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Experiencing Personal Revival- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Experiencing Personal Revival- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The Renewal Life Christian Center is a ministry led by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. They focus on revealing Christ through teachings and the power of Christ. They offer counseling and can be contacted through phone numbers or WhatsApp. They are working towards improving their audio recordings and are trusting God to provide better equipment. The center encourages personal revival and believes that revival brings joy and rejoicing. They emphasize the importance of individual revival for the church and ministry to experience revival. Lack of revival can lead to depression, frustration, and inactivity in the work of God. Revival is seen as a cure for spiritual dryness and brings peace and joy. The Renewal Life Christian Center is an apostolic and teaching ministry that anchors on revealing Christ and Him crucified through expository teachings and the manifestations of the power of Christ. It is generally coordinated by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. For further inquiry and counsel, please contact us with these numbers. 234-802-671-9577 or 234-081-024-21675 or 234-807-599-6218 or WhatsApp us via this number. 234-802-671-9577 May you encounter God as you listen to this life-changing word. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. I'm so happy to be here again. God bless you all in Jesus' name. Before we come into today's message, which I believe is going to become blessings, the message will not only bless you, it will bless others through you. Because God will touch us tonight. And as many of us that are here, because we want a Reviver, a personal Reviver. The Lord will revive us. Are you with me? So, first of all, I want to celebrate our brethren that have been joining us weekly on our weekly activities. God bless you all in Jesus' name. Also, I want to thank our online brethren, listening to all through the podcasting channel that we have on Podbean. In case you don't know we have a channel on Podbean, please, after this message, just meet me. We are going to give you the name of our channel on Podbean. Or you can join the WhatsApp group and then our Telegram channel. Then you will get the notification. By the grace of God, we are trusting God that our audio recording will be very... We are trusting God to improve in that area as we trust the Lord to bless us more. So that He can provide us good equipment so that we can be able to record our messages so that they will become good for you to listen to. Are you with me? So we are working towards that and we are praying and trusting God to provide us a good recording equipment. I was discussing with a brother. Brother Tunde, I was discussing with Brother Divine Peter. Brother Divine Peter, I was discussing with him and I told him that we just need about 100,000 to have a good recording equipment by the calculation. And I know God will make provisions for that in Jesus' name. So I want to celebrate you and I want you to celebrate yourself. Thank you for always coming to our programs. And thank you for always joining our weekly programs. God bless you all in Jesus' name. Quickly, because of time, we have a wonderful topic, auditions tonight. And it's going to be a great blessing to as many that are here. As many that have, you know, that are experiencing some kind of Spegishwa dryness. I pray that God will revive you in Jesus' name. Last week we discussed on overcoming Spegishwa localness. And the topic, that message, in case you have not listened to the message, you can go to our Telegram channel. You will see it over there. Get hold of the message. Listen to it again and again. And I pray that God will cause revival through that message in your lives in Jesus' name. So also, after the message I gave you on testing for God, and I also gave you a message last week which really blessed a lot of lives because I got testimonies concerning the messages. So this moment in our today's program, I will be sharing with you a very, very important topic. And what I will be discussing with you is on experiencing personal revival. Experiencing personal revival. Shall we go to the Lord in prayers? Father, we thank you because we know you always bless us. We are asking you, Lord, that even in this message, in this meeting tonight, we pray that you bless us mightily in Jesus' name. Bless every heart. Bless every soul. Bless everyone. Give us the grace to understand every word that you will be communicating to us. And help us, O God, to experience personal revival in the name of Jesus. Visit our life. Visit our spirit, soul, and body. And cause revival in our lives in Jesus' name. Bless your children and bless me also. Thank you, Father, because you are always faithful. