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The Blessings Unto Riches- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

The Blessings Unto Riches- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The speaker is discussing the importance of applying teachings and principles from the Bible in order to experience transformation and prosperity. They talk about the concept of Goshen, which is a mindset rather than a physical location, and how it relates to experiencing blessings and prosperity in difficult times. They emphasize the need to communicate value to others in order to receive financial blessings. They also mention the importance of upgrading skills and adding value to keep up with the changing economy. The speaker concludes by highlighting the blessings that make one rich without adding sorrow. Halelujah, I thank God Almighty, and this special program is going to help you. I've been having a series of programs with the brethren here in Lagos, and for those that are not always attending the meetings, there is no way you can help me and help us because, you see, I'm not just a preacher that preaches because we need your offerings and your tithes. Inasmuch the work of God needs those things, you see, our primary concern is to observe your transformation. We want to believe that the things we are teaching you, they are causing transformations in your life. And that is why, every one of you, I try to have a personal relationship with you so that I will be able to question you and to find out if there is application of every word the Lord has been giving to us. So before we go into the message this morning, I want to first of all ask you this question. Have you applied all the teachings that have been coming for some years, for some months, some of you that join us for some months, have you applied the teachings? And if you have not applied every teaching coming, I don't know how you are going to, you know, benefit from the things the Lord is communicating to us about. Every time the Lord gives us a message, God always has intention, and the intention of the message is that we should apply it. So, what I will be discussing with you this morning is not just ordinary message, it is something you should sit down, meditate on it, and apply it. When you apply whatsoever we are giving to you, that is where the grace backing up the message will start producing results in your life. In this morning, we have a very special program, special meeting, and special topic. And what we will be discussing this morning is something that the Lord has been wanting to share with us. And I believe that sharing this with you will be a great blessing to you. Most especially in a time like this where it appears as if the economy of Nigeria is crashing down, and things are on the increase, yet the citizens are not able to obtain the basic necessities of life. So, the Lord is giving us a message so that even in Egypt, there can be Goshen for us. And Goshen is not just a location, Goshen is a mindset in this perspective. You know in the Old Testament, Goshen was a location in Egypt, or close to Egypt, and that was where the people of God were dwelling, and they were prospering in Goshen. Now, we are not talking about Goshen as a location now. We are talking about Goshen as a transformation of mind. So, we needed to be transformed in our mind to experience the life of Goshen. So, in the Old Testament, it was a place of relocation. So, all you have to do is to relocate from where you are to Goshen, so that you can partake in the prosperity that was taking place in Goshen. But in this New Testament, in our time, the Lord is opening the door of Goshen unto us. But the door of Goshen is not a location. The door of Goshen is not a place in Nigeria we have to go. The door of Goshen is actually a transformation of our mind into that position in the Spirit. And that is why the Lord is bringing a revelation to us, to be able to guide and to help us into the benefits that are in Christ, and God will help us in Jesus' name. Let us turn our Bibles quickly to the book of Proverbs, chapter 10, verse 22. Proverbs, chapter 10, verse 22. I want to believe that you don't just listen, you also open your Bibles. Proverbs, chapter 10, verse 22. The Bible says in verse 22 of Proverbs, chapter 10, it says, The blessings of the Lord make it rich, it make it rich, and He added no sorrow with it. The blessings of the Lord make it rich. Now, the riches is not the blessings. There is a separation, you can separate the blessings from the riches. But then, it is the blessings that produces the riches, and not the riches that produces the blessings. And this is something you must understand when you are reading your Bible. You must be able to obtain and to follow principles. I discovered that most of us, we read our Bible, but that we cannot separate principles from promises. When you are studying the Bible, principles are meant to be obeyed. Are you with me? So, you don't apply faith. Like, for example now, Paul the Apostle said, Let him that walketh not, let him not eat. That is a principle. The principle there is that if you don't walk, you won't eat. And it is not something of faith that you start saying, By faith I eat. No, you will never eat. So, what Paul was saying is that you have to obey principles. There is principle for life. There is scriptural principle for life. That as long as you walk, you will keep eating. Are you understanding me now? So, if you don't communicate values, you won't be able to eat. Money doesn't come because people love you. Money comes because you communicate values to them. And that is your work. Because when we talk about this work, this thing is in different dimensions. It can be a laboring work. A laboring. That means you are a laborer. Like, for example, a security officer. You are those working in the farm. You are those doing physical work. This is work. It can produce money for you. Also, there is mental work. Mental work. But in all this, you have to communicate values. So, there are people that make money from counseling. They just give you counseling. We call them counselors. Psychologists. And these people, whenever you come to them, they don't do any physical, hefty work. All they do is to communicate knowledge to you. Communicate the wise counsel to you. And you pay for it. So, if there is no value to communicate, money will not come to you. So, money is a currency that flows wherever value is found. So, one of the ways you control money to your side. The reason it is called currency is because it is like a liquid. Are you with me now? It's like a liquid. Just