomplishing obviously Spotify the YouTubes the big the big platforms they don't like us they don't they don't want us making beautiful music they they don't like us and Jeff has made a platform for the cultural artists of our people to stream their work to highlight their work to promote their work away from this the system that hates us and he he had created that and now he's he's not here I can't I just I can't fathom it but I know there's a purpose for it if that makes sense I I'm utterly lost for words yeah yeah it's quite a thing because you obviously connected to him as you said through Mark in that interview at that time and I connected to him because of you because you had him on as a guest didn't you and I spoke to him two or three times and the reason why I had that track to play from him this evening is that maybe five or six months ago four or five months ago I lose track of time everything's sort of a blur he had sent me over a huge part of the WACK the White Art Collective catalogue and we had it available it was to be worked into certain things and I will speak to whoever's gonna pick up the reins at White Art Collective and carry on with it but it's a tremendous blow he was young the family circumstances are really just too much to be quite honest it's just you know these things are never good at any time but under circumstances like that it's it's as bad as it could possibly be I think and so my heart goes out to everybody that's connected with him his family and Tahirith and all of the people there even though they don't know me and I don't really know them I just spoke to Jeff two or three times I liked him a lot very bright articulate guy and you feel on the same wavelength very much for the sentiments that you've just expressed there which is that art the expression however you wanna see poetry poetry's gonna come back big time I feel real poetry poetry film music writing all of these things is a it's a vital glue that binds us together it's how we define our identity of who we are you don't think of that really so much because most of us certainly for most of my life it was not even questionable of course it's like that of course but now we see the very fabric of the platforms where we would normally sit and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 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