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Let us go to the book of Psalms, chapter 85, verse 4 to verse 6. I will be discussing with you on experiencing personal revival. Experiencing personal revival. Psalm 85. I will read from verse 4 to verse 6. Psalm 85. Please open your Bibles, please. Psalm 85, from verse 4 to verse 6. If you are there, I want us to read together. Turn us, O God, of our salvation, and cause thy anger towards us to cease. Will thou be angry with us forever? Will thou draw out thy anger to all generations? Verse 6. Will thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee? You must understand that there is a great connection between revival and rejoicing. A revived person is a rejoicing person. One of the things that revival does is that it brings joy to the life of that person. So whenever God revives a person, that person becomes joyous. But where there is no reviver, there will not be joy. That is why when you read from verse 4, it says, Will thou be angry with us forever? You see that the people now, they will experience a kind of life that was void of peace and joy. So they are to face it towards the Lord. Will you be angry with us forever? They believed that the reason they were going through this situation of life, the reason that there was affliction, they believed that it was because God was angry with them. But they are to recognize and acknowledge the fact that there is something that God needed to do to them in order for them to have a restoration of that joy. So the Bible says in verse 6, Will thou not revive us again that your people may rejoice? May I say to every one of us here that the moment there is a loss of joy, the joy of salvation is not there. The moment you lost the peace, the joy, there is a need for revival. The only thing you need to experience that will bring the restoration of that joy and peace is revival. So tonight I am discussing with you on experiencing personal revival. Just like the crying of the Samis, will thou be angry with us forever? Will thou not revive us again that your people may rejoice in thee? Just the way the Sami cries to the Lord, there is every need for you and I, and as many who are here that are experiencing spiritual weakness, and there is a need for revival for you. At a fellowship, we are crying to the Lord to revive the fellowship. At a church, we are asking God to revive the church again. And as individual believer, you need personal revival. Because for the church to be revived, individual believer must experience revival. For the church to experience a church revival or a congregational revival, there must be an individual revival. There must be personal revival. It is the accumulation of personal revival that we call a mass revival. So a nation cannot be revived if the people in that nation individually have not been revived. Think of this, if you are revived, and brother, this person is revived, sister, so and so is revived, and you are revived, this other sister is revived, this other brother is revived, that other brother is revived, and all the revived people come together for fellowship, it will be an explosion because individually they have experienced revival at home. They have experienced revival in their sacred place. So if there is personal revival in our lives, the fellowship will be revived. This ministry will be revived. So we can't talk about ministerial revival. We can't talk about congregational revival. If the people that are members of that fellowship, of this fellowship, of this ministry, if the people have not yet experienced individual revival, personal revival, so we can't talk about revival. So when you go to sister, so and so, she is angry, she is offended, she is unhappy. You visit brother, brother is offended. You visit this leader, the leader is offended, he is depressed, he is frustrated. You visit that brother, he is offended. You even visit our pastors, they are offended, they are depressed, they are discouraged. You visit our ministers, everybody is depressed. There won't be revival. So the Psalmist said, will thou not revive us again, that your people may rejoice. When there is revival, there will be rejoicing. If brother is rejoicing, sister is rejoicing, and this other person is rejoicing, mommy is rejoicing, daddy is rejoicing, and our elders in the fellowship are rejoicing, then there will be an explosion of joy in the fellowship because revival brings rejoicing. So you must discover that, you must know this idea or have this idea that where there is no revival, there is no rejoicing. There will be depression, there will be frustration, there will be stagnancy, there will be unwillingness. People will become unwilling to carry out the work of God. As a minister of God, all your workers will become inactive because they are not revived. So there will be inactiveness in the work of God. People will begin to give excuses why they will not be able to attend the choir practice. Are you with me? You give responsibility, they are not doing it. Everybody begins to miss meetings. It is a sign that there is a need, there is a call for revival. Revival is an antidote for that sickness. Revival is a cure for that problem, for that sickness. So you must understand this. The Psalmist say, we are going to revive us again that your people may rejoice. When you meet people that need revival, one of the signs you will see in their lives is that there is no joy of the Lord. There is no peace, there is no joy. Yes, there is no peace, there is no joy. Every time you meet a believer that is living in sin, a backslidden believer, a believer that has departed from the way of Christ, or an hypocrite, one of the things you will experience about their lives is that there is no joy. There is no rejoicing in them. So the Psalmist said, we are going to revive us again that your people may rejoice. That your people may rejoice. Isaiah chapter 57, verse 15. Isaiah chapter 57, verse 15. Isaiah 57, I read verse 15. The Bible says in verse 15 of Isaiah. Please open your Bibles. Chapter 57, verse 15. For thus saith the eye and the love to one, for thus saith the eye and the love to one, that inhabited eternity. Whose name is holy. I dwell in the eye and holy place. With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit. To revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. To revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. You