like you pour water on the floor and then you start carving paths for the water to flow through. There is a way you can carve that path. You can carve it. You can carve the path and the water will flow to the desired destination you want that water to flow to. So, money is like a water. That's why they call it currency. It can flow. So, you connect to money. You allow it to flow to you by the communication of values. To those that are close to me, you see, your values determine the kind of money that comes to you. The kind of value you communicate determines the kind of money that comes to you. And this is why when we are talking about the issue of money, because the topic I'm sharing with you is the blessings unto riches. Now, talking about this topic, those that are close to me, I keep telling them that for you to be satisfied with the level you are, it's for you to remain in a particular destination or position of which after a few years later, you will start regretting why you remained there. Because, as you see, changes is constant and you need to keep upgrading to meet the new desirable position that meets the demands of the society. Because things are getting expensive and if, for example, in 1990s, in the 90s, if, for example, your salary was 5,000 Naira in the 90s, your salary was 5,000 Naira or we can say, okay, using the dollar estimation today, let me say your money is about $10. That was 2000 and 1990, your money, your salary is $10. Now, if that was a huge amount of money, if that was a big money, like if that was a good salary for you in 90s, it's no longer a good salary for you in this 2023. Why? Because value has increased. Now, the currency of Nigeria, value has dropped down but the currency as dollar has increased. Are you getting me now? Now, what am I trying to communicate to you is that the money that was being paid to you as 5,000 Naira in 90s, if that decent amount of money is paid to you now, you won't take it. So, what you should do is that you won't carry the value of 90s and display it in this time and still want to get, you know, the currency that is required for this time. So, what you have to do, you have to upgrade yourself. You have to keep adding values to you. People pay values, they pay for services. And let me say this to you, I believe in prayer, I believe in supernatural provision of God. But you see, the greater part of your divine provision will come through your skills, talents or your, you know, your value you communicate to the society. So, if there is no service you render to the communities, the society where you dwell, the society will not be able to pay you back. You communicate service to them, you communicate values to them and they pay for services. And this is how you make it in life. Now, where we read in the Bible, the Bible says that the blessings of the Lord make it rich. Now, riches of itself, from this understanding, we have come to see that riches of itself should not be the primary pursuit. That what should be the primary pursuit is the blessing. Because, you see, the Bible says that there is a blessing that produces riches. It is not riches which you pursue. It is the blessing that produces the riches. There is a blessing that produces riches. And then, the wise man went forward or went further to explain the character, the character of that blessing. He said it make it rich and it added no sorrow. He said God add no sorrow with it. So, there are some riches that are accompanied with sorrow. There are some riches that disconnect you from peace and joy and love. In fact, some people eventually backslid after they got a job. Some people eventually got terrible sickness, health challenges after they got some jobs. Because the moment they got some jobs, you know, they had no time for themselves. They had no time for their health and suddenly they died. So, there is a blessing that produces wealth. There is a blessing that produces riches. And the Bible says that one of the characteristics and one of the evidences you are going to see about a blessing is that it added no sorrow with it. I believe you are getting blessed. So, the blessings of the Lord, it make it rich and it added and He added no sorrow with the blessing. Now, it is a blessing that is without sorrow, not the riches. Are we together now? No, we have to explain it according to Scripture. So that you can get the revelation. The blessings of the Lord, when there is sorrow with it, it is no longer a blessing. It is not a cause. So, God gives that blessing and then money starts coming. Riches start coming. So, there is something you should be pursuing. And what should be that thing? The blessings of God. There is a blessing that make it rich. When you get the blessing, the riches will start coming. So, I want to understand this verse of the Scripture. So, let us go to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18. Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18. Deuteronomy chapter 8. The Bible says in verse 18, But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth. Now, you see that wealth can be gotten with power. That word power there, if you study it with the Hebrew word, it is talking about an ability. So, it gives you an ability that can get wealth. The reason I am emphasizing on this is that, The Christians or the Christian believers should be people who have understanding of the kingdom prosperity. How kingdom prosperity works. In the kingdom, we chase after the blessing that produces riches. In the kingdom, we come to understand the ability that produces wealth. It is He that giveth thee the power to make wealth. And when the power, when the ability doesn't come from God, you shun it to the devil. Understand that the devil always comes to replicate everything God does. So, there is a counterfeit of this. The devil can usher you into a business against God because he wants to produce wealth from that. But then, the Bible gives us the acid test to be able to differentiate between the blessings that comes from God and the so called blessings that comes from the devil. The one that comes from God, the Bible says that there is no struggle with it. So, but thou shalt remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth thee the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which is woe unto thy fathers as it is this day. We are talking about the blessing unto riches. Because our pursuit is the blessing. Our passion, our questing is for the blessing. There is a blessing, there is a blessing that produces wealth. And this comes from the Lord. He says it is He that gives thee the ability to make wealth. It is