see God's interest in reviving, but then he laid down the condition of the people he can revive. But I want to say the spirit of the contrite heart, and the spirit, that means a broken and a contrite heart, will not be far away from revival. That is why the prophet Esamu said, David said, that God will not despise a broken and a contrite heart. A broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will never despise. It's one of the ways to secure eternal revival. When God looks at you and he sees a broken spirit and a contrite heart, there is contrition. God will have no choice but to revive that person. Because the Bible says that he gives grace to the humble. And who is an humble person in that regard? An humble man or an humble woman is a contrite heart and a broken spirit. It's such a person that God described to be an humble person. And he said he gives grace to the humble. He gives grace to the humble, but he receives the proud. The Bible says, David said in the book of Psalm 51 verse 17, that a broken and a contrite heart, God will not despise, O Lord. So the Bible has spoken to us here now in Isaiah chapter 57 verse 15. God said that he will revive the contrite heart and the broken spirit. And that is what God is interested to do to us tonight. If he sees these qualities in us, he will be willing to revive as many of us coming here that are in this place, that are weak spiritually. As many of us that have lost touch with God, God is willing to revive us. When we talk about reviver, there are just a few points I want you to understand. Number one, reviver means reawakening of a sleeping person. When you see someone that is sleeping, and then you go to reawake that person, it means you have revived that person. So reviver means reawakening. Reawakening means that the people are spiritually sleeping. And when you are spiritually sleeping, it means that you are not conscious of the current move in your environment. So reviver is needed. Reviver means spiritually reawakening. Number two, reviver means bringing back to consciousness. Someone that is unconscious, fainted, fainted believer, fainted believer that is unconscious, reviver means that you bring that person back to consciousness. So when we are saying God revive us again, we are saying Lord bring us back to consciousness of your presence. God wants to become conscious of your presence. God wants to become conscious of you again. One of the characteristics of a wicked person, the Bible says in the book of Psalm chapter 14, it says that a wicked person does not have God in his mind. A wicked person does not have God. It says God is not in his thoughts. God is not in his thoughts. It means that that person is not conscious of God. You can love a church, you can love church, you can love Christian activities, but you are not conscious of the presence of God. You are not conscious of the Holy Ghost. You need reviver. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to your mind is not God. For God is not in your thoughts. At that point you need the bringing back to consciousness. That is reviver. Number three, reviver means restoration to former states. It means restoration to former states. When you have left the states where you were, where you had encounters with God, and the Lord is asking you to return back to Bethel, and God is asking you to return back to the place of encounter, that means you need reviver. Because reviver is the restoration to former states. Restoration to your initial place of encounter with God. The Bible says that those that are in the flesh cannot please God. There is a true location as far as it concerns spirituality. We are the location of the flesh, and we are the location of the spirit. The Bible says walk in the spirit. And you shall not forfeit the loss of the flesh. And the Bible says those that are in the flesh cannot please God. So these are two different locations. If you are in the spirit, you cannot be in the flesh. If you are in the flesh, you cannot be in the spirit. So what is reviver in this regard? Reviver means being taken back to the spirit after leaving the spirit to the flesh. Maybe your current state, your present life is full of flesh. If we go and shake the works of the flesh, we will begin to see some characteristics, the works of the flesh in you. Maybe currently you have left the place of the spirit. Currently you have left the place of the spirit. You are not in the flesh. Because of the cares of this world, you left the place of the spirit. You are not in the place of the flesh. Because of the entrainment and the pleasures of this world, you left the spirit. You are not in the flesh. And those that are in the flesh cannot please God. And you find it difficult to obey the scripture because you are currently living in the flesh. You find it difficult to keep to the instruction of God because you are in the flesh. You find it difficult. You cannot obey God in the flesh because those that are in the flesh have not the capacity, they have not the capability, they have not the ability to obey God. In the flesh, you do not have the strength, the stamina to obey God. So you must understand this, that for you to keep to God's instruction, you must be a man and a woman of the spirit. So one of the things that gives us the energy of obeying God is when we abide in the spirit. So those that are in the flesh cannot please God. Walk in the spirit. And you shall not forfeit the loss of the flesh. So what is revival in this regard? It's a restoration. You will walk in the spirit. You began in the spirit. You are not perfecting in the flesh. You began in the spirit. You are not ending in the flesh. When you have a encounter with God, when you got born again, it was in the spirit. You started in the spirit. You were birthed by the Holy Ghost. You were born of the spirit. But now you have been perfected in the flesh. So what is revival in this regard? Revival is God taking you back to the location of the spirit. That is revival. So when God has brought you back to the location of the spirit, how will you know that God has restored you back to the spirit? It's that the fruit of the spirit and the gift of the spirit will begin to find expression through you. I repeat, how will you know that God has restored you back to the spirit? It is that the fruit of the spirit and the gift of the spirit will begin to find expression through you. So they that are in the flesh cannot please God. For they that are in the spirit will always please the Lord. Because the fruit of the spirit will become their characteristics. So understand this, that revival is needed every time you have departed from the way of the spirit. Revival is needed every time you have relocated to the flesh. Every time you have relocated to the flesh, every time you go to masturbation, you practice masturbation, every time you practice fornication, every time you practice drunkenness, smoking, drinking, humanizing, every time you practice sin, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, vanity, immorality, evil speaking, licentiousness, every time you practice sin, the works of the flesh, it means that you have degenerated yourself. You have degenerated yourself to the flesh. What is regeneration? It's leaving the flesh to the spirit. What is degeneration? It's leaving the spirit to the flesh. So understand this, that revival is needed so that God can bring you back to the place of the spirit. What is revival? Revival also means resuscitation back to life. Resuscitation back to life. If you have met those that work in the medical world, when someone is unconscious, or maybe a patient, a patient is in the state of coma, then we say there is a need for resuscitation. Then we have to resuscitate. Then we try to resuscitate that patient back to life. So that is revival, resuscitation. It means that this is a big issue of death process. And then you are being restored, you are being resuscitated back to life. That is revival. There are people that have been in the church, the Bible talks about the church in Sardis in Revelation chapter 3 verse 1. It says unto the church of the sword, unto the church in Sardis, write, He that hath the seventh spirit of God, and the Bible went further, it said, I know thy works, for thou hast a name that thou livest, for thou art dead. You have a name that you are existing, but you are spiritually dead. You are spiritually dead, although you have the name that you are existing. Because every time you open your mouth to pray in the church, people see a gravity, a seriousness in prayer through your voice. But then, in the sight of God, you are a dead man. Every time you come to social media, and you put a post, everybody celebrates you, but in the sight of God, you are a dead man. Who is a dead man? It is that man that is dead in sin. The Bible says in the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1, it says, for ye are dead, for ye have been quickened, who were dead in sin. So the moment you start practicing sin as a man of God, as a woman of God, as an evangelist, as a pastor, apostle, prophet, the moment you start having relationship with sin, you are a dead person. Enter the church in sadist rites, for they have a name that they are alive. Do you know what it means to have a name? To have a name means that they were popular. They were popular. They appear to be alive in the sight of men, but in the sight of God they were dead. They have a name that they were alive, but they were spiritually dead. So they need resuscitation. They need a reviver to bring them back to life. Jesus said that the word I speak unto you be of their life and their spirit. And Jesus said that it is the eternal life. That means for a man to be dead, it means that he has departed from Christ. Because being in Christ is to be in eternal life. Being after Christ is to be in death. So we need resuscitation. We need reviver. When there is spiritual death, it means that you start walking in darkness. Because if you are walking in darkness, you are spiritually dead. You are spiritually dead. You won't have the ability to discern between good and evil. You begin to practice iniquity. You begin to swim in a rush of death. And the Lord is saying that the only thing you need at this point is for you to leave activities and run back to Him. You have to separate yourself from men. When you observe that you are not sinning against God. You are not living in sin. You can't overcome. You are practicing sin daily. You need to run back to God. You need reviver. And that is what we are teaching you. That is what the Lord is teaching us even this evening. Who are those that need personal reviver? Number one, backsliders. Who are those that need personal reviver? Number one, backsliders. Backsliders need personal reviver. Who is a backslider? A backslider is a believer who has departed from the way of the spirit and has degenerated to the way of the flesh. Who is a backslider? A backslider is that man, that woman that began in the spirit but is now made perfect in the flesh. Who is a backslider? A backslider is that believer who has started with his burning for the Lord but now he has departed from the Lord practicing iniquity and walking in the flesh. Who is a backslider? A backbeliever that was once in Christ but is no longer in