He that makes you to find favor. Just like the people of Israel, they were in Egypt, about to leave Egypt. And God told them that they should go to the Egyptians and then collect their goods. Because He is going to make them to find favor in the sight of the Egyptians. And while they went to the Egyptians to collect goods, maybe without the favor of God, the Egyptians would not have lent their goods to them. But because the favor of God was with them, they were able to give them their goods. And God said, I was the one that gave you the ability to get those wealth. Because they were almost leaving Egypt as people that never have any treasure. But God gave them favor in the sight of the Egyptians. And they collected from the wealth, from the prosperity, from the riches of the Egyptians. They collected from them and journeyed into the wilderness with them. So God here is reminding them that they should not forget where they are coming from. Because it is He that gave them power to make wealth. There are three notes I would want to explain before we go into the teaching. There are three things I want to explain. When it comes to kingdom prosperity, Adam and Eve were wealthy, they were rich. And this was the original template for mankind. When God created Adam and Eve, He created them with all things provided. So Adam and Eve never tasted poverty while they were in the garden. And that was the original template for mankind. That is why in heaven there is no poor man in heaven. Because that was not the original... The situation of heaven is the original plan of God for earth. That there would be no poor man, no poor woman in our midst. No one shall be poor. So this is something you must understand. Because there are Christians that when it comes to the teaching of prosperity, they think that it is like worldliness. Because they have so much wealth in poverty. So they start seeing every wealthy believer as backsliders. You must understand that in heaven, you think that there is wealth on earth. Get to heaven. You think that there are riches on earth. Get to heaven. When you get to heaven you will see life that is more luxurious than the ones on earth. Because in heaven we are going to trade. We are going to work on goods. Imagine if I build my house now. And I build my house with gold. And I build the streets of my house with gold. If you were to judge me, what would you say? You would say pastor is backsliding. Now look at the poor and the needy in the society. That instead of pastor to give to the poor and the needy, he is using his goods to build streets. To make roads on the streets. Understand that we humans, we are limited in understanding of kingdom prosperity. When you get to heaven, your house is built with gold. When you get to heaven, the streets of heaven is made with gold. Made of gold. So the original template of God for mankind is that man should live prosperous life. I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth. So prosperity was a part of the plan of God for Adam and Eve. Now when Adam and Eve sinned against God, one of the causes that God placed on man was that he said, In the sweat of thy face shall thou heat. So there was a cause that comes to bring man into the place of poverty. So man tasted hardship for the first time after he sinned against God. That was when man tasted hardship. So God told Adam, he said because you ate from the forbidden fruit, from the forbidden tree, you ate the forbidden fruit. He said in the sweat of thy face shall thou eat. And he told the woman that in shy bearing she will travel. So you must understand that the original template of God for man, the original template of God for believers is that they should live prosperous life. And this is why I'm coming to teach you about the blessings unto riches. Number two, wealth. Wealth and riches are the supposed portion of every true believer. Yes, wealth. To be rich and to be wealthy. These are the supposed portion of every true believer. Let us read here Psalm 112 verse 1 to 3. The book of Psalms. Psalm 112 verse 1 to 3. Psalm 112. I read from verse 1 to verse 3. Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that is delighted greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth. The generation of the upright shall be blessed. Because it is the blessing that produces wealth. Because they are blessed in verse 2. Let us read verse 3. Wealth and riches shall be in his house. You see the two things? Wealth and riches shall be in his house. And his righteousness endureth forever. So wealth and riches should be part of the inheritance of the believers. We are not only serving God to suffer. It is the will of God for us to be prosperous. In fact as far as it concerns this age. God said that reaping, sowing time and reaping time or harvest time shall not cease. So in this world it is more of transaction. So we need money to transact. Because you see you cannot build a very big mountain if it is for God. You cannot build a cathedral for God. You cannot reach the populations. You cannot reach the poor and the needy. If there is no wealth and riches in your corridor. So understand this that wealth and riches are the supposed portion of every true believer. The last of it all before we continue is. Wealth and riches comes from the Lord. Wealth and riches comes from the Lord. And this is why I am sharing it to it to God. So that you will not go and seek wealth and riches from the devil. You will not seek it from the human understanding or tradition. So wealth and riches comes from the Lord. That is why we have to trust in Him always. And never to lean on to our own understanding. We have to trust in God always. So wealth and riches comes from the Lord. 1 Chronicles 29 verse 12. I am reading this Bible passages to give you a very good background study. Of what we are considering. 