Christ. The Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things are passed away and behold everything become new. So when you are in Christ old things must pass away. When you leave Christ old things must come back again. So personal reviver is needed. Number one for a backslider. A backslider has no relationship with the scripture again. A backslider has no relationship with God again. He has departed from the ways of God. Number two, a lukewarm believer. A lukewarm believer. Who needs personal reviver? Number two, a lukewarm believer. In case you have not gotten the message on overcoming spiritual lukewarmness try to go and get it. There was much emphasis on spiritual lukewarmness. But number two, lukewarm believer. Lukewarm believer needs reviver. Who is a lukewarm believer? They are neither cold nor hot. How? You see them. They are seen in church carrying out spiritual activities but in the secret they don't read their Bible. In the secret they don't pray again. They don't read their Bibles again. They don't pray again. Spiritual lukewarm believers they are not outrightly committing sin. No, you can't say they are committing fornication but they commit sin like lying. You see them. They have lost the seed. They have lost the passion. They have lost the fire. They have lost the commitment and the consecration they once had for the Lord. There is a spiritual coldness. They are not practicing any outright sin but they are very cold. They are very lukewarm. They can't even serve the Lord well again. They can come to church. They can do the work of God. They can even preach. They can teach Sunday school but in the secret they don't have relationship with God again. They don't have personal fellowship with God again. It has been a long time they spent minutes on their knees praying. It has been a long time they spent hours praying. It has been a long time. They studied the scripture for hours. It has been a very long time. They have no interest for evangelism again. Although in church activities you still see them sing. You still see them preach. You still see them do the ushering work. You still see them in the prayer warrior department. They are the form of godliness but they have denied the power they are of. So lukewarm believers need revival. And then number three is the discouraged believers. The discouraged believers. These are those that are very very discouraged. They are discouraged with life. They are discouraged with continuity in the Christian work. They are even discouraged in ministry. They are discouraged in going to church everyday. They feel that how will I be going to church everyday. Some of you we are telling you come to fellowship. Come to fellowship. And you start feeling like how will I be coming to fellowship every week. How will I be coming to fellowship every week. So you have reasons not to attend our weekly activities. You have reasons not to attend our weekend activities. There is a spiritual lukewarmness. Although every time you attend every Sunday we see you we see you burning. We see you preaching. But during the weekly activities for evangelism we will never see you there. There is a spiritual lukewarmness. And then we talk about discouragement. They are spiritually discouraged. Discouraged in serving the Lord. The moment you begin to perceive discouragement. Discouraged to pray. Discouraged to read the Bible. Discouraged to serve the Lord. You need personal revival. And let me say this before you start asking. How will I be able to experience personal revival? Because some of you now what will be going through your mind is Man of God. I think what you are talking about is about me. But if I tell you how you can come out from that spiritual state of degeneration. If I tell you how you can experience personal revival. Let me say this to you. What personal revival will do or will achieve in your life. If there is personal revival these are the things that will happen to you. Number one there will be a restoration of first love. There will be a restoration of first love. Have you forgotten how you serve the Lord? How you love the Lord? When you nearly got born again. There was a strong love that you had for the Lord. You love Jesus. You love his word. You love reading the Bible. You love praying. You love attending fellowship. With all it's the first love. The Bible says in the book of Revelation chapter 2. When Jesus was speaking to the church in Ephesus. Verse 5. He said remember where they had fallen. And repent. He said for they have left their first love. Verse 4. For they have left their first love. Verse 5 said remember where they had fallen. And repent. When you leave your first love. The work of God will begin to soften your ends. When the first love has gone. You will not see any. When you got born again. You could spend all through the night reading the scripture. Have you forgotten when your parents were almost getting angry with you. But every time you were just reading the Bible. Every time the Bible. What is happening now. That two days you have not opened the pages of the scripture. In those days when we call you and we shake your Bible. All through your Bible we are seeing just blue, red and black ink. You were just designing your Bible with pen. Because every time you were reading your Bible. There were revelations coming from the Lord. That you began to write on the pages of the scripture. But when we take your Bible and shake through your Bible. Your Bible look very beautiful. Look very clean. There is no stain of Bible. Because you don't read the Bible again. So when there is restoration of first love. There will be restoration of that love for the Bible. Love for evangelism. Love for fellowship. Love for the work of God. Number two. When there is personal revival. There will be restoration of bonny zeal and hunger. There will be restoration of bonny zeal and hunger. Restoration of bonny zeal and hunger. Yes, when the Lord has finally revived you. You begin to experience the restoration of bonny zeal and hunger. Bonny zeal and hunger. If the Lord has revived you. You will start experiencing the restoration of bonny zeal and hunger. You begin to have hunger. Nobody need to suggest prayer or fasting to you before you pray. Because when there is restoration of hunger and bonny zeal. You will go and have personal vigil in the church. You will not wait for the monthly church program. You will go and have personal retreat. You will go on three-day dry fasting. Two-day dry fasting. One-day dry fasting. There will be an hunger for the presence of God. You will go on personal fasting. You will go on personal retreating. Because there is hunger for God. So when there is personal revival. There will be restoration of a bonny zeal and hunger for God. Number three. There will be re-empowerment of personal commitment. Re-empowerment of personal commitment. You know your personal commitment. Maybe some of you, you read three chapters of the Bible every day. That was your commitment. Three chapters of the Bible you were reading every day. Every day you must go through three chapters of the Bible. Whether you were busy or not. Whether you had time. Don't say you were creating time for the Bible. Not now you keep saying that I have no time. I have no time. But you have time to spend two hours on social media. You have time to spend eight hours in your marketplace. You can create eight hours in your place of work. But you can't create twelve hours with description. So when there is re-empowerment of personal commitment. You will return back to your daily Bible chapters. That you were reading. You will return back to your prayer time. You were praying always. Every six in the morning. Every five in the morning. This was your quiet time. And now you have not that fire again. You don't wake up to pray again. You don't even have prayer time. You were praying. Have you forgotten your prayer watch? You were praying by six in the morning. You were praying by twelve in the afternoon. You were praying by three in the afternoon. You were praying by six in the evening. You were praying by nine in the night. And this was the thing that kept you on fire. And now those things are not there again. Have you forgotten your days of evangelism? Are you at personal days for evangelism? I mean I am talking about your personal days. Not your church evangelism days. And you have to be involved. Prayer and preaching. Following up believers. Where is that fire? Where is that zeal? What happened to you? And the Lord is saying that we need reviver. That you need reviver to return back to that position that you were in Christ before. Number five. Number four. There will be reconnection with the presence of God. There will be reconnection with the presence of God. When personal revivers come. There will be reconnection with the presence of God. You don't need to pray for so long. Before you enter the presence. Because every time you lift up your voice. You walk into the presence of God. There will be a reconnection. This was the time you were hearing God anywhere anytime. Now it is up for you to hear the voice of God. Because we are still very far from the voice of God. From the presence of God. It is in the presence of God we can capture the voice of God. It is in the presence of God. We can easily receive the instructions of God. You have been far away. You have been disconnected from the presence of God. When there is personal reviver. There will be reconnection back to the presence of God. So you begin to hear God. God can speak to you anytime. You are not even falling asleep. You are having vision. You are having trance. You are having revelation. Dreams are coming to you. Every time you close your eyes you see God. You see angels. There is angelic encounter. But now you are becoming stranger to these things. Because you have been disconnected. You are disconnected from the presence of God. And the Lord is saying that you need reconnection. And it is only personal reviver that can bring reconnection back to the presence of God. Only personal reviver that can bring reconnection back to the presence of God. Number five. There will be reawakening of passion for God's holiness. Reawakening of passion for God's holiness. When you were born for the Lord. If personal reviver has come to you. There will be a restoration of a born in passion. Reawakening of a born in passion for God's holiness. You begin to cherish holiness. You begin to make holiness your watchword. Every immorality, impurity that exists between you and the opposite sex. You cut those things off. You close that and you cut off anything that connects you back to the world. You understand the place of love not the world. None of the things that are in the world. For if any man loves this world, the love of the Father is not in him. Yea, adultery and adulterous is not yet not. But friendship with this world is immunity with God. And whosoever loves this world is an enemy of God. When there is reawakening of passion for God's holiness. You begin to put a difference between clean and unclean. You begin to avoid and abstain and run away from every appearance of evil. Now you are playing with sin because there is no reviver. You touch sin, you eat sin, you are patient with sin. You tolerate sin. It is because we have lost the place of