1 Chronicles 29 verse 12. So the Bible says in verse 12. Wealth, riches and honor come of thee. And thou reignest over all. And in thy hand is power and might. And in thy hand it is to make great. And to give strength unto all. So it is only God that can give us the blessings. That produces wealth and riches. And let me say it. That the moment you are born into this world. There is an attachment of God's divine blessing. To produce wealth. Was it going to get there? And this thing. God does not. No man came into this world as a poor man. Every man. Every woman in this world. They were born with possibilities of becoming great. Every man, every woman in this world. Were born with possibility of becoming, you know. To become successful. Every man and woman in this world. Were born with the possibilities of them. Becoming wealthy and rich. So there is no one that came into this world poor. We may come empty. We all came empty. But not empty inside. No. There is a possibility God put in us. There is a gift in us. A power. A blessing in us. That has the capacity. And the capability to bring wealth and riches. I am going to get there. But I just want to give you this understanding. That the blessings unto riches. Is God's divine ability. It is a God's divine ability and gift. It is God's divine ability and gift. The blessings unto riches. And this thing can command the favors of men unto you. You will just suddenly surprised that. When you discover this blessing, this gift in you. Suddenly people will start favoring you. Because the blessings of the Lord comes with favor. When you discover this blessing that produces favor. That produces wealth and riches. It attracts the favor of men to patronize you. It attracts the favor of men to bless you. To favor you. To gift you. So this supernatural blessing. Or gift that God has put in us. Has the ability to command the favor of men. The blessing is what procure the riches and wealth. The blessings. The blessings of the Lord make us rich. So it is the blessing that produces the wealth. It is the blessing that produces the riches. The blessing of the Lord is the power to make wealth. The blessing is not the riches. The blessing is not the wealth. But it produces riches and wealth. Now you have to understand. When we talk about this blessing. Some of you might already be getting confused. And said okay. Do I have this blessing? Where can I get this blessing? The first thing I first told you. A few minutes ago. I told you that there is no one born into this world without this blessing. And let me say it clearly to us. You know. What affected some of us. Is that while we were growing up. We were not mentored by spiritual men. Who could understand the unrighteousness of God for our lives. So we were mentored by our parents. Who just wanted us to prosper in their own standard. So you see that most of us. We didn't even think of that. So we keep struggling. No. The blessing that God has designed. From where you were born. That blessing God has put in you. That you came into this world with. Would. Is everything you need to succeed. That blessing alone is everything that you need to succeed in life. If you discover that blessing. It makes life easier. And when you quickly mentor someone. Into discovering the blessing. You discover that that person will not be far from success. In fact in a few years time. That person will make it in life. Because God gives you the possibility of making wealth. Before you came into this world. God was aware that this world. Is a place of suffering. A place of hardship. So he gives every of his creation. A possibility of making wealth. While they were coming. So there was no one created poor. We may be poor. You may have been born into a poor family. Because of the lack of knowledge of your parents. Because one of the things that can make you not to even realize this blessing. Is when you are born into a family with the wrong mindset. And this is why I am speaking to everyone of us. Parents. You should be able to consult God now. Now that your children are still young. Consult God. And ask God. What blessing have you put in this child. That can produce wealth. Let that child discover it earlier. Start training that child. Start training those of your children. In the pathway of the blessing. It will make them to easily collide with success in destiny. Then align them to go through. What you think is right for them. And after all the truth. After the university. After through higher institutions. They come to realize. That even what God has put in them. That can produce wealth. Or riches. Is not even what they want to study in school. And it becomes frustration. So there are dimensions of the blessings unto riches. There are dimensions of the blessings. The blessings. So let me explain to you. The six dimensions of the blessings that God put in man. That can make them to produce wealth. The six dimensions. The six. Number one. Talent. Talent is one of them. So you discover the talent in your children. Discover the talent in your life. What talent do you have? Everyone was born with talent. Everyone. It might be in different categories. But we were all born with talent. And that was a blessing. That is. Inside the blessing. That is one of the blessings in it. That is one of the dimensions of the blessing God has put in you. God gave you a talent because that is what he put in you to fetch you wealth. Today in this world. People are trained. The most especially. The people of this world. Their talent. Has taken them to places. Their talent. Has made them to be on billboards. Has separated them from the poor. Not even certificates. Many of them. They went to school. They have this. You know. They went to school. But you see. It is talent that can shift you into that area of glory. So when God was creating you. He gave you an ability. He gave you an ability. Your talent is there. Number two. Is your passion. Number two is your passion. There must be passion. So God gives you also passion. You are passionate about something. You can't even just explain. You can't explain any of. What brought about the passion. But you just discover. That there is passion. Some of you have passion. For you know. When you were very young. You have passion for commerce. You have passion for business. You have passion for art. For drawing. You have passion for football. You have passion for something. You see yourself that there is something about you. Some of you. You have passion for exploration. You see yourself when you were very young. You go to the farm. You go to inside the bush. Inside the forest. With your friends. Just exploring things. And that is your passion. You are so inquisitive to know. That is passion. In the life of a believer. In the life of a human. Whether a believer or non-believer. Every human has passion for something. There can be wrong passion. There can be evil passion. But the original passion that God has put in you. That even when you were very young. You have that passion. If we shake it very well. It is not far from your talent. If we shake the passion. We will discover that there is relativity. It is related to your talent. Number two. Skill. Now this issue of skill. Is something you have to learn. And let me say this. Most skills comes by passion. When you have passion for a particular skill. You can go and learn it. And it will become a kind of assistance. In you achieving success in life. It might not be your original calling. But it will become an assistance. It might become something that commands. Your original purpose in life. Skill. So God gives you an opportunity to learn skill. No matter what you are learning. Don't take it for granted. You may not need it now. You may need it to compensate your purpose. Because when you enter into the reality. Of your purpose. Then you may need those skills. Just to you know. Just to compensate it. Just to accompany your purpose together with. Skill. So when we talk about the blessing. And make it rich. The dimensions of that blessing. Is talent. Number two passion. Number two passion yes. Number three skill. Then number four. Is wisdom. Wisdom. That certain wisdom you have. That certain wisdom. That God creates an opportunity for you to know. Because it will take you to the next level. Wisdom or acquired knowledge. So these are the dimensions. Of the blessing that make it rich. If God wants to help a man. He can also give that man knowledge. What is the difference between you and. Those that are already wealthy. Those that are rich. They have information that you don't have. So God can allow you to. Access some of this information. After a few days. After a few months. The Bible says he that walketh with the fool. Becomes fool. Why? When you walk with the fool. The information you get from the fool. Makes you more fool. But he that walketh with the wise. Becomes wise. Why? Because if you walk with wise. The information you will get. And that is why I am telling you. And I am going to challenge every one of you. The power of impact. Power of association. When you associate with them. There are certain information you will start receiving. Which will change the way you sleep. You know now there is no motivation. When you just come back from your place of work. You sleep all through the night. But when you start mingling with people of passion. Instead of sleeping all through the night. You will start studying all through the night. Because why? Though they are working in the same company with you. But they have a great aspiration. So they are pursuing professional exams. Pursuing professional courses. But you. You just remain in that position. There is no futuristic plan. But when you come in contact with people. That have great plans for the future. You see that the thing that makes you sleep all through the night. Becomes a threat. You start hating that thing. Suddenly you will start studying. Preparing. Applying for professional exams. You are not satisfied with the level you are. You are seeking for more. You are seeking for more. Acquired knowledge and wisdom. This is the dimension of the blessing. That was what God put. In the person of Joseph. He had wisdom. And then the king set him as governor. Over all the resources of Egypt. Because of wisdom. That was what put a separation. Between Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And the others. Because why? They were ten times better than their equal. They had the gift of wisdom. And they had the ability of knowledge. Acquired knowledge. Go and secure more courses. Related to your field of study. I am your pastor. I am not going to limit you. None of you will come to me. That you want to go and further your school. Or your courses in abroad. Or in America. And I will never tell you to go. I want you to go there. Because I am just here. The only thing I can do is to seek knowledge. To pray and to fast. And to get the wisdom of God to cancel you. I cannot go and work where you are working. To make the money. We need your money in this ministry. But we can only sell wisdom to you. The Lord has not blessed us to the point whereby. We start employing workers. And be paying them monthly. In this our little beginning. All I can do is to seek the wisdom of God. And then to sell it to you. So that you can go and exploit the edge. We are waiting for you to go and rise and shine. In the place of your career. Further your courses. Are you a national diploma? Go for higher national diploma. Are you a higher national diploma? Go for your B.Sc. Are you a B.Sc. holder? Go for your Ph.D. Don't settle down. Don't stop. Keep pursuing. When you come to me. Any part of this world you are. I am still your mentor. I am still your father in the Lord. I will cancel you. I will be praying for you. You must make it. Every one of us must make it. We should not sit down one place. I listen to messages. I listen to conference messages. But I can't walk where you are walking. All I can do. When the man of God has all the revelations. And the people around him are not the right people. He won't be able to make it a reality. Because you see. Every revelation has pillars that will carry it. You can be the good people. But you may not be the right people. There is even between the right people and the good people. You may be good to me now. But you are not right for me now. Because why? Every one of you. You need to take the baton. And then pursue your purpose. Why? Even as you are a member of this ministry. You keep pursuing purpose. Apply. Go to more schools. Write more professional exams. Imagine if one of you here. Eventually start working in a very big oil company. Won't you buy land for the ministry? But if you decide to remain here. And then you say you don't want to work. And know that God calls you. Know that your purpose is for you to just stay with me. Maybe God has told you to follow me. God has told you that I am your father in the Lord. I am your mentor. And yes you are happy with that. But then you decide to just remain in the streets. Selling something on the streets. And you can't feed yourself and your family. You know the effect of that is that. Even God wants to do something for us. And if he wants to use us in this community. He won't be able to use us in this community. Because why? My people are poor. We need wealth to dominate this land. We need wealth to carry the gospel to nations. We need wealth to travel around the countries and the continents. To preach the gospel that God has given to us. There is a special gift God has given to renew us. We have the grace. We have the gift from God. But we don't have the finance to finance the gospel. Don't settle down for less. Stand up. Pursue something. I am telling you my brother. Pursue something. I am telling you my sister. Pursue something. Don't just sit down. If you sit down in one place. You will live in frustration. Keep climbing. Keep rising. Keep going up higher. To wisdom and acquired knowledge. Make sure that everyday. You study something related to your purpose in life. You study