reviver. We have lost the place of God. We have lost the place of passion for God's holiness. Worldliness are taking over our hearts. The cares of this world, the cares of this world. Even ministers of God, some of you that are here. Listen it to me. You are gradually being taken away. What is your agenda? What is your intention of always posting your programs? Posting your messages online. Is it because you want Jesus to be glorified? Or you want to be connected? You are looking for more invitations. You want men to invite you. You think that your momentum in the spirit is gained by as much invitations you have. Everywhere you go to preach. Don't you preach so that you can be invited again. Do you preach because you want to promote Christ in every act? Do you preach because you want to promote Christ in every act? So when we begin to love this world, we begin to think on how to please the world. But you must understand that we need personal reviver. As soon as I send out my message, you that are here. You ministers listening to me. You need personal reviver. I thank God for your life. I know you are assisting me. I know you are supporting. I know you are faithful. Some of the workers here, you are faithful. But let me say this to you. That you need personal reviver. You need reviver. The awakening of passion for God's holiness. Number six, we need restoration of spiritual gift. When there is personal reviver, there will be restoration of personal. There will be restoration of spiritual gift. When there is reviver, there will be restoration of spiritual gift. We often hear the gift of speaking in tongues. I'm still waiting to hear the gift of interpreting of tongues. The reason interpretation of tongues are not much is because majority of the gift we have are not from God. Because when there is true reviver, God will begin to release the full gift of the spirit. Not only speaking in tongues. God will begin to release the prophetic. God will begin to release men with discerning spirit. God will begin to release men that can give world of knowledge, world of wisdom. God will begin to release men that can interpret tongues and speak in tongues. When the gift, when the reviver of God comes. Go and check, read the history about the reviver in Azusa. When the reviver came upon Azusa, in Azusa street, William Samuel. When the reviver came, there were men that were speaking and interpreting tongues. That is reviver. That is reviver. When it comes upon you, there will be restoration of spiritual gift. The spiritual gift that has ceased, that we have not been hearing about. We have not been seeing in the church. We have not been seeing much. Everything we hear about is speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is not the Holy Spirit. It is not the Holy Gifting. But, until we cry for reviver, until you go back and pray for reviver. There won't be restoration of spiritual gift. So, these are the benefits of experiencing reviver. As congregation, as nation, as community, and as individual. When you experience personal reviver, the Lord will deposit spiritual gift in you. When it comes upon you, reviver is God's visitation to unworthy people. But, let me put it this way. Reviver is God's visitation to an unworthy person or unworthy people. So, when God decides to visit a people, it is not because they are worthy. It is because they are unworthy. That is what we call grace or merited favor. So, when God has decided to visit you, it is not because you merit it. And that is why I don't believe that reviver can be organized. I don't believe that reviver can be organized. I don't believe we can organize reviver. Because, when it comes, it is unpredicted. It is unprecedented. When it comes, it comes like a wind. You don't know where it is coming from, but it comes. When reviver comes, it will come. But, as an individual, what can you do to sustain the revival of God? We know that it cannot be predicted. I know that it cannot be organized. But, there are some certain characteristics we can put on that can make God to visit us. Like where we read in the book of Isaiah chapter 57 verse 15. It says if we revive the broken heart and the contrite heart and the broken spirit. That is an assurance God has given to us. That we can be in that posture and organize. We can be in that posture and invite His presence. We can invite the presence of God to come and dwell in our midst. So, what can we put on? As an individual believer that wants to experience personal revival. What are the things you can put on? What is the position you should be? Number one, you must be distressed in sin. You must be tired of the state you are. You must be distressed in sin. Look at what the Bible says in our text, Psalm 85 verse 4. They say, will God be angry with us again? These people, they were tired in their condition. They were tired in the condition that they were. They say, will God be angry with us forever? Will God be angry with us forever? The first thing you need to do, you must be dissatisfied with your sinful state. If you are committing sin and you are enjoying the state you are, it means that you are not ready for personal revival. You must become dissatisfied. You must become tired of the state you are. You must become unhappy with the state you are. You must become distressed with the state you are. That is the first thing you need to do. You must become uncomfortable. You must say, Lord, I am not happy. Though I am fornicating, but I am not happy. You must begin to become distressed. You are drinking, you are not happy. There is nothing that can give you joy again. You are womanizing. You are prostituting. There is no joy. You