something related to that vision. That assignment that God has given to you in life. The dimension of the blessings of God. Is. Can also manifest in terms of spiritual gift. God can give you a spiritual gift. You might be a brother in the ministry. What is helping me in the ministry today? Is not the gift of teaching. And the gift of the prophetic. I think these are the two outstanding gifts in my life. The prophetic and the teaching. And these are the two gifts in my life. The prophetic and the teaching. And these are the two gifts in my life. The prophetic and the teaching. And these are the two gifts. Making way for me. The Bible says that the gift of a man makes a way for him. That is the blessing that God put in that person. But you see. The gift can be in you. The gift can be with you. If you don't apply diligence. If you see a diligent man. See a diligent man. That man will see it with kings and not with women. Because of diligence. He knows the gift is in him. But you have to apply at work. My brethren. I'm challenging you now. That no man was born. Without a blessing. That blessing is what we call purpose. Sometimes we interchange it. We say have you discovered your purpose? I can also say. Have you discovered your gifting? I can also say. Have you discovered your blessing? The blessing that make us rich? And this is why in this ministry. We keep emphasizing. When you see a few discovering purpose. It brings a sharp. A sharp transformation of life. You start doing it with ease. Even though there are opposition and challenges. You have a motivation within you. That will never give up. When you are pursuing purpose. You pursue it till death. That is the kind of mindset you pursue it with. If I'm going to die pursuing this. Let me pursue this. Because this is my purpose for living. Every little discovery. Every little challenge and opposition. You give up. Number four is wisdom. And acquired knowledge. Number six is destiny air pass. Go and get my messages on destiny air pass. If you listen to my messages on destiny air pass. I want to assure you. You will never remain the same again. So destiny air pass is still a blessing. There are people God gives as blessing. He gives you as a blessing. He can give you a man as a blessing. The blessings of the Lord make you rich. So that man will make you rich. And it added no sorrow with it. Don't undermine the place of destiny air pass. Go and get my messages on. I think destiny air pass part one and two. I think it's combined together. To make it one message. When you listen to the teaching on destiny air pass. Your perspective. About how you see people will change. Some of you have not yet. You have not started seeing well. That is your problem. So destiny air pass is also a gift. That God can give to you. To some of us our destiny air pass. Our parents who were born. Not people like me. But there are people that were born into wealthy family. So your parents have to just quickly. Support and sustain your destiny. By training you in. In very good schools. And your school abroad. But not everyone of us. Were born into a destiny air pass. Or born into the ends of destiny air pass. As parents. So get my messages on. Destiny air pass. In fact you need to even listen. To the message after this one. Go and get it. So that it can help you. Together with this message. Then the last of it. Which is number 7. Sorry there are 7 dimensions. So number 7 is ideas. God gives you an idea. That can also be a blessing. An idea. So what are the 7 things I listed. Number 1 I said. The dimensions of the blessing that make it rich. Number 1 can be talent. Number 2 passion. Number 3 skill. Number 4 wisdom or acquired knowledge. Number 5 spiritual gift. Number 6 destiny air pass. And number 7 ideas. Many believers don't need riches and wealth. That is good. When you give it to them they will feel. When you give it to them they will backslide. When you give it to them it will get finished. So you don't give them the fish. You give them what produces the fish. So what they need is the power. Or the blessing. The blessing that keeps producing riches. And let me say this to you. When I mentioned the blessings and riches. I listed wisdom as part of it. So you can't get that blessing and not be a wise person. When you see people who just go after wealth and riches. You will discover that the moment they get it. They will squander the money. Within one month. Even if you give them 2 million dollars. You know sometimes when. The reason God has not yet given you. Some certain open doors. Is because he has tested you. And discovered that you cannot manage money. There was an opportunity of you having. Like 2 million dollars. And after the end of one year. Or two months. Or three months. We couldn't see the 2 million dollars again. You didn't invest it. You didn't make any profit from it. You didn't use it. Even the investment you put it as something. You know I taught some of you. You don't invest. It's something you lack knowledge about. I tell you the truth. If you can go back to listen to all the teachings. Who have been given to you in this ministry. And you are still broke. You are still suffering. Then you didn't listen well. So now we come now to the characteristics. Of the blessing unto riches. That is Proverbs chapter 10 verse 22. The blessings of the Lord make us rich. And he added no sorrow with it. So what are the 6. The 6 characteristics of that blessing. Number 1. It make us rich. So when that the possibility. The dimensions of the blessing. Will always make you rich. Except you didn't use it. Number 2. It produces wealth. That is Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18. Number 3. It adds no sorrow. It adds no sorrow with it. Number 4. It increases. It makes more things to become bigger. You may not get the wealth immediately. But when you start using it. You start seeing yourself moving from one level to another level. So it makes more things to become big. It makes more business to become big business. You know when you are listening to our message like this. Listen to all our messages on finance. So that you can get the old knowledge. Because when I was teaching you on investment. On the issue of money. Because the blessings. Because let me explain this now. The blessings unto riches can produce the riches. But the management of the riches. If you don't know how to manage resources. You will eventually become broke again. So for you to sustain your riches. I came up with a message on investment. So go and get that message also. Are you getting me now? So the blessings of God. It increases. Making small things to become big. Number 5. It commands the favor of men. Men will begin to favor you. Men will begin to favor you. That is what the blessings of God does. It commands the favor of men. It makes men to patronize you. It makes people to patronize you. It makes it open doors for you. Number 6. It makes you to apply little efforts. But with much productivity. Little efforts. Much productivity. Now some of the things that makes us not to take advantage of the blessings unto riches. Or the way I put it here in my book. I said. Why believers don't secure the blessings unto riches. And I am going to show you the reason. Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 to 10. Why is it that despite some of us have these abilities. These gifts and these blessings from God. We can't use it. And why is the blessings of God no longer resting on those dimensions of blessings in our lives. Because except the hand of God is on you. Even if those gifts are there you will use it wrongly. So Jeremiah chapter Jeremiah chapter 17 Jeremiah Jeremiah chapter 17 I read the verse 9 to 10. The Bible says in verse 9 I the Lord searches the earth I try the realms even to give. Ok verse 9 and 10. The earth is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I the Lord searches the earth I try the realms even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings. So some of you, you have been asking God to prosper you through that ability He has given to you. You have been asking God to prosper you through your talents. You have been asking God to prosper you in the pursuit of your purpose. But there is something wrong and that is your heart. Something is wrong. So God intentionally is resisting you from prospering. And what are the things that can make you not to achieve those things. Number one Greed. If you have greed the blessings of God will not manifest. Greed. To be greedy. Number two, retaliation mentality. Retaliation mentality. You want God to make that gift He has given to you to prosper. So that you can pay evil with evil. So that you can go and do evil to those people that did evil to you when you were poor. When you were broke. As to if you have a retaliation mentality, you will never rise. You will never rise. Number three is idolatry. Idolatry tendency. When God discovered that if He gives you this gift, you will start worshipping the gift. Though He has given you the abilities, He has given you wisdom, He has given you talents, He has given you passion. But because He observed that if He allows the opportunity of you achieving money or making money or making wealth or wishes, you have the tendency to worship that thing. That means God knows that if He blesses you, you will not come to church again. You will not have time for your... If I even chat you up on WhatsApp, you will not respond. God knows that if He blesses you, you will not even give to the poor and to the needy. You think you are a giver, but God has searched your heart. He knows that if He blesses you, you will not have time to study your Bible again. You will start worshipping the gift. So, God will rather prefer you remain like this. God would rather prefer that you what? That you remain like this. Number four is insincerity. Insincerity. Forgetting God after being blessed. You are insincere with that. You have the tendency to forget it. That is why God said in Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 that you should remember Him. Because it is He that gives you the power to make wealth. So, some of you when God has not blessed you, oh, even if the fellowship is inside the wilderness, you will come. But now God has blessed you, I don't have time. I feel tired to come and God look at you and say, wait, I am waiting for the other blessing to come. You will not receive it. You are not sincere. God has seen your heart. You receive praise the Lord. Some of you will say, well, the place is too, the fellowship is too far, but this is the same people coming when they were in serious challenges. But when God starts blessing them, they will start considering the things God has given to them as a factor not to come. Some of you will say, well, until I have a car, I won't be able to come. I don't want anywhere that, you know, I need to, you know, you start giving a scare, I am going to look at you. You say, the one I even, the plan God even has for you is greater than the ones you have already received. But because you are not sincere towards God, it limits you. Number five is pride. Pride against God and your dead neighbors. When God sends men to help you, pride shades those men away. You are not submissive. You are not loyal to them. You try to, you know, to, to fight with them, to oppose them. And these are your dead neighbors. Go and listen to dead neighbors. You think dead neighbors are only those that have money to give to you. When you listen to the messages on dead neighbors, you will have different understanding of what dead neighbors is all about. You will not know that someone can be a dead neighbor, yet it will never give you one dollar. It will never give you not even one dollar. Yes, it is a dead neighbor. That is why I want you to get that message because it will teach you on how you can identify a dead neighbor. So pride against God and destiny of us. Number six is laziness. Laziness can also make you not to manifest the blessings that produces wealth and riches. Number seven is impatience. Number eight, bribery. Bribery. Number nine, selfishness. Number ten, prayerlessness and lack of the word of God. Prayerlessness and lack of reading and meditating on the word of God. Number eleven is idleness. When I talk about idleness, I am talking about no skill. You don't have any skill. No development of your talents. These things can make your blessings unto riches not to manifest. Now, how to secure the blessings unto riches? I have told you what can hinder you from securing it. But I am not telling you what you can do to secure it. Number one, you have to be born again. Because it is God that giveth thee. So, you need to have relationship with God. You have to be born again. See, it is God that giveth thee power to make what? The blessings of the Lord. Of the Lord. Not of Satan. Of the Lord. So, born again is crucial. Born again is very important. Born again is very fundamental. Number two, covenant of wealth. You have to get involved into covenant of wealth. You understand that God is a God of covenant. He is a covenant keeping God. So, establish covenant within. Covenant of wealth. I have been telling some of you that you see, it is what you give to God, you get from God. If you want to be different