are stealing. There is no joy. Until you become distressed in sin, God will see no need to visit you. That is number one. The number two is realization. After you become distressed, you masturbated and you are full of guilt. You are not happy with the state you are. You may be praying for days, you are not happy. After you become dissatisfied, number two, you must realize. There must be realization. You must remember. You must realize and say, Lord, I am a sinner. Remember the prodigal son. After he had gone to a far country, when he had started feeding swine and eating the food made for swine, he became distressed in it. He became distressed. He was tired in that life. You see, the reason you have not yet seen need to return back to God is because you are still finding pleasure in that sin you are committing. The moment pleasure ceases, you become distressed in it. That was the state of the prodigal son. The moment his money got finished, pleasure became distressing. And then number two, he realized. He realized that he had a father who is a king, and he needed to return back to his father. So there must be realization. Realization. You must realize that, oh, I have to return back to God. I am a sinner. I am a sinner. In fact, the prodigal son said that he was not worthy to be his father's son, that his father should make him just one of his servants. That was the state he was in. He realized his sinful state. So you must realize you are not worthy. Then number three, you must repent. You must repent. After realization, repent. When I talk about repentance, I'm not just talking about you crying because you can be sorrowful and yet not repented. Repentance in this regard means you confess your sins to God. Then number two, you renounce your sin. You renounce. You forsake. You forsake your sin. When you are repenting, you do not keep the contact number of your sin partner. You do not maintain WhatsApp chat with your sin partner. If you are repenting, you are blocking the WhatsApp contact, the social media account of your sin partner. You block them. You delete their contact. You delete their phone numbers. If you say you are repenting, you leave that house where you are committing sin, the house of your boyfriend, the house of your sin partner. You pack your load and leave. That is forsaking of sin. That means that you are not ready for repentance. You are ready for revival. If you are still living with your sin partner, you are still cohabiting with your sin partner, there is no how, there is no way you can experience revival. So you need to come out from the home, from the apartment of your sin partner. You need to live there. Some of you might say, but Apostle Peter says, does it mean that? Mean what? Why are you arguing? You are thinking about what you are going to lose. But you are not thinking about the presence of God that you have lost. You are thinking about the taste of this world you are going to miss. You are thinking about the money, the wealth you are going to miss. Because your sin partner only gives you money. You are thinking about the advantages you are going to miss. But you do not understand that you have missed the kingdom. You have missed the presence of God. You have missed life and spirit. So for you to experience this, you must come to the place of separation. Separating yourself from incompleteness. Separating yourself from unrighteousness. You must repent and forsake your sin. You must confess your sin to the Lord and forsake your sin. That is how you obtain revival. Number four. There must be returning to personal commitment. You return back to your personal commitment. You return back to your commitment. You always wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning. 3 a.m. you are always praying. That is your quiet time. Return back to eat. You always have evangelism every Friday. Return back to eat. You always have days of fasting. You fast twice a week. Return back to eat. Your personal commitment of visiting the needy. Go back to eat. Your personal commitment of paying your tithe. Giving to the work of God. And sowing seed into the lives of the orphans. The poor and the needy. Return back to eat. You return back to those things that brought a canter. You return back to those things that made God to visit you. You return back to those things you were not doing when you were praying for the Lord. You return back to your personal commitment. Day number 5. You have faith believing in Christ's resurrection power. After you have returned back to your commitment, you put your faith in Christ's resurrection power. He said, I am the resurrection and life. So you put your faith in Him. Resurrection is another word for reviver. Whosoever has been resurrected has been revived. So you must understand that Christ has the resurrection power. So you put your faith in Him. And God will visit you. I believe you are blessed. Yes, I know you are blessed. You don't need to tell me. You are blessed. I know some of you that are here, your hearts are broken. Your hearts are broken. You are even asking, Oh God, this message is for me. If this message is for you, just go into prayer. Just when you are, don't stand up. Just fall down there and begin to pray. Don't stand up. Just fall down and say, Lord, Lord, you have spoken to me. You have spoken to me. You have spoken to me. Lord, this message is for me. It's for me. Revive me. I tell Lord to revive you. Where did it go? I need a fresh reviver. I need a fresh reviver. I need a fresh reviver. I need a fresh reviver. I hope your mouth can begin to open. I hope your mouth can begin to open.

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