among others, you establish some certain covenant that takes you to the next level of life. Covenant of wealth. Some of your covenant can be every new year. My first salary in every new year, I will give it to God as a covenant. Not your tithe. Your tithe is normal. Your tithe is must. Some of you say, I have given covenant that my tithe, I will be paying my tithe. Whether you don't pay it or you say must, that is not what we are talking about. Except you now said, instead of one tenth, I will be giving 20th percent of my, 20 percent of my tithe, instead of 10 percent. You make a covenant that will lift you up. Covenant of wealth. Your first fruits can be a covenant of wealth. Every job you get, your first salary in that job, you give it to God. It can be your first salary in a year, you give it to God. It may look difficult for you, but you are securing a greater height. That is what makes you different from others. Number three, faithfulness in little things. Faithfulness in little things can make you to secure it. But if God wants to lift up a man, He doesn't just lift up that man. He starts by giving that man little things. So you go from one level to another level. That is how God lifts up men. One level to another level. So if you are faithful in these little things, God will add more to it. As a man of God, you are faithful in passing away just 10 people, He will add 20 people. It may even take 3 years before He adds another 10 people to make it 20. But He will keep having as long you are faithful. So forget about the numbers of people you have in your church. They may just be 3. Just be faithful towards those 3 people. In order to do it, you might have 3 members in the past 2 years and you are discouraged. Continue with those 3 members. It is the one that makes the church to grow. You cannot grow the church. Faithfulness in little things. In order to make that your business to explode, to expound, in order to do it, be faithful. Don't eat every profit. Be faithful. Number 4 is hard working. Hard working. Number 5 is giving to the poor and to the needy. Giving to the poor and to the needy. Then number 6 is tithes. Paying your tithes. Be faithful in the payment of your tithes. Be faithful towards it. Pay your tithes where you are blessed. Where you have been blessed. Where you have taught the word of God. Pay your tithes there. Pay your tithes. Support the work of God. Without your tithes, we won't be able to stand there to preach. Remember, I am a full time minister. That doesn't mean. But what I am saying is pay your tithes so that the work of God can expand. Imagine if we are preaching this message and we have good discriminant to record everything. Pay your tithes. Don't be stingy with it. Pay your tithes. The man of God. The ministers of God that are into full time. It's from the tithes we take care of them. It's from the tithes we take care of them. Pay your tithes. Then number 7 is humility. Be humble. Be humble. Some of you, when you come to me, everything you say from your mouth, I was just perceiving pride, pride, pride, pride. Be humble. Be humble. When you are related with the man of God, don't just see him as a, you are taking, don't see him as normal. You see, before you met him, the people he has raised, before some of you met me, you are too small to even meet me now. What I mean is that, don't think that because you met a man in this condition, he can't talk to you. Be humble. As I'm teaching you now, some of you will never go back to listen to this message. Be humble. Bring yourself down. Bring yourself down. That is what is destroying you. If you have been humble for so long, you would have been, God would have lifted you up. Nobody hates divine direction. Divine direction. You must have divine direction. Anywhere God directs you to, that is where is your greener pasture. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He leadeth me. He leadeth me. So, if he directs you, he is leading you to a greener pasture. He leadeth me. He leads you to a greener pasture. Number nine, supporting the project of God. Supporting the project of God. Some of you think that to support the project of God, you must be convenient with it. You don't know that sometimes you just have to go out of your will and bear the pain to support the project of God. We are talking about we need the land. This ministry need the land. Where we are doing ministry, they have asked us to leave. We need the land. We need the land. I have told you the amount. Six thousand dollar or like I said, seven thousand dollar can give us a land for a start. Seven thousand dollar can give us a land for a start. We don't have a land. Where we are doing the church, the fellowship, they asked us to leave. We don't know where to go. And some of you, I know you may not have much, but understand the place of Kindle project. If somebody brings two thousand dollar and three person bring two thousand dollar, that is six thousand dollar. Then somebody bring one. That is money. That is about three million dollar. We buy a land. Supporting the project of God. Supporting the project of God. Sacrificial giving. Sacrificial giving. If you read 1 Kings 3 If you read 1 Kings 3 you will see where widow, the prophet's wife gave to Elijah. gave to Elijah. Elijah. So, sacrificial giving. Sacrificial giving. So, how do we conserve our wealth and riches? When you start making this money, how do you conserve the wealth and riches? Number one is investment in land. Properties. Investment in land and properties. Investment in land and properties. That is one of the way you conserve it. When God start blessing you for you not to lose those blessings. Start investing. When money starts coming start investing. Number two, saving. Save. Number three, financial management. Learn to manage your finance. Then prophetic direction. The Lord will begin to speak to you on what to do and what not to do. I believe we are getting blessed. So, shall we bow our heads in prayers and talk to the Lord? The Lord has spoken to us. The word has come to us. Ask Him and say, Lord help me to discover the blessing, the gift you have put in me. Let us make it prayers. I want to give you time to pray. Some of you, your heart is already broken. You have seen your failure. You have seen your mistakes. You have seen what is limiting you in life. I am giving you time now. Pray. Then I will come back to close the prayers. Just do that now. Say, Lord have mercy upon me for wasting so much time. Reveal to me my purpose, my gift and my blessings. Open your mouth and begin to talk to the Lord.

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